SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES WOODSON CENTER NEWS “Christmas Forum'' Sunday, December 20, 1936 Speaker, Rev. I>. W, Stephen son, pa/st or Allen Chapel, A.M. E. Church, subject: “World l’eace.’’ Mr. David Riddles, presiding: DisseUssion leader, Miss A1-. ice Coleman. Miss E. Franklin and Mrs.! Ray b: c Jones will stage a children’s pageant at the For-j uni . Open House, Wed., Dec. 23 , Woodson Center will hoi I its annual “Holiday Open House beginning Bee. 23. In tli even ing, Young Peoples Croups will stage a play and social in the Settlement Cym, 31 and 0 Bts. Clubs and class s of the House will bold an exhibit of haudi-j work and other activities. Mrs. Margaret Bolds, City Missionary , at the atfe of two month* and twelve day*. Service* were held Tuesday, Dec. H, from the home. Jlahy Woodruff had heea ill, hut was on the road to recovery, when she was found smothered Saturday morning. Correction Mrs. Nancy Chnncey has gone jo Bakersfield, ('alii'-, inst ad of Kansas, us was previously re ported. l.ittle Fiances Starks, 5217 S. 2U St., is ill. Mrs. I*. M. Harris, 3324 Park er St., who has bei n confined to her bed for several weeks, is now up again. Mrs. Thelma Ball, 13 st., r turned Thursday, Dec. 3., from Milwaukee, Wis., where she was called by llw> death of her mo ther. Mrs. Velma Givens Lee re mains very ill at a local hospi tal. NEW ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 12lf> Pa cific St., are the proud parents of an eight pound boy bom on Tuesday, Dec. 1. GATEWAY QUARTETTE CLOSES PROGRAM Gateway Quartette closed a successful three day program at St. John Baptist Church on Friday, Dec. 4. Among the per sons winning prizes was Mrs. Johnson, wife of Rev. ,E. D. Johnson, who was winner of the grand prize, a beautiful lace table cloth. Mrs. Johnson was successful in raising the most money every day during the three day program. A lovely sugar and cream set was won by Mr. Fred Aldridge, who gave it to Rev. Johnson. Mrs. Katherin t Shoulders of Paola, Kansas, is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. Yel m Givens Lee, who is ill. SAFETY PIN CLUB The Safety Pin Club will meet with Miss Annul*, lie Lyles 2715 R St., on Sunday, Dec. Id. Bethel Church closed a suc cessful rally Sunday, Dec. (>. Some $228.00 was raised. St. Louis Registration Up Twenty Percent In Four Years St. Louis, Dec. 12 (ANP)—While registration of white voters was rising only 8 p«r cent in he past four years, that of colored voters took a 20 per cent advance, accord ing to figures released last week by the election board. For the presidential eampaigr this year, there were 55,470 Ne groes and 366,907 whites on th< registratian books as compared wit! 46,100 Negroes and 341,077 white: in 1932. Colored voters comprise* 13 per cent of the city’s entire vot ing strength. OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja999< GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and YOl Get the Credit Letters, social and business popular speeches and talks fo Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ai tides for publication. You own work rewritten, revise* or criticised. Write us you needs and send 6 cents stamp fr more details. C. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125th St., New York City MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, psstor Morning service was conduct ed by the pastor after which was Covenant Meeting. Night nerviee was great. Rev. Mosley’s sermon was taken from 1 Cor 1 H2(i, subject “Remembrance’’, after which was the Lord* Sup I r. Attendance was good, with ! a few visitors. ST JOHN BAPTIST CH RCH Pierce Street Rev. E. D. Johnson, Tastor Himdny School was held at the usual t in . Attendance was good despite the iiiclci’ic it weather. Rev Bilbr vv nncl c-ongre i tion of Sab'in Baptist < lur'd Vvcre present in lb 1 afternoon, at which time R- v, fort, local sermon vva taken from 1 I'or ‘ I MON MKMORI VI, >1 K. Cl IB IKi’ll Rev Wm. II Adams, Fastor Morning and night sermons were preached by the pastor. Attendance was fair. Claude Bowers ‘Shows His Colors’ A^ain Chicago, Dec. 12 (ANF)—Claude Bowers, a former newspaperman, author of “The Trngic Era,” and present’ U. S. Ambassador to Spain, lived up to his reputation among colored people and again showed his colors recently when he left his summer home in the bombarded city of San