The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 06, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . .
AAAJLULM.MJLMJIIII ■ ■ ■■ ■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
24and Hondo Streets
Daughtier M. Quinn. Leader
Rev. C. Jackson, Ash'* Pastor
Sunday school at *1 45 o'clock
Sur’ila'* morning service at 11:00
o'clock. Re*'. Jackson In charge.
Sunday ntght service at 8:00
o’clock. Daughter' Marian Quinn In
Everyone welcome
Monday night developing class at
252!* Kinney S'., no charge.
Tuesday night Bible class at the
Thursday night altar call and
healing and prophesying, Mother
Rosie J->ne» In charge.
Rev. J. R. Rates, l*ast«r
Mrs. U. L. Billingsley, Reporter
Sunday school opened at the us
ual hour with real good attendance.
Everyone emed to have enjoyed
«-nth«rmg, and derived much good
from a most wonderful lesson,
11 o'clock services were conduct
ed by tb' pastor, bringing a soul
atirrtrg message from 2nd King
BYPU held with City Union Th«
pastor presided at the evening ser
vices R* v. Rer\fr<> preached the
aerm'*n on the subject, "Friend
ship” from Prov, 24th chapter
Rev. A Phillips, Pastor
5 Sunday school opened at the us
ual hour- At 11 a. in the pastor
delivered a wonderful message from
Numbers 32:22 Rev, I. S. Wilson,
presiding elder of the Kansas City
district, worshipped at our evening
services- He* preached fr<>m I Cor.
The A, C E. League met at the
regllar Infi p m. Subject for
Sunday, Feb. 7th, "Christian Youth
Face the Future Together” “Let
no man despite thy youth, but be
thou an example of the believers
in iho word in conservation, In ehar
ity, in faith, in purity."
Thu Silver Cake which was giv
en by the Junior Stewardess was
well supported. The evening was
Hpent In playing games
The dinner given by the senior
stewardess was a success. A
dress with one hundred pockets and
a program will be presented at
the church on Feb. 10th, at 8 p, m.
Visito.-s are always welcome
Rev. F. I*. Jones, Pastor
Forysteen Burroughs, Reporter
Promotions are still taking place
In the Sunday school department.
Saturday, the superintendent, Mr.
D. Stlth, and a few of the teachers
had a pie sale- This effort proved
to be quite a success and everyone
was happy Words of the pastor In
1937 that will either bring us closer
to God or drive ua farther away
fom Him, seem already to be ful
filling. At the 'ime they wore spok
en, one may or may not have
thought a great deal about them.
But the sermon Sunday morning
again brought them to mind sup
ported by facts ad scriptures that
bear them out in full- Those who
etay close to God will have many
things revealed to them before they
actually happen The 3 o’clock ser
vice was assisted by Rev. Z. E- Mc
Gee, pastor of New Hope Baptist
church and one of his deacons, Bro
William Beasley- Prayer was offer
ed by Rev. Wriggins and the lesson
Acts 6th chapter was read by Rev.
F P. Jones. The hve persons set
apart as deacons were cath?chisod
by Rev. McGee- They were Bros E..
Beasley, C H- Hall, C. Stewart,
White and Lucas. Also at this time
ell officers and teachers of the Sun
day school and BYPU and other
auxiliaries came forward and were
installed for the year- I am sure
that each wife felt pround of the
husband who was made a deacon
and that each person felt the seri
ousness of the responsibility placed
upon him
The Mission Circle which met at
the home of Mrs- C Stewart last
Thursday reported an enjoyable
time Each member brought his
thimblo and needle and finished the
the quilt. An appetizing lunch was
We were glad to note that Mr.
Dwight Stlth and Mrs Mary Tow
les were out for the first time since
their illness. Mrs Jackson, Mrs
Wright, Mrs.. L.. Wade, Mr A- T..
Stewart, and Mrs.. Nina Cox still
remain auite ill.
Miss Hartfield of Mississippi and
Miss Johnson of the city were vi
The church with a welcome for
2316 North 25th Street
Elder 1*. (I. (Jreen, Pastor
Mrs. C. A. Itrayboy. Reporter
Sunday school opt ncd at the us
ual hour The lesson was outlined
beautifully- At 11 a m . the pastor
preached a wonderful sermon from
he 4th chapter of Eph 24th verse.
Everyone was made to feel good
At 3:30 p. m the |>ast<>r preached
for Rev. Cannon at the Trinity
i baptist church, 1827 N<>- 24th St.
Re'”.. Cannon and hU people were
with us Sunday night and also Rev.
Davis and his congregation- Rev..
Cannon brought to us a soul stir
[ t ing message and < ur hearts were
mad" o rejoice We are always glad
to have our frl"nds to come out
with us Every one Is welcome..
