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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1936)
w * a CLUBS AFFAIRS ^-O-C-l-e-t-Y'' ORGANIZATIONS QUACK CLUB ENTERTAINS It v*vs a gay week ord, and at that, just a forerunner of the fes tivities to come. The Quack dub declared the social season with its sixth annual formal dancing party at Bniwnell Hall Dec. 18, 1936. Christmas trees gaily decorated ard Christ nX is colors, gre n and red reflect In the decorations of this smart affair. A huge Christmas tree stood in the spact't-s hallway shining its welcome to all wh i came. During the inierms.sion the en tire membership < f the Quack club dressed as angels and wearing flow int- wh''*e garments, led Christmas carols in which all of the gMests joined ami lustily sang. The hall was an array of color. Beautifully gowned vbunen were sejen throughout the evening. Out standing among those present were Miss Virginia Jackson, smpu’tly f- wned in r'bgh white, crepe, gold ornaments and matching gold slip pers completed this costume. ,, Miss Christine IMx<>n's gown of 'gunmrtul law/was cltM>riy done. Black and white accessories were worn with tihis costume. Miss Dixon wore gardenia* on her shoulder. Miss Ijonora E. Jones, of Chicago and financee of Mr. John Benj. Horteon, j-|, gowned in wine velvet cut on princess lines and made tiun lc at the waist was quilet the belle of the hall. Miss Lucy Stamps in g"ld lane with matching yelll<»w rose on her shoulder, could le. seen throt.'ghout the evening with Miss Faith Patter son, financee of Mr. Adrian Stamps. Mis* Patterson was chic a* ever in green rose point lace. Wilh this striking costume, Miss Oatterson worn pink lace aceasoriea. Miss Patterson is president of the Quack club. Miss Juanita Ole made her ap pearance in yellow counduroy. Miss Cole wore contrasting accessories with this costume anti was most charming. Mr. Charles Thomas, dishwasher in the Jim Bell establishment, 2418 No. 24th St., was stricken by an ep ileptic fit while seated in the kit chen Saturday, Dec. 19th. Falling to the floor, he. suffered an abra sion of the forehead, fractured nose Season’s Greetings FROM Economy Tailor' Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. 1812 No. 24th St. WE 6370 A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Compliments of A FRIEND /yule / crree tirvory) LION COAL CO. 22ND and NICHOLAS STS WE 2605 be vr\v iTnei • From Makers of Bond Bread and lacerated lip. a..', i'homas was taken to the Nicholas Seim hospital. Gerald Robinson, 2536 Hamilton St., received laeerati n on the left ■Jo ff Vie head Sunday, Dec. 23. •hen nrd AnnaVelle Wripht, his common-in-1 aw wife, pot into an or umen* endinr in Anno belle cut ting Robinson with a butcher knife. IP binr n was taken to the Nich olas Senn hospital and later ta’ en to the Police Stnti>n where he vh op a ohnrpe <f ‘‘Disturbinp the Peace.” Anna belle Wripht had pone when officers arrived . The First Spiritual Art dub will meet every Friday even rp from bvr until G:.‘H) o'clock begin ( • Jan. S, 1837. The club is for the beneft of our leader, Daughter M. Qu'nn. 0>me "Ut and join us. You will la- blessed for every piece that you make and donate for tihe up-kee,? of the leader. Our motto is, “we meet with love and gf«d wishes for all” Onr cltub colors are pink and white. Tlx- meetings will b.' (held nt 2528 Itinney. Russel Bryan Jr. Entertains Innumerable after parties were given after the formal dancing par ty given by the Kappa Alpha Psi <>n Saturday, Dec. 19>h. Small par ties were formed and everyone reported having a grand time. Mr. Russel Bryan entertained for the younger so* at the very appoint ed residence at 2817 Binney St. Young Mr. Bryan ia very well known ami is one of young society’s most popu'ar young men. The guest list Included the Misses Lorraine Fletcher, Mary A'ice Willis, Lads anne Herndon, Claude 1 Agee, Ed rose Wil Is, Mablo Ijongmeyer, and Juanita Cole. The Messrs. J. C. Williams, Charles Dickerson, Hez ekiah Stewart, Alvin Wilks, Robert Jackson, Leonard Harrold, Ernie Campbell, and the most charming h"st, Mr. Russell Bryan. LOYAL MATRONS' TEA ’iLia affair, given at the h<>me 'f Mrs. Ludle Thomas, 2802 Ohio St., was «ne of the outstanding at tractions of the season. More than two hundred guests were served between the hours of 4 and 7. The dining room was arrayed to carry out tfhe. color scheme of the club— rose, white and green. On the ever i«f cream lace, el ectric roses ad°med the tabic sep arating six rose colored candles, a tea service was at, one end of the table- a coffee service at the other. A hugh Christmas