The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 09, 1937, 665th EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3
COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pound * Brass, Cap T*raH and Ahtmimnn 30.000 Batteries U«,UU0 Auto Badiatoro Are W« Buying You B«W Tf tv. An»o Parts You Want ft Wffl Pay Yam Ta Sae Bs nsu*. Wa Ara Bara To Sanaa ▼an. CaiTMtUated AUTO Parts Cs. 2001 CmBfnir St. AT S08B Hama of Kangaroo Court NORTH SIRR TKANHrat L*»e Bbtanee Ranting Moving a ad Storage Phono WIKCSg 2414 Grant Rt low OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKEUPY I7aw husband* can understand a why a wife should turn from a pleasant onuspaninn Into a threw for one whale week in every montk. You aaa my "I'm sorry" and kiss aad make np easier beta* eaarrtags than after. Be wise. If yon want to hold your husband, yew won't be a three quarter wife. For three geaerattens one woman has toM another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia K Pink ham's Vegetable Compound It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lemaatng the discomfort* from the fueetional disorders which woman muse endure in the three ordeals of life: I, Turning from girlhood tn womanhood. 2. Pre paring for mwtherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age." Don't be a throe-quarter wife, take LYDIA B. PINKHAM'3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND oiul Go "thniUng Through," Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 14* aid LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery r cut. ; _ ****><? iA jW u** <M to You’ll ilk# Mi# way it t.iap; you IjQCJ, avarnianf To T,i# t#an<iq of Sorin' tu go w~ n#ti onJ ln»id# tl#onlIn»'i! El!minc*a tha '•W er'*' wo.tcT that hold you hock cou«r h.rH'ach« ta dlaaition «tc. Gort-n!ci T«o .» not a frltae« wo9rkar, but it CONSTIPATION bothuri you, itwlj cortoinly do wondari!" I0« ofd -o° WRITE FC ». FREE SAMPLES ol ^aftMdTau and Gortiald Maodacnn Powderi to: GARFICAl TEA CO.. Dnpt. C, Brooklyn, N. T. NEWS NOTES -H. M. FiTNCHHS, 10008 r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson •entertained Saturday, Jan. 1, at dinner. Guest list included Mr. and Mm. Jos. Wilson and Miss Ine* Bowens. Former Council Bluffs Girl Wed Mrs. Russell Richards, for merly Mien Eddlesteen Seals, left Omaha for New York City Tuesday morning to join her husband. The couple was married in October, 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Richards will make tjhei rhome in New York City. Mr. amid Mrs. Ernest Benegaa are now residing in the Chas. Russell home, 2nd Ave. The cajBes of Messrs. Chas. Russell and Henry Reynolds will come up in the district court between Jan. 20th and 26th. iV'Vill be recalled thait these men were injured while riding on a WPA truck. CLASSES RESUMED Adult W. P. A. classes hav been resumed at Calvary Bap tist Church, 16th and Ave. A Classes from 2 to 6 p. m., daily excepting Saturdays. Mrs. Anna Ivancaster rtturned to Waterloo, la., Tuesday after visiting her husband and many friends here. Miss Opal Harris, who went to Chicago for the holidays, writes that She will remain in definitely as she is now work ing there. Mr. Wm. Teal, 1706 S. 3 St., is ill. He is confined to his bed. Mr. Ed Gilbert, who has been ill, is somewhat improved. He is not able, however, to return to his work. Elder Ellis and wife, of Kan sas City, will spend the week visiting Elder and Mrs. A. D. Carter. Mr. Hiro Nichols, Who has been seriously ill, is improving. Rev. W. IT. Ogleton arrived in the city Sunday from Chi cago and returned to his home Sunday night. Miss TuLseye Henderson re turned to Kansas City Sunday after spending the holidays in the city visiting friends. Mrs. Grace Cage, who has been ill for several years, was able to attend Bethel services Sunday. Mr. Langston Parks returned Sunday night to Parsons Col lege at Fairfield, la. Rev. Lucas Transferred Rev. B. J. Lucas, recent pas tor