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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1936)
4 i Alf i G-T~~ (j ’i ®ur rrr yyj ■■ |.-■ | j-. t■> .j n j li.-io* FIRST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NO. 6 24Mi a"d Biondo Streets Daughter M Quinn, Leader Rev- {’. Jackson, Ass't Raster Sunday -chool at 0:45 o’clock. Sunday morn ng service ai 11:(H) o'clock. Rev Jackson in charge. Sunday night service at 8:00 o'. c^rV Daughter Marian Quinn in charge. Everyone we’eonte. M '"day night developing class at 252b Blimey St , no charge. Tuesday night Bible class at the Temple ti: «!.*• nigh: alter call, and healing and prophesying, Mother Rosie Jones In charge. METROPOLITAN OHURCH NEWS Rev. R W. Johnson. Raster Mrs. W R'e Varner, Reporter Sunday, Nov. 22nd was a h'gh day at the Metro;:"1 tan. Rev. John son preached a wonderful sermon at 11:00 a. m. He preached from Ephesians 4:19, subject, “Past; keeling.” Many hearts were made to rejoice. You who were not pre-' sent really m' sed a bless'ng. There was one soul added to the church. We also had an oui-of-iwn visitor to worship with us ♦unday morning. 1 here was no preach'ng Sunday night. The p'i ular'ty contest be t" eon the W'll ng Workers and the Busy Bee clubs closed with a musi cal by the choir. Some new songs were sung by the choir. The Willing Workers club went over the top. Rev. and Mrs. Johnson left after the mus'eal for Kansas CUy where Rev. Johnson 0 II conduct n one night serv'ce at the Mother church. Mrs. Johnson will spend the holiday w*th her mother. The s'ck of the church known at the wr't'ng, Is Mrs. Ida Weatifield, 2014 Seward street. Como and worship w'th us on Sunday and Wednesday of each ■week. You are alwuys welcome to worsh'p w'th u'. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Rev, R. Adams. Pastor The day at St. John last Sunday was very successful. The Sunday school started the dny with a good attendance. As th's was the quarterly meet ing day, Rev. W. C. B. Lew's, our new pres'dlng Elder of ths d'str'ct, was the speaker for the morn'ng He spoke from Rev. 5:6. Rev. Lew is is a very fine speaker. He deliv ered a fine message to those whose minds and hearts were set to re ce've 't. In he afternoon, Rev, A. Ph'll'ps of Bethel AME church, preached. He was full of the sp'rlt. This being the first quarter of the new adm'nistrat'on, Rev. Adams is very anxious thnt all reports are good and on time. St. Jhn and fri ends stop to bow their heads 'n re spect and sympathy to the fr'ends of Mr. Austin, who passed last week Brother Aust'n was one of the old est members of St. John and wns for a long time a member of the choir. Brother Au-tn was a fa'thiul member of St. John when h's health was good. The membership of St. John will meet w'th other churches for a Un ion Serv'ce at Pilgr'm Bapt'st church, Thursday morning. Th's prom'ses to be a very 'mpress've serv'ce. Let all who can go and get the spir'tual bless'ng wh'ch 's 'n store for h'm. Rev. Adams and h's officers are work'ng very hard to get their pro gram completed for the year. It should be the honest des're of ev ery member of St. John to see that he or she has a place 'nth's program and work hard to put it over for St. John. Now 's the t'm<* to show your love for your church. Read the Omaha Gu'de to find your church, soc'al and fraternal news. THE CHUROH OF GOD 2025 No. 24 th Street Elder Robert L- Moody, Pastor Mrs. Edna W. Moody, Reporter Services for last Sunday were in structive. The m'dday worship’s theme was “Pleasing God.” Of all the testimonies about fa'th that are mentioned 'n Hebrews 11, En och’s record was one of the most ■powerful—for before his translation ho had this testimony, that he pleased God. The task of every genuine Christian is to please God, regardless of circumstances or opposition. Thugh we are not ; r< mised perfect ea-e, yet we have I th s assurance: ‘^When a mein's | way pleases the Lord, He maketh i even his enem'es to be at peace w'th h'rn.” Prov. 1(1:7, 'I he theme of the even'ng