The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 05, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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American Legion
Membership Drive
Gets Good Start
The membership drive of Omaha
post of the American Legion f»r a
roster of at least 3.000 names to
insure that it will continue to lead
the world appeared certain to end
successfully at the end of the third
week’s drive
Wednesday Robert Dunn .presi
dent of the Fontenelle Brewing Co.,
and chairman °f the Legion mem
bership committee named by Post
Commander Robert Webb, said that
the army of 200 workers, led by
their respective captains, had sign
ed up hundreds of new members
with every indication that the quo
ta would be reached by the closing
hour Saturday.
Alfonzo Davis, of Technical high
school, succeeded in qualifying for
the high shool honor roll with
no grades beow “2” in scholarship
or in citizenship. Prviously he had
made the “Praemium Gratiae Pal
atie award in citizenship.
Davis made honor roll grades be
fore but did not receive the award
due to the discretion of one of the
faculty. He has a fine athlete and
also a leader at the school and in
the community. He was candidate
for secretary of his graduating
class, but was defeated, by four
votes, by his opponent. If Davis
succeeds in making the honor roll
next quarter he will be the only
colored honor graduate in his grad
v uating class.
After being hailed by a dark
skinned Negro, between the ages
of 28 and 30, Sunday, W. E. Rein
bold, driver of a Yellow Cab, was
ordered to drive to 29th and Deca
tur. When at 28th and Seward, it
is alleged that the Negro ordered
he driver to stop the car. When
the driver opened the door, th
passenger produced a snub-nosed
gun and robbed Reinbold, the dri
ver, of $15.10.
Salesman for Cathedral Motors,
Inc., 3215 Broadway, at 125th St.,
New York City, who set a sales
record on Dodge and Plymouth cars
and represented his firm at the Na
tional Automobile Show at Grand
Central Palace, being the first and
only colored exhibitor at the annual
auto show. Mi-. Jackson was born
at St. Charles, Mo., but grew up
in St. Louis. He graduated from
M«>rehouse college, Atlanta, in ‘31
with the A. B. degree, and began
selling cars in April, 1935.
Dr. W. W. Alexander
Named Under Secre
tary of Agriculture
Washington, Nov. 28 (ANP)—•
Announcement of the appointment
of Dr. WUl'am W. Alexander, for
many years a well known liberal
and fr'end of the Negro 'n the
south, to succeed Dr. Rexford Tug
well as under-secretary of Agr*
culture was announced last week
by Secretary Henry Wallace.
Dr. Alexander, who resigned as
pres'dent of D'llard un'vers’ty in
New Orleans some months ago to
devote all his t'me to the pos'tion
Bureau of Resettlement under Dr.
of Ass'stant Adm'n'strator of the
Tugwell, immediately left w'th
Secretary Wallace on an auto tour
of representative southern states
'n order to acqua'nt his 'mmediate
(Continued on Page 7)
Disappoints 2,000 In Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines, la.—Fletcher Hen
derson and his orchestra, who were
scheduled to appear in Des Moines,
la. at the Armory, Wednesday,
Nov. 25th, under the auspices of
the El Producto club, failed to make
an appearance and a crowd estimat
ed to be between 1,500 and 2,000
were greatly disappointed. Atty. J.
Nelson Thompson, president and
business manager of the El Pro
ducto club was at a loss to explain
why the orchestra did not appear.
Hie contract, wich has been turn
ed over to the American Federation
of Musicians Union for them to
act and investigate the case, shows
that the contract had been fully
performed on the part of the local
promoters and that there was no
excuse known to the local promot
ers why the band should not appear.
Atty. Thompson has publicly de
clared that this matter will receive
the greatest amount of attention
possible and with the aid of the
American Federation of Musicians
prophesied that Fletcher Hender
son will be prohibited to play any
other engagements until a settle
ment is made. He also prophesied
that the license of Jesse Johnson
of St. Louis to book bands will be
permanently revoked. It happens
that Jesse Johnson’s name appears
on the contract and a check of the
records in Des Moines shows that
a warrant for Johnson’s arrest for
obtaining money under false pre
tenses has been issued,
turned out to the Armory to hear
Nearly 2,000 Des Moines people
the “Christopher Columbus’’ orch
estra swing forth. The normal
■dance attendance is usually not
over 500.