Sebastian, taken ater by the Spanish Fascist—and de parted for a more neutral and saf er zone. Bowers, book “The Tragic Era,” written about the Reconstruc tion period of the south, shameless ly villified Negroes and glorified the whites. It brought forth a great deal of comment from fair-minded Americans of both races who im ediately placed him in the same category with Thomas Dixon, jr., and other »f his clan who use Ne gro-baiting as their means of gain ing public notice. Ambassor Bowers, now a. w. o. 1. in France or some other country, left stalwart Enic C. Wendelin. third secretary, in charge of the United States embassy in Madrid, who has ably directed the diploma - tic work in the Spanish capi'al and jcare of endangered Americans in (civil war torn Spain. Third Secre try Wendelin has done his job well, I in contrast to his chief, who left the I imperiled Americans from all sec tions of the country sincerely hope that deserved recognition for his patriotic service and fortitude and that the State Department will re ward him with a permanent port folio to Spain—perferably that to Mr. Bowers. DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. Now Open For Business WE 3162 2228 Lake St. SOUTHERN TENANTS UN ION SATISFIED WITH HEW GOVERNOB Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 12 (ANP) - Satisfaction with Governor-Elect Carl E. Bailey’s attitude toward the fundaen'al right* of tenant far mers to organize Tuesday was ex pressed by representatives of the Southern Tenant Farmers Unior who Tuesday called on Bailey and held an hour’s conference. ’■'ise v ho took part included Gardner Jackson, chairman of the national Committee on Social R-iral Nanning and Washington repre ■ -ontative of the union; H. L. M’t chell, Memphis, executive secretary I Newell Fowler, Memphis, union at jtorney, and Howard Kester, organi j zer and member of the executive ! < ommitteHt. The union was particular desir ous of k-arning Bailey’s attitude be cause of last s wing cotton choppers strike and charges of violence and terrorism against union members carried out by local and state offi cials, and the recent conviction of City Marshal Peaher of Earl on slavery charges. Governor Visits At Prairie View College Prairie View, Tex., Dec. 12 (By N. B. Edward for ANP)—Al though Prairie View is the larges* Negro school in Tex. and one of the foremost lund grant schools in the country, it had its first visit from R governor of the state Tuesday, Dec, 1st, when Governor James V. Allred and his party made a visit to the school. A holiday was declared so the student body might greet the governor. CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU ReftardUu of what your troubla may he you can look tha world in tha face. Solve all problems. Ret what you want and faar no man circumstances. Your Happiness and Succesa demand that you print your name clearly and send it to - - * REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT 545 OWEN AVE. DETROIT, MICH. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe 201014 N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. BACKACHE Flush Kindeys of Waste Matter Poisons and Acid and Stop Getting Up Nights. 35 CENTS PROVES IT When vour kidneys are clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scant and often smarts and burns you need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules a fine harmles stimulant and diuretic that always works and costs but 35 cents at any modern drug store. 4t’s one good, safe way tc put healthy activity into kidney; and bladder—you’ll sleep 'sounc the whole night thru. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL—righ from Haarlem in Holland—yoi are assured of results. Other symptoms of weak kid ney and irritated bladder are bu'-karh'*. puffy eyes, leg cramp, moist palms. ;j... OMAi DAIRY Il I r»^o BYTriljlul INTfRlSTING^Bj ®iulilUlm 9ti_ <% WlAMERICXSGREATEST... . THRILLING/® i EAND NEW YORES LARGEST.. • You will be^ WaES® NEWSPAPER ISBRANCH-. fisdnated by ) /IMS OUT, AND ML CARRY NEWS.. Ihe prestige ( k OF YOUR SECTION-HUS FRESH.. qoull dainwiW| ; !',a NEWS DIRECT FROM THE WEM.NS this mighty ) r J GREATEST CITY-NEW YORK organiz.ationj ill JU ? 