w»>r sh'p was “The Hidden L'fe.” "If ye then be r'sen w'th Chn;t, seek th se thngs wh'ch art* above for vo are dead and your life's h'd w'th Christ in God.” Cor. 8:13. It is a t, eat challenge to have all of our ‘■i !fi* hness, s‘n and ensual'ty, cru f'ed and h'd 'n the l'fe of Chr'st. “ Nevertheless I I've, yet not I, but Chr st I'veth 'n me.” Gal. 2:20. Hue t" the Illness of Mr-'. Almond Elder .1. I! Almond of Kansas C'ty, K'.ia,, 's delayed 'n beg'nnlng the revival, hut the services began w'th s'ei'al prayer meetings and b'ble study. All Chrl-t'ans and s'nners have a spec'al 'nv'tat'on. ST. BENEDICT PARISH 2123 Grant Street Rev. James Preuss) S- J-, Pastor Father PrueM returned Friday from his eight day retreat. Wednes day, the Abur boys were organiz ed into St. John Berchman's, San ctuary Society. Beginning Sunday Evening, Nov. 21»th at 7:30 p. m. anti each Sondny hereafter, during Advent, lectures will be given in the church- Sunday afternoon, M'V-iresset Margaret Bryant, Lil lian Washington, Or<> Class and Ruby Redmon attended the Curia meeting of the legion of Mary at the Diocesan Bureau. Mistresses Marie McKim and Ruby Redmon were guests at a joint birthday party given in their honor last 1 hursday at the hme of Mrs. Mudo lene Sterling. Please Patronize Our Advertisers CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH 26th and Hurdette Streets Rev. J. Goodwin, Pastor Mrs. Edna Panky, Reporter Sunday, Nov. 16th was the open ing and dedication of the New Christ Temple. Bishop Wm. A. Washington of Log Angeles, Calif, was present and conducted the ser vices. With him was associated El der O. J. Burckhardt, the president ■f the Omaha District, also Elder D. J. Washington of Kansas City, who is the field evangelist of the west ern district. Elder J. W. Goodwin, the pastor, was master of ceremon ies. The dedication took place at 3 p. m. and the rostrum were filled with ministers who represented the various churches of the city. Rev. R. A. Adams, St. John; Rev. Char ley Con well, Clair Chapel; Elder Bass, Cleave’s Temple; Elder Ste phens of Allen Chnpel; Elder Phil lips of Bethel; Elder Moody, Church of God; Elder McDonald, A ME Steel Church of God and Elder T. McWilliams of the 7th Day Adven tist. The Temple seating capacity was quickly taken up by the many peo plo who come from all parts of tho city, and many stood through the entire service, and also many were turned nwny that could not get in on account of the ^church building being over crowded. Bro, Wagner, at whose church we worshipped while building our own institution, was present and seemed to be much impressed by the service. After giving a splendid offering all de parted for their homes many of them were speaking in loud terms of the beautiful Temple and the impressive dedicatry services This opening service was follow ed by a week’s meeting conducted part of the week by Bishop Wash ington and his brother Dan Wash ington, known to Omahans as the singing and praying man. Bishop W. E. Holman, the president of our Chrisft’is Missionary and In dustrial college, located at Jack son, Miss., spent part of the week with us. Also Dr. L. M. Relf our pastor of Kansas City, Kas., was with us the greatre part of the week. Sunday closed our week’s ef fort which will take time and the judgment to tell the good that was accomplished. You are always wel come at Christ Temple, come and ener into the spirit of the meeting and go home satisfied with your spiritual aspirations renewed The St. Luke Bapt'st church at 26th and Lake strets is having a wonderful time under the leader sh'p of Rev. J. C. Crowder, pastor, who preached two soul-stirr'ng ser mons Sunday. Come out and enjoy yourself where the spirit of God rules. Visitors welcome at all ser v'ces. Sunday school at 9:30. Prea ching at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m, BYPU at 6:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THF. LIVING GOD C. M F F. 23lfi North 25th Street 1 he Sunday school was great. The les-on was taken from