The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 09, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7
MODERNISTIC The above is an artists re production of the new modern istic containers for Move. C. J. Walker products, which have just been adopted by the Walk er Company of Indianapolis, Ind,, as a part of its policy of keeping step with the “modern ization” trend in general busi ness. Mrs. Ma3 Walker Pery is president, and Freeman Briley Ransom has been general man ager for thirty-five year*. Supreme Liberty Life Gives Employees Christmas Bonus Chicago, Jan. 9 (ANP)—The Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Co., in keeping with its annual custom of many years’ standing, gavo a Christmas bonus to all of its Homo Office employees includ ing branch office manager and clerks. Last Thursday afternoon, work at the home office was stopped and employes were ushered in the office of Harry H. Pace. After convey ing Yuletide message of the com pany, he gave them not only the expected bonus but an advance phyment of salary as well. The year 1936 has been the best financially in the history of the company and is reflected in the number of business enterprises in wHeh it is now successfully engag ed, declared Mr Pace. It has re organized the Chicago Burr Oak cemetery and is now operating it as the only Negro-owned and op erated cemetery in Chicago. The company has also just recently cl >red an Open House axihibit of one of several modern brick two story houses for c< J >re d pc ople which it is erecting at 61st St. and Loomis Blvd. More than 1,200 people inspected and praised this %new housing development project. All house's have been sold. Kills Self As Wife Spurns Suicide Pact Richmond, Va., Jan. 9 (ANP)— Despondent over financial reverses and brooding over his failure to coax his invalid wife into a suici pact, George Harris, flO-year-old retired caterer shot himself to death last week at his home here. A suicide verdict was returned by the coroner’s jury Police officers Bosquet and Rel iant, in the course of their investi gation, said that Mrs. Harris told them that a half-hour before he took his own Jife, her husband had urged her to join him in death, but that she had refused. Notes found by the police indicated that Harris’ financial condition was re sponsble for his act Fire Damaw® Benedict College t- ^trolina Columbia, N. C., Jan- 9 (ANP) Fire of undetermined origin result ed last Sunday in damage esti mater at between $2,000 and $3,000 to Ashbum hall, three-story brick dormitory building, on the campus of Benedict college- Dr. J. J.. Starke, president of the of the school, said repair work would be gin as soon as the investigation was completed and that opening of classes after the holidays would to be delayed. It is thought the blace started ir. either the kitchen or in the living quarters of a pro fessor on the first floor of the building NEWSWOMEN TO SAIL FOR CORONATION Will Cover English Coronation and Con tinental Capitals Chicago, Jan. 9 (ANP)—Sa l ing from New York harbor Jan 9th, for Pariis, Prance, Fay M. Jackson, newly appointed Eu ropean correspondent for th Associated Negro Press, arriv ed in Chicago New Year’s day enroute to New York. One of the west’s mo>it out standing journalists, Miss Jaek fttfn has served as editor and pu blisher of the California News and West coast representative of the ANP for a number of years and Was the first Negro accredited by the Motion Picture Producers and Directors Ass’n as a Hollywood correspondent fdr motion picture news. 1 \ '«!S| In Paris Miss Jackson will have a special presentation before the French Parliment as agent of good ! will from the Associated Njegro Press and will cover <he coronation of King George in London. She will remain in Europe approxim ately eight months Her appointment by Claude A. Barnett, director of the news syn dicate, is stid to mark a distinc | tive advance in plans of the organ ization to increase its service to member papers by maintaining a special correspondent in Europe for the dispatch of material of particular interest to American Ne gro readers. ARMSTRONG KNOCKS OUT CAASANOVA IN 3rd ROUND Mexico City, Jan- 9 (ANP)—With 25,000 spectators in the arena, Henry Armstrong, recognized in California and nine other states jets v^rld's (feadlirw^ight cllam pion, knocked odt Rodolfo “Baby” Casanova, sturdy Mexican puncher in the third round of a scheduled 10-round fight New Year’s Day Armstrong weighed 125 to 124 for Casanova, who is Mexican cham pion. WINS LARIEUSE AWARD CLEVELAND. OHIO.