The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 12, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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I I abras'i St to iiifj orlo- 1 nooietjr CITY
LIqooIb. Ifebr.
H »*--- - - __ EDITION
Selection of Homer Harris As Iowa
Football Captain Dispels Race Rlmors
Setting a precedent for fairness
and true sportsmanship, members
of the Iowa university football
team elected Homer Harris, star
Nygro end of Seattle, Wash, cap
tain of the 1937 I»wa eleven, Mon
day night at the annual Hawkeye
Gridiron banquet.
Harris starred at Iowa for two
gro player ever to captain a Big
• Ten football team.
The unprecedented honor to Har
ris followed selection by Iowa play
ers of the great athlete as the
most valuable player this season,
thereby qualifying him for the
Chicago Tribune’s annual Big Ten
most valuable player award.
Harris starred at Iwoa f°r two
years. He is one of the best pass
receivers ever to play at Iowa and
is powerfut on defense.
English Authors Stir
Ire Of Liberians
Monrovia, Liberia, Dec. 12
(ANPj—An aftermath of the re
cent trip through Liberia of t\v<
English writers— Harry J. Green
wall and Roland Wild— was brou
ght to the attention of Liberians
last week when it became knowr
that the Englishmen have writ ter
a book <>n their trip through this
country and have suggested thal
Germany be given a mandate ovei
Part-time work has been fount
for seventy-four students at th<
Municipal University of Omaht
-. during the first ten weeks of school
according to J. E. Woods, directoi
of student employment.
Not included in this list are th(
National Youth Administrator
scholar ship-jobs on the campus
which number seventy-eight, noi
the various jobs around the campus
that are given to students, Mr
f Woods said.
On the student employment files
are the names of 242 students wh<
would like some sort of part-timt
work. Mos>t of the mo-re urgent cas
es have been taken care of, accord
ing to Mr. Woods.
“The demand for Christmas jobs
is just coming in,” said Mr. Woods
“We have eighty-six students or
the Christmas list, so far, and onlj
sixteen openings. But I am con
fident that more will be availabk
before the holiday begins.”
Messrs. Frank Moore, Geo. A1
thouse and R. L. Dawson figured ir
an auto collision on Wednesday, Dec,
2nd. which resulted in injuries tc
two of this group.
Mr. Frank Moore, driving a Ford
V-8, together with Mr. Geo. Al
thouse and Mr. R. L. Dawson were
in head-on collision with a model
A Ford sedan driven by Don Birdie
between 17th and Nicholas St.
while going south on 17th street.
Both the Moore and Birdie cars
were badly damaged. Mr. Dawson
was thrown against the front seat
and suffered a badly cut lip and
the loss of three teeth. Mr. Althouse
suffered a bruised shoulder, dis
located vertebrae and chest injur
ies, having been thrown against
the windshield and against the top
of the car. Birdie received a badly
cut nose.
In police court Thursday, Birdie
received a fine of $5.00 on a charge
of reckless driving.
Harris’ great football ability, his
natural leadership and his loyalty
to Coach Solem throughout Iowa’s
losing season were reasons given
for his choice by Hawkeye players.
Harris is also a track man, hav
ing won letters as a discus throw
er, shotputter and shuttle hurdle re
lay team member. The election of
Harris as captain is in direct con
trast to what happened to Willis
Ward at Michigan a few years ago
when the former Wolverine was a
senior star at that school. The
Michigan players named a junior
who had been a reserve player the
season before.
There have been captains in other
branches of sports in the Big Ten,
but never before does the record
sh<>w a football leader to have been
a member of the race.
. Important captaincies held by
race students have been mostly in
track. A fey captains of the past
were: Ward, Michigan; Metcalf,
Marquette; Gregory, Columbia;
rh’l Edwards, New York U-; Jess
Owens, Ohio State; Beckette, Mar
quette; Lu Valle, UCLA; Brooks,
Chicago; and in football, Pollard of
N' rth Dakota. Dusty records show
that only two players, Pollard of
North Dakota and Harris of Iowa
have held captaincies in modern
football time.
