SOP i AI ^ ^ 2 ^ 4- -T,r - CLUBS AFFAIRS Sb-O C-l-e-t-y^ ORGANIZATIONS |__ ___________ . .... I CHICAGO, ILL. VISITOR FETED EXQUISITELY Mrs Florence Branh, promin ent matron, eatena ned Mi s Mae Marshall at Chicago, formerly of Omaha, ai4 .a tklightfu. cue's I dl party on Sunday even ng. Tw 1 ve guests were present who par in n s games which made tihe even ng most enjoyable. Tha guest tf honor was M sa r.i Marshall of Chicago, a < moan ed by Marcellos R t- hie "f Ottiana Other guests wur; Mr. and Mrs. Jimrriiio Jewell, Mrs. Will c Mac Hall, Mr and M> . Fr d M -Can els, Mr. Wilson, oi Washing* n. u. Ur Hon.y I, 1 veh and Any. and Mrs. C, A Itav.s. Fivors an a repast tpiped the even rig HOLD PARTY A holiday par*y was given by the Junior Homemakers < lub at tho beautiful home of Mr. und Mrs. Harry Sp-w, 2019 Lake Street Tho holiday spirit was ever present in the decoration and soft colored l.ghts. A variity of games helped each on© to enjoy themselves. Dancing was the last of the enter tainments With the electric ven dor everyone was able to give his version of the latest dance step. Mother Emma Benson, 2C07 De catur St., entertain'd Saurday, Jan. 2nd, at a five-course luncheon Among the guests present we,re Mrs Ned Moore, Mr, and Mrs. A But ler, Mr. und Mrs, €. Smith, Mother Allen, Mrs Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs, Mrs M. Bonner, Elder and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mr and Mrs McDougal, Mrs. M. Mc Calls, Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Mrs Milton, Miss L. Bonner and j MJrs. I/nils Kiecn,- The Suwehctoh was ilfeautifully (jewed) by Miss Green. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Walker <>f St. Paul, Mirm. visited relatives during the holidays. While in the city they stayed at the home »f Mrs. Walker, 947 No. 27th St., a sister. They were entertained ex tensively by friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Walker are the par ent* of Mrs. Anna Mae Harris and Jirpoph and Lewis Straw!hers. They also have a sister and a brothur-in-law hete„ Mr. and Mrs. Payt<»n Crosley. Mrs. Walker re turn'd to St. Paul i>n the 4th Mr. Walker returned sometime earlier. The DYWYK club was organ ized Oct. 26, 1936 under the dir ection of Mrs. J A. CrumbUy, 2864 Binney St. The following of ficers were elected- President, Mable Redd; vice president, Mae Lee; secretary, Marjorie Payton; treasurer, Viola Crumbley and re porter, Candice Jacobs. There has been a steady progress since its organization. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Children's Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. WANTED: Colored women be tween ages of 25 and 40 to work for family of three in Onawa, Iowa. Call WEbsrter 1517 for further in formation. YOU CAN GET Appetizing barbecue, delicious fried chicken, just-right chili and heavenly tamales at Mason’s, 2024 Burt St. Slyter Ice & Coal Co No extra charges on half tons of coal. Delivered within 30 blocks. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 Kidneys Must* Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from your blood Is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap, drastic. Irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you puffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous K?! f ?ains* Backache. Circles Under frie*^D,ZiJ,,ni‘8^ Hheumatlc Bains. Acid ity, Burning. Smarting or Itching, don't take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran ty PJJ'WrtPtJOB called Cystex (Sies Tex), Works fast, safe and sure. In 18 J?rln* new vitality, and Is guaranteed to fix you up in one week or back on retum of empty package. SSs'&f?}9 on!y a day at f W.ihita, Kns, are visiting tliofr s 1st Ur, M*s. Aii a Whi.e, 2i.';0 Erskint* St. Mr. Gc, C'n New Year’s pv , P! ■. Crumbley i i on-. <*f On) a hu’s youngest and in’ st pi- mis ..g nv. an fans. Thi r gular meeting "f Uw* C.ty Ur.i n Usher Board scheduled b> meet Right Club Celebrated its second oni.ivctsuiy with a tur key dinner at the r< me of Mrs. E. M Harris, 2721 Maple St. Five giieos, Mrs. Maud" Cooper of St. Paul, Minn. h"r daughter, Mrs. island, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Austin and Miss Wood, wre present. Thi se who belong to th" club are Mrs. A. P. Scruggs, teacher, Mrs E. Har ris, president; Mrs. A. Bland, sec retary; E Moore, treasurer; Mrs. Lomax and Mrs. Thomas. A reunion of the Patton family was held during the holidays.At tending the reunion were: Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Patton ami son John, morticians of End JmaifilLs, End., Dr. G A. Patton and family of At j chiwm, Kane,, Henry