The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 21, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8
FIRST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NO. 6 2f*h :*"d {Hondo Street* H-Mighti-r M Quinn, Leader Itpv- ('. Jackson, Ahm'I I'pslsr 'Sunday -chnol at 9:48 o’clock. Sunday morn'ng service at ll :(K) o’clock. Rev Jackson in charge. Sunday flight service at 8:00 o’, ch c\ Daughter Marian Quinn In cha ge. T'vcryone we’come. " day night developing class at 2529 Rlnney St-, no charge Tuesday night Bible class at the Temp’e -i-t-t n'*e, call, and hen .4, and prophesying, Mother Ri sk* Jones In charge. METROPOLITAN CHURCH NEWS Rev. R W. Johnson, I’astor Mrs. Wl'e Vnrn-r, Reporter Sunday se vices were very goed Per. Johnson pi et< hed from St Matthew 18:11, subject "The Seek *ng Christ " The night service was well attended by our many visiting! friends Rev. Johnson spoke from! Clene-is 6:18-14, subject “Fa'th.” One soul was added to the church. Rev Davis v sited with us Sunday n ghi- On next Sunday night, Nov, 22nd, the 1’opuiaiity Contest will «• se w't h a musical at the church i Ve Inv'te you to come and hear s*ur new song and see who will vln the banner between Willing Workers and the Busy Bee chibs V" 'nvite you to come to our ser vice Madam K*sen closed a ten-day meeting at the church on Wednes day of last week which was a great success We wrlsh to thank our vi Hiting friends for thek attendance throughout the meeting. Madam Risen will return to us again at the ded'catlon of the new church. CLARINDA, IOWA SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I)- Nicholson, l’astor Mrs. Nicholson, Reporter Sunday school was well attend ed with the superintendant In char ge Morning services were 'n high spirit. Rev. T. R Lane was a vi sitor from Omaha The pastor brought a stirring message- The BYPU w>as organized and a large inumber enrolled. AH say that they ■will see to It that the BYPU puts over a great program Even'ng Services were In a high mark of the day- Rev, I^ne brought the message- AH visitors are welcome to come to the Second Bapt'st church. | MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Franklin Street Rev. Wm Pruitt, Act ng Pastor Mi’s. W H. Fredericks Reporter Sunday school opened ai the us in' t me 9:30 a- m with the super :nt«*ndent »n the job. At 11:30 a m |>U" pa ter brought to us a wonder ■| message on the subject, “The Name of Jesus.” He preached an th“- wonderful sermon at 8 p. m BYPU was opened at 6:00 p. m w th a large attendance, also with nuite a number of visitors present Visitors were: Atty atid Mrs. John A tuns, ji ■. Mrs WOl'am King and end daughter Mrs. James Wesley, Mr Nellie Frazier of Rich, Miss, and Rev. and Mis. C Un*on and ■h 'dren A lovely program was ren dered, Atty. Adams, our state re p esentat've, gave a very interest ing talk Master Alphon u Wesley also was on the program and recited the 104th Division of the Psalms. Vi sitors are a'ways welcome. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 23rd and ('lark Streets William Morris, Reporter Sunday school met at the usual hour A good number was present. At 11:00 o'clock the pastor preach ed from the subject, “Rlghteous ne-s exhalt a nat'on, but s'n Is a reproach to any people-" At three o’clock, Rev. Sears and his good people of Bethel Baptist church worshiped with us Rev. Scars preached a soul st'rring ser mon, subject, “Who Are You, A Living Dog or a Dead Lion?" found In Eccl*s. 9:4 Rev Stevens and a go«d number of P'lgrim’s congregation was pre sent. BYPU was nicely attended. Even'ng services were well at tended also THE CHURCH OF GOD 2025 No. 24th Street Elder Robert L- Moody, Pastor Mrs. Edna W- Moody, Reporter General services were good last week message at M'dday worship was, "The Inescapable Law—Sow ing and Reap'ng ” Be not deceived for God Is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shad he also reap.’’ Gal 6:7. The evening message was: "Our C'ty of Refuge ” The pastor and congregation share the pleasure of worshipping In the now church edifice w'th the Christ Temple congregation We CLASSIFIED ADS I EMPTY parade, 2 furnished rooms, I 2710 N. 28th Ave. WE 5549. . APARTMENTS FOR BENT 2 ROOM Idtchenefte apt "vr "*- •_•' -f._-_r.__ 8 furnished apartment*. Wi! 3788. 