The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 06, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Minneapolis Business Man Indicted For Shooting
NAACP *.Stop Lynching' Stamp Sale Expected7o Reach New Mark
Pays Ten Dollars For
Anti-Lynching Button
New York, Feb. 6—A prominent
officer of one of the Negro colleges,
-who does not wish any publicity,
□ has paid $10
for one of the
“Stop L ynch
ing” buttons
now being sold
by the NAACP
n a nation
wide campaign
to raise funds
to fight lynching and to carry on
legal defense.
A half-dozen other sales of but
tons at $5 each have been made by
the NAACP and numerous sales
of buttons at $1 each. The Associ
ation has put a minimum price of
10 cents on the buttons in an ef
fort to encourage the widest pos
sible sale.
The official time for the sale and
wearing the buttons is February
1-12. Mrs. Daisy E- Lampkin, field
secretary of the Association, who
is directing the campaign from the
New York office, urges a'l commit
tees, NAAiCP branches, and indi
vidual salesman to wind up their
campaign on February 12th and re
port the proceeds to the national
office. The campaign is sweeping
the country and has been more pop
ular than any activity staged by
the NAACP in recent years. It is
estimated that a quarter of a mil
lion buttons will be bought and worn
during the month of February.
An fonsual r'esponsle he^- been
made to the appeal from the NAA
CP that the buttons be worn as a
protest against lynching. Through
out the country, branches of the
association, churches, colleges, frat
Open School For
Domestics In La.
Alenandria, La-, Feb. 6 (ANP)—
Tho Emergency Education Division
of the Works Progress Administra
tion >s giving to those of the Alex
andria section 'who wish it an op
portunity to become trained domes
The Domestic Service dtpaiV
ment of emergency education has
enrolled a class of 12 students, who
are tearing such subjects as Per
onal Hygiene, Meal Planning,
Oonumer’s Tducation in Marketing
General Housekeeping, Family
Laundering, Care of Children, Food
for Children and Home Care for
the Sick.
The basis for these classes
throughout the state was obtained
by the questionaire method. Leading
’families were asked what they ex
pected of a well trained servant
and their qualifications were used
in selecting subjects.
These classes are proving a real
service to the community and at
the same time the students are
elevating themselves in the indus
trial world and are enabled to earn
better livelihoods.
Many of the students are so apt
in their work they have already re
ceived offers of employment at high
er wages than they were able to re
ceived in the past.
erities, sororities, fraternal, social
and civic organizations are assist
ing in the sale.
Demons-tf|a.tiii(n|s against lynch
ing are being planned in many ci
ties for February 12th, the twenty
eighth birthday of the NAACP
which datemarks the closing of the
button campaign- Interest organi
zations and individuals still have
time to order buttons and help make
this one of the most successful ef
forts of the association. Requests
'for buttons may be addressed to
Mrs. Daisy E. Lampken, 69 Fifth
Avenue, New York City.
EMPTY garage, 2 furnished rooms,
2716 N. 28th Ave. WE 5549.
2 ROOM kitchenette apt. AT 5576
3 furnished apartments. WE
25th and Blondo, 5 room house, $6
per week—2 room apt. $3.50 per
week, utilities furnished, except
heat. JA Offcl
APARTMENT, employed couple,
WE 6421.
F*umlshed Rooms—WE 2328.
ROOM 2432 Grant WE 4393
FURNISHED room. 2235 Grant St.
FURNISHED room for man only
JAckson 2549
NEATLY furnished rooms. WE
APT. to a couple or two men. 2230
Ohio St.
FURNISHED room AT 2523
ROOM—workng couple WE 6421
Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho
las street.
9 ROOM modern house $30 Per
month. 2522 Maple Street.
NICE furnished room, WE 2582.
FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 6653.
MODERN room for right party,
married or single Phone Webster
5723, 2718 No. 28th Ave.
PTANKLIN fnrnisha.. modem
apartments, 2214 No. 21-t St_
Apply 1711 Cumin* SI
NICE room in quiet home, near
carllne. WE 2085
2 rooms in modem home. Rent to
gether or separatly. AT 6827.
FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of
living try DIXON APTS., AT
NEAR 24th and Lake, five rooms,
modern, cheap, WE 1923
AUTOMOBILE Trunk for sale WE
PERRY AND SON, Transfer, 2624
Caldwell, AT 0114
2407 Lake Street.
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait. 242014 Cuming
SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil
ity. Personality, connections im
portant. Write for interview. The
Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St.
AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face
Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics,
Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices
Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation
al Supply Co., Richmond, Va.
5000 Representatives Wanted.
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 301-305 Elm st., Dept. N3.
