Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1936)
,iVi. . ..V.W.V.SSW.V.V.ViW.SSW.W.Vr.V.Wrt'.V.* ,,.V.V.V.V.V.%%SW.WW%%%SWW%WV.WW.WW>W.%%v...-.ii-.v.-.v.vrt-.v.-.v.v.v,.-.v.. I COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA j , ---—-. NEWS NOTES j _H. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR Mrs. Ella Smith, of Omaha, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Berry Carbins. Mrs Laura N .Thomas, of Sioux City spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wil son Mrs Wm Givens attended the tea given Sunday, Nov. 22, by Mesdarnes Edgar Lee, Joe Tay lor and Jessica Wright at the home of Mrs. Ijc<\ 2408 Maple St., Omaha, honoring Mrs. Bell liiley of Ivos Angeles*, Calif, Mrs Ida Giles returned Fri day from Omaha after a week s visit with her daughter, Mrs. II. G .Preston. Mm. Minnie Wiggins of Chi cago, III., is the house guest of Mr. and Mm. John Turner. Mr. James Holt, who is ill in the Edmondson hospital, is re ported slightly better. Miss Laura Poston and Mr. Clyde Gordon had as their din ner guest the past Sunday, Mrs. Pearl Day. Mrs. Dorothy White, contin ues to improve in an Omaha hospital Mrs. White is the wife of Rev. Geo. White, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church. Mr Hiro Nichols is confined to hia bed by illness. Mra. Mary Wilson is ill. TABERNACLE COAL CLUB GIVES DINNER Tabernacle Coal Club gave a chili and eliitterling dinner on Tuesday, Nov 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newby. Mrs Edward E. Crawford of Omaha was a Council Bluffs vis itor Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Ida Giles was the din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Yancey, N. 27 St., Thanksgiv ing day. Mrs. Dana Cleveland is re covering from a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Dorse Johnson and daughter Virginia, togeth er with Mr. Norman Johnson, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Ilorace Goodlow and family. The Cleverettes will have a potluek supper Sunday, NoV. 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis. Miss Opal Harris and Mr. Gerald Parks will be the din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Reynolds on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Viola Turner of Omaha, will he the dinner guest of Mr. and MrR. ‘Duke’ Turner Thanks giving. Mrs. Gladys McCurry has re turned to her work after an ab sence of several weeks made necessary by an infected thumb Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Tour Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. 01TR CHIT ROHES TABERNACLE BAPTWT CHURCH R*t. Geo. Whit*. i aitar Regular service)) were held the past SunJday with the pas tor preaching both morning and night. Attendance was good. BETHEL A. M- E. CHURCH 16th Street, Avenue A Rpv. Geo- W. Slater, Jr., Pastor The church enjoyed good services tthroughout the day. Attendance was fair. Rev. Slat er preached morning and night sermons. Miss Ivula Mae Hall was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Haynes Monday night. They, Like The Miiaic, Went ‘Round and ‘Round On Sunday evening, a party consisting in the greater part( of young matrons, drove ‘round and: about the city seeing and being seen. Getting their first taste of night club life and of night life in general were one or two infants in their moth ers’ arms. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, Mrs. Margaret Brown, Miss Opal Harris, Mr Gerald Parks, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cage. Now that you have seen Coun cil Bluffs, folks, what do you think of it? I Mrs Oline Harvey has return ed from Sedalia, Mo, where she was called by the illness of her sister COUNTY building to BE USED AS CENTER The County Building on 16th Ave. and 11th St., lias been se cured to replace the Calvary Church as South End Center. Classes for that end of town will be resumed very soon. Rev. Slater reports that he has been offered a building and ten lots to be used for Center work. He promises to give us further details later. OMAHA COUPLE WED Mr. Iv. A. Hill and Miss Wil mina Searcy, both of Omaha, were married Monday, Nov. 23, at Bethel Center by Rev. G. W. Slater, jr. Mrs. Eva Finlayson was the victorious Queen in the Sunday night rally. Prize will be given her next Sunday. Mrs. Peoples of Sioux City, will be the house guest of Mr. and Mns. Bud Nevins Thanks giving. Mrs. Lula Hall and daugh ter, Miss Lula Mae, will be the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Birdsong on Thanksgiving. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Slater, jr will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert on Thanksgiv ing at an opossum and ‘coon dinner. The young people of Bethel Church w'ill have charge of the program to be given Sunday night, Nov. 29th. ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St, MA 0957 Heroism of the American Negro By John M'Hs Transpopta'tSon director of the n!nety-«eeond d'vision (colored) and published In the Omaha Da'ly News and the Omaha Even'ng World Herald dated Monday, Dec. 30, 1918. It '8 not my intention to g've a full account of the activi ties of the American Negro soldier 'n the World War or any other war, but I think the remarks made by Col. Will'am Hayward of the 369 'nfantry (colored) in a speech ln New York, Feb. 24, 1919, and pub lished 'n the Omaha Evening World Herald, Wednesday, Feb. 26,1919, w'll prove interest'ng. General Gourand in charge of French and Amer'can forces which 'ncluded the 369 Infantry (Negro) smashed the last great German of fensive wh'ch started July 16, 1918. This was the turn'ng po'nt of the war, and General Gourand in an address to the Amer'can troops in h's army as my little old 369 (Ne gro) 165th and others of the Rain bow D'vis'on. In the evening edit'on of the Om aha World Herald, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1918, is account of L'eut. Wm. Johnson, Negro lawyer of Omaha, Nebr., belong'ng to Company G, 365th Infantry, as having served as mayor 'nseveral towns retaken by the Allies. *• L'eut. Johnson could speak French and eulogized the FYench people for the'r courtesy and lack of col or prejudice; "such a country,” he sa'd, “was worth fighting for.” Amer'ca, officially, l'ke other coun tr'es, recognizes her outstanding war heroes for the'r extraordinary valor in act'on and soldier-l'ke Mrs. Sall'e Wll'ams spent the end vts't'ng Rev. and Mrs. A. Young, Omaha. Miss Laila Mae Hall was in charge of the recreational work at Broadway Christian Church Friday night, Nov. 20. In attendance were some three hundred. MRS. BETHUNE HEADS HISTORY ASSOCIATION Petersburg, Va, Nov. 21 (C)— Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was el ected president of the Ass’n for the Study of Negro L'fe and H's tory, succeeding the late Dr. John Hope of Atlanta, at the annual meeting here last week Diggs Wins In Detroit Detroit, Mich., Nov. 21 (C)— Charles D'ggs, Democrat, won over Aaron C- Toodie for the State Sen ate in the Third Distr'ct. PUBLISHES HARLEM SHOPPING DIRECTORY New York, Nov 21 (C)—Fred N. Fox, 301 West 127th street, has begun publication of the Harlem Shopping Directory, an eight-page booklet, tw'ce a month. HEFT & NOYES MONUMENTS AND MARKERS At Reasonable Prices * 40th and Forest Lawn KE 1738 ninVtk's by present'ng them with distinguished “badge of honor," \ badge much pr'zed by the recip' pnt- This badge presentat'ons for heroic acts 'n war was inaugurated by and Act of Congress, July 12, 1862, and, of course, several Ne groes have received th's badge. A few rec'picnts of the badge of hon or are: Henry Johnson, pr'vate, troop K, 9th Calvary, received badge of hon or for bravery 'n act'on aga'nst hos tile Ute Ind'ans at M'lk Creek, Colo., Oct. 2-5, 187; George Jor dan, sergeant, troop K, 9th Cal vary, received badge of honor for gallantry aga'nst host'le Apache Indians at Old Fort Tulerosa, New Mexico, May 14, 1880; Moses W'l 1'ams, ordinance sergeant, troop I 9th Calvary, rece'ved badge of hon or for gallantry against host'le Apache Ind'ans at Cuch'llo Negro Mountains, New Mcx'co, August 16, 1881; Augustus Walley, lOT'vate, troop E, 10th Calvary rece'ved badge of honor for bravery in ac tion aga'nst host'le Ind'ans at Cu ch'llo Negro Mounta'ns, New Mex '<*>, August 16, 1881; Benjam'n Brown, sergeant major, 24th In fantry rece'ved badge of honor for gallantry 'n act'on, May 11, 1880; John Tenny, corporal, Troop C, 9th Calvary, rece'ved badge of honor for gallantry in act'on aga'nst hos t'le Apache Ind'ans at Las An'mas Canyon, New Mex'co, Sept. 18, 1879. The shame of all is that Amer' ca, the home of the brave and the free, w'll not perm't any of her Ne gro populat'on to str've for or at tain pos't'ons as h'gh rank officors 'n the Army or Nevy. Every school by should know how Colonel Young was shelved; and how the govern ment at th's late day refuses to ac cede to patr'otic Negro soc'et'es 'n the'r request for a Crispus Attucksj postage stamp, although status of those who fought to destroy the Amer'can Un'on are recognized and honored by being placed among Am er'ca’s 'mmortals, by our govern ment. Even most of the publ'c school teachers of our country are as ig norant of the h'story of our great country as new born babes when •t comes to know'ng what part the Amer'can Negro has taken to bu'ld up, preserve and protect with h's l'fe our great Amer'can system of government and 'ts institutions. Th's lack of knowledge can be ac counted for by the fact that the leaders and molders of our nation al school knowledge and thinking deliberately ignore and cast as'de all reference to the great part the Negro has played 'n the history of th*s country: thus they bl'ght that feeling for tolerance, comradeship and respect for all Amer'cans as fellow countrymen wh'ch should be impressed upon the plastic m'nds of all school ch'ldreh. (The End) Look At Your Roof! THERE ’S A BIRD ROOF For Every Type of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of lovely colors. Call for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 Years To Pay Nicholas <2 THE SOW AND THE SPRING 1IY R. A. Adams (F»r the Literary Sendee Bureau) Perhaps nothing can more sim ply emphasize the relationship be tween "cause and effect" than the story of the old sow who bathed In j the spr'ng. A thirsty traveler stood j on the hank of a small stream and wa'ted for the muddy water to be come clear. Tired of waiting and susp'c'ous as to the cause, the tra veler made his way up the hill to the spring. There he found a large sow tak'ng a bath 'n the spring. He drove the hog out and soon the water in the spring was clear and that In the stream flowed