Lloyd Kline, driver of Yellow
Cab, was held up between 28th and
29th on Charles St., Wednesday
night abotut 11,30 o’clock and rob
While parked at the taxi stand
at 17th and Farnam Sts., Kline was
approached by a Negro who asked
that he be driven to 29th and Char
les St. When between 28th and 29th
on Charles street, the passenger
drew a gun and robbed the driver
of $19.00 in cash, a brown leather i
wallet and other minor articles. Af
ter robbing Kline, the thief forced
him to drive away while he stood
at the curb.
Mrs. Edna McCaw, 60, 2806 Ohio
St., died at her home Monday, Dec.
7th, following a brief illness. The
deceased is the widow of the late
Sgt. Mevin McCaw.
Surviving are her mother, Mrs.
Edith Reese, Omaha; Mrs. Theo
dore Gatewood, Mrs. Johnson, Her
bert, Arthur B., Bernice and Ger
trude, children, of Omaha; Mrs.
Joseph Stuart, Minneapolis, Minn.;
Eugene R., Los Angeles, Calif., and
Percy A. Seattle, Wash.
Funeral serices will be held Sat
urday, Dec. 12th, at St. Philips
Mr. Joe Chin, who was to be seen
near the Brandeis entrance, has re
ceived an old age pension and at the
age of 68 will retire.
' For the past twenty years Mr.
Chin was a familiar sight in the
uptown district of the city, where
he sold shoe strings and pencils.
Blindness resulted in liquid from
a bottle of acid flying in his eyes
when he was digging a sewer in
South Omaha.
Miss Dorcas Jones of Omaha,
niece of Mr. C. C. Galloway is the
guest of Mrs. Margaret Stewart,
6015 Calumet, Chicago. Miss Jones
will visit in New York and other
eastern cities beofre returning home
Simmons Whole Show
In 12-0 Rout Of St.
Louis Terriers
St. L<>uis, Dec. 7—Ozzie Simmons,
as slippery as his nickname, the
“Ebony Eel,” gave his Iowa All
Stars two touchdowns and they de
feated the St. Louis Terriers, 12 to
0, yesterday afternoon at Walsh
Ath'mgh the Terriers played
their best game of the year, they
couldn’t stop the star Negr° half
back from Iowa university. Ozzie
scored on a pass in the first quar
ter and, in the final period, led a
43-yard drive that he sapped by
throwing a five-yard scoring aerial
The ‘Eels’ played virtually all
of the game and thrilled 1,000 shiv
ering spectators—half of whom
were of his own race—with hie
elusive dashes.
Terrier’s Lead in Gaining
And, without Simmons, the Io
wans were no match for Coach Ar
nold von Lehsten’s eleven. Tht
Terriers’ gained 156 yards fronr
scrimmag'ee, to 75 for the All-Stars
and also ad an edge in first downs
with nine, to six for the visitors
In passing, the St. Louis team als<
outgained its opponents, complet
ing five of 12 for 54 yards, agains
two of three for 42.
But Simmons was there. Tin
Iowans took the ball on their 46
yard line in the first period an<
moved to the St. Louis 37. Then
Full back D. Sachem passed t>
Ozzie, who dashed down the wes
side of the field, stiff-armed om
tackier and scampered across th<
goal after a run of 20 yards.
In the last half, Simmons opene<
(continued on page 5)
Mr. Alphonso Wilson, 521 No. 31
St., answered the call of the Grin
Reaper Thursday night, Dec. 3rd
at his home.
Bom in Bedford, Mo., in 1860
Mr. Wilson lived in Chicago, mov
ing from there to this city in 1886
Member of Excelsior Lodge No
92 of the Masons, he was treasure)
and trustee as well as chairman o;
the trustee board.
Mr. Wilson was head stewar<
for twenty-four years of the ol(
Metropolitan club and head stewarc
of the old University club.
Funeral services were conductec
Monday at 2:00 p. m., from th<
Myers Funeral Home, Rev. C. A
Williams, former St. John pastor
and Exelsior Lodge No. 92 beinj
in charge.
Surviving are the wife, Kathryn
wo sons, Alphonso, jr., and Thomas
Iroquois Lodge Officers Named
The following persons have beer
elected officers in Iroquois Lodge
No. 92, I. B. P. O.. E. of W: M.. L.
