THE CHUROH OF OOD 202.i No. 24th .Street Elder Robert I, Moody, Castor Mr*, hdnt W. Moody, Reporter Tlw servi-es for Sunday |>ast Welt* ’i be messages were as inti'i;md in the Inst issue. The e*>n giwgathm enj ’• ia visiting Omaha for ths Chr;sw beautifully they sang Il^rwhdli “Hal/elujah Chorus.” SmuJ were uplifted and their strength renewed. The pastor then took charge of the services which were carried out in three parts. At this .preiod all Christians who desired, were re dedicated while the choir sang softly, Next was the blessing of the gifts the Ushers and Deacon ness had given. The final stop was the offering, or tihe material gift by the congregation. Mr. W. L. Myers of the Myrs Funeral Home took charge of the audience as they marched to the altar and deposited their gifts in a little manger. Many visitors were present. Mt. Moriah church feels pr"ud of all who helped to make this occasion a suc cess. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church’’ Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor Tho h'dday festivities of St. John ehprch b«tgan Jast Sui)lay with the Sunday school studying the Christmas lesson “The Supreme Gift of Love.” at the morning ser vices, Rev. Adams speaking on the sulbject, “There is No Room In," continued to spread spiritual cheer, ably assisted by the singing of beautiful Christmas carols by the dhoir. Under the direction of Mrs. Eli za Turner, with the help of several of tho teachers, the smaller pupils of the Sunday school are planning on Christmas eve at 8:00 p. m., a large program at the annual Christmas tree. Tho senior choir will have their program on Christmas Eve also, but at 12 ,p. m., instead of at 5 a. m. Christmas morning, which has been the usiual procedure. Prepare now to attend the choir services Dec. 24 at 12 p. m. impressively telling tfho story of the Savour’s birth in song. Miss Burtron Johnson, popular itomber of the church and teacher n the Sunday school, has return 'd to the city after an indefinite itay in Portland, Ore. CLEAVES’ TEMPLE CHURCH 25th and Decatur Streets Rev. D. W. Rass ■ Mrs. Henrietta Makin.s, Reporter 1 -- i 9:30 Sunday sehool—Life of ' Christ. ' 10:30 Junior Clhurch—Mrs. Lois ! Goode, speaker. 11:00 Regular service—W’hat is Man, (Rev. D. W. Rass) Evening (last week) 6:30 EpwJ>rth 1| ague—Discus sion “Is war justified between Christian nations? Resolved, “It is not,” 7:30 Evening service—Program. FREMONT NEWS St. James AME Sunday school opened at the usual hour with the superintendent, Miss Irma Brannon in charge. Morning worship was at 11 o’clock winh the pastor, Rev. H. D. Piggue, in charge. The choir held its regular rehearsal at 3 p. m. They aro in charge of the Xmas program and have a real treat in store for all Sundkty afternoon Rev. H. D. Pig gue visited a member, Mr. South, who as ill, at which time song and prayter service as held. ACE League opened at the usual hour with a goodly number pre sent. The league is well attended and Is still growing in interest with Mr. Ewing as president. Evening services were at 7 p. m. witih the pastor in charge, at which tim a powerful Christmas was del ve red, having most desirable effects. The spirit was high and a great shout was heard in Zion. St. James church is progressing nicely under the new pastor and great things are planned for the coming year.. Rev. and Mrs. Piggue and daughter, Delores, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. . Waites on Sunday. Miss Louise Herndon will motor to Fremont on Christ mas day with Rev. and Mrs. Pig gue to spend Christmas with her parents. NOTICE: Mrs. Edna Mitchell, collector for the Omaha Guide Pub. Co. wishes to announce to the subscribers that although she has not fully covered the territory she is doing it as quickly as possible. Don’t get tired of waiting because she will be there sooner or later. Mrs. Huma Williams of Emporia, Kas., spent the week-end visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary Speese, 2712 Erskine street. I**t. O, JftTMf City, 41. V BEflUTy RomoncEj Jh^tWhxhits^ctwriimym. Tha Larlauaa Beauty Foundation waa eatabliahed s' by tha Oodafroy Manufacturing Company to atudy f ,— methoda of preeorvlng women’a natural beauty, ^ and ta make tha raaulte ef thl* reaearch available «• te the public. ST. LOUIS, MO.