The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 14, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8
C "jaOH OF THE LIVING GOD 9116 Noith 21th Street s. C- A. B'ayboy Reporter 'sy s hoot service was held 1 usual hour A must unusual 1 lesson was njoyed at many ’bought.* w°re brought out v new rasttor preached a wun se'-ton Sunday morning '«a- 1:18, subject “C«me 't Reason Together-" Sunday ’*• pre-' lod another wonder ■non which was taken from '18:29, subject "The Vino* "eavtn ” A program was al tered in honor of our pastor b th” mysterious quartet d three se'cetlons A won me wn h ' t all duv Sundav out and !■-- with us during viva! which begins Nov. 8th. I T ST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NO. 6 "Mth and Itlondo Streets ' ughter M. Quinn, I,cadcr f'•••.*- C- Jackson, Ass't Pastor F ■ lay school at 9:46 o'clock, 'ay nvrn'ng service at 11:00 o’ ’ Rev Jackson In charge. 'ay night service at 8:00 o'. « ‘ Daughter Marian Quinn In c’ a yone we’come. 'ay night dev< loping class at F ’’Inney St., no charge. I day night Bible class at the 11 ■ re sda.v night alter call, and I ng and prophesying, Mother II Joit In charge. — MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH *Mth nnd Ohio Streets ”ev. F. P' Jones, Pastor F • steon Burroughs, Reporter n Sunday school was opened f d and the time was spent In f>'i ngeltstlc period instead of the i<- '-I- lessons. Most of the pu r '■ enjoyed the service and enter 0 ' 1 It whole hcartedly. We are )• -'to see some new souls add « ’ ' ‘he church as a result of this r - '■ effort. C \ n I wonder do we appi-ectate t '’’ort that our ministers put f f to produce their sermons or « - ’ messages that they bring to 1’ e„ngregatlons each Sunday 1 Sunday we listened to two t - l sermons by the pastor, r.-r'i perving to strengthen the ‘ in on Ws way, or to open f ■■ es of the sinners as they p' 1 ng their dangrous course. '. i. lsh to thank each and every Im' ' ial who contributes to our 1 " fund- Wo are progressing f’ but surely- Last Sunday > ■ --? Mr Lewis, one of our out t,\ r r business men, donated fir- this fund Mrs. Ethel Spooso ’ r also gave $5.00 to the fund V- ' rt or donation helps us just i ’■ further on our way. T . condition of those who are on t' - sick list remain the same, •i pre Mrs Jaekson, Mr- J- C. AVI: ■ Miss Nina Cox, Mrs. David jjrtf 1 Mrs. M- E. Burton ' ‘ v u are a stranger In the city ant - e looking for a home-llke c^u ’) in which to worship, just re her Mt. Morlal.. the church wit’ - friendly welcome for all \RADISE BAPTIST CHURCH "trd and Clark Streets W illiam Morris, Reporter r •' 'ay was a high spiritual day *r<>.» r .nday school Is growing. At r’cvon o’clock service, our church, had the privilege of dedicating a brnr-'fnl bouquet of flowers to Mr. O. H Wiley’s mother, who died •fnr • -arB ago Mrs- 'Wiley brought the f wers Mr. Wiley was pre #p*-> --iso. Our pastor made the «,e<r- -* on- He then preached from • ■ •’ ject, ‘I Saw the Lord,” Isa r.-i C ;r hearts were sad ' ' 00 o’clock. Rev. Bass and hi" r 'd people worshipped with sis. I s Junior choir sang with sp r ‘ Oar hearts burned within ti . v’ '-he spoke from the subject, “I - In Unity,” 133 Psalm ' • < 00 o’clock our BYPU was f-r” - tended- A wonderful pro r r as rendered by the ladles piT!”- Mo. 2- Miss Estella Morris Is r dent; Leon Morris, secre te vv ! 1 ike evning services the pas tor ■ • '.ched on the subject “Pea c■” ! 62:1- After which Com imm’ n was served. ST. BENEDICT PARISH 242.3 (irant Street Rev. Jameg I'reum, S. J-, pastor i i’»* P.-T. A. held Its regular meeting Sunday. Miss Helen Tvrdy 1 t e lay teacher was [.resent and 'sile some very encouraging re mai’ka Monday "ur pastor left for Kansas City to make his annual r at. r he -chooj children have >' frun Work on their Christmas | lay which they give every year CLARINDA, IOWA SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I). Nicholson. Pastor Mr* Nicholson, Reporter Sunday school wa* well attend ed The lesson was enjoyed by all Mr-; I line A Reese of Council !51 nffs and her little daughter Char lene were visitors at the church all day- The pastor took charge of the Sunday school on account of the ab '■nce of I he superintendent. The at ti