tree stood in one erner. Black was the predom inating color of the formal dresses, , broken now and then with gold silver or lace trimming. Dark also was good. Hostesses were Hattie Breeken r'dge, Bernice Marshall, Violet White, Louise Decker, Clara Ia»on ard, Estella Robinson. Essie Porter and Lucy Mae Stami>s. The Loyal Matrons are Mesdames (president) Bertha Bell, Ida Wiley, Effie Moore Beatrice Gray, Laura Winston, Mae Roulhlnc, Daisy Gaiter Helen Yancy, Bessie Davis, Margaret Al len, Odessa Whit, Eva M. Hayes. L'.’ey Mae Stamps, Ludie Thomas and Henrietta Makins (sec'y and reporter). Mrs. Sarah Garter, 2322 No. 20th. St. is slowly improving from a serious illness. Mrs. Carter has been greatly missed in Cleaves’ Temple. Tho Baby Contest sponsored -by Mrs. Sarah Gnrter and Mrs. Alice Stalworth was a success. M. Carter entered baby James Bell, grandson of Jim Bell and Walter Harold. Mrs. Stalworth entered Little T. S. Porter. Little James Bell won first prize by reporting $52.00. Lit tle T. S. Porter won second prize by reporting $30.55. Little Walter XMAS GREETINGS FROM KINNEY SHOES G. R_ Kinney Oo... Inc. M. S. Rehak,"Mgr.. 103 South 16th Street Omaha, Nebraska Broadcasts From London To America Emperor Haile Selassie I Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, who broadcast thanks from Ianidou, England, through .station \YlI.\ on Thursday, for aid being given Ethiopia by the American people through Dr Malaku B. Bayen. the emper ors personal representative in this country. The Emperor is shown above making his win ning plea before the fragile of Nations recently. I Harold, third prize by reputing $13.00. First prize was 10.00, second, $0.00 and third, $2.00. $96.66 was the outcome of this effort. Mary Alice Willis Winner In Hope Chest Contest The Hope Chest Scholarship con t« st sponsored by the Ladies Auxil iary of the Postal Alliante, came to glamorous climax at the home of Mrs, J. W. Uncus, 2617 Wirt St.„ on Monday night, reaching the peak "f high finance to the tune of $119. 08. Miss Mary Alice Willis won 'he Hupu Chest, bringing in the stu •'endojs sum of $43.00. When her total was announced, sihe left those present giasping for breath. Second plate went to Miss Mar gut Jite DWJrson, who i»>p rt $38.50, for which she received a cash award. Other contestants in order were: Mrs. Elma Porter, $13,00; Miss Or Lo t Britt, $12.00, Miss Marion ‘Shaw, $5.85; Miss Marguerite Hill. -5.00; Mrs. Lavina Adams, $2.50 and Mss Pauline Johnson, $1.15. 0 •' awards were given all of 1 hem. Amount, raised will be used, to gether with other money collected. t.o pay tuition of a student with the highest average in four years of high school JUNIOR LOS DOCES TO GIVE WATCH PARTY The .Tun or T os Bores will give >. Wet h P'iriy Dec. 31 at the h"me >*f Mr. Jasper Cole, jr„ 21)28 No. 24th St Twenty-four guests are expected. Mrs. Florence Branch entertain ed a groi’.n of college students hon ring Miss Mae Marshall of Chic ago. WANTED: Colored women be tween ages of 25 and 40 to work for family of three in Onawa, Iowa. Call WEhster 1517 for further in formation. New Eeauty Galon 2035 N. 24th St. AT 5810 HOLIDAY SP^CIAT. Hot Oil Treatment FREE ™..with each Shampoo and. Press..$1.00 Finger Waving _.25c Operators—Misses Ella Mae Smith and Alma Parker. HOMER McCRANEY. Mgr. ~ V — FORBES BAKERY 2711 No. 24th WE 6400 Postal Alliance to Meet Jan. 6 Tho Postal Alliance will meet with Mrs. Wilkes, 2914 Erskine St. on Jan. 6, 1937 MISS LUCY MAE STAMPS GIVES COCKTAIL PARTY Lovely affairs given luring the pre-holiday season was the cock tail party given by Miss Lucy Mae Stamps at her home at 2732 Ohio St. Dec. 18th. The guest is-t includ ed twenty-four persons. Thq decorations used by Miss Stamps were both unusual and ef fective. A center pie"e of small blue Christmas trees Were used. A sil ver swan was used on each corner of the table with tiheir necks grace fully bent into the hors-d’oeuvres which were served on silver service trays. Strips of silver tinsel ran from the small Christmas trees and were tied around the necks of the swans. Mr. Thomas Stamps mixed and poured cocktails. The pl eat list included Mr. and Mrs. T/'uis Grant, Mr. and Mrs. William Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Mr. Hnntas Farmer. Mrs. Bernice Marshall, Mr. Louis tVh’In Miss Christine Brown, Mr.1 David Ferguson, Miss Dorothy Beck *T • Busto'* Phillips, Miss Sadie White, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j Stamps, Miss Olivia Johnson, Mr. Adrian Stamps, Miss Faith Patter ison. Miss Jewell Lott and Mrs. Es sie Porter. The party was held before the If'Xth