The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 06, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Thg Pick Up club of pleasant
Green church w II ho!«l prayer
services at 220(1 No, 28th Ave.
on Tuesday evening. We wou d
like to have you call. Some
good migli. be done.
Ladier' and Children's Work
A Specialty,
2422 Lake Street.
Johnson Drug Co.
We Fill Belief Prescriptions
WE 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St
We Carry a Complete Line of
J. E. McBrady’s Toilet Goods
Spices—Soaps—Beauty Cakes—
Perfumes—and Family Herbs
1825 Patrick Are., Apt. 6
For Prompt Delivery Phone
JAckson 9995
Or see our agent when he calls
’ north’ side ’transfer
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WB5656 2414 Grant St
Slyter Ice & Coal Co
No extra charges on half
tons of coal. Delivered within
80 blocks.
1301 No. 24th St AT 6355
Mi,.? Louba Robins'n, 2S09 No.
27th Av ., b home'in herm d-win
t<j. \:.r;,tlon. She will be in the
city (Vv a week She w shea her
m my fvt.n’s to know she is well
rid happy,
Mbs D< lures Wili ams who h''B
I n visiting her uncle, Mr. Crag
• 7 1, street, v ,1 leave fcr Chicago
Anon. Sh v. as highly entertained
while lit the < Ity
Mrs, Gregory, 2213 No. 27<h
Ave, who fed on *h • sidewalk, Is
st li unable to be out Although
Mrs. Gregory b a widow, h'*r five
children are making a brave effort
t.i carry <>n while their mother Is
111 A call from friends would be
Mr Homer Daniels l<*ft Sunduy
for Lawren'e, Kus, after v siting
his sister, Mrs. Claud” M .Watts,
of 30th street.
Miss Coriene Stevens,, cousin of
Mrs Claude Watts, who n'rw lives
in Harrisburg, Pu., Is moving to
Phyllis and Claude Watts, who
have been ill, are able to be up and
around again.
Mrs. Ethel Morrow, 2638 Hamil
ton street, is Improving from an
operation. She lives at the home
of her parents.
.42S.k »■
Men hardly ever noticed me—until
I made my hair beautiful with Gode
froy’s Larieuse. You can make your
hair just as lovely. With Larieuse and
a small brush you can color those
streaks or patches ot Kray or faded
hair to lustrous shades of black,
brown or blonde. Your hair will
shine like silk. You'll look years
younger. So, to make yoi>t dreams of
romance come true as mine have —
use Godefroy’s Larieuse. Get a bottle
If your dualur
dout not Itavo
'* dir.dct$to25 hair coloring
for Omaha’s Homes and Offices
• By accurately timing
their generators to a
fraction of a second,
Nebraska Power Com
pany gives you correct
time service for your
Electric Clocks.
Take advantage oi this
service. In any room in
your home — or office —
lust plug in your Modern
Electric Clock for correct
time always. The cost of
operating these clocks is
negligible, thanks to
cheap electricity I
Your dealer Is now dis
playing many smart new
styles — and they're sur
prisingly low priced!
O Up
JJul £fadtAJUL ShofiA,
Nebraska Power
M Karl Perry and h<s sister
M-s. Lyne >e Ile-Ibwell, 2021 Ca'd
ntton-bd the funeral of thei, 1
Alfred Kay, in Lincoln onj
"1 i< . i tiy, .’art 28'h.
I.ivg. L II. Wiliams, 1708 Novth
2" h *tr:et, is insprt.virg after a
'f'k spell.
M'h, the mother of Mrs.
;cr h Tnylr r, 2721 Caldwe 1 St.,
o'ssed away °n Tuesday, Jnaary
20th. Th“ b'l'ty was tak n to the
Myers Funeral Homo.
Farl WU lams, 2724 Caldwell St.,
pissed away °n Wednesday, Jan
M’-s- Clyde Jhonson *s bark
homo a,gain after spending quite
si-mn time In New Orleans with her
mother, Mrs. Susie Gee and her
Ister Mrs. Clifford Smith Mrs
Johnson had an enjoyable time vi
siting with her friends and rela
Tho Crusaders club of the Metro
politan Spiritual church did not
have an official meeting last week
on account of the revival meeting,
the members responded beautifully
with heir dues, showing that they
mean to make this dub a success.
Wo are very happy for our new
members, namely, Mrs. G. Alex
ander, Mrs. C. Cooper and Mrs.
