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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1936)
SOCIAL „ _ ’i,, CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O O-C-i ei y" ORGANIZATIONS I ___1_' : Mrs. Esther Dixon, 2530 Map'" fit., is ill M ss Ethel Jones, 2811 C»Ulv e I Si., is 'll In a local hospital Mr Chas. Wake, Omaha Gu.d empoyoc, has been 'll Mrs. Cara Paris, 2425J4 Lake, St. is row in the employ of th" | Omaha Voice. The Loyal Matrons of Cleaves Tern- I pie meet every ucsday. Watch this paper for notice of thei; pre-annual tea Sunday, Nov. 8bh, was one of the po ni • ef the Group Monthly rady, of Cleave’s Temple $180 was reported on the bonded debt. Mrs, Mary Gregory, 2213 No. 27th Ave, was Injured when her ce’lar fell end struck h"r on the head She la confined to her bed. Mrs- Humphrey of th" Seven Day Advent church, spoke to the Junior church of Cleave’s Temple, Surulay, Nrjv. Rtb A beautiful theme was expressed to the young people. The Beau Brumme’s gave th"lr annual dance Thursday N’ov. 12th. at th" Dreamland had. A pack"d house showed ju.-t how the public Jegrded these afTa'rs The Happy Hour Bridge club met with Mrs. Pay ter, 26th and B'nney street. After four changes of contract bridge were played, lunch was served- Mr W. F*ord and Mrs. Peterson won prizes A Christmas party was planned Mr. and Mrs- Dan Smith, of Chi cago, III , were house guests of Re becca Martin, 2115 Clark St-, re turning t*> their home, Nov. 5th. Many social courtesies were extend ed them during their slay In the city Mrs Etlnp. Mitchell of MoPne, in., Is the house guest of Mrs James Oolqu'tt, 2754 Lake street. Mrs- Edna Mitchell, 2431 Parker street, sol'c'tor of the Omaha Guide had tho pleasure of meeting her and shaking her hand. Roth Mrs Mltcholls were happy to meet each i other. Mrs Alma Whey of 1911 K St., Lincoln, Nebr-, passed Nov, 3rd and was taken to Plat.t-burg, Mo for burial. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, Guy Wiley, two brothers, George and Walter Young; a sister tn-law, Mrs- Belle Woods of Oma ha; and a nephew, M'lton Johnson of the Johnson Drug Co The Chocolate Sip spon'ored by the Forward Step club of Cleave’s Temple CME church, Sunday, Nov. 15th, at the beautiful home of Mr and Mrs- Avery Washington, 1714 No. 28th street, was a most de lightful affa'r- The ov’iness of the pink roses among the fern leaves which served as a center piece for the table, together w'th the stately beauty of the tall lighted pink can dles on either s'de, added a cheer ful note to the genial and restful surroundings The rose pattern of the lac® covers for the table might well have been taken as a m'rrored reflection of the roses looking down from above. Among the many guests who enjoyed the mints and the tasty, dimlnut've odd shaped and many colored cheese sandwiches along w'th the hot chocolate with marshallows, were: Messrs. John Jackson, G- R. Butler, Lee Stalwart, S- Stanford, Richard Bass, Paul Dortch, Vergil Bailey, E. Single ton, C F- Pick'ns, W J. Anderson, Robert Harr's and Buddy Artlson. Mesdames Gussie Edison McPher son, G- R Butler, Lee Stalwart, S. Sanford, W. M S'ngleton, D- W.. Bass, Sarah Stamps, Eliza Foun tain, Gertrude Evans, G- Down'ng, J Jackson, 0. F„ Whitlowe, Inez Partridge, C- Harr's, E. Porter, W M- Cooper, J D. Young, Randall Roberts, Bishop Pearl, G- A.. Coop er, Bertha Bell, Bess'e Davis, Mary Elizabeth Hayes, Lula Ga'ters, M. Warren, Ferwlda Artlson. Margaret Cafey, E M- Moore, E. M Harris, C. Arnold, and Gertrude Vawters; tflses Henrietta Makins, Roberta Pharr, Ivory Hayes, Nancy Lois Baas, Erelene Gray, L V- Gray, Elfeabeth Hunter, Cleo Anderson, Addle Foxall, F. Hill and Eva May Hayes and Rev. D W. Bass PORO CLUB T' i r«T<> dub met at the home of Mrs. Llewelyn. 