The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 21, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5
Mrs- Henry, 25th and Corby, is 111. Mrs. Howard Swa'n is ill 'n the County hospital PERRY AND SON. Transfer, 2624 Caldwell, AT 0114. Mr. Ralph Adams returned to the city Tuesday from DeW'tt, Ark Mrs Lorraine Watson, 3121 Cor by, 's recovering fro > a severe cold Mrs Robert Hawkins, 2852 B'n ney St-, has recovered from a re cent illness. Mrs l/ouise Wr'ght, 27th and De catur, who <s confined in the County hospital, 's improving Mr. Wnv Hodge, of St. Joseph. Mo., *s v'siting his daughter, Mrs Eva T)ixon, No. 26th St Mrs Rachel Harris Cooley, for merly employed at Fort Omaha, has gone to Cal'fornia to work. Mrs. Flora Mitchell, of Topeka. Ka?., is v'siting her sster, Mrs. Sad'e McClain, 2608 Hamilton St . for a week. Mrs J. S. Turner, 2514 Corby St. ,enterta'ned at an informal ga thering Sunday evening honoring Mrs. Bell Riley. Mr. Andrew Stuart, 2419 Seward St-, says that his wife 's improving slowly. Mrs. Stuart Is at her mo ther’s in Decatur, M'eh. Mrs Harriet. Green, of Brownville. Nebr-, is 'n the c'ty because of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Mary Al'ce Stewart, 2862 Ch'cago St Mrs- Earl Perry, 2624 Caldwell St-, celebrated her birthday Nov. 19th, w'th a dinner for a few of her fr'ends and her immediate fam ily Mrs J C. Jones, 2724 Parker St, enterta'ned a party of four Monday, Nov. 16th, at a luncheon and theatre party honoring Mrs Bell R'ley, of Los Angeles Calif Commissioner Knudsen issued a release from jail to Chester Scott on the plea of Mrs. Henry Pickens, 2601 No. 26th street, who said that Scott’s mother was ill in the hos p'al and in need of h‘s support Messrs. Jim Bell and Clifford Jones left Monday n'ght by motor for the Ganad'an border on a hunt ing trip They expect to be gone until the latter part of the week Mesdames Edgar Lee, Joe Tay lor and Jess'ca Wr'ght will give a tea Sunday from 4:00 to 7:00 p. m-, at the residence of Mrs- Lee, 2408 Maple St., honoring Mrs Bell Riley of Los Angeles, Cal'f You are inv'ted to attend the grade school recognition service, Sunday, Nov- 22nd at 7 o’clock p. m., at the Hillside Presbyterian church, 30th and Ohio Sts Miss Alice Mar'e McFarland, of Spr'ngfield, Mo , *s now attending Tech H'gh Miss McFarland *s mak ing her home w'th Mr and Mrs. Kimbrough, 37th and Davenport Sts.. Mrs- Charles McRae, of Detroit, Mich, will be the house guest of Mrs. Sadie McClain, 2608 Ham'lton St., for Thanksgiving Mrs. McRae wll be accompanied by her two ch'ldren, Charles and Geraldine. ) r—— Mrs- Mamie S'mm gave a beau tiful appointed dinner 'n honor of Mrs- Nellie Yates of Wichita, Kas., who is v*sting her daughter, Mrs Anna Whte and leaving for her home, also Mrs. Lenora Way, who is leaving for Chicago The Modern Art dub met Nov. 11th at the home of Mrs H- L. Preston, 2735 Frankl'n St.. Plans were discussed for a party to be put on soon. Delightful refreshments were ser ved by the hostess- The dub’s next meeting will be Nov- 26th. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Frankl'n St. Rev. W- M. Pru'tt, Pastor Sunday school well attended as well as was the 11:00 o’clock ser vice. Morning sermon was preach ed by the pastor 3:00 o’clock the church was in v'ted to the St- Luke Bapt'st Church 26th and Lake Sts., where the Holy Spirit overflowed Sermon there was preached by Rev. Pruitt, Gen es's 12:4, “I Do Not Know Where I Am Go'ng, But I Am On My Way.” The night service was well at tended Preaching by the pastor Mr- C. C Galloway, business manager of the Omaha Guide Pu bl'sh'ng Co, uses this means to express his gratitude to Mrs- Enda Mitchell for her prayers during h's illness- He feels that he has been benefited greatly by them The Paramount dub met at the home of Mrs Metra Wiliams, No. 24th, on Wed Nov. 11 Pans were discussed for a Thanksgiving din ner for the aged- Del'cous refresh ments were served by the hostess The next meeting w'll be with Mrs- Mattie Johnson, 2815 No. 2Sth Ave., «>n Dec- 2nd CARL DITON MUSICALE PLAYS IN HARLEM New York, Nov. 21 (C)—The Carl Difon