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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1936)
OMAHA CITY NEWS MOTHS < Four work-study students of the Municipal University of Omaha have received raises daring the five months they have been on their respective jobs, according to J. E. Woods, director of the Work-Study plan at the university. The students who are “on the job” now will return to their class es in February, and students who have been in casses th first seme ster will take their places in busi ness. The Work-Study students are re quired to deposit a certain amount of money each month to cover their university costs for next semester. Over $1,500 has already been de posited, according to Mr. Woods. Another $700 will be deposited be fore the students leave jobs. There, are fifteen students at w'»rk in business now, Mr. Woods point ed out. I Miss Dorothy Scott Entertains Miss Dorothy Scott was hostess at a house party in honor of Miss Sula Mae Williams on Sunday Dec. '20th. at her home at 2871 Ma ple S<. The guest list included 22 persons. Among those present were the Misses Mable King, Irene Har rold, Olive Willis, Nina West, Char lotte Hicks, Mary Ellen Dickerson, Geraldine Harris, Elizabeth Black, and Sula Williams, guest of honor. Miss Williams is enroute t>> Chic ago, wheffc sho will attend the I'm varsity of Chicago. Thfc Messrs. Leonard Harrold, Roi Gordon, Har old BWdieux, Russell Bryan, Tom Jones, who is now attending WiJ bercorce university; Orville Jones, W. S. Fletcher, Carlton Goodlett who is working for his Ph.D. at the University of California and Lloyd Lee. Miss Scott proved to be a most gracious hostess. An enjoy*, able evening was had by all. THE 8. W. WAITES ENTERTAIN - ■■■ — - Mi-, and Mrs. S. W. Waites, jt entertained a few couples in tjheir apartment at 2607 Binney St. after the formal dancing party given by the Kappa Alpha Psi on Saturday Dec. 19th. It was a hamburger and ZAVETT SERVICE STATION NW Cor. 20 & Nicholas St. AT 3432 General Auto Repairing Sinclair Products Res. 1820 Paul St. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE DERBY BAR 24th and Clark Streets PARKER S FURNACE SHEET METAL WORKS 1845 No. 20th St AT 3949 WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR S C. HODGE 2528 Charles Street Hot Tamales and Chili Lunches and Xmas Dinners WISHES YOU A Merry Christmas A HAPPY NEW YEAR ALBERTA’S ' SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS, HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 Ini lilli™-.. LOUIS MARKET 1624 Ho. 24th St AT 6606 beer party. The g*uest list included the Miss Mary Ellen Dickerson, Lucille Graves of Lincoln, Nebr.; Ruth King; Virginia Jackson, Mary Alice Willis, May Marshall of Chicago, 111, Claudell Agee, Carrie Jewell, Mabel Clark and Constance Adams Tho Messrs. Carlton Goodlett of Los Angeles, Calif, and Washing ton D. C.; J . C.. Williams, Jesse Hutton, Gaitha Pegg, Lonnie Tho mas of Linclon, Nebr.; Marcellus Ritchie, James Calvin Jewell John Adams and Dr. W. W. Solomon. Mr. Dewey R. Jones, U. S. Inter ior Department, Washington, D. C. visited in the home of Mrs. Martha Taylor Carter, 2211 Ohio St. °n Friday and Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Day, Joliet, 111., ar rived in Omaha Wednesday morn ing to be the house guest of Mrs. Martha Taylor Carter. Mrs. Elenora Campbell, 2506 Decatur St., is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Goodlett and son, Mr. Carlton Goodlett, were the dinner guests <>f Mr. and Mrs. L. L.. McVay, 2868 Orby St. on Monday night, Dee. 22nd. Carlton Goodlett is studying for his Ph.D. degree at the University of California. Mr. Goodlett will perhaps be the first of our group to get his Ph. D. at this university and the first at such an edrly age. ' ■m i t t --- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall, 2520 Det&tuv ■ St., will be the dinner guestS‘Of Mf/and Mrs. W. C. Kim brough, 37«hand Davenport Sts., on Christmas Day. -. * Mrs. Burtron' 119 So. 27th St., lias returned from Portland, Ore. » fit Ur- -; Mr. Edward Wiggins, son of Dr. Herbert Wiggins, is home from the University of Iowa for the holidays. i -Vt- — - Mi'. Eugene Skinner, son of Mr. j and Mrs. Ffank ICalloway, 2724 Lake Sit., is in the city for the holi days. Mr. Skinner is an Iowa uni versity student and Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi. Mr. Herbert Gamer, of the Uni versity of Nebraska, is home for the holidays. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Gamer, 2219 Mi ami St. Mr. Alvin Wilkes, of the Univer sity of Nebraska, spent the week end visiting his aunlt, Mrs. C. B. Wilkes 2914 Erskine Mr Wilkes was accompanied by Mr. Lonnie Thomas gradvflte of the University of Ne braska and resident of Lincoln. A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from Dr. A. C. Stokes Seasons Greetings Omaha Crockery Co 1116 Harney St. AT 4842 Doe3 that doll need repair ing and repainting? Why not have it parted a beau tiful bro’^n like its little mistress. D. Eugene Murray DOLL SANITARIUM 2911 No. 29th St. WE 4210 Reasonable Rates |The Elite Cigar Stores I Direct Wire On All Sports • f Events T 1 Ladies Especially Invited Fred Myers, Mgr HA 4225 2314 N. 24th St. Lux Barber Shop ,2045 No. 24th St. M. A. McGKE K TAYLOR a iUUv Marshall of Chicago, who came to the city to attend the Kappa dance, guest of Mr. Mareel lus Rikhie, left Monday for her home. While in the city she was the house guest of Mrs. W. V. Counter, 2816 No. 26»h St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels en tertained at an after party follow ing the Kappa dance Saturday ev ening, Dec. li>th, at her home on Bristol St., honoring Miss Mae Marsh of Chicago. M.\ Adrian Stamps,2723 Ohio St. entered the University Hospital Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, where he will receive treatment. Mrs. Bessie Davis, 2623 Wirt St. is seriously 11 at her home. Her fri ends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.. McAllister, <•;’ Belvidere, South Dakota, were in the city Monday enroute by mo tor to Kansas City and Topeka, Kas. Mrs. Beatrice, Laster, 2618 Cald well St., who has been ill with It grippe, is now able to be, about the house. Miss Kathleen Macey. of Kansas university, is spending the holidays in t,he city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie, 2710 Corby St. Mrs. Earl McConnell, 2634 Ma ple St., will join her daughter. Mrs. Bessie West, in Washington. D. C., in the near future. From Washing ton, they will go to St. Louis, Mo., where they will visit Mrs. McCon nell’s mother. Mr. Homer Harris, Captain of the Iowa Uni. football team, is ex pected in Omaha during the holi days. He will be the. guest of Mr. Eugene Skinner. ---- Miss Sula Mae Williams of Des Moines, la., is the house guest of Miss Dorothy Scott. Miss Williams is enroute. to Chicago where she will attend the University of Chic ago. The Autumn Leaf club of Plea sant Green church met Monday, Dec 1.4tfti, at the home of Mrs. Lottie Keyes. Mrs. Estelle Waters is pre sident of this club. SHIRLEY S BARGAIN CENTER 2518 N. 24th Wishing My Friends and. PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Close out on all merchan dise soon. Wishing My Friends and PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ONE HORSE GROCERY 2851 Grant St. WE 0567 REPAIRS FOR ALL FURNACES Estimates Cheerfully Given New Furnaces Installed John F. Merwald 4116 No. 24th St. KE 2300 MARRIAGE REVEALED The marriage of Miss Helen Wilkes, to Mr. Eugene Oweivs of Kansas City, Mo., has been recent ly revealed. The couple was mar ried early the past summer. Mrs. Owens is the talented daughtr of Mr. alid Mrs. Cecil Wil kes, 2914 Erskine. 3he is popular in both literary ad social circles in Omaha. Mr. Owens is a student in Lin coln university, Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Lottie Keyes, who has been ill, is slightly better. Mrs. Estella Waters, president of the Autumn Ix>af club of plea sant Green Baptist church, will en tertain f"r club numbers and fri ends on Monday night, Dec. 28th, at the home of Mrs. Eula Milton, 2704 No. 26th St. Everyone is in vited. When this club entertains, it does things in a big way. There will bo a Christmas tree and all that goes with it. The Bazaar given by Mrs. Elsie Warwick for the Starlight Bnnd at the residence of Mrs. King, was a big success. Articles sold were made by the children. Mother Edwards, 1814 No. 22nd St., who ihas been ill, is somewhat better. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Merrian, 2731 Blondo St. Dec. ll)th and left a fine six pound boy. Mother and baby are doing nicely in the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Sylvia Stevenson, of Chic ago, is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pinkctt, 2118 No. 26th St.. Mr. Charlie Williams, of 2412 Corby St., is ill. Mr. Williams is the father of Mrs. Paul Adams. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and BEST WISHES from Paxton-Mitchell Co. 2614 Market St. HA 6623 Pattern Shop, Foundries and Machine Works. LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 LAKE STREET YOUR OWN —. BEST WISHES FOR A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from Rizzuto Bros. CONTRACTORS 215 South 13th St. 1936 BEST WISHES FOR JONES & THOMAS LIQUOR STORE 1612 North 24th Street JA 1189 A Merry Christmas A Happy New Year We you for your past patronage and would, be pleased to serve you in the future. All grades of Coal at Lowest Prices THE MID-WEST COAL COMPANY 1017 Horth 23rd Street JAckeon 0110 s s siitTTTT'"'" — > • » » » » ♦ HONOR OLD FOLKS HOME The Junior Culture Girls and the Royal Rhythm Boys sang their way Into the hearts of neighbors Tues day Dec. 22nd, as they caroled their wny through the streets to the Col ored Old Folks Home. At the home they preeentd a musical program which consisted of Christmas Carols, numbers by th Orchestra and Piano selections. Af ter the program the inmates of the home were presented with a large Christmas basket. This program was given by the two groups and sponsored by Miss Ethel Jones. Mrs. William Sprague, of Denver, Colo,, is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. P.. M&hanwnitt, 2110 No. 25th St. Miss Sadie Richardson is ill. Mr. Pullman, secretarty of the YM(1A gave a book review to the Home ami School Ass’n. on Pec. 9th. at the YW'CA. The hook re view was given for the extension of the school library. The leader is Mrs. Lola Smith, 2918 Burdette Mr. Mason, of Shenandoah, la. was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. HAYDEtx S CASH MARKET 2639 Franklin Street WISHES YOU A Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Ritz Beauty Shop HOLIDAY SPECIAL AT 7122 2401 Patrick St. Everyone liken attractive handn ho let Hattie Johnnon give you a free manicure with every h ham poo and prena. BEST WIGHT'S F^F A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from Belzer’s Market 1624 No. 24th St. WE 1411 Mr. and Mrs, Arnold E. Black and daughters. Misses Elizabeth and Naomi, 1923 No. 35th St., will leave Dec. 28th for Los Angeles, California, where they will make their home. Mr. Rolrt. Irving, father of Mrs. C. Althoiuse, is indisposed. Cudahy Packing Co., is sending out Christmas t>oxcs to needy fam ilies of its employees. '—1 YumitE r.siEEf ♦ Mrs. N. P. Patton, Prop. The Patton Hotel 1014 So. 11th St. AT 2752 HERZBERGS’ 1 Women’s Apparel 1519 Douglas St. AT 3845 ■ ■■■■«■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ »■ HARRY RROWN COAL AND ICE PACKAGE FUEL BOth & Grace St. WE 1560 AV.V.V.V.V.V. <V. . . ,VAY :• COFFEE JOHN’S ? ■: in so. 14th st. ■: ^ Biggest 10c Meals In City t > Everybody Welcome / .■.W.V.'.V.V.V.V/.V.V.VA* CENTRAL MARKET ' . >. ti ■ » 'I 1608 Harney ATlantic 8720 A - mm—mmm—mmm Merry Christmas and a Happy. Prosperous New Year It is time again to express these friendly words of good cheer to our many loyal customers. We hope you will enjoy a pleasant holiday season and we extend these greetings to you in a spirit of deep appreciation for your patronage. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hall PROGRESSIVE TAILORS 2120 North 24th Street Gigantic Price Reducing Sale Astounding Values Offered That Can’t Be Duplicated Turkeys, 25c Geese, 20c Ducks, 22c English Walnuts ..—-— 19° Swans Down Flour -- 35c Butter --- 31c Eggs, Poultry Fresh - 32c Cranberry _ qt. 25c Pumpkin _.__-.-No. 2^2 can 10c Poultry Seasoning - 10° Pecans, paper shell --—. 29c Chickens _ 16c Sweet Yellow Yams - 6c Candy _____— 2 lbs 25c Xmas Special Ice Cream Qt. 40c pt. 25c Corn Fed Baby Ribs --2 lbs 25c Steaks - lb. 25o Fish, Buffalo .—--lb. 15c Oranges, large ---- doz. 39c Delicous Apples - bOc Cigarettes _ 14c 2 for 25e Milk, any brand-qt. 10c Hot Sauce_10® Dill or Sweet Pickles-10o Peanuts, Salted_lb. 15o Jello_6 for 25c Ladies hose, gloves and silk undies GOLDSEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS Sweet Milk_qt. 10c Cream_Va pt. 10c Whipping Dream y2 pt. 10c Butter Milk - qt. 7c ASK FOR— HORACEK & SONS PRODUCTS Ask Your Grocer For— WONDER BREAD (Slo-Baked) Butter-Nut COFFEE ... lb. 35c Compliments of Merchants Wholesale Grocery Co. llth and Jones Xmas Trees_79c ASK FOR ALAMITO DAIRY PRODUCTS The Best In Fruits From Gilinsky Fruit Co. Carey’s Naborhood Store Open Evenings WEbfter 0089 Free Delivery