Patton af; Kansas City, M>»., Amelia Patton,, of Kansas Cify, Mo., a beauty op erator; Frances Brown of St. Louis, Mo-, Jas. A. Moore of Oakland, Cal- i ifomia; and Mr N. P. Patton of the Patton Hofei, Omaha. MR AND MRS. CHARLES L1LLAKD ENTE^ITAUN Mr. and Mrs. C Lilian! enter tained at a family dinner on New Year’s Day honoring Mrs Maude Ray of Topeka, Kas. Among others present were Capt. and Mrs Lon nie Jackson, Mr. and Mrs Isiah Jackson, Mr. and Mrs George Ray, Miss Ivory Ray, Mr. Leon Ray, Mr and Mrs. J H Russell. A very pleasant evening was spent. Delores Inveme Piggue, young daughter of Rev, nnd Mrs H. D Piggue, who has been ill for some time is viry much improved. Mrs. William Henry, 1210 Paci fic and her oldest son are victims of influenza Sunday will be home coming ifcay for all members of the Metro politan church. If you haven’t been to service since last year, pleas'1 como and register on the new roll and renew your membership. Mprs. Nash, 2617 Grant St , en tertained at a wonderful old fash ioned Christmas dinner <>n Christ mas Day. Her guests reported an enjoyable time. Mrs. Julie Gordon, No. 30th St. entertained at a lovely three course luncheon on Thursday after noon, honoring Mrs. Sprague of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Sprague is the house guest of Mr and Mrs. T P,. Muhammitt. Mrs. Rebecca Martin, 2116 Clark St., is on the sick list Mrs. Lenora Gray, 2429 Parker | St., wh<> was called to Chicago by th'u illness of lh<>r daughter, re turned to the city Wednesday, Dec 30th. She reports that her daughter has completely recovered, ed. Mrs. Gray was greatly missed by Omaha friends, as she is one of the city’s most prominent women in society and church circles. Little Glover Lee Sharron, 2722 Burdette St. is seriously ill at the hospital. Mss Hazed Carroll of Pensacola, Fla, spent a delightful Yuletide season with her Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas, 3115 Burdette St. Christmas day she was the guest of honor at a tluxkey ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP 1809 N. 24 ST. WE 4240 9:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. First Class Work At Cut-Rate Prices. Lillian Cunningham Bessie Wilson dinner After dinner an enjoyable evening was spent with friends. Koch received many lovely gifts. Th guest list included Mr. and Mrs Fred Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Krng, Miss Hazel Carroll, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs Jackson and Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Thomas Mrs Hubbard, 2424 Caldwell St. is on the sick list. Mis. Eleanor Campibejl is re ported improving at 2518 Decatur St. Rev A Wagner, 1512 No. 20th St., who fs the pastor of the I. D. Mission church, is slowly improv ’ i'ng I (Jv. V H igu.f ' bus Heen' ill s:nep Dec. 30th. THE UiTTLE THEATRE The Little Theatre group is working hard to get the nex* play “The Millionaire" ready to present at the Urban League Community Center on Thua'lduy1 night, Jan. 28th This will be a play you can not afford to miss, If you are at all interested in your own young people in their attempt to develop homo talent in dramatics. You will Ibo greatly surprised to see what fine talent you have among your young people. You will hear more about The Little Theatre as the time grows near. A gnuip of about fifty persons met at the home of Mr. A. C.. Oglesby, 2734 Blondo St. Dec- 15, 1936 for the ,purpose of organizing a Unit of the National Negro Con gress the purpose of which will be to fight reaction which seeks to throttle black America with in creasing jim crow ism, segregation discrimination. The National Ne gro Congress will express the struggles of the Negro on all fronts, such ts civil and political liberties, labor social service, pol itics, fraternal and church interests through the respective organiza tions All the necessary information, regarding the organ zaton will be discussed at the regular meeting which will be held at the above ad dress on Jan. 9th at 8 ,p> m., the public is invited. Mm. E. Smith, 1105 North 23rd St , passed away suddenly at her home tin New Year’s eve. Fun.'ral services were held Tuesday Jan 6th front St. John AME chur. h. Sho leaves to m<>urn her loss two sisters, Mrs. C. ()■ Slater e.f At lanta, Ga; and Mrs. May Dooley, 2720 Ohio St; one son, John Smith, 1103 No- 23rd St; two daughters. Mrs. E. Millshap, Corby St. and Miss Hilda Smith of Atlanta, Ga; thneiu grand children and two great grand children. Interment was at Forest Lawn Cemetery Mr. and Mrs. Blueford, 2864 Bittney St., entertained at a break fast in honor of Sgt and Mrs. Watson of Fort