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Present were the guest of honor, Mrs. Min nie Herndon, Mrs. Blanche Ter rel and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. Mrs. Thomas Honored Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson en tertained at a dinner Thursday honoring Mrs. Laura Thomas of Sioux City. Present includ ing the guest of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nevins, Mrs. Lizzie Payne, Misses Virginia Nevins and K. Gamble. Mr. James Holt remains ill at the Edmondson hospital. Mr. D. Butler Walker was the dinner guest of Mrs. J. Flin ches of Glenwood, la., on Thin's day. ALFRED BERRY DIES Mr. Alfred Berry, 88, old res ident of Council Bluffs, died Saturday at his home. Mr. Ber ry suffered a stroke recently from which he never recovered. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at 2:00 p. m., at Bethel A.M.E. Church, with Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor of the Free stone Baptist Church, Omaha, in charge. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR ALBERT GREEN Funeral services for Albert Green were held Sunday, Nov. 29 at Tabernacle Baptist church with Rev. Joseph Gates in charge. Mr. Green had been confined to the Oakdale Sanitarium for several months. Hope had been held for his recovery until re cently. Surviving is his wife, Ella. Hollis Art Club To Give Bazaar and Tea The nollis Art Club will give a bazaar and tea on Dec. 10th, at the home of Mrs. Emma Tur ner, 1529 Ave. A. Mrs. Wm. Shaffer is still un der the doctor’s care. Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Your Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. ^TSBBP' Turkey Was King Mrs. Merline White left M011 dy for her home in Kansas City, after spending Thanksgivng with her sister, Mrs. Rotine Calhoun, 1515-5 Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haynes were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey Thanks giving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clew land were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carbins on Nov. 26. In the evening, Mrs. Ellen Harrison, great-grand children and Mrs. Walter Cleve land motored to Omaha where they attended a show. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Florence of Missouri Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (livens and Mrs. Aleindia Givens were dinner guests of Mr. ad Mrs. Geo. Brown Thanks giving Day. Rev. Geo. White was the din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaffer on Thursday. Nov. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner, jr., had as dinner guests on Thanksgiving Mr. Nathan Tur ner, sr., and Mr. John Hastings and Miss Viola Turner, both of Omaha. Mrs. Fannie Harris was the dinner guest of Mrs. Katherine Ford on Thanksgiving. Miss Lula Mae Hall attended the breakfast given Thursday morning honoring Miss Tulseye Henderson. Mrs. Velma Givens Lee, for mer Council Bluffs resident, is very ill in the County Hospital, Omaha. Plan Tom and Jerry Party The Hollis Art Club met on Thursday, Nov. 26. at the home of Miss Wilma Herndon. Plans were made for the club’s annual Tom and Jerry party which is to be given Dee. 24, at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Reeves, 2205-3 Ave. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. M. Slater, 2427-5 Ave. Mrs. Calhoun Entertains Mrs. Rotine Calhoun enter tained at dinner Sunday, hon oring her sister, Mrs. Merline White of Kansas City. Guest list was made up of some ten Omaha and Council Bluffs friends. ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson had as dinner guests Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Dan Thomas Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Oliver, Mr and Mrs. McBay and Mrs. Sal lie Thomas of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Givens and Mrs. Alcinda Givens motor ed to Lincoln Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dean. While in Lincoln they also visited Mrs. Eva Carter . Mrs. Blanche Golden is indis posed. Mrs. Rosa B. Griffin and dau ghters Patsy and Eva Jean were dinner guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. J. McCarty, 3006 Lindsey Ave., Thanksgiving. ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 OURCHPRCHES ! CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 27th and R Streets Elder A. D. Garter, pastor Morning sermon was preach ed by the pastor. Mr. G. Dun can was in charge of the night service. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. White, factor The regular services were held the past Sunday. Attend ance was good. BETHEL A. M. E- CHURCH lfith Street, Avenue A Rw. Geo- W. Slater, Jr., Pastor The church esjoyed good services the past Sunday. At tendance was good. The condition of Mr. Jas. llolt, who is in the Edmondson Hospital, remains unchanged. Miss ,Clara Shaffer and Mr. Fred Reeves motored to Red Oak Thanksgiving. Miss Tulseye Henderson left Sunday night for Kansas City after spending the week end visiting friends here. Miss Henderson is taking a beauty course in Kansas City, and is making marked progress as could be seen by the splen did marcel given Miss Lula Mae Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Washing to nare in the Mercy hospital as the result of a cutting af fray which took place Saturday night. Their condition is report ed as being fair. Mrs. Katherine Ford is con fined to her bed because of ill ness. Mr. Hiro Nichols remains bedfast. His condition is some what improved. Mrs. Winston of Lawrence, Kansas, arrived in the city Sun day night to attend the funeral of her brother, Mr. Alfred Ber. ry. Mrs. Wigley of Salina, Kan sas, and daughter, Mrs. Hester Lewis and son, Jr., left the city Monday, after spending the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Birdsong . Cleverettes Supper A Success The Potluck supper given by the Cleverettes at their social meeting Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis, was a success. Plans were made for the club’s Christmas dance, to be given Dec. 29, at the Eagle Hall. Messrs. Chas. Cage, Shorty Fields, and James Haynes, gay HEFT & NOYES MONUMENTS AND MARKERS At Reasonable Prices 40th and Forest Lawn KE 1738 jj WOMAN’S $ il WORLD j FRD’iT CAKE It is only natural that the home maker would think of “sugar nnd spice” in the form of a fruit cake when thinking of the season’s favor ite holidays- Fruit cake is the all star final to any holiday fea t. Fruit cake improves with age. The fruits and spices in the cake develop e. ripen food perfume that’s delectnble. Two, four or six weeks is not too long a period to make this holiday treat of good cheer. The quality of the spices nuts, raisins ami the other dried fruits should be considered at all times. And now for some fruit cake re cipes. Snowy Fruit Cake Two-thirds cup butter, one and three-fourths cups granulated su gar, three and one-half cups flour three teaspoons baking powder, one half teaspoon salt, one cup grated coconut, one pound almonds, blan ched and shreded, one pound ci tron, cut fine, one cup chopped can died pineapple, one cup chopped candie.d chcfrriesf one cup sweet* milk, whites four large or five small eggs, beaten to peaks. Add sugar gradually to the creamed butter in the mixing bowl. Measure flour, putting three cups into sifter with the baking pow der, salt, sprinkling one-half cup over the mixed coconut, almonds, citron, pineapple and cherries in a bowl. Add the sifted flour mixture to the sugar and shortening alter nately with the milk. Fold the beat en egg whites into batter; then fold the floured fruits and nuts into it. Pour the batter into a greased pan- Bake one half hour at a slow temperature and one hour at a very low heat. young blades of the city, at tended the Creighton-Detroit game in Omaha Thursday af ternoon. MRS. LOLA PEARL'S MUSIC IS BROADCAST The song “Just You’’ com posed by Mrs. Lola Pearl was broadcast Dee. 2, over station KRKD, Los Angeles, Calif., at 11 :00 a. m., Pacific Standard Time. This is just one of a num ber of songs Mrs. Pearl has composed. May she meet with an abundance of success. Elder and Mrs. R. E. Jeffer son of Sioux City, visited Elder and Mrs. A. D. Carter cnroutc to TTope, Ark., where they will visit relatives and friends. ja 5000 Look At Your Roof! THERE S A BIRD ROOF For Every Type of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of lovely colors. Call for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 Years To Pay Nicholas QBH^ if*. No cm** beyond hop*. Stop Information If. WILL'AMS, Journal Square o. Jersey City, N. J. Alabama Dark Fruit Cake Two cups brown sugar, one cup shortening, four teaspoons soda, three cups buttermilk, eight cups flour, two pounds rai-ins, two pounds citron, two cups figs, two cups dates, two cups jam, any kind, two teaspoons salt, two teaspoons allspice, two teaspoons nutmeg, fur teaspoons cinnamon, two cups