SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE FROM YOUR NEAREST SO. OMAHA AGENT McGill and Davis 2516 Q Street J. C. Harris Grocery Store, 6224 S. 30 St.. .MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 6709 S. 29 St. MA 2678 Mrs. Margaret Bowles 6407 S. 28 St Little John Jeffrey, 5410 S. 28 St., who has been ill for a wee k, is up again. Mrs. Lillie Mae Tinker, 5410 S. 28 St., is out after a week’s illness. Mrs. Julia Caldwell who has been ill, is improving. Miss Margaret Sears, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. I*. J. Sears, is now attending South High. M iss Sours came to the city on ly recently from Henderson, Texas. J Mrs. T ii Ilian Hilton am! baby daughter have returned home from University Hospital. Mrs. E. McGill, who has been ill, is much improved . Servces For Chas. Hawkins Funeral services were held Monday, Jan. 11, from Myers; Chapel for Mr. Clms. Hawkins, | Sarpy County, whose body was found on South Omaha railroad tracks. The decdascd was an! Armour Packing plant employe. Mrs. Beatrice Lett, S. 29 St., idled Friday .The remains were, •hipped to Topeka, Kans. Mr. E. Rogers, 31 and Q Sts., is ill at the County Hospital. Bubber Hawkins, 6210 S. 28 St., is ill. Miss Mary Frances Elleby is visiting her mother. Mrs. Josie Jones, S. 30 Ave., has returned to the city after spending the holidays with her mother in Alabama. Miss Helen Hodges, 2211 Rail road Ave., became the-1 bride of ,Mr. John Riley on Jan 7, Rev. S. Rhone officiating. Mrs. Alberta Johnson, 6622 S. 32 St., who has been ill, is im proving. Mrs. S. Rhone of Woodson Center, is still on the sick list. Mrs. Leona Starks and five children are ill with influenza. Mr. James Andetrs, 31 and R St., is confined to bed with in fluenza. Mr. Hilbert Sampson of Ft. Riley, Kansas, has returned to his home, after a five day vis it with his brother, Mr. Neal Sampson. Rev. Adams and children who haae been ill, are now able to be out. HINES CLEANERS Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Alterations land Relining. If it can be cleaned, we will clean it. J. D. HINES, Prop, 2523 Q STREET PEOPLE’S LIQUOR STORE 8 Months Old 90 PROOF WHISKEY 99c Qt GOOD 80 PROOF WHISKEY 89c Qt 28th and Q St, MA, 1018 OUR CHURCHES Union Memorial M. E. Church Sunday saw a goodly num ber of persons at the Sunday School and ehureh service. R v. Adams brought the morning message. No afternoon or even ing s rviees were held. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 5210 Smith 101 h St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Jam s Smith. Reporter Morning sermon whs preach ed by llie pastor as was 1 h* night sermon. Attendance was good, Little 1) L. Rose, 2824 S St., who has been ill for the pan week, is improved. RITE‘S FOR WM. HELM Funeral services wer*c held' Saturday, .Taw:. 9, at Al'en’s Ohapel for Mr. William llelra. who dind Wed., .Ian. (5, at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. (*hris Riddles, 25 and R St|i., Rev. I). S. Stephenson, officiating. Aside from his daughter, the deceased leaves one sister, two grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends to mourn liis loss. M rs. David Hamilton and family are ill with colds. Mrs. Frances Hamilton and little DeWitt Hamilton, 3115 Rj St... who have been ill, are im proved. Mrs. Annette Hampton has niov ed from 3115 R St., to 3008 II St, at the home of her sister, Mrs Hdl Rrenkfield. •I. C. and .faint's Prater, sons of Mrs. C. M. Prater, 2509 Jef ferson St., are ill. The Mines Fleam rs, located at 2523 Q St., offer the public service in hat cleaning and blocking, alterations of any sort and relining and repairing of garments. Suits for men, wo men and children may be e1 can ed- in their dry el ailing depart ment. They carry an excellent line of men’s and ladies’ hand kerchief. Used clothing for sale. See their h an iful neckties. Do not put it off longer—visit ihei-r phint today. PEOPLE’S LIQUOR STORE STOCK COMPLETE The People’s Liquor Store, lo cated at 2fith and (J St., carrier a complete linp of liquors, gins, wines, etc., at low prices. To give them a trial is to become a customer. Watch their ad on this page for specials which they will offer from time to time. In addition to the above named goods, the People's Li quor Store offers to the public a lino, of tobaccos, cigarettes land groceries. Mr. Lloyd Crocker, attorney, was successful in gaining for Mrs. Hazel Sampson, a suspend ed sentence, thus making it pos sible for her to spend her Xmas at home. i 310 ' w S-X — lat/iqus uci^i restore youthful ability and ambition. Don't let weakened pow ers rob you of attraction for the opposite sex Enjoy all the pleasures of life. S-X Tablets are pure and harmless. Results guaranteed—try half a box of S-X Tablets—if not entirely pleased, return balance to us and get your money back, in full For men, order Formula No. 21 For women, order Formula No, 33 Every order shipped same day re ceived, in plain wrapper. Price, $1.00 per box, postpaid. If C. O- D Hostage exit da. Qrdgr TODA'Y— feel yonng again tomorrow I S-X PRODUCTS CO., Dept H-l ! 827 Irving Park Blvd, Chicago, TII.