H Taylor- We hope piore will join
at our next meeting. We wish to
thank Mrs. G, Mayberry and Mra.
i J Jordan for their donations.
Mrs. Minriie Dixon, 2889 Ohio
street, has been quite 111 for the
last three weeks. We hope for her
a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ellen Dacus, 2889 Ohio St ,
Is HI at this writing. Her many
friends wish for her a speedy re
covery. She Is the mother of Mr J.
W- Dacus and Mrs. Minnie Dixon
Mrs Nellie Taylor is up again
after being confined to her bed f >r
two weeks. She is the grand daugh
ter of Mrs. Laura Barker, 2022
Grace St.
The Do Right club met at the
he me of Mrs. Scruggs, 2319 N. 22
St., <>n Wednesday afternoon. A
delightful meeting was hel.l and
every one there reported a wonder-;
ful time. There is a grot deal of
good being d°ne by this club- Visit
ors are welcome.
Mrs. Alice Lardtum, 2432 Se-j
ward St , has been very ill with in
fluenza. She is somewhat better,
now, but Is still confined to her
homo. She wishes to thank her
many friends for their thoughtful
.Expert Piano Tuning and
WE 4622 2610 Franklin
The Omaha Cafe
Under new Management
For Your Benefit, We Have Mr.
V- Pace at The Omaha Cafe, to
give the Southern Style Cooked
Food—Hot and Fresh— Three
Times Dniiy.
THE RIFF CLUB is open for
Private Dances by appointment
—-Drop in anytime and Dance
to Ynur Favorite Tunc. .
2124 N. 24th St. JA. 9398
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
AH persons Interested In said
matter are hereby notified that
a petition has been filed in said
Court, praying for the probate of
a certain instrument now on file in
said Court, purporting to be the
last will and testament of said de
ceased, and that a hearing will be
had on said petition before said
Court on the 13th day of February,
1937 and that if they fail to ap
pear at said Court on the said 13th
day of February, 1937 at 9 o’clock
a. m-, to contest the probate of said
will, the Court may allow and pro
bate said will, the Court may allow
and probate said will nd grant ad
ministration of said estate to
Charles B. Kitchen or some other
sulab'e person, enter a degree of
heirship and proceed to a settle
ment thereof.
Bryce Crawfor
County Judge
Jhj. <WLahJji^‘:iDc>wru.nq
The uaneuie Beauty Foundation was established y'
by the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study ^
method's of preserving women’s natural beauty,
and to make the results of this research available
to the public.
Why do you wear your hair the
way you do?
Did you select your present coif
fure becnuse It looked attractive on
your girl friend, or because your
favorite movie star wore her hair
that way. or because It was the
current fad?
If those were the only factors you
considered In choosing your hnlr
dress. you may have picked one en
tirely unsulted to your features.
For your coiffure, like your make
up. must be carefully arranged to
emphasize your attractive features
and hide your less desirable points.
Even though the current styles In
hair dressing change somewhat, you
should keep the one that Is most
suited to your own type. A coiffure
that Is becoming to your face Is al
ways fashionable.
There are a great many points to
be taken Into consideration In mak
ing your decision. Probably we
won’t be able to discuss all these
factors In today’s column, but we’ll
start on the subject, anyway.
The most Important thins to con
sider Is the slinpe of your face. If
the face Is too long, your coiffure
should make It look wider. If It Is
too broad, the lines of your hair
should make It appear narrower.
If. for example, you are the tall,
slender type, with a long, nnrrow
face, you must arrange your hair to
make the face look wider. A wave,
curls, or bangs should cover the top
purt of the foreheud. especially If
It Is high.
Don’t allow nny of the hair to
cover the side of the cheeks. In
front of your ears, since your
cheeks are narrow enougn anyway,
and you don’t want to decrease
their width. Fluff out the hair over
the ears to Increase the apparent
width of your face. The hair should
be smooth on the top of your head,
as any curls or braids will make
the face look more slender, and at
the same time add to your height.
These rules will allow you con
siderable variety In selecting a
coiffure that is stylish and, at the
same time, suitable to your type.
For example, you might pnrt the
hair on the left, bringing it smooth
ly over the crown, place a dip or
swirl over the forehead, and fluff
out the hair at the sides.
Or, pnrt the hair across the
crown of the head from enr to ear,
leaving bangs In front and trimming
them into a curved line lower at
the center. Put a flat curl In front
of each enr, slightly above It. Bring
the back part down in shallow
waves, ending In a cluster of curls
from ear to ear.