(continued on page 5)
Harmon Foundation
Exhibits Negro Art
New York C‘ty, Nov. 28 (ANP)
—A series of exhibitions, present
ed in groups and featuring materi
als on Negro achievement in art
has been assembled by the Harmon
Foundation, 140 Nassau St., th's
c'ty and made available to study
use >n clubs, churches, schools mu
seums and interracial programs.
The exhibitions consist of or1
g<nal paintings and sculpture by
colored art'sts, photos of or'g'nal
art work, art activ't'es and Afri
can prim't'ves; illustrated reviews
and lectures by noted experts; mo
tion pictures, featur'ng one on
Afr'ca, w'th appropriate mus'cal
background and lantern slides w'th
lecture material on the Negro and
art. Interested persons can get
complete information by address'ng
the Hannon Foundation.
Give Entertainment
To Enlarge Library
Admission One Book
The Home and School Ass’n. of
the Omaha Third S. D. A. church
will have a book review on Wednes
day evening, Dec. 9th at 8 p. m.
o’clock for the sole purpose of build
ing up the church school library.
Along with the review, there will
be other numbers rendered by ac
complished musicians of the vty.
Admission is one book. Books of
travel, music, art, dictionaries, bio
graphies, histories etc, will be ap
preciated, but novels, love-stories,
detective stories and the like will
not be considered as choice reading
for a library of growing boys and
girls. Books will be collected at the
door however, if y°u do not have
one, you are welcome anyway.
Miss Althea Lightener, who won
first place in the local oratorical
contest, left Friday for Chicago
where she will compete in the tour
nament in which other S. D. A.
high school students from the great
lakes states will be participants.
Both Miss Lightener and Miss He
len Partridge are to be compliment
ed for their efforts. We feel ’hat
we will be well reprsented at Chi
cago even though Miss Lightener
does not win.
A free Thanksgiving dinner was
given for the old folks of the com
munity by the Good Sheperd Char
ity club. This dinnr was served at
the Coleman Dangerfield residence,
2613 Burdettte street. This is the
second dinner of this kind the club
has given. The program consisted
of song and prayer and scripture
reading by Rev. Whitelow. Dr. Len
nox was the principal speaker. All
enjoyed the helpful remarks. Sis
ter Josie Smith, chairman of the
dinner prepared a good whole
some dinner which was enjoyed by
all.. Sister Pearl Smith saw to it
that all wre served properly. Forty
aduts and, nineteen children were
served and seven baskets were pre
Mr. Dangerfield gave the club
two gallons of ice cream to be serv
ed with lovely cakes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Singleton
were the Thanksgiving guests of
their son-in-law, F. L. Hogan.
Federal Old-Age
Pensions In Effect
January 1,1937
The Federal old-age benefits sys
tem, provtd'ng for retirement pay
ments fr«'m the Federal Govern
ment to qualified persons begin
ning at the age of 66 w*U go 'nto
effect January 1, 1937. Th's sys
tem was established by the Soc'al
Secuifty Act. Its pjurpose |s to
br'ng to persons employed *n fields
of commerce and Industry increas
ed assurance of an independent old
age. These benefits are based on
total wages for work done 'n th's
country after Dec. 31, 1936, and
before a worker become 65 years
of age- Th's includes every k'nd of
work for an employer w'th a few
except'on?. Wages of not more than
$3,000 a year from any one employ
er will be added together to make
up the total wages.
Monthly benefits w'll range from
$10 to $86 a month and will begin
to be pa'd on January 1, 1942. To
qual'fy for this type of benefit an
'nd'vidual must be 66 years of age,
h's total wage must be $2,000 or
more and must have earned wages
for at least one day in each of five
calendar year.
Lump-stim payments w'll be
made to ind'v'duals who reach the
age of 6{j but do not qual'fy for
monthly benefits. 'ftie amount paid
them w'll equal 3J4 per cent of
the'r total wages. Death benefits
w'll be paid to the estates of in
dividuals who d'e before draw'ng
monthly or lump-sum benefits equal
to 3% per cent of ther total wages.
iour i an «>i me lax
Taxes called for In h's law w'll
be pa'd both by your employer and
by you. For the next 3 years you
w'll pay maybe 16 cents a week,
maybe 26 cents a week, maybe 30
cents r more, according to what
you earn. That 's to say, dur'ng
the next 3 years, beginn'ng Jan.