—When cosine tics like powder, rouge nnd eye brow pencil are applied correctly, they can Improve our appearance greatly. Nobody objects to make up when It Is properly used. Rut so many women, and espe cially young girls, use too much make-up, nnd apply It Improperly, that I want to give another warn ing ngainst excessive use of cos metlcs. We wouldn’t have to be so care ful about using cosmetics if the only result of over-doing It was to make us look like painted circus clowns. Rut that Isn’t the only objection Inferior cosmetics, applied lavishly and not properly removed, can cause skin blemishes and thus detract from our natural beauty. If your skin has a tendency to develop blackheads and large pores, this condition* may be encouraged If you clog up the pores with powder. However, you can use your pow der and rouge as a protection to your complexion If you are careful to follow u few simple rules. In the first place, be very sure that all traces of these cosmetics are removed from your face before you go to bed at night. Use plenty of warm water and soap, but be sure to rinse (lie face thoroughly, first with warm water, then with cold water. Or, If you prefer, you can remove the cosmetic* with a deans ing cream. This Is especially ad visable If your skin Is dry. It Is a good Idea to use a face brush when washing, although It Is not absolutely necessary. If you do use a brush, however, get a regular face brush, and not the rubber type. A rough wash-cloth is satisfactory If you use soap and water. When removing cleansing cream It is bet ter to use soft tissue paper. The second rule Is this: don't apply your nmke-up if your face Is not absolutely cleun. If you rub powder into your skin when It Is even slightly dirty, this may clog the little pores in your skin and cause blackheads or blemishes. Ap ply your make-up only after cleans ing, except for the little bit of tine powder you can use for dusting a shiny nose. Then, too, It’s a good Idea to make sure your powder puff is clean. Wash It out, occasionally, Just as ‘ you wash your clothing. And don't apply make-up too heavily. Don’t put on powder until It forms a matted layer over your skin. If you experiment with vari ous shades of powder and rouge, you'll be able to find one which will give the effect you want without having to be used In such quantity. 70 Taking Law At Howard University Washington, Dec. 19 (C)—Dr. William E. Taylor of the Howard Uiversity Law school announces 71 students are enrolled, of whom 14 are third year, 19 second year, 32 first year, and 6 special and un classified. .W.V.W/.V/.V.V.V.V.VA Gorat Liquor Store 414 N. 16th St... JA.. 9466 A complete variety of liquors, cigars and cigarettes S Brookstein Grocery Company 2202 No. 26th St. JA6051 Quality Groceries and Meats at Reasonable Prices Prompt Delivery Service V.W.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.W. WE WISH YOU ? A MERRY CHRISTMAS J and ■: A HAPPY NEW YEAR J Maupin Stuuio > 1839 North 24th Street I* Season’s Greetings OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. 18th and Marcy Sts. JA 0159 •Trt.trry Christmas LOUISIANA BARBECUE 2122 No. 24th St. Expert Auto Repairs »«y and lllftt ftarrWa —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Oarage We repair all makes and meddle Bring- your prescription to Hermansky’s Drug Store 2725 Q St. Phone MA 0260 We fill ANY doctor’s pre scription at reasonable prices New Cars at Discount Used Cars for Less Auto Loans and Financing A. C. Nelson Auto Sales Inc. “SEE ANDY FIRST” Indian House Trailers 2112 Harney St. Omaha Neb. DR. FROYER LUCKY TALISMAN OF THE ORIENT Jinx Removing Incense 25c JOHN THE CONQUEROR 'Incense 25c Lucky oil believed to prevent evil, misfortune; to attract good luck, happiness