, , , , ,-. » . '•"* '* '* •"* * * *"T" ..EDITORIALS.. i t < , T ---* *.——*"* THE OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at ,2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebraska Phones: WEbster 1517 or 1518 Entered as Second^ClasTMattor March 16. 1927, at the Postoffice at Omaha, Neb., underAct of Congress of March 3, 1879. • _ __ ______i ■ ■ ' ■■ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother hood of Man must prevail. These are the only principles which will stand the acid test of good. All News Capy of Churches nnd all Organisations must be in our jffice not later than 5:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Adver tising Conv or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, prececd ing nate or issue, to insure puuncauon. WAR CLOUDS The average citizen has beard relatively little of foreipn affairs lately. Events at home—the election, the convening of Congress .he strike*, the unprecedented floods in the Middle West aud South—have taken all. his (attention. Vet the foreign situation has grown stead'! ly more men acing. -. In Spain, for example, a civil war i/4 going on. Everyone knows that. What everyone doesn’t know |s that fli gewral European war. on a snih.ll scale,' « likewise going on in Spain. All the major nations have paid lip service to the cause of neu trality iu Spiaiui'h affairs—bill the fact remains, according to every fact fndnig newspaperman who has returned from tOre Spanish bnttteiflronts, that several Europ/fui nations have trooph actfve’y engaged in Spanish battles, 'are supplying one Bide or the other with aiYplanes, rifles, cannon, ammuni tion and j food. For iustlance, when tflid rebellion began, a 'rebel leader Fra neo had almost no tan Us—now h-o has great numbers of the j most up to datfe typd. And the loyalists had no foir force wor hy of the name-now they have a considerable number of fairly modflrn, well armed idiips. Prinep|al participating nations are Russia, Germany and Italy side with the rebels, who are Fascisticc in tendency and purpotse. Russia and France side with the loyalists who include Communists, Socialists, Syndicalists and Republicans. To whal extent are thdse foreign nations taking an ac tive interest in Spain- Vivid answer its supplied by Major A1 Williams, famous racing plot, who 'recently made a European tour for the purpose of evaluing Europe Is lair armadas. Ac cording to Mayor Williams, “One pijot, who had served in the rebel army, told mo it was getting tough for a natiVe to find someth ng to do in that civil whr. Russia, Germany, Italy and France had nil but tkein it over fob a warming up (Session of their new war machines.’’ This “international civil war” has killed thousands of Spaniards. If, has laid Spain waste. And it is, perhaps, pre paring the way toward the most sanguinary general conflict in j weapons nre infinitely grdater both in number and potential j world history. Today all Europe is an armed camp—and its destructives than before the World War. It is very possible that if one of the powers becomes satisfied that the “tests made in Spain show 'it to Ire superior to a neighboring unfriend ly power, the blow off will come with breath taking suddenness So far as America is concerned, the Shate Department obviously realizes the dangers in Europe—is seeking to formu late an equitable and workable neutrality policy, here is a great deal of debate going on among those with different views. It. seems certain that the President will be given wide discretionary powers in dealing with foreign crises. It also seems certain that the old doctrine, dramatized by Wilson, of “freedom of the seas” wil lbe dropped, in th0 hope of keeping us out of conflict. The milo strike overshadows all other buisness news. At tliis writing, little or nothing has been accomplished in the way of settlement. John L. Lewis, labor generalissimo, is ns adamant as ever, and so its Alfred E. Sloan, General Motors head. G. M. ear production has fallen to extreme lows, with strikers in possession of many plants. Labor chief will not call a halt to “sit down’’ tactics; Mr. Sloan will not, arbitrate until strikers leave tlio plnntp- So a staleiujate exists and long legal battles are pending. The Administration has done nothing towtard forcing a, Settlement; the belief is growing that! it must act soon or the whole course of the recovery movement will be imperiled. A SQUARE DEAL FROM HEARST The policy of the Honrst newspapers in their treatment of Negroes in the newts, has not been of a character to endear | thdm to the colored, people. But overnight the Hearst newspapers have changed their policy, tlLfmbs to the efforts of the NAACP. and thoi increasing | intelligence of Mr. Hearst. “Negro citizens deeply resent racial labels in crime stor ies,’’ wrote Walter White, NAACP secretary to Hearst, “espec ialy since no racial designation is made of other; criminals or Suspects.’’ —- — - “You are perfectly right,’’ Hearst wired back, “and I jam so instructing editors.’’ Thus progresses a campaign launched several months a go asking that racial labels in crime stories be eliminal'cd. Over fifty daily newspapers are now following the more enlightened practice. ———— ■■■——- — - Colored readers of 1950 will not be able to appreciate what their borbears had to contend with whenever they opened is daily newspaper.-Courier. KELLY MILLER SAYS — IN THE HIGHER EDUCA I TION OF THE NEGRO One balmy day in April 1884 1 walk rig through the Smith sonian grounds and looked up an dsuw the sign “Civil Serv ice Oomm^nsiion.’' At that( time 1 had reached the end of my resources and there seem ed to he no recourse but for me to quit school iif the end of that year. 1 witit in and up on inquiry received a circular of information stating when the next examination would be held—thc%i wilhin a few days. I entered the examination and in the following .July received appointment to the Pension Office. This )i)"t enabled me jto complete my college educa tion an (bo pursue still further Ilopkiits University hi Balti more. I was thus led to observe what an important part the Civil Servico of the govern ment played in the life of How ard Univers ty. Malny stud ents were thus enabled to re main in school and to complete their education. In those days before! discrimination crept in the CiVil Service Commission was an open gateway through which hundreds of colored men and women who had com pleted School in their several communities, many of whom were employed as school teach ers and in other capacities on such salaried as prevail tad a t the time, accepted the call to higher remuneration of the de partments at Washington. To be a government clerk in those days was a social badge of no little distinction. Many of the most ambitious government clerks entered upon the study 0 fmedicine an dlaw in How ard University—those schools being held iu the evening. These departments in this wise reach n. larger enrollment of well qualified studentry than they have a tthe present time. Many of the best lawyers and doctors of the race completed their professional courses un der such auspices. While a badge of high di^i iuc(tion i'1 local Washington society, to he a government clerk was not re garded ns a particularly honor ic career for one with a colleg 1 into or profesional degree. It ' was felt that a college bred man ought to go out in the world and serve his race on a higher level of spiritual, intel lectual, moral and social lead eii>;ip. The burning ambition of every genuine college stu dent was to complete bis course an (lgo out in the world which, h0 felt, was waiting for his il lumined service. Personally 1 never for a moment felt that I should remain in the govern ment serviee a day longer than was necessary. I regarded it j as but a stepping stone to higher things. IIow (liHerein touay, wuen the job objected is the cluef emd in view of the average col legian. There are twenty thousand colored men and wo men iti institutions of higher learning with 2,000 graduates annually, and many more tim es that number in the high schools throughout the coun try. There a.ve few prepared places for them. I wonder what the statistics of last year’s graduates of our high schools and colleges would show. How many arc dofrig nothing, with little prospect of early improvement of their lot t If the government had not come to the rescue of these job le,ss educated folk, our streets would literally be crowded with educated paupers. I If the Civil Service were ,fnii cold in Denver. One of Hie most touching, stinting and appealing stories I wove ever beard was told here in District court before Dist net Judge J. W. Yeager, The j defendant was an Italian, known os Tony Jackson, al though that is not the name he originally bore). His patheJlc story sounds the very deeps of one's heart and causes ever the most calloused individuals to stop and reach for their hand kerchiefs to wipe away the tears which could not he res trained. We dare say the story told by Tony Jackson can be truthfully repeated ni parts by thoubtinds other husbands. Here i sthe story as he told it to Judge Yeager in District Court Tuesday: Beyond all else ha loved his wife and family. His chief concern was to keep them together in comfort and happiness. Overwhelmed by conditions imposed by the de pression, and for which he was not at all responsible, slia be came disgusted with his inabil ity to earn a salary sufficient to keep his wife and family the desired comfort and happi ness. Although he was doing all he could and was fighting with his back to a stone wall, his wife threatened to leave him and break up his home. Tony Jackson (and he is hut one of coxxxn'fyes othex*s) that meant STRAIGHT , FROM THE CAPITAL^. ^ BY * * "Y I EDWARD LAWSON tfZ&Ltll? I — Washington, D. C.