The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 23, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . . .
2025 North 24 Street
R. L. MOODY, Pastor
Edna \V. Moody, Reporter
General worship will be held at
usual h<>urs "n January 24th.’Sun
day ?elv 11 at 9:45 a. m , midday
worship it 11 a m. and evening
w • -ship "I 7:30 p, m.
The message of the morning will
lii'obah’y begin a si •li,s of sermons
on the “Prl» ihood i.i (’hrlst" do
liv: red by the pastor. Mrs, Elida
Sawyer. one of the I cal ministers
will piobnb’y speak at 8 p. m. We
Invl'e every /nc who will to come
I ■ thi <o services.
Hath Wednesday, uni ss f r soe
eijd changes, the prayer meeting
will takn on an instructive natur..
A topical course based upon F. G.
Smith’s treatise on “What the Bi
h'e Tea-hts" Is being tuught by
the pastor- Thft topic for Jan. 20th
was “The Dlv'no Aul h* rity of the
Seri sui' ” mo i tl e topic for ih 27'h
wlp prcbaWy h • The flat-trine of
Cm1.' Conu ' il b lng your Bibles,
a ng I)-iok“ and netbooks and let
us learn what tin Bible teaches.
2318 North 251 h Street
Elder P. G. Green, Pastor
Mrs. C. A- Pray bay. Reporter
Sunday school lesson was taught !
from *h f : th chapter of St. John
7 24 Thi' pasor came at 11:30 and
preached a w> mb rful sermon. At
j*8:30 p. m. th<- pastor preached an
other insipring seron The attend
ance was very gratifying The Pas
tor's Ad club will meet Friday |
Th« program will begin at 1:30
Sunday, January 24th and we at®
asking our many friends to come
cut and be. with us.
The Pastor's A Id club was very
successful with the program last
Due to cold weather the attend
ance at the Metropolitan was small
Sunday morning although the!
spirit was there; at 11 r/coek, Rev.
Johnson preached from PhlMIpians
3:13-14. Subject, “Press On ”
The fi o’clock Union was well at
tended with the pastor In charge.
At 8 o'clock Rev. Johnson brought
before us another interesting ser
mon from St. John 5:7 verso. Sub
ject, “Lord help me” Those that
■were there to witness, were filled
with a new inspiration. You too,
-are welcome to the services. The
-out-of-town visitor who worshipped
with us Sunday night was Mrs.
Rev. Isom Johnson from St. Louis.
Rev. D. W. Pass, Pastor
Henryetta Making, Reporter
Cur thought for the week; “0,
Give thanks unto the Lord, for he
Is good: for IDs mercy endureth
forever.” Ps. 107-lverse.
Rev. Wm. Garnett of the Metro
politan Spiritual church spoke for
the Junior churdh services. His
talk was taken from the 8th chap
ter of Romans 35th verse. Thanks
to Mr. Garnett for the wonderful
Rev. D. W Bass preached the
morning sermon from the teach
ings of Christ. “If thou wilt be
perfect go and see that thou hast
and give to the poor and thou shah
have treasure in heaven and come
and follow me.” The spiritual mani
festation was unusually pre-emin
Mr. Y. W. Logan spoke t0 tfhe
ycung people at the Epworth lea
gue. His subject, “Hand and Brain”
was very appredatable. His thought
-was “without hand, thoughts cou'd
not be moulded into things.”
Mrs. Truxon, a Baptist evange
list and mission worker was pre
ent at the morning service, the
ISpworth hague and preached at
the night service. The Junior choir
sang both morning and night.
The Loyal Matrons are giving a
pew rally next Sunday night. Our
<rwn pastor will preach the spcdal
sermon. The Forward Step club
met with Mrs. Alice Hunter this
week For the sick we pray a
speedy recovery.
2608 Franklin Street
Rev. ffm. Pruitt, Acting Pastor
Mrs. W. E. Frederick, Reporter
8and«gr school opened at the Us
ual hour with the superintendent
presiding. The attendance was good.