and pros perity. Send 25c for Jinx Removing Incense. Branch-Japo Oriental Incense Co., 2419 Seward St, Omaha. Nebraska- Mail orders given prompt attention. Wishing My Friends and PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Colquitt Grocery 2754 LAKE ST. Season’s Greetings from Omaha Brake Co. Bill Whitcomb, Prop. North Side One Stop Super Station KE 4006 30th & Spaulding Sts Open 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Fender and body repairing — Tow Car — Official Test Station Batteries — Tires ..Holiday Special.. You can get what you want at the Mayo Shoppe. Hot oil treat ments with shampoo and press. Marcelling and fingerwaving MARTHA MAYO, Operator WE 0274 2512 N. 25th DR. CRAIG MORRIS i'/.V1V1’A,.VA’A,AVVWAV Adams Grocery and Company 1313 No. 26th St. Finest quality of groceries and meats 'AVWA'AWAWiVAWm Andy’s BARGAIN STORE 910 No. 24th Street New and Second-hand clo thing rummage sale. Dec 26. YOUTH BEAUTY SHOP Wishes You A MERRY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR All kinds ...of hair work a specialty. MRS EARL M. ROBERTS 2529 Decatur Street BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW Redeemable at face value on a suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux edo, full xiress suit, until July 1, 1937. ..... GOOD as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, etc. CALL Charles H. Davis, the Simpson Man WE 5627 Special Prayer Meeting Sermon — “Creation” Xmas 5!00 A. M. by Rev. J. Hill Everybody Welcome EVERYBODY’S PRAYER HALL 1201 N. 24th St. JA 5343 Your Fairmont Dealer Has Special Ice Cream and Sherbet for the Holidays FAIRMONTS ICE CREAM cTfre ‘Peak of Quality AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO Twentieth and Cuming Sts. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Phone ATlantic 4927 All Work Guaranteed “We have served your friends’’—Ask them IWVWWWWVWWYWVWWWVWWVVWWVWVVWVVVWJ THE SEASON’S GREETINGS ij Atty. John Adams, Jr. takes this opportunity to thank hislj many friends for their support in the recent election, alongl; with his wishes for each of you a very Merry Xmas and al; Happy New Year. ;! Atty. John Adams, Jr. .■.V .VW.V.W.V.%\VW.W.V.V.V.%%VAWW.VWVi THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At 6810 ELESE TURNER, 2512 N. 24th St We. 2864 Lux Barber Shop, 2046 N. 24th McGee & Taylor, Managers MILDRED TURNER 2626 No. 27th St_WE 2614 Bear Gardena NEW RITZ GARDEN 24th and Grant Ha. 4684 RABE’jT BUFFET 2426 N. 24th St.Ja. 9196 Cafes BROWN DERBY CAFB 2086 N. 24th Street. American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. - ...... THE LITTLE DINE* 2210 N. 24th Street OMAHA CAFB 2124 N. 24th Street AMANDA OFFUTT’S CATS' 2014% North 24th Street- - KING YUEN CAFE ” l 2010% N. 24th St. Ja! 8676 . - ’ ♦ ! Alberta’s Sandwich She? 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0987 Rayboc’s Midget Cafa, 1998 N. 84* CHARLIE® PLACE 1602 N. 24th St_Wa. 4819 Cigar Store* MAIN EVENT 9416 Lake St Ja. 9844 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St. f- Ha. 4926 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 Cuming St At 6666 Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Taflars TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At 5158 HOLMES TAILOR 2218 N. 24th St We. SOW J. B CLEANERS A TAILORS 1805 N. 24th WE M61 Electrical AppBtntM DONASOO A EOTLE Norge Appliance Op. 2488 Farj||am St Ea. 0>00 Graders W. F. EOGH Grading aad HzaaraEaa 4806 Anus Are. Ke. 0816 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 8684 SAM FELDMAN 2019 N. 24th St_We. 6818 Garages E. L. MERRI WEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St AT 8007 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 8894 N. 24th St. We. 1019 EDHOLM ft SHERMAN 8481 N. 94th St._We. 8884 Monument Makers ■HPT ft NOYS8 48th sad Pens* Laws Ke. 1T98 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 84th St._Wa iW Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTH-SIDETRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. 6888