of Bethel Church, East Des Moines, has been transferred to the Chicago Conference, and is placed at the Institutional Church. Council Rluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Tour Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. I - Transferred to Bloomington _ Rev. Wiley of Ottumwa, la., has been transferred to the Ill inois Conference, and placed at Bloomington, 111. His place at Ottumwa will be taken by Rev. McCormack. Mrs. Emma Crocker is ill. The Consumers Club will meet Thursday night at Bethel Center. Annual Meeting of Bethel Community Credit Union On Tuesday, Jan. 12, thetre will be the annual meeting of Bethel Community Credit Un ion at Bethel Center. At this meeting the annual report w’ill be made and election of offic ers take place. Appointed Investigator Mr. Henry Raynor has been appointed investigator of the Workers Productive Associa tion. Mr. Rayner is a brilliant young man, who is making a representative in the state for the Independent Ice and Coal Co. Mrs. Helen Lyons returned New Year's Lav from Peoria, 111., where she visited relatives. A unique supper will he given by the Cleverettes Jan. 16, at the home of “Mm. Emma Turn er. The 13 Jinx will he played strongly—left hand, 13e sup per etc. Miss Jeanne Spinks returned Tuesday from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Lytle, 1320-7 Ave., entertained at din ner Sunday, Jan. 3. Guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reddick and family, Mrs. Anna Mae Workman and family, Mrs. Viola Stewart and Mr. Sam Parker. How come, Ilerh, how come! Can You Beat It Who was the social blade who came to Cleverettes dance with one lone nickel, borrow ed five pennies beefore he could chock his hat and still owes the price of admission. Addresses Trinity Methodist Sunday School Mrs. M. Slater addressed the Sunday School of Trinity Meth odist Church on thei Race Ques tion. Singing was sponsored by Mrs. Minnie Herndon, who had with her Misses Corinthia Har vey, Geraldine Harvey and Mrs. Mrs. Luther White. WELL, DID YOU EVER The three race women who are employed on the Sewing Project have been shunted to one corner of the sewing room on a table to themselves. Tell us, please, what happened. Could anything have happened to warrant this segregation? We doubt it seriously. Special Council Meeting A special council meetiing of the presiding elders lia# been called by Bishop J. A. Gregg preparatory to the arranging of his itinerary. AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHILI AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES Cleverattei Winter Festival Is Gala Event To the “swing” strains of an Omaha orchestra, the Olever ettes and their many friends tripped the li&ht fantastic toe Tuesday night, Dec, 29, at the Eagle Hall. When bigger and better things are done, the Oleveret tes are the ones to do it. Many beautiful balloons were swinging from the editing of the hall. In one comer stood a gorgeously decorated Christ mas tree. A trellis bore the club’s colors, those of the rain bow. Adding beauty to the hall were two large palms, one on either side of the trellis. It was ftjhrough the trellis that each Clevenette stepped when intro duced to the public, for the Cleverettes wore making their debut. Mr. Manson i-James was mas ter of ceremonies. Two tap num bers were gftven by Mr. Sam Brown of Omaha, i Many beautiful gowns were to be seen. Among the outstand gowns was the one worn by Mrs. Gwendolyn Simms, a burnt or angia formal with metallic trim ming; Mrs. Viola Harris, rose and gold two-piece formal; Mrs Thelma Lytle, Wine velvet for mal; Mrs. Inez Willis, two-piece black velvet; Mrs. Maderia Har vey, black velvet formal; Mrs. Gertrude White, two-piece gold formal; Mrs. Sol Finlayson, a black net formal with gold jack et; Mias Geraldine Herndon, a white crepe with big white ruf fled sleeves; Miss Wilma Hern don, dark blue taffeta and Mrs. Minnie Herndon, black