If your face Is of the desirable
oval shape, almost nny style of hair
dressing is becoming. Girls with
oval faces can use the center part
style popularized by Mrs. Simpson
better than nny other type. Remem
ber, however, that a severe coiffure
with tiny curls will emphasize any
Irregulnrltles of your fentures. and
should not be used unless your fea
tures are attractive. Soft, wavy
lines are more flattering If certain
features nre too prominent.
I’m afraid our space Is about up.
and we’ll have to discuss the round
face and the wide face in my next
column, two weeks from today.
Mother Robinson, who is confin
ed to her home, expressed her de
light to a collector of the Guide
when she received her paper each
week. She statcsthat she looks for
ward to having it come to her each
week, emd that the paper is improv
ing. We hank Mother Robinson for kir.d.y lemarks
Wo aie endeavoring to make the
Mrs. Thomas, 26. h St., passed
r.way at a 1 >cal hosptl- Her body
was taken to Low s’ Mortu'ary.
Th" chi dt en of St. Benedict
school were invited to attend a
p.ay given a. the St. Maiy's school.
Mrs El a Mae Anderson of Kan
sas City, Mo., has come to make
her home in this city with her par
ents, Rev. and Mrs. J F. Thomas,
2638 Hamilton street.
Rev. G<'»dwin of L?avenworth,
Kas., is expected to be at he Spiri
tual Temp e No 6 on Thursday. His
staywill be indefinite.
On account of the weaher Mo
ther Sutton of Kansas City, Kas.,
has de'ayed her visit to this city.
However we are expecting her the
first week in February.
William McClain and Charlotte
Keys, 2909 No. 26th St., are con
Ined to their homes with the whoop
ing cough
American and Chinese Dishes
King Yuen Cafe
2010', N. 211h St. Jackson 8576
Open from 2 p. in. until 3 a. m.
2314 No. 21st Street
$4 00 $4-25 and $5 25$
Gas, electricty, beat famished to
each apartment; bath for all.
Apply 1711 Cuming Street
Houses to rent 3, 4, 6, 8, 7 to 10
Buy yourselfabusiness.
For sale all kinds of businesses
Many other bargains in property.
$50, $100, $150 to $300 down.
Wanted manor woman who can In
vest $500. Job pays $60 per month
Money invested draws 5 per cent1,
position as salesman
Wanted .third partner In coal busi
ness, who can invest $360.
Don’t try to reach me by phons
come to the office.
1711 Coming Street
(By Miss Lula Mae Hall)
Council Bluffs, la
A Greek term meaning action,
and applied to that form of lit
erature which s suited for per
formance, or action, before an
laudience. A drama, tells a story
by mean of which t he dialogue
Jogue. Speech, gesture, facihl
expression makes pantomine
stage “business'* music, danc
ing, scenic painting are some o
jthe theatreal accompaniments
by means o fwhich the dialogue
has been made to imitate scenes
from life.
Although in modern times
dramas have requently been
written in prose, the drama in
classical times was regarded as
I one of the three divisions of
[poetry, and so differentiated
from epic, the narration of ev-j
cuts, and lyric, the expression
of emotion. Another distinction
due to the Greek is the division
of drama into two species, tra
gedy and comedy; the former
dealing with the more serious
themes of life and especially
with suffering and death; the
latter with life’s follies and ab
surdities, fun and sentiment.
The Greek's drama originated
from songs wh' ch were sung in
feestivities in honor of the sun
Ray L. Williams, AHy.
Tuchman ltldg. 241h and Lake
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
*A11 persons interested in said
matter are hereby noified that on
the 20th day of January, 1937, W.
L. Myers filed a petition in said
County Court, praying that his
final administration account filed
herein be settled and allowed, and
that he be discharged from Shis
trust as administrator and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before said court on the 13th day
of February 1937, and that if you
fall to appear before said Court on
the said 13th day of February 1937
at 9 o’clock a m., and contest, the
Court may grant he prayer of said
petition, enter a decree of heirship,
and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper, to
the end that all matters pertaining
to said estate may be finally settled
and determined.
Bryce Crawfor
County Judge
god. Thespis added to the chor
us an actor to fill in the inter
vals of singing and dancing.