annual party given by the | Quack club at Brownell Hall. Miss I Stamps, very active in “Y” circles is also well known in the. social i Ircles among young married sets. Miss Stamps was very tastefully g< wned in gold lane with contrast ing accessories. The <h!ldren of Mrs. Tyler, 150fi No. 28th St., are il with cods. DIGNIFIED EFFICIENT SITE!! VISION MYERS FUNERAL HOME 2416 N. 22nd St. WE 0248 __ • (Christmas) VCHEERy METZ CIGAR STORE 2405 Lake St. JA 9295 ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP 1809 N. 24 ST. WE 4240 9:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. First Class Work At Cut-Rate Prioes. Lillian Cunningham Bessie Wilson — i KAPPA ALPHA PSI ENTERTAfh Top flight society was present when the Kappa Alpha PsI enter tained on Saturday Dec. 19<h at the Dreamland Hall. Such exclu siveness ttiat is seen only at Ye Old Aloha ayties was <»ut in the gayest of spirits. The hall was very gaily decor ated in Christfmas colors. The hall was decorated with Christmas col ors and small pieces of holly. Mrs. Russell Bryan gowned in peach net as gay as ever, was seen surrounded by a group of admirers. Miss Lucille Graves of Lincoln, Nebr., seen on the arm of Gaitha Fegg, was beautifully gowned in heavy black crepe shot with silver. Miss Graves wore white roses. Miss Ruth Williams appearing in p. three-quarter lappin jacket with pink rose and baby breath on the shoulder. Mrs. G. B. Lennox gowned in whitio crepe and gold. Mrs. Lennox wore matching accessories. Mrs. Lovejoy Crawford, gowned in blue velvet, was the life of her party. Seen chatting gaily in a small group was Mrs. A. L. Hawkins, Mrs. Joseph D, Lewis, Mrs. E. R. West and Mrs.. C. A Branch, ra vishingly done. Debs and sub-debs beautiflilly gowned were .seen throughout the evening. This being their deb year, the Misses Dorothy Scott, Nina West, Elizabeth Black and Eva Mae Stewart were surrounded by their many admirers all evening. Sub-deb present were the Misses Charlotte, Hicks, Betty Davis, Olive YOU CAN GET Apnetizing harbecue, delicious fried chicken, just-right chili and heavenly tanmles at Mason’s, 2024 Burt St. BUT | WISHES ROBBINS PHARMACY 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 JOHNSON PHARMACY 1904 No. 24th St. WE 0998 .•.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w.v H inem an’s Garage General Automobile Repair Greasing, Car Washing, Gas, Oi Tire Repairing 24-HOUR SERVICE JA 9269 2417 No. 24th St 19J6 FRIED'S DELICATESSEN 1509 North 24th Street IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies' and Children’s Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. MICHAEL’S Beauty Shoppe HOLIDAY SPECIAL Free facial or hot oil treat ment given with every sham poo, press and wave. WE 5633 2115 No. 27 St. Willis and Mabel King, all gowned youthfully gowned and very gay. During intermission the good old Kappa Alpha Psi formed a* cricle in the center of the hall an] sang the frat song led by Mr. Jesse Hut ton. Among the out of town visitors present, were Miss Lucille Graves of Lincoln, Nebr.; Miss Leonora Ezella Jones of Chicago; Miss May Marshall of that city; Mrs. Dean of Kansas City, Mo.; the Messrs. Alvin Wilks, IJ'nnie Thomas of Lincoln, Nebr. also students of the University of Nebraska and Miss Jane Thompson of Muskogee, Okla. | Personals font. On Page FIVE RATZKY Quality Groceries and Meats cannot be substituted. Groceries Delivered 2102 N 26th St. HA 0112 We Carry a Complete Line of J. E. McBrady’s Toilet Goods Spices—Soaps—Beauty Cakes— Perfumes—and Family Herbs. 1825 Patrick Ave., Apt. 6 For Prompt Delivery Phone JAckson 9995 Or see our agent when he call* L. G. HARRINGTON M —yours for genuine : - T . .>$>• a J Holiday cheer! Robin Hcod and Metz Beers Protection Johnson Drug Co. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N. 24th St RITZ CIGAR STORE Direct wire on all sporting events. Jimmie Jewell, Prop. 2225 N. 24 HA 4634 FRIEDMAN’S Shoe and Shoe Repair Shop JA 0353 1510 N. 24 St. Happy feet make healthy ap petites. Keep your feet in condition with properly re paired shoes. Women’s and child ren’s Galoshes _ 99c HOSTETTEKS STOMACHIC BITTERS '’31*^ ..V SU1J2g LV . —--a t?rn | Select Your Holiday Foods From HERMAN’S MARKET A large assortment of qual ity foods at reasonable prices Turkeys Geese j Chickens Cranberries Olives Celery Oysters Candies Nuts Fruits Dates Figs Puddings Fruit Cake and many other good things to eat. Your order will re ceive prompt attention. We invite your patronage. 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 Compliments Of Pinkston Music Studio Piano and Voice 250114 N. 24 St WE 5827