—Mamie Luc the Larieuse Beauty Foundation fo beauty culture. William O. Walker land Call and Post, made the award of the beauty foundation. NAACP Receives $2 0 0 Donation New York, Jan. 9—The last day of the year brought the NAACP a contribution of $200 as a result of the thoughtful ness and interest of a colored employe of a wealthy resident of Connecticut. The employ ajsked his col ored worker to name an organ zation working for the interest of colored people \generally which would make good use of a cash contribution. The employe named the NAACP and the checked ar rived promptly as a sort of New Year’s eve gift. In a letter expressing appre ciation for the gift Walter White sec’y, said that incidents such as this, coming out of the clear sky, g-av«j the association officers the spirit to carry on the fight for full citizenship rights for Negroes. •REVEALING' < your -<] EAST, PRESENT cn4 EU1IJRE •• e/ Aflee' WALLACE-J St** n*A+«l*W’ oa tha P-. C. C.—I w^ Id like to know if my husband made a mistake in the changq that ho made some time agi. Ans: Things are quite dull for him nu<w since he made a change of CI TIES. He. must not let it discourage him for it is very important that he keep a stiff upper lip and find some thing to do in th« place he is locat ed at present. Encouragement goes a long way with him. P. S. C—We have had an offer to sell o>u.r land at a good price and my husband want-s to sell. Tell me what you think about getting rid of this land right now? Ans: Hold your land. The land ad journing yoifrs has an OIL WELL and this is why you have been offer ed such a good price for your land If you hold to it a while longer you will get a much bettelr price for it. R. X.—You have given me so much consolation before and now I want you to help me in regards to my love affairs. Does this boy caro f'V me like he says he does? Ans: Indeed he does. You should try to break him of his very JEAL OVS NATURE for he is making hin^,i|f qui^o misegAble< ev<fry time you go out with anyone or mention another p,arty before him - i C. M. E.—Would you please tell if I will be successful in getting the money that I let out? Ans: It’s my opinion that you arq going to lose both MONEY and FRIEND. It is better to find out the party now.rather than at some later date for you are not losing so vCtry much. P. L. O—Am I doing the right thing to keep on asking the man I am in love with to marry me and what does he intend to do? Looking to see my answer soon. AJps: 'YJtm '.|aver fcgfcst him .he won’t enter MATRIMONY with you. Give him up and out and make other friends for it is just a waste of time to continue with this man. Change your habit of running after your friends. P. B. S—This is a matter of tbusiness so please help me right away. My husband and I bought a car and traded it for another and now we can’t pay for this one. Will we lose the car and all the money wo have paid in on it or what will happen zAns: If you do not meet the payments the finance company will take the car and you won’t get anything back that you have put into it .Why don’t yrtu try to sell the car if you know that you won’t bo able to pay for it. You may make a little if you sell it. H. G.—Should I make the, trip that I have been looking forward to or should I wait until spring? Ans: The trip will do you as much g^od as your frienjd tells you. Arrange this vacation so that it will not be STRENUOUS and it won’t hurt you one bit. M S. S.—Is my husband really sirry f<ir me for treating me mean ? Ans: He is and he is going to show you that he has your in terest at heart and won’t let such an INCIDENT happen again. He wasn’t in love with this woman.. ho just passed time off with her. P9 VOll K¥OW WHY--- Fw ffe Yet &W the Great Woman Problem? iSL^<*Drawn for im> paper °y Fisher__^ Jawc'i-MueaV' l { ' tlJT'i ( , S'--'Vl0 7 —1 Pitta (lelt) receives a $50 check irom r submitting the best suggestions on right), managing editor of the Cleve on behalf of Marie Downing, dire'”,or INEGROES SHINE AT MEETINGS Chas. Johnson Elected Vice President of American Society Chicago, Jan. 9 (ANP)—The dozen-odd Negro scholars who were in attendance at the twel ve national scientific societies meeting in Chicago, Dee. 28-30, mnde a creditable