The Roman origin is quite sim
ln,r to that of Greece. The only
drama we know of is that of
the comedies of Plautus and
Terence an dthc tragedies of
The Middle Ages brought forth
a new type of drama known as
morality drama, in which a les
son was taught. This was done
because all the churches had
been destroyed and short plays
for Easter, Christmas and var
ious holidays were written.
These grew an were ac.ed out
each containing a moral lesson
The Renaissance brought
back the promises of the classi
cal drama. It was mainly religi
ous in theme, but gave good
suggestions of aefc'ng. The peo
ple opposed, but the drama, con
tinued to spread.
Spain and England began
dramatic work about the same
time and quite similar to each
other. Marlowe and his poetry,
j Lyle and Greene and their com
edy and Shakespeare with his
j Elizabethan drama swept the
America had i!s theatre, but
no drama. The first dramatist
in America was William Dun
lap, who translated and produc
ed plays from Ketzebue English
companies came to America
presenting their works and thus
influencing America. Then no
vel dramatization arose, the
first being “Uncle Tom’s Ca
The 20th Century has witness
] ed a remarkable development in
ihe drama of Europe and Amer
ican accompanied by changes
in the stage which may ho des
cribed as revolutionary. The re
volution of the theatre is still
in process and there is no telling
when it will be final. The vn
developments of drama probab
ly accounts for the developmo»>
of theatre.
Zion Missionary
Maxtha Washington
Musical Tea
The Musical Tea sponsored
by Zion Missionary Society is
the one affair of the year no
one should m'.ss. So begin now
to 1>Q there, Monday February
22, 1937 for this most enjoyable
Zion Baptist Church
2215 Grant St. Admission 15c
Don’t Irritate
Gas Bloating
If you want to really GET RID OF
GAS and terrible bloating, don’t expect
to do it by Just doctoring your stom
ach with harsh, irritating alkalies and
"gas tablets.” Most GAS is lodged in
the stomach and upper intestine and
is due to old poisonous matter in the
constipated bowels that are loaded
with ill-causing bacteria.
If your constipation is of long stand
ing, enormous quantities of dangerous
bacteria accumulate. Then your diges
tion is upset. GAS often presses heart
and lungs, making life miserable.
You can't eat or sleep. Your head
aches. Your back aches. Your com
plexion is sallow and pimply. Your
breath is foul. You are a sick, grouchy,
wretched, unhappy person. YOUR
Thousands of sufferers have found In
Adlerika the quick, scientific way to
rid their systems of harmful bacteria.
Adlerika rids you of gas and cleans
foul poisons out of BOTH upper and
lower bowels. Give your bowels a
REAL cleansing with Adlerika. Get
rid of GAS. Adlerika does not arip©—
is not habit forming.
At all leading druggists
TRIAL SIZE send 10c, coin err
stamps, to Adlerika, Dept. 77 St
Paul, Minn.
read the latest—
2033 North 24th St
Itay Lawrence Williams, Atfcy.
Turhman Bldg. 24th and Lak
In the Disfrict Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
place of residence anl upon whom
personal service cannot be had, de
You are hereby, no ified, that o»
June 24, 1936, Evelyn Harvey, as
Plaintiff filed her petition against
you in the District Court of Dou
glas County, Nebraska, Docket No.
320, Page 357, the object and pray
of which petition is to obtain a di
vorce from you on the grounds ot
You are hereby required to an
swer said petition on or b(efore
t)h 20th day of February, A. D. 1937,
or said petition will be taken as
Evelyn Harvey, Plantlff
By Ray Lawrence Williams,
Her attorney.
1-16-37 to 2-6-37
Paint, Glass and Varnish
We do glazing and make window
shades to order
1822-24 N. 24 WE 1607
The Liquor
When In Need of
Or Beers
All Brands at Lowest Prices
24th and Cuming Streets
Phone JA 6564
MEN, because they are men. can
never understand a three
quarter wife— a wife who is all leva
and kindness three weeks in a
month and a hell cat the rest of
the time.
No matter how your back aches
—how your nerves scream—don't
take It Out on your husband.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go “smil
ing through” with Lydia B. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up tho system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in tho throe
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age.” ^
Don’t be a three-quarter wits,
Go “Smiling Through,”
Battery Station
Specialized Auto Repair
Service by expert Workmen
Call or See Mr. Jorgensen
3014 No. 24th S t. JA 9999
Herman Friedlander, Prop.
a Three Act Play
at the
Community Center
8:30 P. M. Adm. 50c