Harris, exalted ruler; Roy White
leading knight; Dr. Craig Morris
loyal knight; Redrick Brown, lect
urer; Dr. Price Terrell, secretary
C. B. Mayo, treasurer; H. Johnson
tyler; Jack Hall, esquire; Ed John
son, inner guard; P. S. Holliday
George Hardy and John Curtwright
trustees; Dr. D. W. Gooden, phy
sician; Ray L. Williams, legal ad
visor and Otto Mason, district de
New York, Dec. 12 (C—In e
trans-Atlantic telephone conserva
tion Thanksgiving night, Emperor
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, from
London, advised Dr. Malaku E,
Bayen, his personal envoy in the
U. S., that Ras Gestachaw, son of
Ras Abata, who was one of the
Ethiopian generals winning re
nown in the battle of Adowa in
1896, had been ousted from com
mand of 2,000,000 warriors for
dealing with the Italians.
Five Candidates For
Mayor Withdraw—
Say nToo Busy”
Five of the candidates for hon
orary position of Negro Mayor,
namely. , Dr. Wesley Jones, Milton
Johnson, W. L. Myers, Dr. G. B.
Lennox and J. D. Granville, have
withdrawn from the election to be
held Dec. 14th. giving as their rea
son they were too busy with their
own particular line of work to at
end t<> whatever duties it might be
necessary for them to perform as
This election is being sponsored
by the Bacchanites, a social club
In the race now are John Owens
J. C. Carey, John Benjamin Hortor
and R. C. Price.
The Bacchanites will give an en
tertainment, at which time the can
didate elected will be officially de
signated as Mayor.
Final election December 14th.
Poll places are!
Colquitts Grocery, 2754 I^ake St.
Herman’s Grocew, 24th and Lak<
Sts., Thulls Drug Store, 24th ant
Seward , Hermahsky Drug Store
28th and Q Sts., poUth Omaha am
' Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hawkins, Mi
■ and Mrs. Curtis Kirtley, real es
1 tate dealer and I. S. McPhersor
! tailor, all of Omaha, spent las
1 week end as visitors in Chicago a
the guests of Mrs. Hawkins’ rela
' lives, Mrs. W. M. Conway, a sister
‘ George Mohan, brother; and Mrs
Dudley Patillo, niece, of 5324 S<
1 Michigan Ave. They aso visite
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me
Pherson, brother of 1. S. MePher
son and W. M. Kirtley, nephew o
^ Curtis Kirtley.
1 The Colored Old Folks Homt
, ....■ *
The Colored Old Folks Horn
- wishes to thank Mrs. Elizabeth Me
Clair and Mrs. Preston for eigh
■ cans of corn and eight cans of peas
■ The executive board of the Ob
' Folks Home is requested by th
president to meet at the Center
Thursday evening at 8: p. m.
By Ollie Lewis, Campaign Mgr.
Many speeches have been made
1 and many articles written abou
■ |the qualifications of the candidate
, who are seeking to become th
' first Negro Mayor of Omaha.
realize that most people who vote
i usually vote as they please, bu
with your permission, I am calling
your attention to a few points tha
I think should be weighed carefullj
before you vote. What experienc<
has the candidates had that qualifiei
him for the honor which he seeks"
What business connections has hi
1 that can be used to advance thi
' economic welfare of the race? Wha
about his intellectual status, is hi
a peer of the men with whom hi
will have to deal in prosecuting thi
program of his people? Is his mor
als above reproach? What contri
bution has he made to the commun
ity which he seeks to lead ?
If you will take the record o:
each candidate and spread it ou
before you and analyze it in thi
light of these questions, the onl;
logical answer is J. C. Carey fo:
Polling places:
Frank Hermansky Drug store
2725 Q St.
Herman Friedlander Grocery
store, 24th and Lake Sts.
Colquitt Grocery store, 285'
Lake St.
Thull Pharmacy, 1602 No. 24tl
Thirteenth and Pacific streets.
For further information relativ*
to voting, call the Omaha Guide
WE 1517.
Colored Federal
Employes Organize
In Capital City
Washington, Dec. 12 (ANP)—
More than 200 goemment employes
attended a meeting Wednesday at
the 12th Street YMCA, sponsored
by the United Government Employ
Mrs. Elizabeth H. McDuffie
spoke on “Social Security, Its Ob
jectives and Renefits to the Negro,”
and Edgar G. Brown, special as
sistant to the Director of Emer
gency Conservation Work and C.
C. C. discussed te Negro’s place in
President Roosevelt New Deal Pro
gram for Government Employee.