ndance of the Eleven o'clock ser tendency of the Eleven o’clock ser viie has Improved- Roth were enjoyed by ad. The Holy spirit see med to be In midst The church hud had a surprise for the pastor after the evening serviced. Everything from soup to nuts was given. The membership Is rallying to his sup mort one hundred per cent- Mrs Anna Nash Is home from the hos pital and Is feeling fine. The [ms tor brought back a wonderful re pot t from the Western -District I'oard meeting whlrh convened in Sioux City, November 5th. The Se cond Baptist church is determined that It will win the prize that Is being given In the Association in May. THE CHUROH OF GOD 2025 No. 21th Street hitler Robert L- Moody, Pastor Mrs. I.dnii W. Moody, Reporter Worship services for last Sunday were very impressive. Miss Ellezn Victoria Wiliams of Kansas City, Kas was the speaker all day 'rhe message for noon-day worship was: “Are You In The Sifter?” This was an Illustrated message. Wo learned that many things that are found In life cannot stand the test Therefore we must be real In all of our relationships- At 3:30 p m the subject was: “Youth Organiz ed for Personal Evangelism and at K:30 p. m. “How Many Souls Have You Lost?" Miss Williams pointed out that we may cause souls to be lost: (1) By using incompetent methods of training, (a) at home and (b) in the church, (2) By leaving the BlbU* standard In doctrine (3) By partiality; and (4) By Living n conslstent religious lives i.e„ being Inconsistent judgment of others e.g a hyptocrte We enjoyed the examining mess ages and will endeavor to remember that “My life Is the only Bible some people read—what if I should fall?” We still extend an invitation to our visiting friends to attend our services regularly Unless there be further delay, our revival will begin Nov. 22nd to December 6th., with Elder J- B- Almond, pastor of 11th and Freeman congregation of the Church of God, Kansas City, Kas MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. C Gates, Acting Pastor U. L- Billingsley, Reporter Sunday school was held at its usual hour with the average at tendance. Morning services open ed at its usual hour with Rev. Gates delivering a soul stirring message. BYPU Is doing nicely- It s plan ning a special program for next Sunday In the evening services, Rev Gates welcomed his visiting company ministers, Rev. Lante and Rev. Renfro of St- Luke Baptist church. With a broad heart, as usu al, Rev Gates cast the lot upon Rev J. H- Harris to bring the messge. He preached a very time ly sermon Subject. “Teach the People ” Matt. 28:19-20 Three People joined, two are candidates for baptism. Tire missionary department en joys a refreshing evening of Bible study every Tuesday night at 7:30 at the church- Wo expect a grand attendence each week- Our assist ant scretary, Mrs. Nellar Bradshaw, has moved to her new and most lovely home on Creighton Blvd. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH "The Friendly Church” Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor Sunday school services began the day at St- John church with many boys and girls <>n hand ready to study the lesson with their various I teachers. Parenlp, you can help to swell our attendance hy sending your child to Sunday school regul arly and accompanying him. Rev Adams continues in his in imitable way to sipread the word of the gospel. Speaking Sunday morn ing from the subject, “Keep Your Affections On Things Above,” many fundamental truths were given In Ms sermon Only one of the many truth) we learned Is given In this prtlele, namely, "Placing emphasis immaterial things in this world can never satisfy; we must hold on to th ■ thin- ti which last, eternally.” The new financial system of St John church will soon get under way and members If you haven’t heard about it, make Inquiries, for It Is going to be of definite benefit lo you. We were pleased to have with us last Sunday Mrs. Riley, a form er earnest and hard worker of St. John, who is now living in Califor nia Rev. F- B. Green, acting overseeing Elder, one of the great Evangelists and pastors who is traveling throu ghout the brotherhood, preaching I and doing evangelistic work for i chub, will hold a revival at 231(5 N" 25th St. WINS $75,000 Los Angees, Calif., Nov. 14 (AN P)—Jesse Merrill, 36, a moulder In a local iron plant, was one of three I,os Angeles lucky winners in the big Irish Sweepstakes, Merill’s ticket on Daytona, the horse that finished second, netting him the neat sum of $75,000 Merill’s win ning ticket however, was made out in his wife’s name, Stella Merrill, who Is visiting In Alabama, and after being notified of their good luck, he wired her to return to Los Angeles at once Merill Is a Georgian by birth and has lived here for 17 years. It Is expected that about $19,000 of the prize money will go for federal and state taxes. He expects to establish a trust fund with the remainder Asked how the news affected him when told he had won $75,000, Mer rill said: ‘I was working as a mould er In an iron plant and when I heard the good news I told the boss I just couldn’t go any further." Arrests 4 Whites On Peonage Charge MacClenny, Fla , Nov. 14 (ANP) —Fallowing the recent quick ac tion by federal authorities In bring ing to light the Infamous Arkans as peonage situation in which col ored field hands at the sting of the lash were forced to work In cot ton fields, Department of Justice week arrested four men here charg ed with holding two Negro labor ers In a state of peonage II Duce Will Proclaim Italy an Empire London, Eng-, Nov. 14 (ANP1—• The report has been current In lo cal diplomatic circles that before the end of the month Premier Ren ito Mussolini will proclaim Italy an Empire, as a result of which the title of King will be replaced by that of "Emperor of Italy and of the Lands Overseas ” By so do ing Mussolini would eliminate the dispute over the present title of “Emperor of Ethopia.” No govern ment, It Is said, could refuse to acknowledge the change when It refers to Italy herself and not spe cifically to Ethopia HELD FOR MITRDEE Maxton, N C-, Nov. 14 (C)— “Noisy” Nettles was held for Su perior court of Robeson county Wednesday night charged with first degree murder in the death of Don Singleton. Singleton died on Oct. 15th from pneumonia, which physicians said resulted from in juries received in a fight with Net ties, "who beat Singleton, severely The motive for the attack is not known OARD OF THANKS I I wish to thank my many K friends for their kindness during the illness and af ter the death of my be loved wife Grace IT. Brown who died Monday, Nov. 2, 1936. Harry Brown, Husband Ark.‘Peonage Stamp’ Under U. S. Scrutiny Wa-hington, D C-, Nov 14 (AN P)—Postal officials here have been asked by U. S- District Attorney Fred Isgrig of Little Rock, Ark-, t> investigate a stamp, depleting two changed figures and a printed plea to “end peonage’’ in Arkansas, and to see if it is in violation of the postal regulations Datrkrt Attorney Isgrig said the promoters of the stamp were the Workers’ Defense League of New York and the Farmers’ Union, whose circulareg give the informa tion that the money taken in through sale of the stamps will be to combat peonage in Arkansas The D A said prospective custom ers were led to believe the funds would be used to help the govern ment prost'eut patil D. Peacher, Earle, Arkansas sheriff n<nv under federal indictment for violation of anti-slavery laws. Isgrig protested to Chief postal In peettor K P Aldrich that use of private funds for that purpose was contrary to law. The Inspector said the evidence forwarded by the District Attorney would be investigated and turned over to Solicitor Karl A Crowley for a decision. Prosecute Principal Who Beat Child New York, N"V. 14—William Pickens, jr., acting for the NAACP Is assisting in the prosecution of Gustav Schoenchen, principal of P S. 5 at 140th street and Edge combe avenue in Harlem- Schoen chen is accused of brutal attack on Robert Shelton, a 14-year-old boy. Several stitches had to bo taken in the boy’s scalp and it is feared that ho has suffered internal in juries caused by kicks alleged to Imve been delivered by the prin cipal Harlem citizens are demanding his removal from the school sys tem. Negro Youth Must Have Chance Says White Over Radio New York, Nov 14—Declaring that it is “imperative for Negroes to have access to all forms of edu cation or else as a race fall far ther and farther behind in the struggle