'Hi's wa- the rst met'ng of the fa I season 'uslncss of Importance was d*s -ussed I el'ghtful refreshments were served by t' *• ho-less. POKENA CLUB MEETS ’ "-e Pohena nib met Thursday -- ipth the "ee d<*ice rf Mrs \ s’ey June-, 1514 No. 2 4* h St. At th's meet ng the c'ub w 1 ce '• b ate the birthday of Mrs Charles a vie UPTO-EATE CLUB Tho U;i-to-L)aU' g ado schorl dub. w th Mr . Ralph Adams, k devo oping o play to ,p* <>sent to the Old Folk’s at the homo, on Nov ;;!th. PROGRESSIVE CLUB The Progressive club met at the heme of Mis* Ann M‘ch<al. A very in pressive meeting was held A. dedghtful repast was served. Mr Henry W1 Hants's Indisposed. Mr. Davis, 2624 Hamilton St-, 's III Mr Roy D'H, 2518 Decatur St., loiurned fr«nn the hospital Mrs. Mary McKinney, 2821 Se ward St, Is confined to bed by ill ness. Mrs. Edna Burley, 2526 I,ake St has entered a local hospital for an operation. Mrs- Mary Aden Rouhlac has re turn'd to her home from a local hospital. The meeting of Chapter fi <>f Cleave’s Temple Usher Board was a tremendous success Rev. D W Bass left Sunday night for Coffey vl lie, Kas., where he will make a ten day v's't Mrs- Nina Lew's, former operator In the Ohrist'ne Althouse Beauty Salon, has gone to Ch'cago. Mr. and Mrs- Harry Leland, 2824 No 26th St-, spent the week end in Lincoln where they attended the game Saturday • Mrs. Joseph- I) i/cwls was the guest speaker of Cleaves Temple Junior church the pa*t Sunday morn'ng Mrs. C. H Hall, 2520 Decatur St . whose right hand was crush ed recently 'n an electric wringer continues to Improve Mis-i Ethel Jones, 2811 Caldwell St., who has been 111 In a local ho. p'tal. Is 'improving to the extent it is expected that she will be brought to her home Sunday. Charming M'ss Hazel Caroll of Pensacola, Fa, is vigit'ng here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert j Thomas, 2115 Burdette St- M'ss Car oil 's the niece of Mrs. Thomas ! Her stay w'll beindefini te Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, of Council Bluffs, and Mrs- Bell Riley of L>s Angeles, Calif., w'll be the dinner guest of Mrs- A H'cks, 3012 Miami St., at the Aloha’s an nual banquet on Nov 24th, at the Masonic halL _ I The First Temple No 6's ho'd'ng an eight day revival. Mother Bishop Pearl Sutton from Kansas C'ty 's in charge, w'th co-workers Come out and get a wonderful treat Mrs- Sad'e Johnson, of GhWl c«the, Mo., and Mrs L'na Branhern were the house guests of Mrs- Long, 2B17 Lake street- Mrs. Long has been bed fast, but, at the present time, is slowly Improving The funeral of Sl'm Richardson, 022 Burt St-, who d'ed Friday, Nov. 13th, was held Tuesday afternoon from the Myers Funeral home The deceased is survived by h's wife, Sad'e Richardson Mother Bishop Sutton organ'zed a woman’s circle wh'ch will meet at Spiritual Temple No 6 on 24th and B'ondo- Daughter Eldrldge was appo'nted president and Mrs. Rev Campbell, vice president- Mrs Lovey Roper was appointed secre tary. Meetings w'H be held very Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock QUACK CLUB Afte" the *nierest groups which a t d one hour and fifteen minutoa ! n Qua t's oriened their meet ing .