"The Friendly Church”
Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor
Although Sunday was a very cold
there was a fair attendance at Sun
day school and church.
Rev. I. S Wilson, now presiding
e'der of the Kansas district and a
former pastor of St. .John preach
ed the morning message. Rev. Ad
ams, the pastor, preached at night
There were many good thoughts t«
b‘ remembered In both sermons.
Other ministers present were Rev.
Z R McDonald, Olive* Butler, Tho
mas Ru<‘ker and C. C. Baker
The Ust of the sick «f the church
was not passed In, but the church
wishes for all a speedy recovery.
Th*> clubs of the church are busy
making plans for their financial
drive The men organized into a
club kown as the Men’s Progres
sive dub.” Watch and you will hear
great things from this club. Dr.
Wesley Jones is the new president
Now that this financial drive is
on, all memjbjers and friends of
St. John are asked to d<> th-er best.
The visitors Sunday were Miss
Celia Nehan <>f Alliance, Nebr,;
Mr John B. Horton, jr. and B, T..
Washington of Omaha . Visitors are
always welcome t<> St. John.
Head the Omaha Guide for your
church, soeial and fraternal news.
It will keep you posted
Rev. I). Nicholson, Pastor
The Popularity contest which
closed Thursday night, Jan. 25th,
was a great success with the My
sterious quartette program. Mrs.
Juanita Ohom of Clarinda w°n the
lirst prize Mrs. 01 la Lotts of Oma
ha won tho second prize and Mr.
Baker won third prize. A<1 had a
wonderful time. Mr Sam Wead of
Omaha was a special guest. The
church doors are always open to
visitors Sunday school was well
attended. The morning service was
an inspiration. It was conducted
by the pastor Rev. Brayboy of
Omaha brought the evening mess
ge. The subject was; “Obey God.”
All had a high spirit
2025 North 24 Street
R. L. MOODY, Pastor
Edna W. Moody, Reporter
Services wer^ he'd nt the usual
hours. The message for the morn
ing was the second of a series on
tho “Priesthood of Christ.” The
specific thought w’as the “Excellen
cy of His Ministry ” Being ‘<u min
ster of the sanctuary and of the
truo tabernacle which the Lord
pitched and not man,” He is able
to make constant intercession for
us, having offered Himself as a
sacrifice for our sins once and for
all. He is both Priest and Sacrifice.
At the evening worship he mess
age was the “Holy Spirit as Wind "
Like the wind, the Holy Sprit is (1)
Life giving in its operation, (2)
Incomprehensi'© in its manifesta
tions, and (3) Possessing in IBs ful
All visitors are appreciated.
27<h and Franklin Streets
Rev. J. II. Reynolds, Pastor
Mrs. Lottie Keyes, Reporter
Sunday school opened at 9 a m..
Devotions began at 10:45 a m . and
was lead by Deacons Pearl and Mit
chell. 11:15 a. m- service was well
attended. The pastor Rev J. H.
Reynolds preached a wonderful ser
mon fr >m St. Luke, 4:40. The topic
was “That Great Physician-”
Services were rendered at 3 p.
m. by the mission society, Rev
Chowder delivered the mission sev
mon, which was Illustrated beauti
fully, A very nice program was
rendered by Mrs B. Pearl. Mrs.
Tally sang a solo and was accom
panied by "her husband Our pre
sident, Mrs. Jackson, was 111 and
unable to be present. We were sor
ry she was not there
Sunday the weather was fair and
the service was well attended. Rev.
Johnson preached from Genesis 28:
1(5 “And Jacob awaked out of his
sleep and he said, surely the L«rd
is in this place; and I knew it not,”
Subject ‘<In the Presence of he
Lord ” You really missed a bless
ing when you failed to worship at
the Metropolitan, Sunday night was
the last night for Rev. Isom John
son who has been conducting a
week’s revival. Her text for the ev
eing was “The Last Night In
Town” She explained this beauti
fully. W’e were very happy over
the way Madam Johnson carried
out the meeting. We are always
glad to have our visiting ministers
to worship with us. We hope that
in the future Madam Johnson will
return to us.
At 6 o’clock, union time, we eer
dlally invite you to the service.
Como and hear the volunteer pro
grams at the cjose of the Union.
The vislors who took part on the
program Sunday night were Mrs
McIntyre front Mt. Moriah Baptist
church and Mrs- Daniels and her
quartette. You are welcome. One
soul was united to the church
22nd and Grant Sts.
Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor
E. Matthews, Reporter
Zion is holding her own quite
well considering the inclement
weather and sickness among
members. We are indeed grate
ful that we are able to strive
to put over the program for
Christ under the leadership of
our worthy pastor, Rev. M. K.