for existence,” Waiter White, NAACP secretary, told a radio audience over a nation-wide network of the Columbia Broad casting system, that Negro youth must have quality in education from kindergarten through the graduate and professional schools. Mrs. Anna Higdon Entertains The Pick-Up dub met Tuesday night, NoV. 10th, at the home of Mrs. Anna Higdon, 2426 Hamilton street- After the business had been attended to, the hostess served a ovely repast' $985 CASH will buy Good 5 room house on corner lot. All in fine condjtlon—2539 Decatur McFarland & Kennedy, Inc Realtors IA 2100 636 World-Herald Bldg Get Money --- Love I guarantee to help you get a new start in life. No case beyond hope. Stop worry ing [ Write me today. Information FREE I M. WILLIAMS, journal Square Sta. Dept. o. Jersey City, N. J. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Ohildren’B Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Blad der Irritation. STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these fam ous capsules will put healthy ac tivity into your kidneys and blad der—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diu retic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cense. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— safe and harmless—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits the bathroom at night are backache, moist palms puffy eyes and scanty passge that oft times smarts and burns. Minister Forty Years At Same Church Richmond, Va-, Nov. 14 (C) — ev. Marcus Sparks celebrated his 40th consecutive year as pastor of Zion Baptist church near Oumnor, King and Queen County, Sunday. The church was founded by the Rev. Beverly Spark1', father of the present par,tor- The father reived as pastor of the church for 24 con secutive years until his death. No land has ever been bought by the church. The late .Judge James Jef fries gave to the founder and Thom as Holmes land on which to build the church- The present pastor celebrated his 32nd year as pastor of his other church at Dunnsville, Essex county, on Nov- 1st- He preaches on alternate Sundays at each church During hi? 40 years as minister, the Rev. Sparks has baptised 1,250 candidates for church membership. He has prayer with about 370 families a year B.C. POWERS HERE FROM RUSSIA Washington, Nov. 14 (C)—Ber rard Power-, a ‘31 graduate from the School of Engineering at Howard university, was guest speaker at the annual smoker giv en by the Clark Hall Council at Howard Wednesday evening. Mr. Powers told of his work as a high way engineer (and consultant in Russia, on he border of China and India- Mr. Powers return to Ru-sia via London this week. "How do you like your new neigh bors?” "(irent. We've lived In tills apart-( nient seven months now and none if them have bothered us yet" Expert Auto Repairs _ Overhauling Our Specialty . All Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makes and models E.. L.. Merriweather, prop 2209 No. 22nd St.. Omaha, Neb. E & E. LUNCH ROOM BEST OF EATS A trial will convince yon Mrs. Blanche Ennis, Prop. 2210 North 24th Street THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ..DIRECTORY,, Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At. 5810 ELESE TURNER 2512 N. 24th St. We. 2864 Lux Barber Shop, 2045 N. 24th McGee & Taylor, Managers MILDRED TURNER 2626 No. 27th St- WE 2514 Beer Gardens NEW RITZ GARDEN 24th and Grant Ha. 4634 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. Ja. 9195 Cafes BROWN DERBY CAFE 2035 N. 24th Street. American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. THE LITTLE DINER 2210 N. 24th Street. OMAHA CAFE 2124 N. 24th Street. AMANDA OFFUTT’S CAFE 2014% North 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010% N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0957 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLI1JIS PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT 2415 Lake St. Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAK~STORE 2312 N. 24th St. Ha. 4236 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2501 Cuming St. At. 5656 J. B. SIMPSON Exclusive Tailors .V.V.V Now offer the season’s new fall fabrics, tailored the way you like them. Smartest pat terns, latest styles. Call C. H. Davis, The Simpson Man. WE 2335 CLASSIFIED ADS ---— EMPTY garage, 2 furnished rooms, 2716 N. 28th Ave. WE 5549. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 ROOM kitchenette apt. AT 5576 KITCHENETTE apartment, 1107 No. 19th. Newly decorated. WE 4835. 3 furnished apartments. WE 3738. KITCHENETTE apt. AT 7356 ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED room AT 2523. ROOM—workng couple WE 6421 ROOMS for rent, 1125 No. 19th St. Rates by the week WANTED—Three nicely furnished rooms by working couple. We. 2328 Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho las street. 9 ROOM modem house $30 per month. 2522 Maple Street. NICE furnished room, WE 2582. FIVE furnished rooms, 2616 Bur dette street FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553. MODERN room for right party, married or single Phone Webster 5728. 2718 No. 28th Ave. Five rooms for rent, 2616 Bur dette street FRANKLIN furnished modern apartment*, 2214 No. 21st St_ Apply 1711 Coming St.. WANTED: Caretaker, man and wife. One room for aervteaa_ Shan kiln’s Apt. tin and WUlls, apply 1711 Coring & NICE room in quiet home, near ca.-line. WE 2085 FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait. 2420*4 Cuming Street SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR V OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil ity. Personality, connections im portant. Write for interview. The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant St. AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics, Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation ; al Supply Co., Richmond, Va. 5000 Representatives Wanted. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good income assured. E. V. Publishing House, 301-305 Elm st., Dept. N3. Nappanee, Indiana. AGENTS—l'O daily selling Negre Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 452, Dayton, Ohio. COLORED RACE ONLY. Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 264 W. 135th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 165 W. 126th St., New York City. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work gloves as side line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co.. Winona. Mnn. » Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6168 HOLMES TAILOR 2218 N. 24th St. We. 3320 J B CLEANERS & TAILORS^ 1805 N. 24th WE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Far*am St.Ha. 0500 ! Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0316 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 S. E. MONTGOMERY GROCERY 2531 Lake St. We. €226 SAM FELDMAN 2019 N. 24th St _We. 4616 Garages IE- L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE ^ 2209 No. 22nd St- AT 6097 ! Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St._We. 6055 Monument Makers HEFT & NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St. We. 4737 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. 665« JOHNSON DRUG CO We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St. HE YOUNG AT 70 Use REVIVO (special gland medi cine) for men. (No. 3 for women). Successful many years at big Chic ago Clinic Doctor’s own vigor pre scription. 1 box $1- 3 boxes $2.50 1 box double strength $2 00. 3 boxes double strength $5-00. C. O- E>. 20 cents extra DR S'lEGEL’S MED. PROD. 1119 Wilson Ave., Dept. 46A Chicago, 111. To prove our better, new different wonder-' working Hair Dressing Pomade end skln-brlght-| anlng Faoe Powder, sond for FREE large trial! packages, new 36-page Beauty Book telling newt beauty secrets, and GUARANTEED big money-] making agent’s proposition. Write at once toi LUCKY HEART, DepT 7 1120 Memphis, TenWJ FRESH FOR A 600D DAY’S WORK When You Get Sluggish (Constipated) Take a dose or two of BLACK DRAUGHT wors seems easier ana mere are more things of interest when you are really well — free from the bad feelings and dullness often attending con stipation. Take Black-Draught when you need a laxative. It has proved so good for prompt, re freshing relief from constipa tion that thousands of men and women rely on it for that purpose. If constipation has upset you, a few doses of Black-Draught should help to straighten you out. Try it. In 25-cent packages. purely vegetable CONSTIPATION