The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 09, 1937, 665th EDITION, Image 1

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    Bacchanite Club Plans Mayor s 1 nauguration
►braska State Hi atorijal' _—
.no®In, Nebr.
More than 8 Times Larger
Than Any Ooldrod
Newspaper Ever
Published In
Nebraska r ,
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1937 fififith EDITION
Dton’fl forget! The big banquet and the Inauguration of the
Negro Mayor and his twelve councilmen.
A grand program will accomjtotny the Inauguration of
Your Honor, the Mayor, given at the Zion Baptist church under
the auspices of the Bacchanite club and Zion Senior choir. You
and your congregation are expected,
Table reservations may be made*
by getting In touch with Mr. Far
rell of the Bacchanite Club at 2705
Ohio street, WE 1751. Your reser
vations must be made «>n or before
Jan 12, 1937. The program starts
at 9:00.
Mr- Farrell, Vice President
of the Bacchanite Club.
A candidate for the council must
have an official letter from the
Bacchanite club and must be at the
inauguration to be held at Zion
Baptist church on January 15th.
Objects of the Council
1. To create and foster a spirit j
of “generous consideration” among \
Negroes of the world through a
study of the problems of Interna- ;
tional Relationships.
2. To promote the. theory and to
practice principles of good gov
ernment and good citizenship
3. To take an active interest in
the civic, commercial, social and
moral welfare of the eomunity,
4. To unite tihe Negroes in the
bonds of friendship, goodfellowship,
and mutual understanding.
5 To provide a forum for the
full and free discussion of all mat
ters of public interest.
6. To encourage efficiency and
promote high ethical standards in
business and professions.
7. To copperat-g with other or
ganizations engaged in worthwhile
endeavors for the public welfare.
Council Constitution and By-Laws
1. The president of the tsaccnan
ite club shall be over commit
tees connected with the Bacchanite
2. Council shall consist of the
chairman and 12 members:
3 This council at no time shall
endorse or recommend any candi
date for political office n°r shall
politics or candidates be discussed
at a meeting, also no religious dis
cussion shall be tolerated at the
4. No member of this council
shall use it as a means for further
ing any personal, political or other
inspiration, nor shall the council as
a whole take part in any movement
not inkeeping with the real pur
pose and objects of this council.
6 No officer or director shall re
(Continued on Page) Five
Capital City Fire
Does Big Damage
Washington, D. C., Jan- 9 (ANP)
—An overheated stoker was given
as the cause of a fire early Monday
morning at the of the Hamilton
Printing Co- which resulted in a
loss to building and equipment es
timated at $20,000. The Hamilton
brothers, Col, West and Percival
Y., bought the frame building which
houses the plants about 15 years
ago, later adding a shorp at the
rear In 1931 a modem brick front
was built, giving the structure an
estimated value of $30,000. While
returning from the fire,. Mrs.
Julia West Hamilton, mother of
the print shop owners, was slight
ly injured while riding in the car
of Joesph Green who was takng her
to the branch YWCA, where she
is the executive secretary
Term Begins
Johnny Owen, well known in polit
ical and civic circles, who will be
officially designated as Negro
Mayor of Omaha by the Bacchan
ite club at Zion Baptist church
January 15th.
Wife of Police Prose
cutor is the Victim
Olleveland, Jan. 9 (ANP)—
Charging tha^ the clerk of the
Mavell and Ilopp Drug Co., one
of Clevelands oldest drug firms,
at ils rnewly opened branch
store grossly insulted them
when he refused to servte thorn
at the soda fountain maintain
'd at Sts branch store, Mrs.
Elmira Saunders, wife of Asst.
Police Prosecutor William B. Saun
ters and Mrs. Cora Clark, both pro
minent women of Cleveland, filed
suit this w«ek through Atty. Nor
uan L. McGhee, chairman of the.1
[/©gal Defense committee of the
NAlACP, ,8/ damages unddr
bo Ohio civil rights law.
According to Mrs. Sounders
and Mrs. Clark, they entered the
I-ranch store and made a purchase
■>f an an article of merchandise,
and seeing the soda fountain, they
requested to be served a glass of
soda, when they were refused by
the clerk, and when they protest
ed he became insulting.
Investigation disclosed that one
of the officials of the company is
Walter KJewsqra, prominent
i'l-blician member f Clqvetand’s i
City Council, whom many colored
citizens supported in the recent
election for the office of county1
Tenancy Committe to
Hold Five Hearings
Washington, P. C., Jan- 9 (ANP)
—Five regional hearings will be
held early this month by the Presi
dent’s Committee on Farm Ten
ancy, it was announced this week
by Secretary Wallace, chairman of
the committee
The year 1936 was one of the
most active years in the history of
the Nebr- Power Co. from the stand
points of electric service, construc
tion work carried on, and great
er use of electric service, accord
ing to J. E Davidson, president of
the company.