showing at (hose huge gatherings. The ses sions were held in thO Congress and Stevens Hotels and the prinicpal societies in joint con clave were; The American Sociolo gical Society, American Political Science Ass’n, American Economic Ass’n-, American Statistical Ass’n, and the American _Ass’n for La Lor legislation. At thq section on the American family." Dr Frazier mentioned the Howard university read a brilliant paper entitled, “The Impact of Urban Civilization Upon the Negro arnily.” Dr Frazier mentioned the “Blues” as a transcript of the senti ments and situations of the wan dering Negro man or woman from the south to the Northern or sou thern city. He showed that the four types of Negro families—Ma triarchal, Patriarchal, Traditional Nf'gro-'w'h'te-Indian — stood the shocked urban life according to the decree of economic and cultural or ganization Tells of Tribe Ruled By A High Priestess Washington, D. C. Jan. 9 (ANP) —Dr. H. Wiechhoff, noted an thropologist and a member of the faculty of the University of Penn sylvania, addressing the annual meeting of the Society of Ameri can Anthropologists on Dec. 28th, told <*f a tribe natives in south eastern Africa that is ruled by a high priestess who acts through a king, to wbom she transmits all orders and decisions. He discover ed evidence of of the existence of such a pries'ess from the customs of the (people, and from other in formation obtained while excavat in ancient ruins in southern Rhod esia. IIo said he attempted several times to reach the little mountain kingdom where she was reported to rule, but was repulsed time and again by the natives. The strange woman, Dr. Wies chhoff said, is regarded both hu man and divino by her subjects, and all important tribal business is relayed to her by the king, through personal messenger or secretary, who is the only person permitted to see her. EVERYBODY’S PRAYER HALL Meetings Wednesday and Sunday Nights. Special Meetings at 5 o’clock Sunday morning. N Everybody welcome 1201 N. 24th St. JA 5343 Don't you want the magic of love and romance that goes with beautiful halrT Then use ItOREEN,the world famous 5 In 1 nalr dressing pomade and stralghtener. ..._ He our Agent sell fTTl 1MAGIC Ing RORREN. Let us LjLlW^|NCEN5EProv® *» you it i» best. Just send your name and address and receive big money agent's proposition. FREE samples and FREE magto Incense Keystone Lahoratorlea, Dept.. ... Memphis, Tennessee. Negro and White Equality Asked By Ministerial Ass’n, Whether intermarriage between Negroes and whites would result if Negroes were given atcual equal ity with whites here was a ques tion raised Monday noon at a meet ing of tho Milwaukee Minister ial association at the YMCA. Prof. George E Teter, head of tho English department at Mil waukee State Teacher’s college and chairman of the Milwaukee Race RaJ«tions council, asked the min sters to preach on race equality on Febr. 14th, which has been de signated as race relations Sun | day, He urged greater equality be i tween Negroes and whites Negroes, ho said, should be per rnitted to live where they please ; ' instead of being segregated and | should have equal opporunities for ! work in factories, department .tore and other fields. He said that although Negroes had the worst living conditions in the city the.y would not be permitted to live in either of tho government’s housing projects here. Social equality between the races would lead to intermarriages, warned the Rev Roscoe A. Barnes, minister of St. John’s Methodist church, adding, “I do not believe in that.” Prof- Teter discounted that possibility. FIRST FINGERPRINT CASE CONVICTS BOOTLEGGER Hot Springs, Ark , Jan. 9 (ANP) —In order to convict a Negro for manufacturing whiskey without a license, a jury in Perry county Tuesday accepted fingerprints and evidence on that science for the first time in the Petrry county his tory. A still was raided early in De cember and several fruit jars con fiscated There were turned over to the Hot Springs bureau of iden tification and photographs made of tho fingerprints found. A week ago James Gary, 20, was arrested brought here and fingerprinted. The sameness of the two sets of prints, as attested to by experts, resulted in Gary’s conviction an imposition of a fine of $50 and costs. Expert Auto Repairs _ Overhauling Our Specialty . j All Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’a Garage We repair all makea and modMa B_ L- Merri weather, prep 2209 No- 22nd St- Omaha. Nefc_ 1 INC v iC. TO_ rC. IL y ( tr wPsSHT. I pUN \A‘*■> * Itt I b«Ovv *. * Lit Tu of ©vwf** _ C FQ.E.D 4000^651 5AR& .