The morning services were con
ducted by. the pastor, Rev. Pruitt,
with Rev. Z- E. McGee, bringing the
message of which everyone enjoyed.
Our hearts burned within us while
he talked with us by the way.
At 3 p. m. the pastor, church and
choir worshipped at St. Luke Bapt
ist church. Rev. Jas. Crowder is
pastor. Again a wrnderful time
whs had. The spirit was high. At
6 p. m. the BYPU opened with the
president, Ilro. Raymond Johnson,
presiding. Attendance was good
A1 8 p. m. the pastor delivered to
us a soul stirring sermon from I
John 2:19. Rev. Harris was present.
The sick c/f the church Is Mrs. G.
W. Stromlle.
Visit the Morning Star Baptist
church. -You are always welcome.
3211 Pinkney Street
Rev, J. G. Gates, Pastor
Mrs. U. L. Billingsley, Reporter
Sunday schorl was conducted by
• he Supt. Bro- Connor. Attendance
was fair. Morning services were
also fairly attended. The pastor
> cached n mrst wonderful ser
mon in all slmpiclty from the sub
ject, "Ye are the light of the world
A city that Is set on a hill cannot
b. hid.” Matt. 5:14.
BYPU had a v.>y interesting
less n. Rev. Harris, the preslden,
Is putting f' r'h every effort for
Us suet: ss. Rev. Renfro brought
the evening message. He sprke
from Ft. John 2:25. All wore spir
itually fed.
The Union Mission Circle will
hold Its regular meeting with Par
adise Baptist church on Sunday
afternoon, Jan. 24th, at 3 p. m.
Everyone s asked to come and en
joy this bog get together meeting.
“The Friendly Church”
Rev. K. A. Adams, Pastor
In spite of the cold weather, the
attendance at Sunday school and
church at St. John last Sunday
were very good.
Ucv. Adams, the pastor, preach
ed at the morning service and Rev.
John Adams, presiding elder of the
Kansus district, preached at night.
Both of the ministers preached
very (inn sermons, full of valuable
information for those who are seek
ing to know the truth.
We often think of these two min
isters as being among the best In
formed of the AMD church and
one should alwmys feel It a great
privilege to hear them.
(The sh k of the church reported
were Mrs- Aqu'lla Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Htbbs; Mrs. A. J. Le
ffull, Mrs. J- Johnson, Mrs. Man
ley, Mrs. A. Stevens, Mrs. TUlo
Simpson, and Mrs. Mable Avant.
There were others whose names
were not passed in, but we wish
for all a speedy recovery.
Rev. Adams and his officers are
working hard to get plans for the
financial drive worked out. This
drive will close about the first week
of March. It should be the strong
desire of every member and friend
of St. John to help make this a suc
of t. John to help make this a suc
cessful campaign. Now Is the time
to show your love for your church.
No visitors cards were passed In
last Sunday, but visitors are al
ways welcome to St. John, and In
vited to make it their church home
while in the city.
The choir will now start work
ing on its Easter program and get
ting ready for the Goodwill Spring
Musical which will take place at
Pilgrim Baptist church the second
Sunday in March at 2:46 p. m
Let all old members make ull (he
practices now and get 'n. good
The Pick Up cub will meet at
the home of Mrs. Woods, 27th and
Hamilton Sts. President, Mrs. Mc
Pleasant Green Baptist Church
rally the fourth Sunday in Febru
ary to raise money for the Scholar
ship Fund of the Nebaska-Iowa
South Dakota Association.
ltev. J. H. Reynolds, Pfcstor
Mrs. Lottie Keyes, Reporter
Sunday school at 9 a m. was well
attended. The pastor, Rev. J. H.
Reynolds, reviewed each class sep
arately on the lesson to see what
the scholars learned from their
Mrmlng Service
Devotions, 10 to 11 a- m., head
ed by deacons of the church.
11 a. m. Pastor entered rostrum,
Chorus procession 11:05 a. m-,
president, Mrs. Barge.