*• r. ngbig “Following the Gleam ” Mrs. G adys FuHam read a script f. m Anthony Adverse, In which ••• > 9 verv beautiful thought, about “Se f Control " h > m'nutes were read, ree'eved nrl a lor ted New members were in •i dnecd t > the r ub, namely: Rose F iucky, Dorothy Bell, and Ruth Me Raven. rl'he purpose of the YWCA was read by Lilian Pettiford for ' i i neflt r.f the new members a' fo the purpose of the Quack c’ub aJ hy Clara Leonard. The mean ng of each letter 'n the word “Qua l.*' was read by lone Lewis ! litl Sm'th war. appointed on the by-law* comm'ttee. Those on th e ' gating comm'ttee are: C'ar >ttr. Flanks. Gladys Stamps and Vlarjojio Jo Srn'th Each member hi requested to bring something for a Thanksg v'ng basket next Friday Nov. 20th for i«me needy family Our formal dinner dance was d' jussed, and money was taken up for same Each member must be dressed .'trictly formal. AH escorts must wear tuxedo or tabs. Every th'ng has Fs-en arranged to make • his a successful and outstanding affair New members voted into the dub were: Add'e Foxali, Ed'th Johnson, Geraldine Martine, Ca therine Bonve-ler, Lucille Haywood and L*ly Ftoss SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MRS MOORE Mr. Reuben Moore and ch'ldren surprised the wife and mother, Mrs Margaret Moore on her birthday, November 11th, with a beautiful party A hugh bouquet of American Beauty rosea, an annual gift of Mr. | Moore, graced the table Many ( more beaut'fui rememberances were received- The luncheon and the re freshments were delicious. Those present were: Mr Reuben Moore, Mr- Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Moors, Mr. and Mrs Del roy Moore, M'ss Lucille Moore, Mr. and Mrs. M Iton Moore, Mi and Mrs. W Taylor, Mr. and Mrs H Biddieux, Mr. Ray Guston, Mr and Mis. Robert Dawson, Mrs Sarah Bradley, Mr- Adverta Randa'l After a very late hour, each guest retired, wi.-h'ng the honor guest many more happy b'rthrays. OMAHANS ATTEND LOVELY ARMISTICE BRIDGE PARTY Omahans attending the lovely '•ridge luncheon gven by Mis Os ie Cooper. Council BlufTs, on Wed nesday. Nov, 11th honoring Mrs Be I Riley, of Los Angeles, Cal'f, ' I'mor Omaha re.-ident were: Mes i.mes Gertrude Ashby, Nathan Hunter, Dora Alexander, Joe Lewis, A- L. Hawk'ns, Gertrude Lucas, Guss'e McPherson, Cloma Scott, J C. Jones Addle Seal-, E'ese Turner, Luther DlRard, Lu'a Ilicks, Cecel'a Jewell Bell Taylor, Quesn'e Jackson. M'amle Thomas, Edgar Lee and Clei'ta Reynolds Mrs. H •'!.> W<«»ds of 2724 Map’e treet returned to home from Platts buig' M'i , after attending the fun eral of her sister-in-law, Mis- Alma W'ley of Lincoln, Nebr. Johnson Drug Co. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N. 24th St OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja9999 Lake St. Coal Co. 2520 Lake Phon® AT 2575 Quality cannot be substituted Prompt delivery Service Thomas Robinson, prop. ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP 1809 N. 24 ST. WE 4240 9:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. First Class Work At Cut-Rate Prices. Lillian Cunningham Bessie Wilson T SEEN AT THE BEAU BRUMMEL DANCE Opal Murray wearing a beautiful I outfit—red velvet and gold. Max.'ne B'air In blue velvet. Ruth Gray 'n blue net. Ruth Williams in one "f the new er shades of blue Leta Lewis 'n b'ack crepe. Tho Willis sisters enjoy'ng them Anna Johnson 'n blue velvet selves. OUlo Redd stunn'ng as ever Groups of girls and their escorts chatting gaily Matrons beaut'fuliy gowned, en joying them-elves. Stag groups around the orchestra ■tit. WOMEN'S DEMOCRATIC STUDY CLUB MEETS The Negro Women’s Doug'as County Democratic Study club met at the. home of Mrs. Harry Leland, 2824 No. 2fith St , Wednesday night This was its first meeting since election. Plans were made for fu ture. meetings. Mr John Adams talked on the unicameral legislature. There were seviv'al other intersting faiks made. Mr- B A. Hall, state and nation-, al campaign manager of the Dou glas county central committee gave a very interesting and instructive talk on general conditions, cooper ation and organization of Negroes Ho thanked every one for past co operation, saying that never be fore had there been such splendid cooperation as was manifested in the past election. Some forty women and a few men were in attendance at this meeting, and enjoyed the delight ful repast served by Mrs Leland. Present were the committee wo man, Mrs. Edwards and committee man Mr Harry Leland of the Sec ond Ward. WILLING WORKERS H’ho Wili ng Workers club of the Metropolitan Sp'rltua1 church met on its regular meeting n'ght of last week, with 12 members present. After the bus'ne-s meeting was over, a delicious luncheon was ser ved by Mis- Sue Gordon $985 CASH wjll buy lood 5 room house on corner lot. All in fine condition—2539 Decatur McFarland & Kennedy, Inc Realtors t JA 2100 636 World-Herald Rldg -| WOULD YOU BE FREE Poverty-Sickness- Unhappiness? Send 12 cents for a little pam- j dilet that has helped thousands to free themselves t contains complete instructions for those willing to do their part. ' School of Physical Science 2"1 i Erskir.e SI-, Omaha, Nebr Tubbs’ Beauty Salon It Pays To Look Well Then go to Tubbs’ Beauty Salon for your work Our shampoo, pressing and mar celling are outstanding. OUR WORK GUARANTEED 1712 No. 25th St. WE 2243 MICHAEL’S Beauty Shoppe HOLIDAY SPECIAL Free facial or hot oil treat ment given with every sham poo, press and wave. WE 5633 2115 No. 27 St. BE^Ttf-fRbmflncEf J&y, °fftahjuis ^Owiunruj, ^ An award of $50.00 is made each year by the Founda lion to the Negro or any Negro group for the best paper submitted on an improved method of beauty culture. fop me woman wn<>»e cneeas ana chin are beginning to become too fleshy, a few minutes each morning and evening spent in massaging the face in the correct manner will aid in decreasing the fatty tissues In massaging the face, however, wt mu-t be careful to stroke the face in the right direction. Other wise the result will be just the op posite of the one we wish, and the wrinkles or sagging jaws we are trying to lessen will be exaggerated The face and neck should be wa-hed thoroughly in warm water and coated thickly with cold cream before the massaging begins T« eemfcat the wrinkles in the forehead, the following massage is recommended: Dace the thumbs of each hand close to the ears, fin gers touching in the middle of the GRADE SCHOOL RECOGNITION SERVICE A Grade School Recognition ser vice will be held at the Hillside Presbyterian church on Sunday, Nov. 22nd, at 7:00 p. m- Grade school girls, members of the Blue Triangle and Up-To-Date clubs will be recognized Forty or more girls are expected to attend, QUACK CLUB TO GIVE DINNER DANCE The Quack club will give its an nual Dinner Dance, Nov 23rd Mrs Mary Montgomery, 2531 Lake St- is 1H. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladles' and Children's Work1 A Specialty. 2422 La We Street. Bergquist Garage General Automobile Repair Greasing, Car Washing, Gas, Oil Tire Repairing 24-HOUR SERVICE JA 9269 2417 No. 24th St DIGNIFIED EFFICIENT SUPERVISION MYERS FUNERAL HOME 2416 N. 22nd St. WE 0248 MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street Shoe Repairing, Dye and Shine. Quantity plus Quality is our slogan. We Call For and Deliver This Coupon with any pur chase of 50 cents or more Is Good For 10c. FREE COURSE IN HAIR CULTURE Including Diploma by Mail. Write Cuban Cosmetic Co. | Box 9315 Chicago, 111. i 1 .. .. AW.V.VAV.,AV.VAV1V.\W.WA,.V.V.,.V.,.V.V.,.V.V.1 1 DREAMLAND*1”/ :■ ANNA MAE i WINBPBN v AND HER ;I COTTON CLUB BOYS £ THANKSGIVING EVE 5 WED., NOV. 25 V Admission 50c Hours 10 to 2 FLETCHER \ HENDERSON (Old Christopher Columbus Himself) and His N. B. C. ORCHESTRA MONDAY, NOV. 30 Admission $1 Hours 9 to 2 ^THANKSGIVING MATINEE NOV. 26 j* MUSIC BY SYNOO HI HATTERS I W.V.WAV.VJV.V.W.V.ViV.V.V.V.VA’.VAVWA’A'/, iu> riitrau* i utfii, wiuri Liie ung'T* tp=, make short strokes upward and slightly outward, gradually moving the hands toward the side of the face. Then, with the hands in the same position, describe small circles with the fingertips as the hands gradu ally moved outward, but be. sure that the upward strokes of the c'r cUs are about three times as heavy as the downward strokes, which should be gentle Next place the thumbs under the chin with the fingers of both hands meeting on the point of the chin, and push the fingertips upward and outward to the hairline at the top of the ears After repeating this motion about ten times, allow the fingertips to describe, little circles along the same path, again being careful to make the downward stroke light- I To reduce the neck, massage up wards from the base of the neck toward the ears, and from the throat to the tip of the chin. If the fingers become tired, you may al ternate with the thumbs on this massage- ! Then wipe the excess cold cream off the face The effect of the mass age will be enhanced if with hazel or some similar astmgent lotion is applied to the face, to complete the treatment. LEVISON SUPER | SERVICE STATION DIAMOND D X Gas and Motor Oils Alemite Grease Job 5$c Special, Car Washed 49c 2303 N. 24 St. _I MARTHA MAYO Beauty Culturist Marcelling Fingerwav'ng WE 0274 2512 No. 25th St *1 PARKS’ ICE & FUEL CO. We feature package fuel,kind ling, coal of all k'nds, kerosene W- C- Parks, prop 2106 Illondo Street THE MAIN EVENT CIGAR STORE Greet Your Friends at “TIIE Main Event Cigar Store.’’ Telephone Service, Candies and Soft Drinks 2416 Lake St. JA 9044 BOROV’S BARGAIN CENTER 1316 3d. 24 SI. ladies' Wool Skirts Art Regular $1.98 at .... vvC 1 Lot Ladies’ Silk. OAO Dresses, Size 14 to 44. THE 1 LIQUOR I STORE f C * % I Beer $1.55 Case j: 5 Old Faithful < :• Brand Whiskey :j J 90 PROOF > 5 8 MONTHS OLD j ;j Quart 95c < ij Sloe Gin ij J Fifth .75c J Wine ij j Fifth.35c ?. J SPECIAL PRICES ij ON CASE LOTS ? WHISKEY j ■i FREE DELIVERY ij ;! 24th and Cuming "i ■j Phone Jackson 6564% KiTZ, (JlljrAK STORE Direct wire on all sporting events. Jimmie Jewell, Prop. 2225 N. 24 HA 4634 f ♦ THE ORIGINAL \ | i St. Louis Omaha