1, 1937, you w'll pay 1 cent for
every dollar you earn, and at the
same time your employer w'll pay
1 cent for every dollar you earn
up to $3,000 a year. 20 million other
workers and their employers w'll
be pay'ng at the same time.
After the first 3 years, that 's
to say, beginning in 1940, you will
pay and your employer w'll pay,
1 Vi cents on each dollar you earn,
up to $3,000 a year. Th's will be
the tax for 3 years, and then, be
ginn'ng >n 1943, you w'll pay 2
cents and so will your employer,
on every dollar you earn for the
next 3 years. After that, you and
your employer w'll each pay half
a cent more for 3 years, and finally
beg'nn'ng 'n 1949, twelve years
from now, you and your employer
will each pay 3 cents on each dol
lar you earn, up to $3,000 a year.
That is the most you w'll ever pay.
The Government w'll collect both
of these taxes from your employer.
Your part of the tax w'll be taken
out of your pay.
The Government w'll collect from
yur employer an equal amount out
of his wn funds.
Th's will go just the same 'f you
go to work for another employer,
so long as you work 'n a factory,
shop m'ne, mill, office, store, or
■other such place of bus'ness.
(Wages earned in employment as
farm workers, domest'c workers 'n
private homes, government work
ers, and n a few other k'nd of jobs
are not subject to th'stax.)
Encouraged by the advance sale
of tickets members of the Swastika
Golf club are expecting a record
crowd to attend their annual dance
which will be given this year at
Jim Bell’s Harlem Cafe, Tuesday,
Dec. 8th. Billy Davis chairman of
the entertainment committee said
that all of the members were co
operating 100 per cent in th dis
ribution of tickets.
«*»- - CitfT* /*<?Cf<3<J M.Q, Lj M
Who was Miss Wilhelmina Morris, popular Indianapolis school
teacher until last Wednesday when she became the bride of John
Iioxborough of Detroit, manager of Joe Louis, the sensational
young pugilist. Mr. and Mrs. Iioxborough were married in Chi
cago and will be at home in Detroit after Dec. 1. Mrs. Roxbor
ough was a member of Indianapolis’ exclusive social set and a
ddughter of one of the pioneer families of that city.
City Churches Hold
Joint Meeting On
Thanksgiving Day
On 'Thursday morning, at 11:00
"’clock union meeting was held at
Pilgrim Baptist church, the follow
ing cehurches taking part: St John
A ME, Clair Chapel, Bethel Pap
ist (South Omaha), Bethel A. M. E.,
Cleave’s Temple and Pilgrim Bapt
Special feature of this meeting
was the joint chorus of voices, Mrs.
Henrietta Making was in charge.
Rev, R. A. Adams, pastor of St.
John A. M. E. church, deliverer!
the message of the hour. Rev. F.
3. Banks, Chairman of the Minister
ial Alliance, was master of cere
Endorses Carey For
North Omaha Mayor
DecembeiT 1, 1936
Editor of the Omaha Guide:
After carefully considering your
candidates, I have reached the con
clusion that a man best fitted for
this position is one interested in
the following community ills: What
this community needs is a cam
paign for employment in the indus
trial areas, the first and main is
sue is teachers in the public school,
enlargement of our YWCA and
center and to include a gymnasium
center and to include a gynasium
and branch library. To approach
these barriers, seeking employ
ment one must first be free frrom
political entanglements at all times;
to seek employment for others
without first considering self. The
man best fitted of the five men is
Jake Carey. A politician just can
not do this job because his hands
are tied.
S. W. Waites
The Union Usher Cabinet will
meet at Mt. Moriah Baptist church
Sunday, Dec. 6th, at 3:00 p. m. All
presidents are asked to be present.
Orange Smith and Brownell Hall
figured in an auto collision, Nov.