Curry. The Sunday School has
been well attended during the
cold spell. There has been sev
additions to the church from
the Sunday school through the
efforts of the pastor, Rev. Will
iams and others. Zion appreci
ated having Rev. Lovliest, tra
veling missionary, who preach
ed the 11 o’clock sermon. His
subject was “What Ts Your At
|itude Toward Your Church and
Your Fellow Man.” He said
which we all thought was true,
it does not matter what position
you holdor what place you may
fill, if you have the wrong at
titude your work is a failure.
Let each one determine Himself
and see whether or not we have
the right n.ttitude toward those
we come in contact, with daily
and With those we congregate
with in our meetings.
W M. Phuitt, Pastor
W, E, Frederick, Reporter
Sunday school opened ns us
ual and was well attended.
Rev. R. T. Lane, the missionary
of the Omaha and Council
Bluffs district, reviewed the les
son, which was enjoyed by all.
At 11 o’clock, the pastor took
his text from Isaiah 6:8, using
for a subject, “God Wants A
Man.’’ The spirit was high. Vi
sitor was Deacon I. C. Woods,
of The New Hope Bapt. Church
At 8 p. m. the devotional
service was conducted by Dea
con J. T. Turner, the scripture
was read by the pastor.
After prayer was offered.
Rev. Caldwell of St. Luke was
the speaker for the cven'ng, his
text was found in David 6:14.
He used for a subject, “God
Will Deliver.” If you want
your soul revived, come to
Morning Star, you are welcome.
2S4i and Decatur Streets
Rev- D. ^W, Bass, l as «r
Henryetta Mak>ns, Reporter
Our thought for the week:
Psalm 41:1 “Blessed is he that
considered: the poor; the Lord
will deliver him in time of trou
Sunday school was well at
tended. The lesson was very in
tcresting and appropriate since
the strongest evil of the land
and country is liquor. The lns
son, “is Alcohol an Asset or a
Liability! ’ Could be discussed
by everyone.
Mr. J. L. Willis of St. John
Baptist church spoke for :l:e
Junior church. After the most
eloquex:t speech, the pastor
spoke of extending the Junior
hour, giving the reason “The
work is so enthusiastic and spir
itual that more time is needed.’’
Much spitf.t was shown during
11 o’clock service1. The 7:30
service was also very spiritual.
Thje pi^-itor spoke for both.
Regretfully we announce the
departure of Mr. George Baker,
the first pcsident of the Ep
worth League. lie will be great
ly missed in the adult choir, the
Forward Step club and the lea
gue. A soldier in the U. 8. Army
cannot always choose his fri
ends, so Mr. Baker was moved
to Leavenworth, Kas.
The Young peoples club will
celebrate Negro History Week
on Friday, Feb. 12th at 8 o’
clock. Sunday Feb. 7th the club
is sponsoring a program given
by the City Service orchestra, at
3 p. m.
The Forward Step club is
meeting this week at the church
The Forward Step Club held
its installation last Tuesday
night,members from Board No.
1-2 and the Loyal'Matron club
were present. Mrs. Advert a
Randell of Si. John A. M. E.
gave a reading, “His Last
Court.’’ Mrs. Bertha Bill’s pa
per on “Personality and its
place in Religion,’’ Was well
received. Mrs. Georgia Roberts
read a paper entitled, “A Door
keeper in the House of Cod.’’
Officers installed were Mrs.
Sarah Firmer, pcsident; Mrs. G.
Roberts, vice president; Mrs.
C. Hayes, secretary; Mr. L.
Jefferson, treasurer; Mr. G.
Baker chaplain and M.T. Ro
berts, headusher.
As Moses lifted up the serpent
in th,0 wilderness we pray, that
all sick will be lifted up and
See you nert week a.t church.
/yThe Telephone
Gives Me
More Time to
Enjoy My
This remark by one of
our customers expresses
benefit of telephone serv
ice which busy women ap
“Ordering groceries and
meat— calling department
stores—all these save the
time and effort of trips in
the car.’’ she explained.
Another woman told us
“It certainly is conven
ient to call the grocer or
druggist when I want
something. I don’t have
to clean up to go out and
I often find I can take ad
vantage of bargains that I
might have to pass up be
cause I couldn’t go to the
store. But the telephone
goes for me.”
McGill and Davis
2516 Q Street
j J. C. Harris Grocery Store,
5224 S. 30 St. JMA 0741.
Dorsey Oliver,
5709 S. 29 St. JMA 2678
Mrs. Margaret Bowles
6407 S. 28 St.
The mother of Mr Avant, 2432
Parker St., Is slowly improving
Mr. R. A- Thomas, 3115 Burdette
St , who has been ill for several
days, is much better.