' Opening Plrayer, 11:10 a. m.,
Rev. Nickesojj.
Scripture Reading, Psalm, Rev.
C. L. Union.
Scripture , St, Luke 15:17-18 by
Pastor, Rev. J. H. Reynolds. His
sub.^ ct was “Personal Responsi
BYPU at 6 p. m. It was well at
tended. President, Mr. E. Faulk
Night Service at 8:00 p. m.{ sub
ject "I will arise and go back to
my Father,” preached by our pas
tor, Rev. J. H. Reynolds.
Since Rev. Reynolds has come to
ur, we have had twelve candidates
for baptism and about 25 new add
itions to the church since our
baptism. We have five to baptize as
I soon as our pastor returns from
his trip.
If yu want your s"ul revived,
c-onu: to Pleasant Green Baptist
church, 27th and FranklinSts.
Who Witling Workers club will
meet this wtek at the home of Mr.
and Mrs- Bishop Pearl, 1105 1-2 No.
10th St. Visitors are welcome. Mis.
1 anting, president.
The Autumn Leaf club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Lo'ttie Keyes,
2217 No. 25th, Mrs. Watters, pre
After Death
Death brings every human being
face to face with thj greatest my
stiry known to man. that which
doges all the scenes that be be-1
tween the morn’ of laughter and the
night of tears, and where ends the
faults, the truths, joy, grief, care
less shallow and tragic deeps of
earthly life. But why should dread
that which come to all that Is. You
do not know, you cannot realize
which is the greatest blessing. Life
or death. You can not say death Is
nc't better ,and those that believe
In Immortally know that the grave
Is not the end of your existence,
but that It Is a door way to anoher,
mure beautiful life and that the
nights of sadness here is the dawn
of your soul into1 a spiritual life.
No person has a right to say that
the future life of one passed out
is filled with pain or sorrow. “It Is
only Ignorance of what death real
ly is that causes anyoue to regard
It with dread and sorrow. Have you
ever stood by the bedside of a dying
friend just as the spirit was about
to leave the, body? A bright smile
seemed to appear upon the face of
the dying one He seems to realize
and know that they are going to
a better land. The old fear of eter
nal punishment fades away and
there seems to be greater insight
Into the spiritual and eternal life.
There Is still something warm and
familiar in those loved ones of ours
for whom we yearn that have pass
ed the change called death. They
are not coid and ghastly as they
seem at death. But human, sym
pathetic with familiar faces. They
are not lost to us on earth, but they
are just a little farther away. Man
needs not be afraid to die; for the
soul there is no death, only contin
uous life. We are living in an age
that the demonstrations of the. re
turn of spirit is a positive fact.
Those who have passed into the
spiritual world can and do return
to us at timjeis and we have know
ledge of their presence. All super
stition dread and fear of spirit
of the dead should be banished and
in their place should come that
sweet sacred feeling of love. For
this cause was the gospel preach
ed to those that are dead (I Peter,
fourth chaper 6th verse) To know
the truth and the truth shall make
you free.
Alone Were He And She
She is dead, they said to him,
come away; kiss her and leave her,
thy love is clay and they held their
breaths as they left he room. With
a shudder to glance at the stillness
and gloom but he who loved her
too well to dread, the sweet, the
stately, the beautiful dead. He lit
his lamp and took his key and turn
ed it.
Alone were He and She.
G. A. Harrington
Spiritual Missionary
We feature package fuel.kind
Iing, coal of a» k'nds, kerosene
W- C- Parks, prop
2406 Blondo Street
Hineman’s Garage
—24 Hours Service—Tires and
Battery Service—General Auto
Repairing—Reasonable Prices
2417 North 24th Street
Chas. M. Simmons, Prop.
1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370
Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother
hood of man must prevail. These are the only principles which will stand
the acid test of good citizenship in time of peace, war and death.
(1) We must have our pro-rata of emp!oyment in businesses to
which we give our patronage, such as grocery stores, laundries, furniture
stores, department stores and coal companies, in fact every concern which
we support. We must give our citizens the change to live respectably
We are tired of educating our children and permitting them to remain
economic slaves and enter into lives of shame.