Nappanee, Indiana.
AGENTS—TO daily selling Negre
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine, Movie
News and Pictures. Box 462,
Dayton, Ohio.
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League. 254 W. 185th St., New
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 166
W. 126th St., New York City.
WANTED—Experienced salesman
for rubber work gloves as side
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Co.. Winona. Mnn.
Photos show, left to right,
the late Mme. A’Lelia Walker,
daughter of Mine. C. J. Walk
er, founder of he Mine. C. J. i
Walker Manufacturing Comp
any of Indiaaiapolis, Ind., the
late Mme. C. J. Walker, her
self (center) whose thirty-five
year old business is still going
strong; and right, Mrs. Mae
Walker Perry, the present
president of the company, un
inal high business standards
of the founder are still main
tained. Under Mrs. Perry the
company is now embarking on
an expansion program which is
desined to capture the imag'n-’
ation of beauty-loving and race
loving men and women
throughout the wbrkl. The
company’s products have been
jmodernized, and 1937 bids fair
to be the greatest year in the
history of the business. More
beauty schools will be added
to its already long cha n, and
every nook and corner of the
United States will be combed
by the company's represent!
atives, spreading the gospel of
self help in business, as preach
ed for so many years by the
date Mme. Wallker. Thous
ands remember the founder as
an ardent advocate of colored
women taking their rightful
'place in the world of affairs.
Unit League of First
Aid Nurses Elect
Chicago, Feb. 6 (ANP)—Newly
elected officers of the Unit league
of First Aid Nurses will be install
ed in their regular February meet
ing. February 15th, at 5150 South
Parkway. The league, which meets
the third Monday of each month
electtd its officers in the January
Meeting. The officers include: Pre
sident, Mrs. V. Thomas; first vice
president, Mrs. J. Turner; second
vice president, Mrs.. Lena Ran
dolph; recording secreta(ry», ,MiV
J. B.. Thomas; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Susie Phillips; financial
secre<ary, Mrs. Gladys Johnson;
assistant secretary, Miss Mattie
Waltoh; treasurer, Mrs. Melnee
Johnson; chaplain, Mrs. Alice Fran
cher; reporters Mrs. Dora Shelton
and Miss Elvie Dixon.
The Unit League is asking co
operation of all tht churches in se
curing the aid °f first aid groups
already organized.
Akron, 0-, Feb. 6 (By Edward
S< Brown or ANP)—Eleven col
ored students graduated from Ak
ron high school Thursday January
28th, at individual mid term pro
Services for different schools
were held in the auditoriums of
each, with the exception of East
High school which was held at the
Goodyear auditorium.
The largest number of colored
students graduated from West
Jinx Removing Incense 25c
'Incense 25c
Lucky oil believed to prevent
evil, misfortune; to attract
good luck, happiness and pros
Send 25c for Jinx Removing
Branch-Japo Oriental Incense
Co-, 2419 Seward St, Omaha.
Nebraska- Mall orders given
prompt attention.
Henry Armstrong
Sought for Garden
New York, Feb, 6 (ANP)—Ac_
cording to Eddie Meadt, manager,
Henry Armstrong, featherweight
king in ten states, Is sought for
three Madison Square Graden ap
pearances. Jimmy Johnston, Madi
son Square Garden matchmaker, is
eager to send Armstrong into the
ring against Mike Biellise or En
rice Venturi. General John J.. Phe
lan, chairman of the boxing com
mission, declares that Armstrong
cannot fight Venturi or any other
lightweight in New York state un
less he relinquishes his featJier
weght title. Meade commented that
ho featherweight king will contin
ue to box 126 pounders. He demands
37 and one-half per cent of the
gate for a match with Mike Bell
oise in Madison Square Garden.
Marian Anderson
Returns To America
Philadelphia, Feb. 6 (ANP)—
Marian Anderson, eminent singer
who was so widely heralded by
white newspapers throughout the
country on her tour last year, has
recently returned from Europe. Her
voire shows the improvement and
warmth one would expect of a sing
er so talented. Because her boat
was dp]ayed by fog, Miss Anderson
was able to spend only 24 hours iir
her hometown before she left on
After she completes a strenuous
itinerary for thirty-four poncerts in
the United States, Marian Ander‘
son will leave for South America
in May.
20th & Grace St. WE 1560
Goes To New Orleans
on Rumf 0£d_Campaign
New Orleans, La., Feb 6 (ANP)
—Negro housewives, appreciative
cf the fact that the Rumford Bak
ing Powder Co. has sent a colored
sales representative Jiere In the
person of Randall L. Tyus to com
duct a campaign for Negro busi
ness, are resvonding enthusiastlcal,
ly, the sales record showing a tre
mendous increase since the cam
paign started three weeks ago.