The Company’s customers used
much more electricity during 1936
than during 1936. In the year just
closed the customers of the power
company used 410,000,000 kilo
watt hoiurs in 1936
“During 1936 the Nebraska Po
wer Co- carried on extensive con
struction Work that resulted in
the expenditure of more than $2,
000,000,” said Mr. Davidson. “In
cluded in this construction is a
new 12,500 kilowatt turbo-gener
ator and 1,200 pound pressure
steam boiler at the company’s
power station at the foot of Jones
St- This part of the construction
program will cost approximately
$1,500,000 when completed, which
will be about March 1st.”
As a result of this special con
struction work and the building
of new farm lines and other ad
ditions and betteram-ent.the payrolls
of the power company are consider
ably increased during 1936, he said,
at tho present time, 360 men are
employed on this construction pro
During 1936 more than 600 farm
customers were furnished with el
ectricity for the first tjme In or
der to accomplish this service, more
than 300 miles of farm lines had
to be constructed at cost of $200,
000 to the power company
For 1937 he company has pro
vided a construction budget of near
ly a million dollars, in addition to
the money which will be spent to
complete the present construction
work at the power station. Included
; in this 1937 construction program
I will be another story to he added
i to tho company’s distribution head
quarters building at Forty-third
and Leavenworth Sts. The com
pany will also spend more than
$50,000 during 1937 for an under
ground cable which will be laid
from Thirtieth and California Sts.
to Thirtieth and Lake Sts- This
}unil?r^round rfible construction
follows the policy of the company
of gradually putting underground,
tho principal lines supplying re
sidential districts, as added pro
continued on Page Five
Bishop of CME Church
To Speak In Omaha
Bishop Arthur Hamleft
of the Colored Methodist Episcopal
church will be at Cleaves' Temple
26th and Decatur street, Sunday,
to preside in the termination of a
three months group drive- This
is the Bishop's first trip to Omaha
during this conference year. Only
twice last year did he visit this
church, due to an extensive pro
gtam. Being presiding Bishop over
three diocese comfcKiping Tennes
see district, in which there nre
three conferences; Oklahoma dis
tilets where U*ure ,are two eon-1
terences and the Knnsas-Missouri
iitrict which includes thr states
r.atn-as, Mlsu >uii, Nebraska,
[o .vu and Colorado. Bishop Hamktt
s one of the few colored bishops
carrying more than one title. In
June 1936 an AME college refer
red on him another degree.
With the bishop will come the
’residing Elder L- E. B. Rosser,
vho was here a few weeks ago and
itev. L. S. Lewis, general secretary
Kingdom Extension
Bfcjbop Hamlett is completing
lis twelth year as a bishop. Under
he direction of Rev. D. W Bass,
^leaves’ Temple has made a great
stride, materially, spiritually and
financially. I*ast year, just throe
months after he took up the pro
arm m, miore than $500 crossed the j
table. Next Sunday we are hoping
to bring in even more money. The
first plan in the program of Rev.
Bass was to start a youth move
ment. His program reads: 9:30
Sunday school; 10:30 Junior church;
composed of a junior choir, ages
ranging frm 14 to 19; Jr Stew
ardess, Jr. ushers and Jr- speak
ers whenever possible. The first
program of its kind in Omaha.
The plan has been very success
ful. At 11 o’clock, general service;
6:30 Epworth Lcfigme, young
people officiating and at 8 p. wi
th e general service* The Junior
choir of 15 youths besides the jun
or church is serving at least one
service a month or the general
program- To the public: You should
visit Cleaves’ Temple to see what
the young people can do and are
doing as well as the older group.
“Come to Cleaves’ Temple Sunday,"
is the riot call of the week.
Both the Loyal Matrons and the
Forward Step clubs are meeting
at the church this week, The sick
list of the church includes Mrs. M.
Brooks, 3204 Pinkney, Mrs. Sarah
Carter, 2323 No. 26th St , Mrs
Bessie Davis, 2623 Wirt and Mrs.
Pearl Smith, 940 No. 27th St.
Sunday Program:
9:30 Sunday school
10:30 Junior Church
11:00 a. m. General Service
3 p. m- Sermon—Rev James A
Hamlett (also Communion)
6:30 Epworth League
7:30 Service
The adult choir will sing morn
ing and night. The Junior choir
sings for the Junior church at 3
p. m.
Woman Ex-Slave
Dies at Age of 107
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 9 (ANP)
—Mrs Antonio Verieha, 107-year
old, and one of the most picturesque
and lovable characters in her com
munity, passed away Sunday at
the home of her daughter, Miss
Mary Mosby. Born on a slave plan
tation near Ashley, Mo- the ma
triarch was alert and active to the
end, and worked constantly at her
main hobby, quilt making and
gardening. Another daughter, Mrs.
Ellen Carpenter of Spingfield, 111.
81-years-old, also survives.
Sues Board to Enter
Winthrow School
Cincinnati, O., Jan. 9 (ANP)
—Judge Robert Gorman in
Common Plieas court Tuesday
granted a writ of mandamus
agiii|nfit the Cincinnati Bo air <1
of Education, in the action
l>rouglit l>.v Mrs. Viola Wright
to have her son, John Winbush
17, admitted to Winthrow high
school. Attorneys James II.