Acts 28:16-24 and Acts 28:30-31. Af'er the less«n was over, the pastor came forth and preached a powerful sermon on Lve. It was a wonder ful serni"n. Every heart wa< made t'» rejoice. At. 6:30 p. m we had a wonderful lesson. Chief J. P. F. Stuckey and Rishop F. C. Scott left the city for a few days but will return on Nov. 27th. At 8:00 p. m. the pastor preached from St. John 1:1. Dr. H. W .James, district super intendent of the Topeka district, conduced a quarterly meeting at Clair M. E- Crurch. The meeting was an overwhelming success, the attendance was excellent. Dr. Janes reached at the morning service. Rev, I). J. Washington from Kan sas City preached in the afternoon and Rev. W. H, Adams, South Oma ha preached at the evening Ser vice- The choir sang several beau tiful selections. The attendance and the financial report were among the best of the year. The total amount raised was $67.50. Rev. W. C. Con well is pator of Clair Cha pel. CLAIR CHAPEL M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. C- Onwell, Pastor The subject of the 11:00 o’clock service was “R'sk'ng All for Christ.” Paul sa'd, “I am ready, not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the Lord Jes- j us.” At 3:00 p. m. Rev. Conwell w'll preach at the Bethel Bapt'st church 'n South Omaha. CLEAVE’S TEMPLE Services the past Sunday were 'n charge of Rev. P. M. Harr's, Bapt'st M'ssionary, dur'ng the ab sence of the pastor. The Junior church enjoyed a talk given it by Mr. Riggins. Visitors 'n the morn'ng service were Mrs. Florence Brent, of Z'«n Bapt'st church, Mrs. Marie Holt, of St. Joseph, Mo., and Newton D. Knight, of Z'on Bapt'st church. The adult cho'r of the church gave a successful pew rally In the afternoon. The Ljiyal Matrons had tjie'r soc'al n'ght Tuesday n'ght, N«v. 24t.h. Book Review was g'ven by Mrs. Gladys Pullum, <>f the YWCA. WILLING WORK KS CLUB Guess what club is the most pop ular club of the Metropolitan. Well, you never would guess it. I will tell you. The Willing Workers club is the most popular club. The Willing Workers club won a gold banner front the Busy Bee club. We are sorry that we had to beat the Busy Bee. But that is where we get the name of the club. (Workers). The president says that not only would she put the Willing Workers up against the Busy Bee club, but any club in the city, go sec Mrs. Mayberry and lets go. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2522 7. street. South Omaha Rev. W. C. Cannon, Pastor W. L. Canrdy, Asst. Pntir Sundr" school nt 9:30. The pas tor's installation began Monday night, November 23rd an contin ues until next Sunday. Sunday af ternoon service at 3:00 o’clock. The Omaha City BYPU will hold its 6th annual meeting on Sunday, No. 29th, at 6:30 p- m. with the Zion Baptist church. All local tin ions will suspense with their local work to make this one of the most attractive meetings of its six-year history. Dr. G. L. Stevenson, pastor of Pilrgim Baptist church will | speak from the subject, “The Ul timate Program and Objective of the Modern Christian Youth." Mu sic will be furnished by he city BYPU chorus. All are invited and urged to attend. MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. C Gates, Acting Pastor U. L. Billingsley, Reporter Sunday school opened at 'ts us ual hour with a very good attend ance. The morning worship was at 11:00 o’clock sharp. Rev. Gates gave the church very good instruc tions 'n a mo-t powerful message. His text was taken from I T'mothy, 3:5. Three o’clock services were conducted by the M'ss'on Soc'ety •ri a “Social Hour,” which all wit nessed a very good t'me, w'th a delightful repast served by our re freshment comm'ttee, Sister Harris 's cha'rman. BYPU 's doing splendidly and a wonderful sermon was preached by Rev. Gates. H's subject was “I w'll r'se and go back to my father." Many visitors were present dur'ng the day, especially at the “S«c'al Hour," We always extend a court eous and hearty welcome to all. The Four Spiritual Singers of the Metropolitan church went to South