—Negroes all over the country are more anxious than ever, these days, to get into he field of avlntSon, The reason: Many find that their rich employer, for whom they have worked as chauffers and mechanics, are more and more inclined to leave the car at home these days when going on long trips; to fly instead o fdrivlng Before, long these em ployers may take to buying planes of their own, fire the chauffer and hire pilots. Unless the men who are now driving the cars can get training In flying planes, they’ll be left out in the cold as tjiis trend gains head way. F set up air schools of their own A few of these have succeeded for a short time; none have lasted over any consider able period of years. Perhaps the moslti successful one now operating Is the Craftsman of Black Wings, run by Lieutenant William Powell in Los Angeles, with financial aid from the Works Progress Admin istration. So successfully has this experi ment operated that prospective stu dent from all over the country are now applying for instructions. A move is on foot here in Washington to set up similar courses in other sections If sufficient pressure can in he right places, Unc't San might bo inclined to help out even mow th-~ in l?io past. Negro officials in the c^pitoI are willing to push such a proposal. They believe, with the Back Wing’s commander, that the ground floor of aviation is now be ing laid. If wi can get in now, we 'can gr<»w as aviation grows; but if we fall to get in at the start an other great industry will rise up as have others, with Negroes holding only menial jobs. ***** Government workers who come to Washington at what appears to be abnormally large salary soon discover: (1) the city’s tremendous ] ly high cost of living, and (2) its -- _ a mi ■ housing shortage Social registers say th© cost of existing in the capitol city is unqestionably tSie highest In the country- Gas, electricity, water, and renltli are all sky-high especitlly for the newcomer who doesn’t know his way around the shops. A two-room apartment in Wash ington costs just twice what it would in Mobile Alabama; Wleh't' Kansas, or sea«tle, Washington, to name only a few sample cities. The same holds true for larger units. Tho only city >$iat approaches the capitol city’s rental average Is New York. Fundtmentally, these high rents spring from a shortage of space, accentuated partly by the influx of a large number of emergency” gov ernment workers in 'the past few years, and partly by the action of •the government in taking over many houses and apartment build ings for the use of its new agen cies, amd in wrecking others t>> make way for new departments Tho result is that many newly made Washingtonians either find themselves constantly “in the red” despite the fact that tlheir pay checks are larger than they are assustomed to or are taking refuge outside the city limits, in nearly Maryland or Virginia. Here, homes oro available at lower rents, and other living expenses are corres pondingly less bothersome. ***** Dr. Frank Horne, assistant to Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune in the National Youth administration, thinks that the thing our youth needs most these days is the en lightened leadership of thoroughly trained and experienced vocational guidance workers Today the young Negro is cau ght In the dilemna of whether to take the chance to seeking prepar ation in the field of his interest and aptitude or grasping hold of a pos sible blind- alley jobs more immed iately available,” he says. ‘‘Even in this contingency, he faces a definitely limited vocational field of choice; he has little informa tion as to the fields of work or of the training possibilities; appren ticeship is practically closed to him and, to cap the climax , all of these factors have already operated to place his family in such precariou economic sttus that little time or opportunity for choice or re con nlotering are left open to him. He must pitch head-foremost into thei 'battle of life, poorly armed and highly vulnerable ” One solution, he believes, lies in better trained vocational guidance workers. He puts it up o the Negro schools throughout the country to provide them, and suggests that if they would do this effectively they must first adjust their courses “to meet more realistic he needs of Negro youth, and to institute sane ; and sound program of giudance.” life was not worth living. He is not to be condemned for his pride in his family. He is only unfortunate in not being able to obtain work such