Cleveland and C. E. Vanoe re
presented the mother, who claim
ed that Winthrow principal refus
ed her s"n admittance to the school,
and through Judge Gorman’s ac
tion the Board of Education is or
dered to admit the youth to the in
Testimony revealed that the boy
graduated from the eighth grade i
in the Woodlawn rural school dis- j
trict and because there is no high j
school in that district, the youtb'
selected Winthrow high school, j
Jludge Gorman said, “ If a local j
board of education not having a
high school fails for any reason j
to enter a contract with another |
board, any pupil of the former j
who has a certificate is entitled to |
enter any high school within the
“Our system of education is a
state system, and not a local one.
Each board, therefore, is the mere
ngent of the state-wide system.
Whether such a plan of education
is desirable is one which might
provoke endless debate in the legis
lative hall, but it has no place in
a courtroom fojrum where the court
is to declare only what the law
actually is.” The judge is being
widely commended by fair-minded
citizens of both races for justices
and impartiality of his decision.
Washington, Jan. 9—Mrs. Franklin 1>. Roosevelt, wife of
the President will be among the prominent figur^p to address
session of the Ntylonal conferee on Problems of the Nkgto
an*l Negro Youth. Mrs. Mkry McLeod-Dethune, director of the
Divisions of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administra
tion announced this week.
-- — _
Fisk Singers on
NBC Chain Again
Nashville, Jan. 9 (ANP)—The
Fisk Jubilee singdrs are again
broadcasting eadh Monday even
ing on the Magnolia Blossoms pro
gram over WSM and the red net
work of the NBC at 12:00 eastern
standard time. This program fea
ture* music of the south, and the
Fisk Jubilee singers sing the
samq Negro folk songs that de
lighted people in both Europe and
America when the first groutp went
out in 1871.
Place Two Colored
On Dixie Grand Jury
Col/ufmbia, S. C., Jan- 9 (ANP)
—For the first time with the mem
ory of the oldest inhabitant here
two Negroes W'ill serve on Rich
land county’s grand jury, at
the term of general session
court of Richland, beginning Jan
11th, in Township auditorium. Jud
ge G. B Green of the Tenth Cir
cuit will preside. The names of the
jurors were drawn this week, al
ong with ten white jurors, by the
county jury commissioners- The
two selected are C. A. Johnson,
supervisor of colored city schools
and W H. Harvey, of the North
Carolina Mutual Life Insurance
Beer has contributed $613,918 in
taxes to Nebraska during 1936, ac
cording to an estimate issued last
week by Robert A- Drum, presi
dent of the Fontenelle Brewing
Co., which is an increase of 41 per
cent over 1935.
In reviewing tax returns from
the sale of beer throughout the na
tion Mr. Drum pointed out that
beer had paid well over one billion
dollars in taxes to federal, state and
irtunicipal treasuries since pro
hibition wars repealed for which
actual figures are available
“Much of this money,” stated Mr.
Drum, “went into old age pensions,
unemployment relief, child welfare,
bend retirement and law enforce
ment. Unemployment was relieved
10 per cent by jrelgaliaation of
beer. In 1932 there thirteen million
unemployed people in this coun
try—<ten million mjpre than the
normal unemployment figure Upon
beofr’s relegalization in 1933, ap
proximately 10 per cent of those
unemployed were given work in
the breweries,, distribution, retail
sales and allied trades of the brew
ing industry. Buiretatu of Census
figures just released by the De
partment of Commerce show
thjat 47,538 people are employed
in breweries at an annual payroll
of $68,879,293; approximately
630,000 have been employed in the
distributing and selling of beer at
an annual wage of $819,000,000;
approximately 200,000 employed
in allied trades wage of $312,000,
“In summing up employment
during the three years of legal
beer 877,538 people have been em
ployed and paid total wages of
over three billion and one half
“In the first twenty-nine months
of beer's relegalization, over seven
billions pound of crops have been
purchased from the farmers for
•which they have been paid approx
imately $266,425,175- At this rate
prohibition cost the farmer gross
receipts of $1,154,509,095 from the
brewing industry alone. More than
100,00 farmers are now supplying
their grain and hops to the brew
ing industry. During the fiscal year
of 1936, the browing and distill
ing industries will have consumed
9.6 per cent of the entire wheat,
corn, barley and rice sold in both
the domestic and foreign markets
during three average years of the
prohibition period ”
'The conference will be held in the
auditorium building of the Depart
ment of Labor.
Tho conference has been called
for the purpose of evaluating the
present benefits of the, Federal
program in operation and to plan
toward possible improvements and
needed programs for the Negro.
It is sponsored by the National
Youth Administration in the hope
that it will point out the need
for greater attention in the prep
aration of Negro youth for voca
tions and for a national place
men1 program designed to erase
artificial barriers to employment.
The conference is the result of
correspondence with kat.ens of
many national Negro organiza
tions, in which the possibility of
unified thought, and action in the
program for Negroes whs suggest
ed by Mrs Bethune. Leaders of
church, fraternal, professional and
educational institutions agreed that
the time was propitious for Ne
groes to voice their needs to the
national government, and suggest
ed definite points for discussion
at the conference.
A Leader
Outstanding athlete of 1936