1:»«< 7i M ’ I /^behind you _j r ’wmiNONTHE GROUNDFLOORIVTXm '• I BECOME SOLEREPRESENTATIVmjiifflm l |IN YOUR DISTRICT-NO PRFViml Z Ml kM mjhPEP/ENCE NECESSARY WmKm Amsterdam Nt&s \2293 ~T"AVE. NEW Y0RK.N.Y. Postpone Editor’s Case Sixteen Times Accra, G°ld Coast, West Africa, Dec. 12 (ANP)—The sedition char-| ge made by British officials against) Ben Nnamdi Azikiwe, editor of thel Morning Post, published here, hasi been postponed again. The charge1 against Editor Azikiwe who wast educa'e™"—Wm\ Jghtning Introducer A dignified means f»r intro- — I during yon to attractive mem- 9 1 hi rs of the opposite sex. Send I B 40 cents for six. Stamps or H CHEVRON ART CO. I I 79 Fulton St., Brooklyn N. Y. g A Baby * or lou.' If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn for a baby’s arms aad a baby's smile, do not give up hope. Just write in confidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept. E 562, Hanan Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she will tell | you about a simp*e home method [that helped her after being denied 15 years. Many others say this has j helped bless their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happi I ness. I WEAK BLADDER DUE TO KIDNEY IRRITATION Relief Or No Pay Check bladder weakness and loss of pep from getting up nights. Halt leg and hack pains; strained, scanty ty burning passage due to kidney I irritation, as thousands are doing. RONNOX, N. Y. doctor's prescrip tion costs nothing unless week’s 1 trial shows grateful benefit. Mail this notice to ATKINS LAB., 44 East 63rd St.. N. Y. City. Send no money. Pay postman $1. plus C. O. I D, charges when he brings BON NOX. See quick, delightful relief first week or your dollar refunded. I (Z. Pub.) “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 IBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL FOUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th StWE 1029 A Three Days3' Cough Is Your Danger Signal A cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation today may lead to serious trouble tomorrow. You can relieve them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified Creosote that is pleasant to take. CreomulsioQ 4s a medical discovery that aids nature to soothe and heal the infected membranes and to relieve the irritation and inflammation as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Medical authorities have for many years recognized the wonder ful effects of Beechwood Creosote for treating coughs, chest colds and bronchial irritations. A chemist worked out a special process of blending Creosote with other in gredients so that now in Creomul sion you get a real dose of Beech wood Creosote which is palatable and can even be taken frequently and continuously bf adults and children. Thousands of doctors now use Creomulsion In their own families and practice, and druggists rank Creomulsion top because In this genuine, original product you can get a real dose of Creosote so emulsified that it goes to the very seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ-laden phlegm. Creomulsion is guaranteed satis factory in the treatment of coughs, chest colds and bronchial troubles, especially those that start with a common cold and hang on and on. Get a bottle of Creomulsion right now from your druggist, use it all up as directed and if you fail to get satisfactory relief, he Is authorized to refund every cent of your money. Get Creomulsion right now. (Af .) ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is gi vin g to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. L,--j — a,-.-_ Jv- • mLkjA ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Seerets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for vour package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Monev would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AG ENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any i experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to [ $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. ! FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing. Face Powder and Special Oner to ACCENTS. Don’t v dt.Ma i th COUPON NOW! V jlmor Products Co. 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IIL * I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. US | 2241 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. I I I want to make Quick Money. Please send a»e I I Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away I I | I Name_____......._....___....... I I I I Address__......._.....____.... I I■ I City...