(2) Our pro-rata of employment for the patronage to our public
corporations such as railroad companies, the street car company, the
Nebraska Power company, the Notrhwestern Bell Telephone company and
other establishments which we are forced to support by right of franchise.
Also our pro-rata of employment in return for the takes we pay in our city,
county, state and federal government.
(3) To encourage the establishment of a first class hospital that
we may get the best that here is in medical science from our doctors whom
we know to be nearest to us, also to encourage a high respect of them and
encourage more of our girls to take nurses training.
.4) An one hundred per cent deportment of our citizens in our
public or private places of business, especially on street cars . If we are to
be respected we must act respectably, especially in public places where we
are constantly before the public’s eye.
.5i A one hundred per cent membership in the Omaha branch of
the N. A. A. C. P. should be had to encourage the efforts put forth by the
founders of the organization and to assist the general office to establish a
five million dollar endowment fund to maintain operating expenses and to
further the principles of the N. A. A. C. P. All people of all races must be
educated up to a higher principle and a more thorough understanding of
inter-racial relationship that our country may in reality be a government
of the people, for the people and by the people, in whole and not in part.
(6) The re-establishment of the Christian Religion as Christ
taught it, for the uplifting of mankind, eliminating financial and per
sonal gain. A practical Christian religion, week days as well as Sunday.
An attitude toward our fellowman as a brother in order to establish a prin
ciple which will guide the destiny of each other’s children, our neighbor’s
children today are our children tomorrow.
(7) Courteous treatment in all places of business and the enforce
ment of the State Civil right law.
(8) To encourage and assist in the establishment of the following
financial institutions near 24th and Lake streets: A building and Loan
association, a state bank, and, also, a first-class trust company for the
purpose of administering aid and assistance to our widows and children.
(9) To encourage he erection of a one hundred thousand dollar
Young Men’s Christian association building near 24th and Lake streets.
(10) To enlarge the Young Women’s Christian Association that it
may supply sufficient dormitory accommodations.
(11) To teach our citizens to live economically within their earn
ing capacity by printing in each issue a budget system for various salaries.
(12) To make Omaha a better city in which to live by inaugurating
a more cosmopolitan spirit among our American citizens.
(13) To put a stop to the Divorce Evil by passing a state law mak
ing the mistreatment of a wife or a husband by either of them a crimianl
offense to be decided by a jury, first offense, jail sentence of a short dura
tion, second offense one of longer duration, third of fence from one to five
years in the penitentiary. This, we believe, will make mer: and women
think before marrying.
(14) We must become owners of our city government by paying a
seemingly higher salary to those whom we employ to administer its af
fairs, a salary that will attract men of high caliber.
(1) Fight for a passage of the Dyer Anti Lynch bill and thus stop
the shameful lynching of American citizens.
(2) One of our citizens in the president’s cabinet.
(3) Federal control of the educational sysem that every child
must have a high school education.
(4) Assist in the furtherence of recearch by our scientists and His
torians to prove that civilization was first founded in Africa.
(5) Establish a political influence which will bring about our pro
rata of higher appointments made by our chief executives.
(6) Stop graft in politics by passing a Federal Law making election
day a legal holiday and compelling every American citizen of voting age
to vote.
(7) Prevent further wars by teaching the socalled white race that
it is high time for them to quit fooling themselves about white supremacy
with only three-tenths of this world’s population. They must be taught
that color is due to climatic conditions. They must be taught that seven
tenths of the world’s population is made up of darker races. They must
be taught that the rays of the sun that blazes upon the equator and turn
the skin brown do not effect the power of the brain any more than the
coldness of icy glaciers effect the brain of the white race; and that the
darker races will not continue to be crushed by a money mad fed If the
Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man are not welded into the
hearts of this world’s famly now, by teaching the principles laid down by
our Saviour, it will be welded into the heart* of our children some dav
soon, on the bloodiest battlefield this world has ever known