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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1936)
l.EDnORIALS4 THE OMAHA GUIDE Published EWery Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska Phones: WEbster 1617 or 1618 Entered as Second Class Matter March 16, 1927, at the Poatoffiee at Omaha, Neb., under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. TERMa op SUBSCRIPTION !$2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother hood ef Man must prevail. These are the only principles which will itand the acid test of good. All News Capy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our sffice not later than 6:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Adver tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, proceed ing date of issue, to insure publication. __ The National Human Barbecue Iii tin* list 12 months, approximately 10,000 persons have bem burned to death. One-third of them were children. Twirlh'.rds of all the victims perished in residence and apart merit fires. It ad that over again. If anything can awaken the American people to the gravity of the fire problem, that brief statement should. If you have a strong stomach, think of those 10,000 roasted bodies. Ami thin realize that at least eighty per cent of fires, big and little fires alike, could easily have been prevented. It is a human frailty to read such a statement as this, re flect for a moment on the horror of it, and then forget it with the nientally'made olrservntion that “Well, my home is safe. Perhaps your home is. But there is better than an even chance it contains hazards that you don’t know about. An up-to-date house is not necessarily a safe house, from the standpoint of fire, many a $50,000 mansion has gone up in flames. Expensive furniture will burn as easily as cheap furni ture. And th(> finest interior fabrics and woodwork will burn as easily as a piece of cotton cloth and a pine hoard. Whether you live in a four-room bungalow or a fifty-room country palace, inspect your property regularly or have it in spected by someone who understands fire hazards and their pre vention. (let the necessary information from your fire depart ment or a similar institution. Once hazards are found, do away with them and make sure they do not reappear. Help reduce the national human varbecue. 160,000 MORE ELECTRIFIED FARMS According to Charles W. Kellogg, President of the Edison Electric Institute, the miles of rural lines being built by the elec tric light and power companies this year arc almost twice the number built ill 19115. • Nearly 100,000 rural customers are expected to take elec tricity from these new lines. The average cost of the lines, in cluding meters, transformers, etc., is about $1,250 per mile. This should take some of the wind out of the soils of those who claim that the private electric industry isn't interested in advancing farm electrification. The truth of the matter is that the industry is as interested as he farmers* themselves, or the critical politicians, to bring the blessings of electric power to a burger part of the nation's farmers. But there are difficulties involved that cannot be worked out in a minute. For instance, the principal cost factor is charges on invest ment. This year’s figures show that the combined investment of utility and customer averages $476 to get power to a farmer whose average bill for current consumed, in areas not dominated by irrigation pumping, is about $4 per month. It is obvious that in many parts of the country economic conditions make it im possible to rapiiily extend lines under these circumstances. Yet the power industry is working constantly on the prob lem. and it is going the limit in building new rural lines. It is cooperating to the fullest extent with the farmer. And the re sult is that, we are gradually attaining rural electrification on a sound basis—on the basis of self-supporting private invest* ments, not government subsidies, charged to taxpayers. I Over-confidence—The Motorist’s Sin If a 1925 model car and a recent model were to start out on *The public is everlastingly indebted to the men who have given in an accident! Probably you will answer, ‘‘The old ear, with out moded brakes, relatively inefficient steering and general inferiority.” You are wrong. According to the National Safety Council, 114.79 per cent of the cars now in service were built from 1925 to 1928, inclusive, and they are involved in less than 12 per cent t>f all accidents reported. Only 15 per cent of the ears in service were built in 1935— yet. these cars figured in almost 24 per cent of the accidents. This apparent anomaily has an obvious explanation. Driv era of the new cars arc over-confident. They over-rate the1 saf ety factor of better brakes, bodies, steering, lights, etc. Because a car is in A-l mechanical shape, and is more or less new, they take chances—until the tragic day of reckoning arrives. This is not a boost for old cars—many of which should be "barred from the highw’ays, because of mechanical dangers caus ed by obsolescense and neglect—but it is a plea for a different attitude on the part of owners of our modern gasoline chariots. Tt is a sad commentary on these drivers that better ears mean a higher accident record. Regard your car, new or old, as a potential lethal machine. It can spread death