Mr. Tyrus will remain here about
three months to complete a sched
ule which wil|l cover practically
all of the large territory in New
Flordia Negroes Jailed
For Refusing Jobs
Miami, Fla., Febt 6 (ANP)—
Failure to accept jobs harvesting
tomatoes at $160 per da,y and
ransportation to the field’s result
ed in the arrest of 67 jobless Ne
groes recently. After S. Bob Dean,
district manager of the state em
ployment service reported that
crops were in danger of ruin be
cause the growers were unable to
harvest $heir crops, seventy-nine
Negroes were arrested. Charged
with vagrancy, twenty-two of the
arrested men were able to convince
the court they were already em
ployed. The remaining fifty-seven
received sentences of 10 to 16 days
in jail.
111 So. 14th St. J
Biggest 10c Meals In City /
Everybody Welcome
The Elite Cigar Store j
Direct Wire On All Sports '
Ladies Especially Invited
Eugene McGill, Mgr. HA4225
2314 N. 24th St
Pittsburgh Youths
Confess Slaying Of
Of Merchants In Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 6 (ANP)
—Without a truce of emotion two
Neiarro youths. Moses Thompson, 21,
and Charles Day, 17, confessed the
shooting of two merchants, one of
them fatally, and re-enacted their
crimes at the ptaces of the crimes
for police. At 1937 Bedford avenue
Thompson "STiovvcd police h"W he
had held up Herman Feldman and
then shot him, on January 16th.
Feldman is still in th** hospital re
covering from the bullet wound
After posing for moving pictures,
th<’ boys were returned to police
headquarters to be questioned in
connection with a series of unsolv
ed holdups and murders in the dis
trict. Partcularly were hoy to be
questioned concerning the mur
der of a gasoline station attendant
eighteen months ago. Although nei
ther would admit paving participat
ed in other crimes, detectives said
that they answer descriptions of
men wanted for robberies commit
ted as long as two years ago.
Louis Armstrong
Out Of Hospital
Chicago, Feb. 6 (ANP)—After
having been confined in the Provid
ent hospital since January 13th
with a throat ailment. T»ouis Arm
strong, fmous hi dt hi man and
band director, is again up and about.
His octor reports that he has com
pletely recovered and that there Is
little possibility of his ever b«lng
bothered with a recurrence of the
ail ment.
In consent ^attendance art his
bedside was Armstrong’s wife, A1
pha, who fled with from the throng
of well wishers who had gathered
at the hospital when they heard
that he was about to be dismissed.
They sought the seclusion of the
home of a friend in Morgan Park
when the attentions of the fans
showed that there would be little
possibility of peace at home.
Must Face Trial For
Fatal Shooting
Minneapolis, Minn. Feb- 6—
.Toe Tay'or, 61, genial Minnea
polis business man, must face trial
for murder, a Hennepin county
grand jury decided Wednesday.
Taylor, former rallroml man, shot
and fatally wounded Harry Peter
son. 43, white, Saturday night Jan
ury 23rd, in the Fresno Cafe, on
Sixth avenue No., which Taylor
operates, He was indicted for mur
der in the second degree after the
county attorney's office investigat
ed the shooting.
Witnesses in statements to the
police said Peterson, know in tho
neighb olbood as a troublesome
character, grew angry when Tay
lor who is badly crippled with rheu
matism, remonstrated with him f°r
breaking beer glasses.
Peterson followed Taylor slowly
amund ihe room, according to wit
nesses, in a threatening manner.
When Taylor ordered Peterson to
leave him alone and stop followin
him, Peterson persisted and he was
shot in the chest by Taylor. The
restuarant proprietor told police
he feared for his life.
Joe Taylor is one of the best
known men In the Twin Cities.
Taylor, as far as could be as
certained, has never been In the
slightest trouble before and Is sin
cerely Hked by most people who
know him. ■ {
The news of his indictment cre
ated a considerable stir since it
was generally believed a no-blll
would be returned by the grand.
Jury. The falet that Taylor h|as
been so cglppled by rheumatism
that he could not have defended
himself in quarrel with any per
son was the reason for the belief
that he would be freed.
All iriTirifl of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct^ from
the country.
live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish
Special Prices to Churches and Parties
StolleFs Fish and Poultry Market
1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
launderer and dry cleaners
Edholin~& Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6055
DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - Many Women Rot An Allowance Lite This? Brawa tor ais paper By Flstrer_.
_'-I * - - ---———1——■
/«E Put* TUI'S \
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