2 ROOM furn'shod apartment. On! ij l'g-hts water, ^3 50f ,TA 0980. ROOMS FOR REFT :ni ^^sLg^'1 —nnn\r »±5«> WB-aa FURNTSTTEn room AT 2523. % __ _ ROOM » DOOM'S for*mtsyU2GtK(* lftth st tot Ratos 4»wtj&v^voekjvab asi aid] las street. _iVl j']' t : / a a rvxri 9 ROOM modem TmUsJ^^P 1s4^ ITTl^n^^P ? R^^&ple Street. *-FIVE furnished rmSnt*. 2I» 10 Hnr-' dette street gftfl * tmi"r-T\w W*TW* ttr 7i*i irnata — ^ WiTV tWP ShmnMtn^ Ap*3» > W!M* . NICE room in quiet home, nea carline- "WE 2085 FRANK STUm Shoe Hagn? while you wait.. 2420% Cutrilwr Street SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SR()E SERVICE NONE BETTER: 2407 Lake Street. SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil ity. Personality, connections Im portant. Write for interview. The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant St. AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face Cream. Hair Dressing, Tonic a Shampoos, etc. Big List. Pr ces ijfcwV Free catalog. Dept. A, N a km at Supply Co.. RichnidatL fjU #000, Roprasoptatives Wanteq. ItbtelByeuoe and Salep l>^pL i Good jlK'Onie abaurod. E, v- PuW§W*j ? ;ilouf!H„ 001-30^ Ejjp st., D^itvMi. Nappanee, Indiana. VJMKTa l West BtHlwllvIfl 80* jl I ^Mra^and Pictures. Box 4B2, for rubber work gloves as side line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co.. Winona. Mnn. are 'nv'tlng all «f cur Christian friends to join us in a revival un de> the leadership of Elder J, B Almond of Kansas Clty, Kas . be Ktnnlny Sunday, Nov. 22nd unless further delay is required. CLAIR CHAPEL M. E. CHURCH Hev. W. C’ Con well, I’astor The third quarterly conference w'll convene Sunday. Nov 22nd The district sup*, w'll preach at 11:30 a- m and at 7:30 p m At 3:00 p. m Stacramential service. Sermon by Bishop Washington- AH churches are 'nvlted We are ex pecting a great day. Monday, Nov. 23rd is bus’nes-i meeting AH offi cers are requested to be <>n hand with reports MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. C Gates, Acting I’astor U- L. Billingsley, Reporter Sunday -ehool was back to its normal attendance Sunday morning with happy faces and a very good time Morning worship was very 'nsp'rng. Rev Gates preached a powerful message, subject, “Go Wash In Jordan Seven Times ” A wonderful lesson on obedience. VI sit'ng m'nister was Rev. Matthews of Zion Baptist church BYPU was well attended. A topic was d's cussed by the body as a program ent'tled “Should We Have the Bible in Our Everyday school as a Study?” The youth as a whole clung to the affirmative s'de even though they don’t have this study Evening services were very high spir'ted and self searching by Rev Gates, subject “Why Dwell Ye in Thy Cieled Houses and th's House Lie Waste." Good attendance. Vi sitors present, four On next Sunday afternoon at TOO p. m., Nov 22nd the missionary society is having a s<»e'al hour w'th istlngu'shed speakers and singers, [.•specially the Mysterious Four Gos pel singers of Salem Baptist church Refreshments free. You are cord' ally Invited to attend our services at all times — CHURCH OF THF. LIVING GOD C. M F. F. 2.116 North 25th Street We had a great Sunday school Many good thoughts were taken from it. The pastor came forth and preached a powerful sermon. H's text was found in St- John 1:1 Ch'ef J. P- F Stuckey from Kansas City, Kansas made some wonderful re marks At 6:00 p. m. Chief Stuckey preached a great sermon from Matt. 6:11- The Mysterious Quartette rendered three numbers The nieet'ngs will be going on all week. Wo are expecting Bishop F- C Scott, general superintendent of the Sunday school, so come to hear him Sunday. QUARTERRLY MEETING AT ST JOHN CHURCH Rev. Win, C- Lewis Presid'ng El lev Of the Omaha distr'ct, who has 1 d ■)U jUfl f r ** ""d from Cai'fomia. [Vlil .Quarterly Meet'ng Sun dry* Nyv 22nd at St. John AME ;htncb- Quarterly Conference will »o held Wednesday, Nov. 25 th BEULAH BAPTIST CHURCH 303 • 18 Rev W. M. Clayton W|r3. ^Rebecca Hockaday, Rep. finite For Council Bluffs Page) HWhO b Sunday school, M. L.. James, Supt.. 11:00 a. m Setfnon by the pas tor Five lo ' sons v's'ted this serv'ee 3:00 p icons’ rally- St.. John’s Baptist church of Omaha, Johnson, 's Pl^we. and congregation were in attendance Rev. Henderson was M«P»5r^ 1105 No-i®th st-en; tcrta'ned the Lov'ng Four Gospel TROJAN CLUB As u-ual the Trojan club wit) '♦s famed reputation for social fune lions held the annual