- College* of Colonial Timew
The colleges established in Colo
nial times were primarily for the
training of the clergy. In New Kng
innd the Puritans founded Harvard
In 1030 and Yale In 1701. In New
York, King's college (now Colum
bia) was founded by the Church of
Kngland In 1754. The College of
New Jersey (1740), which later de
veloped Into Princeton university,
was a Presbyterian Institution. At
Williamsburg, Va., the College of
William and Mary (1003), the sec
ond college to be established In the
English colonies, represented the
Church of Kngland.
Classified Ads
SUITE of three rooms, modern
2920 No. 25th, WE 5734
Newly tjeb orated!, unfurnished
apartments, on car line. Call AT
7435., AT 6423, WE 3678, Mrs.
MODERN room, AT 7366.
NICE large south room on first
floor. WE 4162
Furnished apartment, newly decor
ated, in first class condition, AT
Five room house, nicely furnished,
utility bills paid by owner, easy
to heat, JA 0986.
Unfurnished rooms, 1514 No. 19th.
Appetizing barbecue, delicious
fried chicken, just-right chili and
heavenly tamales at Mason’s, 2024
Durt St.
. .m—». -m - - -- -- -- --
Mrs. Jesse Hajtfield in indis
Funeral service for Mr. Bill
Anders, who died Friday Jau.
29th, were held Tuesday, Feb. 2,
from Lewis Mortuary.
Mrs. Margaret Bolds, who
has been ill, is better.
Woodson Oenter Annual
Annual meeting of the Center
will be held Thursday, Feb. 18.
Mrs. S. Rhone will be in charge
of the program to be rendered
Mrs. Grace Bradford
Given Shower
Woodson Center staff gave
a shower Saturday, Jan. 23rd,
honor ng Mrs. Grace Bradford.
Present were some twienty per
New Year Forum
On Sunday Jan. 31st, was
Woodson Center's New Yeaa
Forum. Presiding wTas Mr. J. C.
Collins. Speakers were Rev. P.
J. Sears, pastor of Bethel Bap
tist church, Mrs. 0. G. Wilson,
president Social Settlement
Board. Subject, “The Church,
Social Recreational (and Reli
gious Needs of Youth." Dis
cussion leader, Mr. Roscoe Al
ston. Some sixty-five persons
were in attendance. Tea was
served after the meeting.
Mr. Wiseman McClinton Os
suffering from a, broken leg.
Mr. Amos Starks plans to en
ter a local hospital this week
to undergo an appendectomy.
Mrs. Helen Royston, who suf
fered a fall Friday, is better.
Chas. M. Simmons, Prop.
1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370
Saturday Night Club
The Saturday Night club met
Jan. 30 at the home of Mrs.
Robt. Debose, 2910 R St. The
next meeting will be Feb. 6th,
at the home of Miss Idella But
ler, 2913 So. 29th St,
Mrs. Sadie Jones and small
son Johnnie jr., left Jan. 27th
for Dallas, exas, where they will
make an indefinite stay. Be
fore returning home, they will
visit in Galveston.
Mrs. Hazel Sampson, 6221 S.
29th St., is ill.
Mrs. Bertha William died
Sunday, Jan. 24th.
Union M. E. Church
Rev. Adams preached the
morning service the past Sun
day. Rev. Wade, ex-pastor, was
in charge of the 3:00 p. m. ser
vice. Attendance was good.
Church of God in Christ
Elder G. S. Hayden, Pastor
The church enjoyed fair at
tendance at its evening service.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked.
Alterations land Relining.
If it can be cleaned, we will
clean it.
J. D. HINES, Prop,
Luckies, Chesterfields Camels
Old Golds and Raleighs
$1.18 carton 12cperpkg. '
Many Liquor Specials
2Gth and Q St. MA. 1018
Cas Rate Reduction
Now In Effect!
6 Omaha's new low gas rate Is now
in efiectl II represents an annual sav
ing oi $110,000 to users of gas. This
means that you will be able to enjoy
EVER. Omaha now has the LOWEST
AMERICA. The reduction will be shown
on the gas bills you receive during the
month oi February.
How Automatic
Is Cheaper Than Ever
Not only is gas cheaper and operation
less expensive, but you can now buy
ER on very liberal terms, as low as
$1.95 a month. NO DOWN PAYMENT!
Insist on 24-HOUR FUEL SERVICE, ob
tainable* ONLY with Automatic GAS
Hot Water!
See Your Plumber cr Call
the Gas Office
Ji fdropolitan t»fT\
l$thfc?HAK-N*.r ^ir '& 24 th y o
Is Best for
Gas makes possible silent
inexpensive, simplified refrig
eration. No moving parts—•
Gas provides an abundant
dependable supply of hot
water 24 hours a day with
first cost Low monthly t6rms.
The instant heat, higher speed
and accurate temperature
control at LOW COST makes
ga3 ideal for cooking. 50,009
House heating with gas is
absolutely effortless. No fuel
to order or store. Nothing to
bother with. No dirt, smoke
or soot