as would afford adequate remuneration to provide the necejssaries of life. So when his wife threatened to leaveliim, i|, was more than he could stand. “Everything went black,’’ Tony told the court. Tony shot and killed his wife and then tried to kill himlself, but was unsuccessful. To be nagged, dogged, hound ed, persecuted an then left by the one for whom he had aet ually slaved proved more than he could stand. After all, the capstone of the whole affair, the most malevolent and un kindest cut of it all was to wit ness his wife go away after having reveled in luxury while he gladly toiled when he could get anything to do. Tony him sdlf had gone in need while his wife wore the finest of \he finest and enjoyed evenings a way from home late into the night while he was compelled to remain and rest out of sheer physical necessity. That, in brief is what Tony told the court Tuesday here. Judge Yeager was obviously moved. Some claim they saw tears well up in his eyes. The court turned to the Deputy County Attorney Rudy Tesar and. asked if he had any reas on whatever to doubt auy of the facts set forth by Tony in his story. The Deputy County Attorney replied he had none and then added: Iwish I could make a plea like that.’’ Obviously moved, Judge Yeager eiaid that in the nine yearn he had been prosecutor iu the county attorney’s office and iu the three years he had served on the criminal bench, he had never been confronted by a decision more difficult to render fairly. “The maximum penalty for second degree murder under the law is life. The minimum is ten yciars. I can’t in fair ness give-you cither. For that reason,’’ Judge Yeager said, “I sentence you to spend twen ty years in the State Peniten tiary.’’ Tony told his life's history in his recital. He related how at 13 he went to Lake Charles, Louisiana, as an Italian imi grant with but scant know ledge of English. He began the job as humble errand boy on a Louisiana plantation. From this humble beginning through a period of hard work ing years, he rose to foreman of a steel gang on the Union Pacific out of Omaha at a sal ary of $100 per week. In the purest Addisonian Huglish which once won Tony the job us ltalian-American in terpreter with a southern raid road, he recalled he had chang ed his name from G'.aeone to liis present name, Jackson when he was naturalized at O rnaha when 21 years of age. He was married to Miss Mary Rotolo, on Omaha girl of Italian descent 21 years ago. Tony Jackson is now 46. To this union three children were born-Nicholas, who died two years ago, who would now be 20 years old had he lived; Sam, 18, and Phillip 15, The first son was sickly from child hood and died of a lung infec tion. Tony had spent large sums for salary of doctors and medicine. He likewise prod uced uneonte|sted evidence of having spent a huge sum for doctors and medicine for liis wife who threatened to leave him. When Tony’s fortune declin ed after quitting the Union Pacific job to go into the res taurant business in 1926 to do business for himself, the pathe tic and tragic end began. The Sam Carlo, his new enterprise, failed after 8 months. Then followed a succession of vari ous kinds of jobs such as he could gieit and finally in 1933 a job of civilian administra tion. “But never, with my relief jobs and the sidelines, did I earn less than sJRst) a ween, more and more dissatisfied She nagged me. She threatened to leave me ajnd break up the home. She tried twice in the past two years to sue me for divorce. On October 8, I came home with word a railroad here might put on a steel gang joyed. I had to return next day with the awful news that this wasnt true—that the gang —and my job—wouldn’t be rdady until spring. My wife was crushed: “I’ll leave you now, and this time it’s for good she said. “Everything went black. I shot, her and tried to kill my self,’’ Tony said. Tony’s sole consolation while in his cell is a letter from his son, Sam, in which he takes comfort as he reads it. Sam had written his father these words among other things: “Don’t feel too badly about mama. I know that you did not mean it, and I am sure she lias forgiven you.’’ Tony lias lots of people who sympathize with him, and I am one of them. Ray L. Williams, AUy. Tuchman Bldg. 24th and Lak NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of IRENE CAROMAN JOHNSON, deceased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby noified that, on the 20th day of January, 1937, W. L. Myers filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 13th day of February 1937, and that if you fail to appear before, said Court on the said 13th day of February 1937 at 9 o’clock a- m., and contest, the Court may grant he prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawfor County Judge 3t , i