opening o. its dub w'th a fail dance wh'cl was a formal affair, on Thursday Nov 5th at the Dremland hall, l I was a glamorous ocea-ten and wa; truly a cred't to the members o] the comm'ttees. The music was en joyed and commented upon by ev ery one The hall was beautlfull} derated by lnter'or decorators of the club. The windows were draped w'th white crepe paper topped w'th blue and white stars. The word "Trojans” was printed ‘n large letters across the orchestra pit- In the center of the h'ghly polished floor, two rows of tall green palms were arranged The bghts were in different colors. It was a very pic turesque scene to see the guests arrayed 'n beautiful formats gi'd Ing here and there Each club mem wore corsages of roses and t>ny chrysanthemums A photographer took a p'eture f the club group which was a very lovely group. Mrs. Anna Dortch, 1142 No. 20th, Is on the s'ck l'st Mrs. H R- Greenfield, 1005 No.. 40th Ave , who has been ill, *s bet ter Mrs L'zzie Buford, 1804 No. 30th St-, went to Atchison, Kas.on Satur day Mrs. Pearl Alexander, 2312 No 27th Ave-, 's recovering from a s'x weeks illness Mrs Maude Ray, 2865 Miam' St., had as her guest the past week end Mrs- Bell Riley, of Los Angeles, Calif WPA mus'eians gave a party at Jessie’s Tavern, 2525 Ersk'ne St-, Monday n'ght- Attend'ng were some th'rty persons The Jun'or League of the Urban League Charily club met Thurs day night to make final plans for Christmas act'vttles Ardella Maston *s suffering from a scalded arm Bettle Jean Maston has a bone infection. They are the children of Mrs. Mar'e Maston, 2514 Hamilton St The Welcome Crete of Zion Bap tist church, 's givng a tea Sunday, Nov. 22nd, from 4:00 to 8:00 p. m , at the home of Mrs.. Hattie Brown, 2418 Oh'o St Mrs. Beatrice leister and daugh ter, Miss Mary, 2618 Caldwell St , wOl be the dinner guests of Mrs. Albert Michael, 2115 No. 27th St , on Thanksgiving. The Semper Fidell Freshman G R. club is mak'ng poerty books for the shut-ins at the county hospital at Thanksglv'ng time This group 's under the leadership of M’ss Asl lee Dotson. The Loving Four Gospel singers left Tuesday for St. Joseph, Mo., after be'ng in Omaha for three months- Before leaving they built a modernly equipped trailer. They expect to return to Omaha for the hoPdays, after which they will leave on a southern tour. Mrs- E Cocuper is manager of the sihgorg. Mr and Mrs. Geo. AUhouse left Monday for Lou’siana, Mo.. Upon the'r return, they will be accompan ied by Mrs- Althouse’s parents, Mr. and Mrs- Robert Irving, who w'H spend the winter here. Enroute to Lou'siana, Mo., Mr- and Mrs. Alt house wdl visit Mr. Althouse’s mo ther junior Homemakers club met with Mrs Wr'ght, our sponsor. Af ter the business meeting , a home economy lesson was given to the club by Mrs- Wright. Mrs- Arm stead, our knitt'ng teacher, a'sc met with us- New members were Mesdames Verser Carter, Mildred Mart'n, Ivory McGaugh and Mar K'ng. Visitors are welcome LEGAL NOTICE Hay L- Wiliams, Atty. i Hoorn 200 Tuchman Bldg r In th** County Court of Douglas i County, Nebraska , In the matter of the estate of Walter Key, deceased: AH persons Interested 'n said ' matter are hereby notified that on the 17th day of November, 1936 Ray L W'lliams filed a petltion In raid County Court, praying that h!s final admin'stration account fil ed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be d'scharged from h's trust as administrator and that a hearing will .be had on sa'd pet it'on before sa'd Court on the 12th day of December, 1936, and that if you fail to appear before sa'd Court on the sa'd 12th day of De cember, 1936 at 9 o’clock a- m , and contest said pet'tion, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of he'rship, and make such other and further orders, al lowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters perta'nlng to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford (11-21-3T) County Judge FRIEDMAN’S Shoe and Shoe Repair Shop 1510 N. 24th St. Shoes for the family in the latest styles at lowest prices. This coupon is jjood for 25c in repair work with each pur chase of ney shoes. iW.,,,.VAV.V.VA\¥..-.V.,!' =: COFFEE JOHN’S :: ■: in so. nth st. ■: Biggest 10c Meals In City I; > Everybody Welcome I* iv.'