and destruction when mismanaged. Don’t commit the great driving sin of over-confidence—its end is like ly to be the cemetery. A MIRACLE OF COORDINATION “it is strange that there should be an impression abroad that, railroads are somehow lacking in the ability to work to' gether for a common end of service and economy,” said J. J. Pel ley, President of the Association of American Railroads, recently “Perhaps it is because we live in the midst of a daily miracle of railroad coordination that we take it for granted and do not no tice it. “Consider the fact that any shipper anywhere on this con tinent may today load a car of freight, whether on a team trek, at a station, or on his own privatesiding; that more than a hun dred thousand ears will be loaded each day at marly that many j different locations, and consigned1 to nearly one hundred thous and different destinations; that these cars will he marshalled in long trains and tonight will be hauled over all this eonti' nent, for delivery to their hundred thousand consignees; that all this is done without further thought on the part of the ship per, that the coordination betw on railroads is so nearly per fet that each of these cars moves under constant supervision and control from origin to destination, moving freely and inter changeably in any train, pulled by any engine, or if necessary, repaired: enroute with standard parts at standard costs. A moment’s consideration of that free flow of continent wide comnu rce demonstrats that it is a daily and hourly miracle f effective coordination, not planned out all at once in any grand general scheme, but worked out, bit by bit, by practical rail road men in the carrying out of their daily task.” The possibility that further railroad coordination may be desirable should not blind us to the amazing progress the rail roads have already made. Wonders cannot be accomplished by some sudden “grand general scheme.” Experience is as nee evsary as theory. Railroad managements can be trusted to take every conceivable step to improve service. AMERICA LIGHTS THE WAY To read th<> statements of promoters of political electric power projects, one might easily believe that the United States lags far behind other countries in the quality of electric service. It is therefore interesting to read an opinion from such a disin terested observer as Dean Erie V. Allen of the University of Dnegon School of Journalism, lie has been traveling in Europe, [•specially Germany. In a reent letter appearing in the Oregon Publisher, he has this to say: “I am sitting here in not too good a light alternately gaz ing across the Spree under my window at the Pergamon museum on the other hank.1 never realized until thid year what an abundant flood of wonderful electric light every American lives in. Here wo find the little bulbs that save the current and they are usually hung too close to the ceiling. “It is not because the hotel rates are low; the Kaiser’s pal ace just across the street are the same way...Tt would take an awful lot of crystal in the chandeliers to make up for low candlepower." This is not peculiar to Germany. In most European countries electric development has either been carried on by the gov eminent, or by private groups under hamstringing government control that took all the initiative out of them—that was not interested in extending use of electricity. In this country, elec tric development has been almost entirely carried on by private utilities that had to sell current to exist and grow. Is it possible that some of our politicians are wrong in their desire to Europeanize the electric industry of the United States? Is it. possible that private enterprise, reasonably regulated by the states, gives better and cheaper service than a group of bu reaucrats intersted in hanging onto their jobs and advancing their own political fortunes? Maybe alter all there is something to the old American theo ry of government that encouraging private initiative, enterprise and ambition is superior to the dead hand of officialism when it come to guaranteeing a people a pleasant life, liberty, conven iences and happiness. Maybe we had better stick to our time tested theories instead of going backwards by copying Europ ean ideas. WORLD’S PUREST MILK In a recent issue of the March of Time newsreel the thirty year old tight of the scientists to keep milk free from bacteria is graphically dramatized. The story goes back to 1892, when a typhoid epidemic in Springfield, Massachusetts, started open warfare on impure milk. Today properly handled and distributed, milk is among the cleanest and safest of all food products. Such organizations as the Dairymen’s league Cooperative Association, of Now \ork, have joinenll whole-heartedly in the campaign for absolitelv pure milk. They haw educated their members on proper production methods, have worked with auth orities in drawing up sound sanitary regulations, and have fa vored movements to effect the greatest cleanliness in handling the fluid. This has been of immeasurable value to the nation’s health, a drive, which would you think most! likely to become involved the United States pure milk. DR. BAYEN HEARS FROM ' 14 STATES FOR ETHIOPIA New York, Nov. 14 (C)—Dr. Malaku E. Bayen, cousin of Em peror H*aile Selassie of Bthopia and personal envoy of the monarch to the United States, in a