from 't was clear. Th's truth as to the effect and cause is as plainly manifest in hu mans'm as other departments of man reactions and human behavior nature. Effects can not be cured and can only be ameliorated and conditions corrected by deal'ng w'th, caiuses rather than with effects. And th's fact has Its ramifications extended n every phase of human attitudes and human behaviorism. It was a fact of nature that Jesus postulated th's indisputable, dog mat'c axiomatic pronouncement on "Except a man be bom from above he cannot d'seern the k'ngdom of heaven. CHUCK AND CHUCKLES PLAY APOLLO THEATRE New York, Nov 21 (C)—Chuck and Chuckles, noted entertainers, are at the 125th Street Apollo theatre th's week. HARLEM CHILDREN HEAR FAMED CHILD PIANIST New York, Nov. 21 (C)—Bernice and Dolores Calvin, accompanied by the'r mother, Mrs W'Ha Lee Cal vin, attended the piano recital of Ruth Slenczynski, famed eleven year-old pianist, at the Town Hall. LISTEN! 9et your car ready for win ter driving. Use Conoco Bronze or Ethyl Gasoline. Change Oil—use Germ Pro cessed motor oil. SAE 10 or 20 Zero Oil. LEWIS SERVICE STATION SW COR. 24th and GRANT North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Your worn shoes are formed to your feet. Retain their comfort and get more service and ap pearance by having them pro perly rebuilt. Shoes are never old until they can no longer be rebuilt We Call For and Deliver 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS dancing 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 WHAT IS SIN? BY R. A. Adams (For the Literary Serv'ce Bureau) S'n is n»t In what one may do, H's capnb'l'ty, h's need Of condemnation, and the hue l’hat may characterize his deed. Must all remain dependent, st'll, Upon hs consc'encc and h's w'll. So, matters not what maybe done, Let It bo fully understood, What battles lost, or battles won, If mot'ves have been true, and good, One may dismiss all gu'lty fear, If he can boast hLs eonse'ence clear. DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LtTCKRY, Prop. Now Opts For Business WE am_2228 Lako St. AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2309 N. 24th, Street. REST CHIU AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES _i Golden Brown Hair Dressing NOW Mikw roar kalr he.uttlnllr ■month »ri4 n-7 to drew. Hama bit lorktrc thot mid hr mll IIobi >t (Or. >1 70«l firorlM drill More NOW (fto. ©LUCK B I title Algerian Maja I.uak ling and aaaiplea Hair Dnaalng. Fon - dar. Ointment Kraa Bend 10c to aorar mailing coat Ooldaa Brown Chemical Co.. Dapt. O, llamphla, Tana. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ALTHOUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif fures. See our complete line of -cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It s Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Part&Cow 2501 Cuming St. AT 5654 Home of Kangaroo Court NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Diat*ne» Hauling Moving and. Storage Rhone WE5656 2414 Grant 84. MEN LOVE PEPPY GIRLS You can become peppy this easy way M you are happy and pappy and hill of to a, naan will taka you abaca. If you are llyaly. Urey will Invite yeu to dan cat and part In.. BIT. If you are creaa and llfalee. and alweya tired out. man ereu't be Intareatcd to you. Mao don't Ilka aulac" glrli. Man go to part tea to an toy thamtalva.. They want glrla along wtkO are i<aU of pap. LYDIA R. riNRHAM S VEGETABLE COM POUND Italpa give you pap and energy. Pot over slaty years girls end women here been (eking this Umom old medicine to pep them up ... to help give them strength. energy, sparkle. Met Ice the girls end women about you wha ate full of pep. Ask them whet mekeg them peppy. If they ere lioneit. them will give the credit to LYDIA E. PIN1C* HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. You sh<M*l«J give LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEG* cVaBLE COMPOUND e try. ClfU with peg ps more tUiMtlvo to men. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0009 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery GoBFIELD tea KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll Ilka the way It inopi you bock, overnight, to tho lading of "rorln' to go" ness ond inside cleonlineis! Eliminote the left-ove# wastes thot hold you back cause headaches, In dlgottlon, o*c. Garfield tea it not a m racla worker but If CONSTIPATION bother! you, It wil certainly "do wond.n!" 10* and lit of druortore — or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ol Gorflald Teu and Garfield Heodache Powder! fo: GARFIELf TEA CO., Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Roth Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED ^ -v TO SELL Cannolene , . Cannolene Fair Grower * ~~ Bleach Cream (Double Strength) (Double Strength) i, — v ' ' 50. Ard Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we .will give a Free Start •o intelligent, energetic 'men or women who are ambitious to make money and build up a businesa oi their own soiling beauty products ei the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. Yon make more money with a quality Une and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Cow Dept. 20-A. Atlanta. Ga« N-N-F. Ex. 8._ DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - Mother Works Overtime On Sunday? vma