.v.v.v.v.y.v.v.v.y.v; j AMANDA OFFUTTS CAFE j | You have tried the rest, now j try here for the best t 2014% North 24th Street t : ♦ I i " *RITZ * *SHoI‘ REPAIR* *"* SERVICE t Excellent Service ; Tf you like our work, tell | others, if not, tell us. 1* We shine and dye any color. 2033 N. 24th Street j TO ALL MY NORTH-SIDE j FRIENDS-YOUR OLD SHOE MAKER FRIEND Harry Lazarus • g who is back '"■> on Cuming St. featuring Quality Shoej| i Repairing at 9 Reasonable ! _ . 1 rrwes -> Invites All of You to Come and See Him at 3218 Cumin# Street Opposite Tech High School THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND DROFESSIONAL ..DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places._ Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 N<>. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At. 5810 ELESE TURNER 2512 N. 24th St We. 2864 Lux Barber Shop, 2045 N. 24th McGee & Taylor, Managers MILDRED TURNER 2626 No. 27th St- WE 2514 Beer Gardens NEW RITZ GARDEN 24th and Grant Ha. 4634 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. Ja. 9195 Cafes BROWN DERBY CAFE 2035 N. 24th Street. American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. THE LITTLE DINER 2210 N. 24th Street. OMAHA CAFE 2124 N. 24th Street. AMANDA OFFUTT’S CAFE 2014 Ms North 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010V6 N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0957 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLUpB PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT 2415 Lake St. Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St. Ha. 4236 ' Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2501 Cuming St. At. 5656 I — J. B. SIMPSON Exclusive Tailors .v.v.v Now offer the season’s new fall fabrics, tailored the way you like them. Smartest pat terns, latest styles. Call C. H. Davis, The Simpson Man. WE 2335 I Expert Auto Repairs - Overhauling Our Specialty _ AH Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makes and models E.. L.. Merriweather, prop 2209 No. 22nd St.. Omaha, Neb_ E &E LUNCH ROOM BEST OF EATS A trial will convince you Mrs. Blanche Ennis, Prop. 2210 North 24th Street EVERYBODY’S PRAYER HALL Meetings Wednesday and Sunday Nights. Sfpecial meeting at 5 o’clock I Sunday morning. Everybody welcome. REV. HILL, Advisor 1201 N. 24th St. JA 5343 Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6168 HOLMES TAILOR 2218 N. 24th St. We. 3320 J B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24thWE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Far^am St. Ha. 6500 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Are. Ke. 0816 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 8444 S. E. MONTGOMERY GROCERY 2531 Lake St. We. 0226 SAM FELDMAN 2019 N. 24th StWe. 4518 Garages E- L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St- AT 6697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM 6 SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St. We. 6055 . Monument Makers HEFT & NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St.We. 4737 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. 5666 Fine for Kidney and Bladder Weakness Flush poisons from kidneys and bladder and you will live a health ier, happier and longer life. One most efficient and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 35-eent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results will surprise you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are backache, moist palms, leg cramps and puffy eyes. If you want real results, be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—the oi-iginal and genuine —a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic—right from Haarlem in Holland. Give your kidneys a good cleaning once in a while. Get Money — Love I guarantee to help you get a new start in life. No case beyond hope. Stop wornw Ing ! Write me today. Information FREK’I M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square SUu Dept. o. Jersey City, N. J. bjSfe Sweet Georgia Brown IIair ,)resains |k Q Men and Women earn ^ Up to $35 a week as ■agents for Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing, Face Powder( Blea ching Cream; 300 products. Just send name and address for FREE SAMPLE and Money Making Agent’s offer. Write Quick! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO-, Dept. 616, 2241 Indiana Ave-, Chicago, PL -fFLLERS They Must Have the* Raw Material /By Gene ’Byrnes i 1 I