^Ov tOOfc TOu4f Oo Pur MOOR/ H*r on STKA* Charged with Burning Home to Buy Poolroom Akron, O., Jan. 9 (ANP)—Fos ter Williams cared more for a pool room than for his furniture insured or $500, according to police who arrested Wiliams the day after Christinas when his home burned down. Officers had a tip on Christmas evo that Williams intended to set fire to his house, burn the furni ture, collect the insurance and buy poolroom he wanted to own. So they watched the house all night, but nothing happened. Then two days later, the house burned d‘'wn. At police headquarters Williams confessed firing his house, ac cording to officers. State fire of ficials ^tre investigating (the Re puted arson case Start Work on New Trades Building at .Va. State College —f -'W* -* • »• ^ ' Petersburg, Vn., Jnn. 8 (ANP) -—WPA workers last week start ed the task of razing the old Trades building at Virginia State college hero as the preliminary to con struction of a modern, $70,000 ■ building to house the Division of Mechanic Arts, of which H. E Fauntleroy is the director. The old building now being razed formerly housed the plant of th© Seams Silk Mill, which years ago was one of the show places of the state. It ts expected that the new building will bo ready to receive students in the spring of this year. WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMJJ3 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Maupin Stuuio 1839 North 24th Street Health-wrecking Functional ¥} A I]UQ CK*’, 2-^, nt xuunUiiy puriwJs . j I i Severe fure i’ tic. al puma " of menstrua tion, cramping spells and jan gled nerves soon rob a woman of her natural, youth ful freshness. PAIN lines too often grow Into AGE lines! If you are subject to suffering at monthy periods, it may be that Cardui will relieve you. Thousands of women have found It helpful to take Cardui. They said it seemed to ease their pains and they noticed an Increase In their appetites and finally a strengthened resistance to the stress of monthly periods. Try Cardui. Of course If It doesn’t help you, see your doctor. SOLO AT ALL DRUG STORES sjtitffodtridt3 January Clearance of DRESSES Orig. 2.95-5.95 0rig.3.95-7.95 $3 Orig. C.SS-10.S5 * 4 At these prices, wise women will buy dresses to wear until summer.New prints and chiffon combinations included in the groups. All the season’s most popular colors. Sizes from 12 to 54. Beware The Cosigh From a common cold That Hangs On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Creomulsion not only contains the soothing elements common to many remedies; such os, SyruD of White Pine Compound with Tar, fluid ex tract of Licorice Root, fluid extract of Wild Cherry aud Menthol, but also has fluid extract of Ipecac for its powerful phlegm loosening effect, fluid extract of Cascara for its mild laxative effect and, most important of all, Beech wood Creo sotp is perfectly blended with all of these to reach the source of the trouble from the inside. Crcomul sion can be taken frequently and continuously by adults and children with remarkable results. Thousands of doctors use Creo mulsiorr in their own families as well as in their practice knowing how Creomulsion aids nature to soothe the inflamed membranes and heal the irritated tissues as the gem-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Druggists also know the effectiveness of Beechwood Creo sote and they rank Creomulsion top for cougns because you get a real dose ef Creosote in Creomul sion, emul died so that it is .palat able, digestible and poient for go ing to the very seat of the trouble. Creomulsion is guaranteed satis factory In the treatment of coughs, chest colds and bronchial irrita tions and especially those stubborn ones that start with a common cold and hang on for dreadful days and nights thereafter. Even if other remedies have failed, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomul sion and to refund every cent of your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Don’t worry through another sleep less night—phone or go get a bottle of Creomulsion right now. fAdv.) |M POStTwEOf ftSH^neo or you you BUtNBul o-o |^or>p a (*, | \ v» ear / HOdT.fiSO TO oe^H TO ( to OVT lujtTM mb IlOOKiXI. V Uikinwr