pecan meats, one cup California walnuts, one cup almonds, one cup molasses. Cream shortening and sugar, add soda to buttermilk, use four cups flour for the cake and four cups with which to dredge the fruit. Combine other ingredients, mix , thoroughly, bake in moderate oven three and one half hours. Dark Fruit Cake One pound butter, one pound su gar, ten eggs, separated, one half cup wine, or grape juice, one pound flour, one cup molasses, one tea spoon each of nutmeg, cloves, and i mace, two teaspoons cirmmon, two teaspoons soda, one pound pecan 1 meats, one pound raisins, one pound candied pineapple, one pound can dided cherries, one pound dates, <>ne half pound citron, one half pound orange peel, one half pound lemon peel. Break up nut meats and cut fruits in small pieces, all but the cherries which should be left whole. Cream butter and sugar, add beat ten egg yolks, molasses and wine or grape juice. Mix half the flour with the fruits and sift the other half several times with the spices and soda. To the butter and sugar mixture add the beaten egg whites, then the flured fruits and last the other flour. Mix well. Bake at moderate temperature for two hours in pans lined with several thicknesses of brown paper, the top one greased- Turn on rack to cool, wrap in waxen! paper and several thicknesses of newspaper and tie tightly. Unwrap and sprinkle with wine one or twice while seasoning. Or would you prefer making the Charleston Fruit Cake or Grand mother’s FYuit Cake or Kentucky Black Fruit Cake and many others. If so, why don’t you send your re quest along with a loose three cent stamp to Arden II. Duane, Asso ciated Negro Press, 3607 South Parkway, Chicago, 111, LISTEN! 3ct your car ready for win ter driving. Use Conoco Bronze or Ethyl Gasoline. Change Oil—use Germ Pro cessed motor oil. SAE 10 or 20 Zero Oil. LEWIS SERVICE STATION SW COR. 24th and GRANT 9 ABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS DANCING 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 WALLACE NAMED TO NATIONAL FARM BOARD ■Washington, Dec. 2 (C)—Just before sailing away t» South Am erica, President Roosevelt sent a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Wallace of the National Farm Commission, composed of 38 mem bers, to study farm tenency with a view to recommending “ways of eloping a land tenure system which will bring an increased measure of security, opportunity and well-being to the great group of present and prospective farm tenants.” DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCK BY, Prep. Now Open For Business WE 3162 2228 Lake St. AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHILI AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES CAN YOU 1 SECRET? 1 HAVIGOOD NEWS FOR YOU RoyardloM of whal your troubU may ha you can look tko world in tko faco. Selva all prokloma, ial whal you want and foar ao man circumetancot. Your HappinMi and Sueeom demand that you print your nama clearly and send it to - - - REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT 545 OWEN AVE. DETROIT. MICH. PATRONIZE OUR _ADVERTISERS ALTHOUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif' fures. See our complete lino of -cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. LUCKY HEART INCENSE NEW-DIFFERENT Number. appear Ilk# Magic In eahea. quick tor greateat agent'. eauj mono? making proposition, get Fran «ampla» lno.nw.Faoa powder, Hair Dros.lng, new 3 <1 page SoautJ LUCKH HEART, Dept. Q-1223 Memphis, Tenn. - - - -—■ WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It's Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5066 Home of Kangaroo Court NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Rhone WE5656 2414 (Jrant St , ■ -- ■ HOW 'JFTEN CAh YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wlfn should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for omt whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry" and kiss and make up easier Ireforo marriage than after. Bo wise If you want to hold your husband, you won't bo a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the three ordeals of Ufe: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a throe-onarter wife, take LYDIA E. PIN KtlAM'3 VEGETABLE COM POUND and Oo "Smiling Through." Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery OaRFIEID tea KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll Ilk. th. way It »napi you back, ov.rniaht, to th. fooling of "rarin' to