taffeta. Among the spectators were Mr. and Mrs. Grote, Council Bluffs’ fire chief and wife, and a party of their friends. When the strains of Home Sweet Home were heard, it found the dancers loathe to leave. -- They Saw the Old Year Go Out Mr. and Mrs. “Duke” Turner were hosts at an informal ga thering Thursday. The evening was spent playing cards and dancing. Among those present were Mrs. Ida Giles, Mrs. Mattie Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | Brown, Miss H. Funches, Mesrs. ) Luther White, Dan B. Walker, f Howard Cave and Ben Turner. Cleverettes Meet The Cleverettes met Sunday at the residence of Mrs. Lucile Hawkins, 1302-7 Ave. Reports concerning proceed of their Winter Festival were favor ably received. The next meeting will be Jan. 17th at the home of Miss Jeanne Spinks. LOUISIANA BARBECUE 2122 Norht 24th St Get Your red 'hoi Barbecue done Southern Style. Service with a smile. Open all Nite BEflUTB^ROmflllCEj The LiriouM Boauty Foundation wai ootablloHed by tbo fiodofroy Manufacturing Company to otudy motboda of praoorvlng womon'a natural baauty, and to make tha rooulta of tbla roooareh available to tbo publle. (Note: This tetter, submitted by Mies Mamie I.uc Pltte o( Clevelnnd, Ohio, was awarded the Itrst prime of 150 In the nation-wide contest con ducted by the Larleuse Beauty Foun dation.) The woman who la always the most popular, whose companionship Is most sought, Is the woman who is the gayest of her crowd. We all seek happiness, and unconsciously expect to find it In the society of those who are already happy. If you are not naturally happy, no advice of mine or any one’s else will make you so. But 1 can sug gest a way to mnke yourself seem gay and carefree even If you are not. Thpt Is to wear gay and friv olous colors, and color combina tions, and to choose jewelry and ornaments of the same type. The first rule to remember Is that no matter how good looking the or nament is In Itself, It Is no good to you unless It has a real decorative value. Just to make It harder, I will as sume that you are a working woman with a limited allowance, and that you therefore wear dark colors for economy. I would suggest, then, that you wear a bright orange scarf which will add gaiety to your brown, black or blue suit, or even to a dark green suit Thrust a feather or bow of the ■ame color Into your hat, tuck an orange silk handkerchief In a pocket somewhere, and your outfit ts cheered up. Try lacquer red In the same way, or a smart woolen plaid In Jade green, or virtd blue and yel low, which will hare the same ef | feet If you wear a dark fur coat ! wear plaid wool or figured silk un | der It __ OUK CHURCHES BETHEL A. M. E- CHURCH 16th Street, Avenue A Rev. Geo- W. Slater, Jr., Pastor j Despite inclement weather, Bethel enjoyed fair attendance. Present was Rev. W. H. Ogle ton, presiding ehler. There was Love Feast in the morning. Miss Tuliseye Henderson render ed a beautiful selections ac companied by Mrs. Luther White. Christian Endeavor was well attended. At night service the Holy Communion was taken. Rev. Ogleton preached morn ing and night sermons. Quarter ly Conference was held after night service . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street Shoe Repairing, Dye and Shine. . —. - _ Quantity plus Quality is our slogan. We Call For and Deliver This Coupon with any pur chase of 50 cents or more Is Good For lOo. I Thlno* You Foroet Unless you nre the type of woman who practically makes n fetish of her good looks, you will find that you nre constantly forgetting cer tain small details about your ap pearance. Some women will be well groomed except for rundown heels on their shoes. Most women, who quite naturally hate shoe cleaning, will go out perfectly dressed except for badly polished shoes. Some women nre careless about shoulder straps on underwear, and spoil an otherwise perfect evening outfit by letting these straps hang out carelessly In