| MRS. PETTS BETTER home LIVING axxl l^mrtys at the Table Table conversation should be | j rh , n'ul nd pleasant and of such ' I that everyone may take part A hostess will endeavor to give each guest a chance to talk- She will a il discussions of unpleasunt to pics as an operation, a serious »e cidcn1, fihh, etc, On > should avoid 'o td a gunients. It is therefore, desirable n< t to discuss political or religious b -lief when strangers are ! present. < h‘. rful conservation makes a successful meal. It always is a firs I aid t« good digestion. Each mem I ber at tly.j table is responsible for I proper conservation. oii uprig'/u a*- iill' utwif > ii*| lounK" in ho chair <*r lean on tho able- Do rot twist your feet around tho run,gs of tho chains. It is best to keep the elbows off the. table, j Cetw en courses, it is permissable to f un on y<»ur elbows vliile. talk ing. This custom prevails in public ; eating places where ndse makes it difficult t > hear the conservation of others at the ab'e. in eating, keep our i Rows fairly dose ° your si !e. Don't Interfere with your neigh bor’s eating Keep tho table cloth dean- Avoid rr’ts anti unnecessary crumbs. When silver is once used, never rest it o longer perfectly clean. Place such silver on tiho plate <>r saucer where ft Is safe from causing a possible accident. If asked to pass food, place the serving slider in the dsh if there is any, and pass the dish to the one next you. Have the handle conven ient for him to take. The hostess may say, “HI lp yourself to the bread and pass it” In that case only, Ihelp yourself first. Tidiness of personal appearance Is never at a higher premium than at the table. Never put your fingers in y°ur mouth at the table, nor pick your teefih. Do not touch or arrange, your hair. Do not stir your food all together befod? beginning to eat. Y|Vur plate must never look unsightly. In case of acciden simply ex press a regret; be not ten) profuse Tho hostess must change tlhe con servation so as to cover any em burrnssn|-nt only increases the awkwardness of the situation. If asked to express a choice of food do so, at once. If not, take what is served without comment. Do not show a dislike for any food 4 rvcvl lest the hostess be uncom fortable. In case you do not care for a course, do not refuse it. Take **v small portion and try to eat some of it By more attention to the con si rvatick is a; ; r ved by F. J. Mc Devitt, director of streets and sew ers. Mr. Berthctar Williams. 2814 R St., who has been ill in th« hospital, is now out again. MADE GOOD IN KENTUCKY AND NEW YORK - -JCC + ■ +■•*■ «■■"■■ • ‘-laBeKOM .W«W»M MISS LUE SWAEZ Miss Lue Swarz, 909 N’. Thcr street, St. Louis, Mo., who made good in a brilliant dram atic recital art Kentucky State College recently. Miss Swarz was presented by Beta Zeta Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorority and the college Ly ceum Committee. She appear d in Hume Hall before more than five hundred lovers of the dra ma and her impersonation of a French mademoiselle, of So journer Truth, ajt Apache flap per, and other characteriza tions were enthusiastically re ceived. Her m'ain solo-drama, From Poet” in four acts, depicting the life of America's first col orol woman poet, Phyllis Who t ley, was depicted in, an elabo rate display of costumes, that American Waif to American Boston, Jan. 16 (C)—Dr. Si las F. Taylor, state director of the Dcmocr-Oic drive in the recent campaign. was conffmed as a member of the State Parole Board last wtoek Washington, Jan. 10 (C)—The famed Tenth U. S. Cavalry from Ft. Meyer, Va., will march in the Presidential in augural parade on Jan. 20th. This machim? gun troop will march to the. music of their own band GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and YOG Get the Credit Letters, social and business: popular speeches and talks for Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ar ticles for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. C. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125th St., New York City Lake St. Coal Co. 2520 J.ake Phone AT 2575 Quality cannot be substituted Prompt delivery Service Thomas Robinson, prop. 1 -■ - ■ - Miss Swarz hersflf designed. A well-informed critic of the per formance said: “The historical data on Miss Wheatley’s lifej was in itself invaluable and the acting unforgettable.’ Miss Swarz made her second appearance in New York dur ing the Christmas holidays when she introduced a dramatic newj song at the Sigma Zeta smok er, “I Want A Man Like That.”I She is planning a tour of sever al of the leading eduetional in stitutions soon. MASON’S I! Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 j ' OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N ,24th Ja9999 -- NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Live Poultry, Ducks, Geese, Chickens and Turkeys. Weak Bladder Often is due to poisonous acids which irritate the kidi^sys caus ing you to have scanty, itching, burning passage; back and leg pains | merv<>usne 7 to 10 rooms Buy yourselfabuslness. .For sale all kinds of businesses. Many other bargains in property. $50, $100, $150 to $300 down. Wanted manor woman who earn In vest $500- Job pays $60 per month Money invested draws 5 per eentr position as salesman Wanted ,third partner in coal buai ness) who ean invest $350. Don’t try to reach ms by phono come to the office. SHANK LIN AGENCY 1711 Cuming Street “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts ITand-Finishod at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY 1 ■ and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women now energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. ONE I >ol,|.AR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. iHS Aim* M - y*"* M ^ i ~ v~i iJJ ■** •■<• itvit wa'ii 9ii. \glfint* FlIN/ }=£j SAX. Sis INTERESTING/® 9Cl I , AMERICAS GREATEST.... THRILLING/® _. MNEW YORKS LARGEST... You wiDbel fW NEWSPAPER ISBRANCH-, gscinaledlxj \ ANG OUT, AND WILL CARRY NEWS.. the preslide ( k OF YOUR SECTION-PLUS FRESH.. ipull dainwiUi Ra NEWS DIRECT FROM WE WORLDS this raighhj j ¥ GET IN ON THE GROUND j' 1 BECOME SOLE REPRESENTS! tllN YOUR DISTRICT-NO PREVIOUS \. EXPERIENCE NECESSARY '! ty)idfe Qabiwi^7faMaqA£.-i-_ j ****** 7 AMteUVNMM L,2293-lTA5/t NEWYORK/LY. X I j