The drive is on for 4,000 members
by January 1, 1937.
The officers are Edgar G. Brown,
president, William M. Steen, secre
tary, Mrs. Elizabeth H. McDuffie,
treasurer and George H. Wallace,
chairman on arrangements.
: Hit-Run Death
Trial Jury Chosen
1 A jury was being selected in
District Judge Yeager’s court Mon
day to try Harry A. Folkers, 22, of
244G Pratt St., on three charges
arising out of the hit-^nd-ruii auto
dcah of Ishme&l Wesley, GO, of
• 1916’ • Cuming St. last March 27th.
Mr. Folkers has pleaded not guilty
• on all three counts, manslaughter,
L causing death while unlawfully op
3 crating a motor vehicle and failing
to stop after an accident.
’ Deputy County Attorney James
• Fitzgerald is prosecuting the case.
• Mr. F'dkers is represented by Jack
' Baldwin.
Clifford Booker, 2433 Franklin
St., attempted to take his life Fri
day, Dec. 4th, by inhaling gas.
When J. J. Thomas, 1912 Emmet
' St., went to the residence of Clifford
Booker had been living for the past
j 24th St., following an argument,
his knock, he opened the door and
found Booker lying on the bed un
’ conscious from the effect of inhaling
gas Which was escaping from an
i open jet on a small gas stove. Tho
• ntas turned off the gas and called
the fire department, who responded
with the inhalator, and Booker was
t’ revived.
Cause for this attempt at suicide
was believed to be hinged on the
j fact that Lovie Roper, with whom
Booker had been iving for the past
’ two years had moved to 1803V& No.
' 24th St., folowing an argument.
i _.
Anthony Hughes, 1836 No. 21st
! St., Omaha Bee newsboy received
! cuts on both hands Thursday, Dec.
; 3rd from glass in a door.
! Anthony had gone into the Mick
: el Bldg., 319-23 So. 15th St., to get
! a drink. Thinking he heard some
■ one whistle to him for a paper, he
‘ dashed to the door and in attempt
ing to open it, broke the door win
dow, receiving cuts on both hands.
He was treated at the police station
- and booked “Incorrigibility!” and
! turned over to the Juvenile autho-i
Fire swept a wooden tabernacle
i during a Negro revival service early
today, which spread panic among
i more than 6,000 people. A charred
body was found in the ruins. Sever
al delegates from Omaha are at
i tending the convocation of the
Church of God, which is being held
at this tabernacle.
Parents Protest Act of Teacher
Whan little Donald Pag*, six- 1
year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. 0. C. c
Page, 2628 Patrick Ave., pushed t
and shoved little Joseph Beckman c
and Ronald Jakes on Monday after- c
noon, Nov. 30th, at Long school, 5
he and the other two boys were i
kept after school. The outcome of <
these boys’ stay has caused no lit- 1
tie unpleasantness in the commun- ]
ity. i
According to Mrs. Page, when i
Donald failed to come home from 1
school Monday afternoon, she sent I
two older children to find ou what <
had happened. They, upon arriving I
in Donald’s room, found Donald I
seated in a chair crying. Upon be
ing told by the teacher that l>»n- x
aid was being kept until he quit ]
crying, they sat down to wait. Mrs. i
Page waited and when the childen i
sent failed to return, she and three :
other children set out for the school.
Arriving here, she too found Don
ad crying. Asking the teacher, Mrs.
Jean W. Pomeroy what was wrong,
sho was informed that Donald, who
had la-on kept for pushing and
shoving in the hall, had been cry
in" and that. he would have been
dismissed earlier had he not been
crying. Mrs. Page said that sho was
also informed by the teacher that
! her orders from Miss Anna T.
Henley, principal, were to keep in
children who had fights nt the
I school in order that they might
I finish their fights in the teacher’s
room that evening and that she
had let Hie other two boys hit Don
ald, giving him a taste of his own
Upon being told that such were
Miss Healy’s order, and due to the
fact that it was impossible to see
Miss Healey that evening because
she had gone home, Mrs. Page Baid
she returned to the school the fol
lowing day and interviewed Miss
Healey. When questioned by Mrs.