Omaha Sunday afternoon to cheer up Mr. Dave Henderson who is totally blind. His favorite song is “Precious Lord, Take My Hand ” If you know any one that is ashut in and would like to hear these singers, please get in touch with Mrs. Crumbley at 2864 Binney St., or see Rev. Johnson, 2431 Patrick Ave. Ch'cago, N"V. 28 (ANP)—Wh'le speak'ng at a sem'nar at North- 1 western university conducted by the Ch'cago Round Table of Jews and Chr'st'ans, Thursday, the Rev. 1 Joseph F. Eckert, S. V- D., wh'te, pastor of St. Anselm’s church and ' whose communicants are mostly ! colored, pra'sed the Negro as a good c't'zen and Amer'can. He said: "The Negro is not a liab'l'ty t» , a commun'ty, but an asset who has actually exerc'sed a v'talin fluenco in the econom'c and cul tural development of the United Stales. Just l*ke any other good c*tizen he th*nks American, read, Amercan, talks American.” MRS. MABEL FIELDS ENTERTAINS FRIEND! Mrs. Mabel F'elds, W'rt St., en terta'ned a few close fr'ends Thurs day, Nov. 19th, in celebrat'on oj her b'rthday. Needless to say ev eryone had a grand t'me. URBAN LEAGUE JUNIOR AUX REMEMBERS OLD PEOPLE The Junior Auxiliary, sponsored by Mrs. Singleton, is preparing a gift basket for the inmates of the Colored Old Folks’ Home. LEGAL NOTICE Ray L- Wiliams, Atty. Room 200 Tuchman Bldg In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Walter Key, deceased: AH persons interested 'n said natter are hereby notified that on :he 17th day of November, 1936 Ray L W'lliams filed a petition in aid County Court, praying that i's final administration account fil 'd herein be settled and allowed, ind that he be d'scharged from ft's trust as admin'strator and that * hearing will be had on sa'd pet t'on before sa'd Court on the 12th lay of December, 1936, and that f you fall to appear before sa'd Court on the sa'd 12th day of De cember, 1936 at 9 o’clock a- m , and contest said pet'tion, the Court may riant the prayer of said petition, inter a decree of he'rship, and make ;uch other and further orders, al owances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end hat all matters perta'nlng to said ■state may be finally settled and letermined. Bryce Crawford (11-21-3T) County Judge _ *_ HARRY BROWN COAL AND ICE PACKAGE FUEL 20th & Grace St. WE 1560 CLASSIFIED ADS EMPTY garage, 2 furnished rooms, 2716 N. 28th Ave. WE 5549. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 ROOM kitchenette apt- AT 5576 3 furnished apartment*. WE 3738. 2 ROOM furn’shed apartment. Gas, Pghts, water, $3 50. JA 0986. ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED room, 2209 Ohio. ROOM 2432 Grant WE 4393 FURNISHED m, m AT 2523. ROOM—workng couple WE 6421 ROOMS for rent, 1125 No. 19t.h St. Rates by the week Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho las street. ) ROOM modem bouse $30 per month. 2522 Maple Street. WCE furnished room, WE 2582. FIVE furnished rooms, 2616 Bur dette street FOR RENT—T.ove’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, ot 2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553. MODERN room for right pa*-ty, married or single Phone Webster 5728. 2718 No. 28th Ave. Five rooms for rent, 2616 Bur dette street FRANKLIN fumiaheJ modern apartment*, 2214 No. 21st St_ Apply 1711 Cuming St_ WANTED: Caretaker, man and wife- One room for aarrtoa. Shan kiln’s Api_ Hat and WHMa, apply 1711 Canda* A NICE room in quiet home, near carline. WE 2085 PERRY AND SON. Transfer, 2624 Caldwell, AT 0114. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait. 2420*4 Cuming Street. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER: 2407 Lake Street. SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil ity. Personality, connections im portant. Write for interview. The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St. AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics. Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation al Supply Co., Richmond, Va. 5000 Representatives Wanted Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good income assured. E. V. Publishing House, 301-305 Elm st., Dept. N3. Nappanee) Indiana. AGENTS—1’0 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 452. Dayton, Ohio. COLORED RACE ONLY. Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 61G6-E., Met. Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254 W. 135th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 165 W. 126th St., New York City. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work gloves as side line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co.. Winona. Mnn. THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ..DIRECTORY., Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. j lleauty ha Ions CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At. 6810 ELESE TURNER 2612 N. 24th St We. 2864 | Lux Barber Shop, 2046 N. 24th McGee & Taylor, Managers MILDRED TURNER 2626 No. 27th St- WE 2614 | Beer Gardens NEW RITZ GARDEN 24th and Grant Ha. 4634 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. Ja. 9195 , Cafes BROWN DERBY CAFE 2085 N. 24th Street. American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. THE LITTLE DINER 2210 N. 24th Street. OMAHA ,CAFE 2124 N. 24th Street. AMANDA OFFUTT’S CAFE 2014V6 North 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010 Vi N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0957 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIipB PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 401# Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT 2416 Lake St. Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St.Ha. 4226 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 Cuming St. At. 6656 LION COAL CO. 22ND and NICHOLAS STS WE 2605 We Specialize on Quality Coals PROMPT DELIVERY “Call The Lion First” II ~ RITZ ’ SHOE ’ REPAIR*" SERVICE Excellent Service If you like our work, tell others, if not, tell us. !We shine and dye any color. ! 2033 N. 24th Street “to all“my"nortilside" FRIENDS-YOUR OLD MAKER FRIEND Harry Lazarus• who is back on Cuming St., featuring Quality Shoe| Repairing at | Reasonable ? Prices Invites All of You to Come and See Him at 3218 Cuming Street Opposite Tech High School Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6165 HOLMES TAILOR 2218 N. 24th St. We. 3320 J B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24th WE 6161 - ‘ i; . Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Fan; am St.Ha. 0600 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4606 Ames Ave. Ke. 0816 ; Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and I.*ke We. 6444 SAM FELDMAN 2019 N. 24th StWe, 4615 Garages E. L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St AT 6697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 102® EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We. 6055 Monument Makers HEFT & NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1T38 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th StWe. 4787 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. 6686 J. B. SIMPSON Exclusive Tailors .V.V.V Now offer the season’s new fall fabrics, tailored the way you like them. Smartest pat terns, latest styles. Call C. H. Davis, The Simpson Man. WE 2335 I Expert Auto Repairs - Overhauling Our Specialty - AH Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makes and models E-. L_. Merriweather, prop 2209 No. 22nd St_ Omaha, Neb_ 'mamamamamamamamamamamamamatf ■*.*'■’** =: COFFEE JOHN’S ?! i; 111 So. 14th St. I; Biggest 10c Meals In City % > Everybody Welcome f '.'.V.V.V/.V.V.V.V.V.V.VA EVERYBODY’S PRAYER HALL Meetings Wednesday and Sunday Nights. Special meeting at 5 o'clock: Sunday morning. Everybody welcome. REV. HTT.T,, Advisor 1201 N. 24th St. JA 5343 REG’LAR FELLERS He^Just Missed Being Wealthy BylGetiejBymes, 1 1 i i 1 .. t^,„ ,~i > \*\i/aCl; • /vAs <sor/w<s v<rNjT/r / Buy » / mo^fM mbde/ ^ SHOVE1HK off 1 ©-ffll A twe or^Ey ' 6UMPTHIK Hh^trtcw s✓ * _=\rr RftjhiEb , /Z==— * ' —r=-—-- ,^/v ... -^ __ ^mmmmmmmm—mmmm—mmmm ~ American New* Feature*. IncT%^