branch of the National Ass'n Music'ans presented a bril l'ant musieale and tea at the home of Miss Anna Severy, soprano, 1902 Seventh avenue, Sunday evening Miss Severy represented the branch at thff branch at the annual meet ing in Detrtot recently Among those who contr'buted to the pro gram were Thomas Anderson, as sistant director of “Macbeth,” Joe Lymas, violinist; Frank T. Dav'd. Grace Jenk'ns, Diana Straughn, Gilbert Allen, pianist-composer; and Walter D- Smith, Peggy Ho ward, and WliiTtelfnii'ja Wiliams, dramat'c readers John H. Eckles, president of the branch spoke, and Lisle Greenidge was emceo. Carey’s Store Open All Day Thanksgiving Until 10 P.M. LAWRENCE PIERRE GETS JOB AS ORGANIST New York, Nov. 21 (C)— Law rence Pierre, a graduate of Howard univers'ty and the Paris Conserva tory, has been named organist at the Lafayette theatre, following in stallation of an organ on which Jean Stor’s mus'cal score will be ■played, accompany‘ng Andre Obey’s drama, “Noah ” EL PRODUCTO DE MARIA’S Espanol Tamales and Chili Wholesale and Retail 1914 N. 24th.Phone AT9235 New Heauty Salon 2035 N. 24th St. AT 5810 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Hot Oil Treatment FREE .with each Shampoo and. Press.$1.00 Finger Waving .25c Operators—Misses Ella Mae Smith and Alma Parker. HOMER McCRANEY, Mgr. LISTEN! Set your car ready for win ter driving. Use Conoco Bronze or Ethyl Gasoline. Change Oil—use Germ Pro cessed motor oil. SAE 10 or 20 Zero Oil. LEWIS SERVICE STATION SW COR. 24th and GRANT WEAK BLADDER DUE TO KIDNEY IRRITATION Relief or Ro Pay Check bladder weakness and loss of pep from getting up nights Halt leg and back pa'ns; strained, scanty burn'ng passages due to kidney ir ritat'on, as thousands are doing. BONNOX, N. Y doctor’s prescrip 'on costs nothing unless week’s trial showe grateful benefit Mail th's no tice to ATKINS LAB , 44 East 63rd St., N- Y.. City- Send no mon ey. Pay Postman $1, plus C- O- D.. charges when he br'ngs BONNOX.. See quick, delightful reUef first week or your dollar refunded. (Z Pub-) _ I Suggestions For Your Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, 1 -arge Hens, Springers, Buffalo Fish, Choice Corn-fed baby Beef are Delicious Meats FOR A THANKSGIVING DINNER Benak's Tasty Chili 1ftc Pound Brick » » Benak's Link Pork Sausage, pound SEE US FOR All Kinds Of Lunch Meats Head Lettuce 3 Heads.25c Yellow Yanis 5 lbs for.25c Pastuerized Milk Any Brand qt. 10c Peas or Corn 2 Cans for.25c CANDY PEANUT BRITTLE, lb.15c FUDGE, lb.15c GUM DROPS, lb...15c MARSHMALLOWS, pkg.10c Salted Peanuts Per pound.15c A FULL IJNF OF SEASONABLE FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES -- $ CELERY CAULIFLOWERS POTATOES CHOICE CABBAGE SWEET CALIFORNIA GRAPES GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS GRAPEFRUITS Wicks for Oil Stoves Kerosene 2 gals. —.— 26c Lamp Chimneys WE SPECIALIZE IN I Butter Nut j Bread | AND Dolly Madison Cakes BAKED FRESH DAILY BY SCHULZE BAKING CO. SHRIMP TUNA CRAB MEAT OYSTERS CRANBERRIES CITRON ORANGE PEEL LEMON PEEL DATES Sugar Lb°s 62c Butter fb.r 31c ----—- ■ ■■■■■. SOFT DRINKS OF ALL KINDS VESS Lime Rickey Cinder Ale White Soda 1 Cleo Cola —-—-*4 WE FEATURE A FULL LINE OF ROBERTS Dairy Products Ask For Dated Milk Milk, qts.10c Cream, VaPt. 10° Buttermilk, qt. ..-.— 7c Cottage Cheese, 3 4 lb.12c Orange Drink, qt.He TRY OUR NEW DAIRY RICH CHOCOLATE DRINK Serve It Hot 12c Top Your Thanksgiving Din ner with ROBERTS Whipping Cream VaPt.10° Canned Pumpkin. 10c Oranges, Sunkist per doz.25c Paper Shell Pecans per lb. 30c Peaches, large in heavy syrup.20c English Walnuts per lb.20c Delicious Apples, large per doz.50c Fruit Salad, No. 2 can.18c A Full Line of NOTIONS 94 5 lb. Bag _l.l„59c 10 lb. Bag_55c SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK Nesselrode Pudding—filled with fruits and nuts, deli cately flavored with brandy. Turkey Center Bricks, Pumpkin Center Bricks, and Cranberry Sherbet HARDING’S ICE CREAM Harding’s Ice cream is carefully supervised by the Sealtest System of Laboratory Protection. _ -rs* FREE DELIVERY — mj? Sundays Naborhood_store 27th & Grant w WE 6089