Page as to whether or not she had
told the teacher, Mrs. Pomeroy, to
have children re-fight all battles
started on the grounds, etc., Miss
Healey emphatically denied ever
having given out such information
and immediately sent for Mrs. Pom
eroy. When questioned in Miss
Healey's presence, with regard to
/here the orders came to have child
ren fight out all differences, Mrs.
Pomeroy, according to reports,
seemed to be unable to answer for
a few minutes—later stating that
he children had told her that such
were Miss Healey’s orders. Miss
Healey said that such statement
coming from her was a lie and sent
for the Beckman and Jakes child
ren and proceeded to give them a
lecture on making up things and
telling them as having come from
her. In a letter to Mrs. Page, Miss
Healey says that Mrs. Pomeroy,
the teacher, had merely asked
Donald how he would like it if the
other boys bit, pushed and scratch
ed him, and that before the teach
er coud realize what had happened,
one of the little boys had hit Don
When interviewed by an Omaha
Guide reporter Wednesday after
noon, Hiss Healey expressed her
self as being very sorry that the
whole thing had taken place. She
described her six and one-half years
experience with Long school child
ren, their parents, etc. She also
praised Mrs. Pomeroy, who, is, she
said a conscientious teacher, spend
many hours overtime in the interest
of these children. According to her
statement, when the three children
were kept after school, having in ]
mind the golden rule, Mrs. Pomeroy
merely asked Donald how would he i
like it if the other children were to
do him as he had done them, telling ;
im also that if one would hurt oth
rs, he must expect to be hurt in
urn. Before she, Mrs. Pomeroy,
i>uld realize what was being done,
ne of the little boys struck Donald.
Ihe quickly reprimanded the child
/ho had done the striking. When
truck, one of Donald teeth was
mocked out. According to Miss
Iealey, the school nurse had in
pected this tooth that same day,
t being one of Donald’s baby teeth,
tfiss Healey said ft was her firm
relief that the children did not fight
m orders given them by the teacher
iut as a result of having taken mat
ers into their own hands.
“Fights on Long school grounds
ire a rare thing. Whenever a dis
>ute arises, disputing parties go
aside and get the principal or one
>f the eachers to help them arrive
it a decision. What person could
x'lieve that a teacher would ad
/ise children to fight,” said Misa
In speaking of the other reporters
vh‘> had called, she said she remind
„hem that when Long school was
i runner-up ugainst other schools,
ivhen it was high in scholarship,
athletics, story work etc., they re
fused for first one reason and an
other to give the school the publi
city it should have had. But when
r chance comes to ridiule etc., the
reporters were on hand. Miss Heal
ey states she is a firm believer in
tho appieation of the golden rule
Mr. and Mrs. Page took the mat
ter before the School Board Mon
day, Dec. 7th, and was advised that
investigation would be made and
report given the third Monday in
December, which is Dec. 21st.
Having confessed to taking a
part in the burglary of the Standard
Cleaners and Dyers plant, 1445 So.
13th St., last Monday night, at
which time a large quantity of clo
thing was stolen the past Monday,
Joe Smith, 20, of 2405 Blondo;
Frank Terral, 19, 1911 No. 25th;
Joe Allen, 25, 2706 Hamilton; Lysle
tiawson, 23, 2509 No. 26th and El
mer Williams, 23, 2314 No. 21st.,
ire languishing in cells at the Cen
tral station.
According to statement made by
Joe Smith, the gang broke in the
rear door of the plant and later
took the loot to his room, using two
Automobiles with which to convey
it Becoming frightened, he took
the clothing to a dump at 43rd and
Lake streta, where it was scatter
ed. Police could find none of it.
Some of the articles stolen were
three women’s coats, ten pairs of
trouisers, three women’s dresses
ind eighteen men’s suits.
Sentences were dealt Dec. 2nd,
,ho persons who were charged with
laving stolen 23 tons of pig lead
from the Omaha smelter ship
Roy Livingston received the
laviest sentence—it was thought
le was the leader of the gang. He
(leaded guilty on Nov. 14t.h and was
sentenced to two years in the state
William Bynum was paroled for
‘our years to J. 0. Hiddleston, adult
iTobation officer.
Alberta Livingston pleaded guil
y N»v. 8th and on Dec. 2nd was
jaroled for two years to the adult
srobation officer.
Louis Rutedge received one year
nthestate reformatory.
Robert Johnson was given a four
rear parole.