2(ith, when the Studebaker car in
which they were riding, Smith be
ing the driver, collided with a Ford
coach, driven by one James Vest,
resulting in property damage to
both cars. Smith was found to be
intoxicated, and taken to the station
and booked, charged “Operating a
Motor Vehicle Under Influence of
Liquor and Improper State Auto
First Case Of Its
Kind Since 1866
Jonesboro, Ark., Dec. 6 (ANP)—
Influenced by Judge John E. Mar
tineau, a former governor <>f Ark
ansas, who said he believed the de
fendant was guilty, a jury in U. S.
district court Wednesday afternoon
convicted Paul D. Peacher, white,
city marshal of Earl, of slavery in
connection with the false arrest and
enforced slavery of eight Negroes.
A fine of $3,500 was imposed and
a sentence of two years imprison
ment was pronounced, but Judge
Martineau indicated he would place
Peacher on probation if he paid
the fine. Three days were given
during which the city marshal’s
attorney’s would decide whether to
pay the fine or file an appeal.
First Trial in History
This was the first trial ever held
under the anti-slavery statute, en
acted in 1866. The maximum penal
y is $5,000 fine and five yearn in
Eight complainants were named
in the indictment.
The eight men were arrested on
vagrancy charges and forced to
clean lands for him during the
cotton choppers’ strike staged last
spring by the interracial Southern
Tenant Farmers' union. It was
brought out at the trial that land
lord’s hoped to discourage strikers
by this practice and at the Same
time obtain workers to labor in
place of those on strike.
They were all sentenced to serve
30 at a trial before the mayor of
Earl, who was also justice of the
peace. Peacher was the only wit
ness and railroaded them to work
on land he had leased from the
school board.
The judge haul he was not dispos
ed to send Peacher to jail because of
to send Peacher to jail because of
the reluctance of some of the jury
to convict him and because he felt
tho case was representative of a
prat ice, grown up through the
years, of jailing men as vagrants
to obtain labor.
Pleads Not Guilty
Peacher pleaded not guilty to
charges in an indictment returned
against him by a federal grand
jury in Little Rock in Sept, stat
ing ho had ‘aided ami abetted in
causing persons to be held for slav
Preaches Aboard Steamship Europa
London, Dec. 2 (C)—Bishop R,
R. Wright, jr., of the Fifteenth Ep
iscopal District of the AME church,
preached to first class passengers
aboard the palatial steamer, the
New York, Dec. 2 (C)—The
strange case of a colored woman
battling in court for the custody
of a five-year-old white child with
with the backing of the child’s mo
ther and father, was finally decid
ed in the foster mother’s favor last
Thursday. When the final decision
was reached, giving the Italian
girl to the colored “mother,” it was
colored woman that her home was
colored woman hat her home was
“unfit” for the rearing of a child,
was not true, and that the Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Children sought to take the child
from the colored woman and place
her with Catholic Big Sisters who
were to find a home for her, large
ly because they didn’t like the idea
of a colored woman having a white
girl. Mrs. Serena Alves left court
leading Lucy Peluse, smiling
broadly, with Mr. and Mrs. Peluse
walking behind, smiling approval.
Europa, as she churned through
mid-Atlantic on Sunday morning a
week ago. The Bishop and Mrs.
Wright, enroute to Cape Town,
South Africa, were the only colored
first class passengers aboard.
Only a few hours after the giant
liner left her moorings in North
River, New York, the Bishop was
sought out and invited to conduct
services. A large audience heard
tho Bishp, who took as his text the
words of Martha, the sister of La
zarus, to Jesus, found in St. John
the eleventh chapter: “If Thou
Hadst Been Here, My Brother,
Had Not Died.” Many persons
shook hands with the bishop after
the sermon, telling how much they
enjoyed the sermon, the subject of
which was “The Presence of The
Good Neighbor, the Need of the
Present World.”
The Bishop told Calvin Service:
“Mrs. Wright and I are enjoying a
wonderful trip. We embark on the
Royal Mail Steamer Edinburgh
Castle of the Union Castle Line
for Capetown, after visiting Cher
bourg, Southhampton and London.”
Bishop Wright will pi’eside at the
Joint Conference of South Africa
on December 8th at Bleomfontaine
in the Transvaal. His South Afri
can address is 28 Walmer Road,
Woodstock, Capetown, South Afri