view. What are your careless points! Guard Against carelessness Form the hnblt of giving yourself an examination once a week. Your hnlr should be shampooed every two weeks, and. If shingled, ths back part trimmed once every three weeks. The nails should be manicured once a week, but every night they should be scrubbed, bleached, oiled, and the cuticle pushed back. The elhows should be coated with hand lotion once or twice a day, and at bed time they should be rubbed with a little oil or cold cream. Thick or badly-shaped eyebrow* should be plucked or reshaped once s month, and once a week they should be examined carefully and every noticeably bad hair plucked out. You can never go far wrong if your hair, complexion, eyebrows, nails and elbows look perfect. And a weekly check will keep them look ing so. A weekly check of your wardrobd is also essential. Church of God In Christ 1618 Ave. B Elder A. D. Carter, Pastor Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. G. Mina, supt. Services at noon. YPWW at 6:30 p. m., Mr. Gamble Dun can, president. General services at 8:00 p. m. Weekly services Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 o’clock. OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja9999 RABE’S BUFFET BEER I 6*. - • • LIQUOR 80^ DRINKS DANOING 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 _ Bootlegger Killed Chattanooga, Term, Jan. 9 (By Kntiet E. Johnson for ANP)— Buster (Burns) Fort, king of Chattanooga bootleggers, was tak en for a rkfesand slain by an un known assailant Thursday When fcfurqd he was in his V-8 car, with out any blood stain, after examin ation at Erlanger hospital it was revealed that Fort was shot. Alice Moore’s Beauty Salon 2130 N. 27th St. AT. 8869 Finger Waving A Specialty. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Ili* Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Toplifta _ 1.15 Women's half solea 65c and up Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s rubber heels 95c and up Childrens Half aolea KOe and up 1807 No. 24th St. WB 4240 PARKS’ ICE * FUEL 00. W* feat nr* package fuel,kind ling, coal of an k'nde, keraaeae W- C- Parte, prep 2406 Biotea • ferae* SHE LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—you can't if you listen to gossipers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meat3, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water every morning to ai'tai naU> a*osa* waald. Mr, Fima Verille of ITuvrs da Grace, Md., writes: "I took off 20 bs.—my clothes fit me fine now." No dm tie cathartics—no constl lauou- - ,ju'. oliasfut dm’.ly i>o wel sc ion when you take your llttia a ally ose of chcn. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 Free Course In Hair Culture Consisting of Marcelling Fingerwaving Shampoo Formula INCLUDING DIPLOMA BY MAIL Write CUBAN COSMETIC COMPANY ^ ^ BOX 5315 — CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED VO MU «■-«- rimtnlnn* Hair Grower Bleach Cream >. (Doable Stringtoi , JDoubr* 96»ng4fe( 'i I SOU 50c And Gur 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning ear New Adrertbing Ceatpelga we will give • Free Sturt to Intelligent. energetic men or women who ere ambitious to money end build up a huelneee oi their own eeQing beauty products ei the better kind. Otire ia atrictly a quality Bn# (hat appeals to (he beet people everywhere. You make more money with a quality Bne and you win valuable prize*. Welle at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co„ Dept, 20-A, Atlanta, Ga, N-N-F. Ex. S. Raising the Family- Pa doesn't betelve In Capital Punishment - sometimes!__ f i s'Pcse yoo , I DIO YOUR OurY P»S YOU SCTEJO >Y \ ON THE JURY TOT>&Y, Pp^l \ <■' Y ,. ;:?x ' dVs HEfNtO TO TtuT^V Me TOU VOTED TO _J <V<TCDOl T THW MfSTJ ) . UMfsT SMeT H'S *\ -. ! V-j Eecthew1^/ \ | Cut-tine"* j ^ \ DIO. MRS. j U.I^V * I Hr* , | f VfHS tin Tv^ei wofttof | ^ vote: _) \ TO VAfy^& VAVM ? J (THP\T J Ou3E S \ fis opuu(\C«