Riley, Kas. A cen terpiece of fruit, was an appro priate table set from which a 4 courso breakfast was served- Sgt. and Mrs. Watson voted Mr. and Mrs. Blueford as being a wonder ful host and hostess. Thurston Bryant of Alma, Nebr., spin1 two weeks here visiting his many friends and relatives. lie vi sited his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ;• I IT-s. Ralph B.yrut of 2518 Ohio St 1 lie Birthday ciub held its an nual Cln i Unas party at the re sidence of Mrs. Jeannet Jones, 2887 Corby Sfc. on lice. 16th AH mem bers were ,present' The ladies sang old fashioned song during which time Christmas gifts, which were cioncealed in a mjtyiSuru heUsc, were exchanged. The gifts were presented by the president. The club members presented Mrs. Jones with a breakfast set, water glasses and a c*rys4al glass bowl Me-s dame Pinkctt and Mahammitt also ptresetited hor with a combination celery tray. A delicious turkey din ner was servefi- The house and table decorations w*“re of green and red. All expressed themselves as having a lovely afternoon. Mrs. Georgia Peoples is some what improved after receiving in ternal injuries in an automo bile accident on her way home from Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Peoples vis ited her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ar thur Owens in Kansas City. She reports an enjoyable stay while in that city. Harry Scheln, waiter, has been i iij but is able to be up and around again. Win Marshall, waiter at the U. P. R. R, is ill at St. Joseph H«s I pita'. | MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mrs. Ruts'II Richards, formerly Miss F.ddiesteen Reals, left for New York City Tuesday morning to join h«r husband. Announcement of the marriage oi this couple wiil come as a sur prise to their many friends. Cere i.i *ny was pcirf. rn 1 \1 CX.t. 1936 They will make their home in New York. Mr and Mrs. C. II. Lewis of Kansas City, Mo., spent the holi days with their granddaugher, Mrs. Bernice Bailey of 1843 No. 21 St. They also visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Smart, DIO Clark St -- : My. Wm Davis has returned: from New York City. Mrs. Davis will rema n in New York until September Mrs. Ilieronymous, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Mr. and Mrs L. Ramsey, 2902 No. 28th Street, entertained at a beautiful appointed dinner on N<'W Year’s night. The guest list included Mrs G. Herndon and Mrs. U. S. Watts, of Fremont; Miss Majdrie Watts, Mr. Donald and Mr. Jack Heridon, Miss L»is anne Herndon and Mr. and Mrs. L. G Ramsey.. Mrs. Lillie Beckner, 2030 Blonde St., with hftr ha by left New Year’s eve for Chidago where she will join her husband. Mr Beckner has been in Chicago since June. Tho Beckncrs will make Chicago their home. M|- and Mrs. G. A. Orumbley held open httuse for a few of their close friends at their home, 3029 Burdt tto St., <>n Friday, Jan. 1st. The house wao beautifully decor ated with bells and flowers The hostess was assisted by Miss Mar jorie Payt"n and Miss Candace Ja cobs. Mrs. Maggie Owns, of 2638 Bin ney St. passed awtiy on the second of January. She had been ill for two weeks- Funeral arrangements will bo announced later. She leaves to mourn her loss a daughter and son-in-law and one grand daugh ter. She will be taken to Detriot, Mich- f«r burial. Mrs Albert Miles, 2856 Binney St. is confined at her home. Mrs. Mamie Long, 2638 Binney St-, is ill at her home as a roshlt of her mother’s death which left her in a nervous condition. Mrs. Blueford, 2864 Binney St. is ill at her home- She is sonfined to her bed. The condition of Mrs. Ida West field, 2614 Seward St. remains the same. She is in a local hospital. Mr. Amel Thomas, 2421 Seward St, is ill in bfd. He will welcome a visit from his friends __ i Mrs. Ilattie Smith is quite ill at her home at 2719 Lake St. Mr. Harry Taylor of Kansas City, Kas., visited his son Adrian, 2719 Lake St. for the holidays. st F<»r Prompt Delivery Phone J Ackson 9995 _Or see our agent when he calls L. G. HARRINGTON DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY. Prop. Now Open For Business WE 3162 2228 Lake St. Hineman’s Garage General Automobile Repair Greasing( Car Washing, Gas( Oi Tire Repairing 24-HOUR SERVICE JA 9269 2417 No. 24th St LEVISON SUPER SERVICE STATION DIAMOND D-X Gas and Motor Oils Alemite Grease Job 59c Special, Car Washed 49c 2303 N. 24 St. ___ : uslly skeipirtg awiay at the hem ' of Mr. and Mrs. Geo- B. Evans 2118 T St., where she is getting th best ■ f care. Mother Davis has been qua hi a factor in the Colored Wo n an's Federation wiark. She is n«>v r.caring the century mark. I\