Vii > •■■■ ■ *1.Vi Vi iVi.V■iio ........................... ............... .............. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA _* m m m m m m m m m • ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■« ■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NEWS NOTES -H. M. FITNCHES, EDITOR Mrs. Lizzie Bayne, 2525 Charles St., spent Sunday Ytsiting Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Wilson. Mr. Henry Bush suffered a frozen finger recently. Mr. Manson James left Monday, Feb. 1st, for Des Moines where he will assume duties as assistant Post Master in the State House. Mr. J. White, former police station janitor, has begun his duties as caretaker in the City Hall building. This is the job formerly held by Mr. Manson Jamies. Mrs. Rose Beasley and daugh ter, Mary Louise, left Monday, Jan. 25.h, for Grand Island, Nebr., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Beasley's sister. The Church of God in Christ held its weekly prayer meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Joe Liee, 14th St. . Mrs. M. Slater and Mrs. Min nie Herndon have been invited to speak on Feb. 12th at the First Baptist chureli at the World’s Day of Prayer Service. Federal Credit Union The Federal Credit Union held its annual meeting Tues day, Jan. 26th, o.t the Bethel Center. Officers elected were: Mr. Hurlin Harvey, re-elected president; Mr. Solomon Finlay son, re-elected secretary-trea surer. Directors, Messrs. Hurlin Harvey, Solomon Finlayson, Wm. Harvey, Win. Givens and M. E. Johnson. Board of’Advi sors, Messrs. G. Stovall, Jack, Willis, Clarence Reeves. Credit Comini,tee: Miss Corintha Har vey, Messrs. Ilurl'.n Harvey and Herbert Parks. Membership layson and Sarah Johnson and C&nunittee: Mesdames Eva Pin Rev. Geo. W. Slater, jr. Report at this meeting show ed everything t)o be in ship shape. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA MERCHANTS INDEPENDENT | COAL and ICE SERVICE FEATURES OIL TREATED COAL. IOWA COAL Retailed Or By The Sack. HENRY RAYNER, REP. 1300-5 Ave. Tel. 235 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA NELSON GROCERY Femdale Foods 232 Broadway Ph. 2891 ATLAS LUMP Sold Only By Co. Bluffs Coal & Ice Co. 9th and Broadway PHONE 71 Mrs. Lola Pearl, who has been ill, is improving. The MeCurry fain ly, who have suffered colds, is better. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeland, who have been ill, are out again. Rev. J. II. Reynolds returned front Mason City on Jan. 26th. While there he was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Burrell, 811 So. Jackson S!., and the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Stev ens. Mr. Walter Grooms is ill in the Mercy hospital. Mr. George Lewis, owner of the Little Savoy, is indisposed. Cleverettes The Cleverettes enjoyed a so with Miss Jeanne Spinks, cial evening the past Sunday The next social evening will be spent Feb. 28th. The club’s next regular meet ing will be Sunday Feb. 7th, at the home of Mrs. Gwendolyn Simms. 20th Century Club Will Give Shower The 20th Century Civic and Art club will give a shower hon oring Mrs. Geraldie Haynes on Feb. 11th at the home of Miss Jeanne Spinks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Holli day and Mr. Manuel Miner were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nevius, Sunday, Jan. 31st. Harlemites Meet The Harlemites met Sunday at the home of Harry Besse. At tendance was large. Topic for discussion was ‘The Ideal Boy’ led by Miss Wilma Herndon. ’The next meeting’s topic for discussion will be “Petting,’’ by Miss Geraldine Herndon. This meeting will be at the home of Mr. Henry Turner. Three Square Club To Give Tea The Three Square club met at the home of its president Miss Geraldine Herndon. Members of this dub will give a tea Valentine Day, Feb 14th, at the home of Mary Louibe Teal. Eeveryone is invited. Come out and give the girls a big hand. Waffle Breakfast Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson was hostess at a waffle breakfast Sundy, Jan. 31. Present were I Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, (Mrs. Lizzie Payne, Miss Kath leen Gamble and Mr. Chas. Wil 'son. Can He Hide Caps When it comes to hiding caps, ask Junior Reeves for the tech nique. J One would be surprised to ascend the steps of T. J. high school and see the caps of var ious race boys disappear. It’s all in going to school, I guess. I __. Mrs. Vergie Nevins is on the sick list. Miss Virginia Nevins has been suffering fron an aching wis dom tooth. Soon she must set sail for the dentists. Join Club Mrs. Helen Lyons and Mrs. Wm. Harvey are new members of the 20th Century Civic and Art club. 20th Century Club Meets The 20th Century Civic an/' Art club met Thursday, Jan. 28, with Mrs. TilUe Reese, 1919 Ave. C. The next meeting will be Feb. 11th at the home of Miss Jeanne Spinks. Mrs. Mary Shaffer Hostess Mrs. Mary Shaffer was host ess on Sunday, Jan, 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Moore, of Red Oak, la,., Mr. Edwards of New York and Mr. Freeland, of Co' umbia, Mo. Mrs. Dorothy White, wife of Rev. Geo. White, who has been confined in an Omaha hospit al since last May, is doing fine. | Mr. and Mrs. James Mize and ' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harvey, i who have been ill, are reported to be better. Mrs. Boggs, of Marshall, Mo., is in the City visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Gertrude White, who is ill in the Mercy hospital. Mrs. A. Stecker Completes Course Mrs. Alfreda Stecker complet ed her course a.t the Northside Beauty school. After taking her examination at I>es Moines, she will “hang up her shingle’’ here in the city. There is always room for a good beauty opera or. _ “Reducing the Cost of Living' (By Mrs. T. Skinner) The instructors o fthe local Recreation Center got their heads together on how to reduce the cost of living. Each put in a dime on a “fish supper’’ on Friday evening, and did they have fish—I’ll say they did. All they could ea.t and some left over. It was fried to a golden brown. Eevery one ate all he could hold. One of the instruc tors even broke a chair wh'.le eating—no one knew whether this was from the quantity of fish consumed or not. They really did save—yes siree 1 It would have cost at least thirty cents a piece to get a supper of fish and all the trimm'ngs, which consisted of hot coffee and home made corn bread. BETHEL RECREATION CENTER The Art of Making Things (By T. M. Skinner) We arc really making things at Bethel Recreation Center. Rings out of celluloid, broo ches, paper knives, necklaces, and other articles too numer ous to mention are being made. Hammered brass is still popu lar and can be made into vari ous things, as book ends, wall plasues and. door stops. Speaking of rings, you should see the beautiful one Bobbie Turner and Jackie Stovall made for thmselves—a.l their own ideas with regard 1o e^lor com binations. Come and see the beautiful things the children and grown ups are making. Perhaps you too may become interested in making something of beauty for yourself. Eeveryone is welcome to join this class. WANTED: Colored women be tween ages of 25 and 40 to work for family of three in Onawa, Iowa. Call WEbster 1517 for further in formation. DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. Now Open For Buaineoa WE 3162 2228 Lake St. OUR CHURCHES TABERNACLE BAPTIST Rev. G. E. White, Pastor Mrs. A. Huff, Repor er Sunday school at !) :30 a. m. Morning service at 11 :00 a. in. Evening service a) 8 o'clock. Sunday, Jan. 24th, officers for the en-uing year were in star ed. Those installed were: Fannie Fountain, pre sident. of the Mothers Board; Sister Mary Shavers, president Mission Circle; Sister Sylvia Brown, President Usherettes; Sister Josephine Carbins, pre sident Promotion Chib; Sister Sylvester Anderson, secretary of Church ; Sister Lavada Tranr ble, church clerk; Brother 1) M. Mixon, Sunday school supt.; Brother I. J. Caldwell, chair man Trustee Board; S'ster Mat tie Turner, president choir; Brother Frank New'by, presi dent Coal Club; Sister Antoine Huff, An. Clerk and Bro.her Sam Jones, sexton. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURROH Rev. Geo. W.Slater, jr., Pastor No church services were held the past Sunday. A goodly nuni ber attended Sunday school and Christian Endeavor. At the Christiou Endeavor meeting, Miss Virginia Nevins was in charge. This meeting was indeed an interesting and in structive one. Speakers at this time were Messrs. Manson James, Robert Christmas and Spires. James Spires gave an interest ng resume of the flood situation touching on discrimination there. Mr. Manson James, who has now gone to Des Moines to as sume his duties as assistant post master in the State House, poke in the interest of the N. A. A. C. 1’.—the sale of the buttons on which appear the words “Stop Lynching.’’ It is h’s be lief that persons buying such buttons would be ever mindful of this great evil of the nation and more would be done toward curbing it. Mr. James thanked the Chris tian Endeavor group for the congratulations given him on his having secured the new work, lie says it is his inten tion to join in the fight for Ne groes to occupy worthwhile positions not only according to our pro rata, but in accordance with our capability. Smile the Clouds Away (JBy Theresa Myprs Sterner) When clouds hold back the sunshine And the world looks cold and gray, Smile at the cloudy weather And the clouds wil lfade away. Laugh at the stormy weather, A{ the snowflakes and the rain. Soon the sky will clear And the sun will shine again. modern shoe repair 1410 North 24th Street Women’s top lifts-15c Women’s half soles ...65c & up Men's half soles and heels _$1.00 & up Men’s half soles „..75c and up Mens Rubber heels 35c and up Children’s half soles and heels ..75c Children's half soles 50c up Quality is our policy My Favorite Recipe Salmon Loaf (By Mrs. Virginia Hall) 2 eggs 1 cup water 1 cnai salmon, boned 1 cup bread crumbs 1 onion 1 tsp. salt 2 tablespoons butter Beat eggs fight, to which add water then salmon bread crumb chopped onions, salt and melt ed butter. Mix well, mold in loaf and bake in greased pan. Serve plain or with tomato sauce. Frigidaire Cake (By Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson) Note: We reprint this receipe which appeared in last weeks' puper because omission wtus made of the fact that this cake MUST BE STARTED IN A COLD OVEN. Every housewife knows that proper oven tem perature plays a b g part in successful cake baking.) Use recipe as printed this time for your cook book. 11 whites of eggs 1 tsp. cream of tartar 1 tsp vanilla One-fourth tsp. salt IV2 cups sugar 1 cup pastry flour 5 egg yolks Add salt to egg whites and whip until frothy. Add cream of tartar and beat until stiff, but not dry. Add sugar grad ually, beating constantly. Add [vanilla; fold in sifted flour— lastly fold in egg yolks which have been separately beaten until lemon colored. Bake i*n an angel cake pan at 350 de grees for one hour starting with jcold oven. Cool w*ith pan invert ed. When cool remove from pan cut cake through center making 2 layers. Frost bottom layer. Fill cavity with below stated filling to frost all around cake. Filling 5 egg yolk* 1-4 cup cold water 1 tablespoon flour 1-2 tablespoon lemon extract I pint whipping cream 1 cup sugar Mrs. Gertrude White under went an operation Wednesday morning at the Mercy hospit al. Mr. Bert Reeves, who has been ill with influenza, is able to b out again. Don't Sleep When Gas Presses Heart SS'ISHSK! Sue to old poisonous matter xn«| constipated bowels tha SVTSHToe^n’d8. P.?rreeH.v. found in Adlerik. *he Quick. ^Vul b«t^ria. 22,erh,*ka •rTd’i yoVof 9.. and clean. Adlerika rias m rotH upper and foul po-ons out ot BOTH ujppe^ , REAL cuTanSing with Adlerika. Get h! Of GAS Adlerik. do*, not grip* AT ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin to Adlerika, Dept, 74, St Paul Minn. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Free Course In Hair Culture Conciating of Marcolling Fingerwaring Shampoo Formula INCLUDING DIFLOMA BY MAIL Write CUBAN COSMETIC COMPANY BOX 5315 — CHICAGO, ILL._ 3 teaspoons gelatin 1 Y> eups milk 1 cup nut meats 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Dissolve gelatin in cold wa ter; beat yolks until light anil fluffy. Add milk, >sugn4* an-' flour (mix together) and g ■’ at in. Cook until slightly thicken ed, cool and when mixture is set fold in slightly whipped cream and favoring. Lastly add nut meats. Frost cake ns you would an angel food cake. (8 ft flour before measuring —use measuring cup and spoon. How to Preserve a Husband (By Mrs. Lillie Mills) lie careful in your selection; do not choose too young, and take only such as have been reared in a good moral atmos phere. Some insist on keeping them in a pickle, while others keep them in hot water. This only makes them sour, hard and sometimes hitter. Even poor varieties may he made sweet, tender and good by gar nishing them with patience, well sweetened with smiles and fla vored with kisses to taste; then wrap them in a mantle of char ity, keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with peaches and cream. When thus prepared, they will keep for years. Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Ollpnant, 2456- 6 Are Little Saroy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Bussell, 1201-16 Are. See Your Nearest Agent and Boy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW Redeemable at face value on a suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux edo, full dress suit, until July 1, 1937. GOOD | as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, etc. CALL Charles H; Davis, the Simpson Man WE 5627 Ray L. Williams, Atty, Tuchman Bldg. 24th and Laks NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of MILLIE ANDERSON, deceased. All persons Interested In said matter ar<> hereby notified that on the 20th dny of January, 1937 W. L, Myers filed a petition In said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he i Ik) discharged from his trust as ad I mlnlstrator and that a hearing will I bo had on said petition before said Court on the 13th day of Fobrauary 1937, and that if you fall to appear before said Court on the said 13»h day of February 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m. and contest said petition*, tho Court may grant said petition, en ter a decree of heirship, and make such other and fur?i has told another how to go "smil ing through" with l.ydla K I’ink ham's Vegetable Compound it belli* Nature tone up the system, thus lessening t he discomfort* front the functional disorder* v hirIt women must enduis in the three ordeals of Ufe: I Turning front girlhood to womanhood 2. paring for motherhood. 8 Ap proaching "mldille aitr " Don’t he a three ou»rter afr, take l.YDIA K IriNh.lAiit T VEGETAIII.K COMl'tiUNi.aud Go "auhiiug Through." Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ GftHTliXD Tia U iUaw U6U Hu <*>* __ KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll Ilk* tho way it *nap» »ou bock. ^o^^nlfdo^cUnliyMlIll^not1. tfc Sw^*y workor but If CONSTIPATION bothor, you. H tHI wnndortl" 10, and 25, ot druaitoru1 !! or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of ®wS3d £a and Gorflold Hoodacho Powdor, to. GARFIEir TEA CO, Dupt. C. irooklyn. N. T. $986 CASH will buy Good 6 room house on corner lot. All In fine condition—2639 Doentur McFarland & Kennedy, 1st Realtors JA 2106 636 World-Herald BWf ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We arc Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street _WE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED i to SEU CannoWn* Cannot—a Hair Grow®* Bleach Cream (Double Strength) „ v (Double Strength) And Our 18 OtKer Cannolen© Beauty Creation© Beginning out New Advertising Campalgnw. wffl give a Free Start to intelligent energetic men a* women who ere ambition* to mawl money and build up a business ol their own selling beauty product* el the better kind. Our* la Strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. Yon make more money with a quality line and you win valuable prize*. Write at once to ^ Cannon Cosmetics Co« Dept. 20-A# Atlanta# Ga# N-N-F. Ex. ©