special In terview Sunday told of receiving letters from California, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia. Florida; Mississippi, New York, Massachu setts, Connecticut, Ohio and the Dstrict of Columbia on behalf of Ethiopia- Contributions have been received from individuals and or ganizations. Among organizations contributing, are the New Africa International League of Brooklyn, the Pacific Movement of Phildel phla. National Association of Col ored Graduate Nurses, the Ladles Auxiliary No- 278 of the UNIA, Oakland, Calif-, The- Gleaners Club of New York City, the Rising Sun Club of Phildetphia and the United Aid for Peoples of African Des cent of New York- Dr. Bayen said dances will be given, the proceeds of which will be given to the cause of Ethiopia, by the Harlem Youth Movement and the Lincoln Hospit al Nurse Class of 1927- Dr. Bayen jhas addressed twenty-five meet I ings in behalf of Ethiopia since hs arrival here a few weeks ago Contributors may wi'ite him at Box 272, Station G, New York City MAXIE MILLER 1 WRITES ! Maxie MHler: My daughter 18 wants to marry % man who is un healthy and we believe syphilitic, and I'd thank you to write some thing that will show her the dan ger of a course- If you will, I’ll be grateful.—Worried mother. Worled Mother: No doubt you are worried and not without rea son, and I hope that what I write will be a help to you- If this young man is “unhealthy” so a? to incite such suspicion as you mention, it would be a terrible mistake for your daughter to be married to him, and he would do her gross injust ice to accept such a sacrifice In this case, your daughter should know that in addition to the ruin of her own health and happin bss, such a course would be a sin pgainst the child who surely would that the mother who would choose nherit this weakness, emphasizing !-uch a father would be chiefly re sponsible for the handicap of her )wn children. Talk to this girl; jet her to read some medical works lealing with these diseases. Fan il ly, if you can, have this young nan to take a blood test and give fou facts determined by It- But leal carfuUy, lest you provoke ;hem to extremes—Maxie Miller. SERMONETTE By Arthur B- Rhinow 'For the Literary Service Bureau) SEEK GOD WHEN THE SUN SHINES One of her eyes was covered a bandage as she sat in a comfort able chair and told of her operation and the observations she had made in the eye and ear hospital. Ap prehensive for her own condition .for her age was against her, she had nevertheless used the healthy eye to study surroundings and the impressions made on other patients. “I’ll tell you, pastor,” she remark ed, “if any one has no faith in God, let him go to a hospital like the one I was in, and he will soon believe.” I could not altogether agree with her. “Some will gain in faith,” I an swered, “and others will lose.” Af ter a pause she nodded her head “Maybe you are right,” she said That is the usual experience. Some come nearer to God through sorrow, while others drift farther away from Him. They that culti vate the friendship of the Almighty when life is pleasant, will exper ience 'a deepening of their faith in misfortune, while they that ne glect their inner life when the sun shines are most likely to surrender their souls to utter dakness under clouds How “weak” the strong often are in sorrow, and how strong the “weak ” We truly are no stronger than our faith. How foolish, then, to neglect the strength we can most depend upon when our souls are put to the severest tests- “The fool saith in his heart there is no God.’ j ALTA VESTA j A GIRL’S PROBLEMS | Bv Videtta Ish My Dear Alta Vesta: I am ex ceedingly pleased with your last letters, for they give me opportun ity to write you concerning the nost vital matter of human expect ance—religion. I should say Chris tianity, for there are many reli gions but only one Christian religion [ am glad you are interested in the campaign and hope you will be come interested in what may be said and done there. You, see, dear you are given tc the Lord by baptism when you were just a little child But we who art Arminians, as I explained some time ago, believe that when the child is old enough to understanc the principles of right and wrong he should make for himself the choice between Jesus Christ who is our Savior and the things of the world which are not in keeping witl His will and His program for the good of mankind- I would not an ticipnte the evangelist, but I con strained to say that this accepting of Christ is a simple, more simple than people are accustomed t< thnk it is Well, Alta Vesta, this letter ha: run long, and already 1 am due t< leave here; so I will close. Be sure to tell me all about the meeting Lovingly, your father. We Believe in Democracy An Ktiifrrirl l>y Iran’.li.i f). Roowvsil f V '* ALL ttie nations <>| the world today, we ai«* < u many ways most singularly blessed. Our c V.'' neighbors are good neighbors. If there are reim, ( nations that wish us not good but ill. they know that v\e are strong; they know that we can and will defend ourselves an I defend our neighborhood. We seek to dominate no other nation. We ask no ter ritorial expansion. We oppose imperialism. We desire re duction in world armaments. We believe in democracy; we believe in freedom; we be lieve in peace. We offer to every nation of the world the handclasp of the good neighbor. Let those who wish our friendship look us in the eye and take our hand. We shun political commitments which might entangle us in wars; we avoid connection with the political activities of the League of Nations; but I am glad to say that vve have cooperated wholeheartedly in the social and humanitarian work at Geneva. We are not isolationists except in so tar as we seek to isolate ourselves from war. 1 have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen the dead. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agonies of mothers and wives. 1 have seen war. I have passed unnumbered hours, I shall pass unnum bered hours, thinking and planning how war may be kept from this nation. In one field, that of economic barriers, the American policy may be, I hope, of some assistance in discouraging the economic source of war. The trade agreements which we are making are not only finding outlets for the products of American fields and factories, but are also pointing the way to the elimination of embargoes, quotas and other de vices which place such pressure on nations that to them the price of peace seems less terrible than the price of war. MRS. SCHULYER SAYS By Mrs. Josephine Schulyei FOR THE CALVIN SERVICE Man Under the Microscope — Last week three different groups of scientists met to consider the present situation of man- Their1 views, being candid, were not very encouraging. Man, it appears, has stumbled upon his greatness (if any) and likely as not, will stumble out of it 'again. According to prof. Hawkirls of the B -itish Ass’n. for the Advance ment of science, meeting in Black pool, England, Man is doomed to extinction because he is overspeci alized. All aninvals is the past that have grown to fit one enviroment too well, have, with the. iryevi*able change which enviroments undergo, disappeared- The malaria germ, be ing simple, has more chance of continued survival. And among rrjankind those that will survive the longest 'are not highly special ized city folk but the simple tuck ed away from the trend of the times in forests and on) islands and mountain tops What’s the Matter With Moderns? Pref. Horton of Harard, speak ing before the Harvard Dental Al umni Ass’n, denounced a grdat po tion of mankind as “stupid, un touchable,, bloodthirsty, predatory and savage” and warned that “more and more of worse and worse off spring” are being produced. Modern warfare kilts off the fit and leaves 'the unfit and old for breeding. Modem piety protects and cherish er the unfit among children and loaves the fit to fend for them selves. Large families concentrate their* earnings on the weakest among them. Society in the long run suffers- “Man,” says Prof. Horton, “has so tampered with na tural foods, removing certain es sential elements frem them, and using his dietic choice so ignorant ly as to make himself the victim of deficiency disease. He has learn ed to oat so poorly that he has established as apparently stable hu man breeds what may be in real ity just different deficiency types. No little of the human gem plasm,” ha says, “is ‘poisonous slime.’ Let us,” says Hoi*ton, “go to the ig norant savage, consider his way of YOUR MONUMENT By R. A. Adams (For the Literary Service Bureau) Dying “unwept, unhonored and unsung,” No marble shaft may mark your resting place,, Still will the mem’ry of your kindly deeds Remain, for these e’en time cannot efface ; i Many or few your years, lived zealously, Altho oft cruelly misunderstood, In spite of calumny, malicious, vile, Your life shall count advancing human good Denied honor, victim of cynic’s frown, ; If doing lowly tasks your life is i spent, ■ Be well asisured, whate’er the world may say, (These deeds shall be your monument eating, ai*d be wise- Let us cease pretending that tooth brushes and tooth paste a~e any more import ant than shoe bushes and shoe polish- It is store food that has given us store teeth.” But We Could Be Supermen Dr. E- P- Armstrong, president of the Ass’n of British Chemical Manufacturers, at a meeting of chemists in Pittsburgh, declared that our new developments in the science of food could help produce a race of supermen and women, could raise the mental levels of the human race and perhaps eli minate the idiot. The British chem ist emphasized the importance of food on human life and said that the new science of food might mold the future history of the human race- The discovery of vitamins and 'esults of other chemical research had influenced national policy “There is strong evidence," said Dr. Armstrong, “that the findings of biochemisty will afford conclu sive evidence that freshness of food is of paramount importance to a nation, so that there will be a national outcry for production of vegetables contiguous to the great cities. Chemical reseach,” he went on, “must concentrate more on the study of the farm and its products —food—and less on the develop ment of industry. A trace of iodine," asserted the doctor, “may shift the balance from idiocy to sanity- We must find what the chemical ele ments in food give intellgence, courage and alertness.Food,” he ended up, “is the first of all the weapons of preventive medicine.... . Life is now so complex that we have forgotten how entirely food is its foundation and mainstay. We have only recently lea Tied that life depends upon the concurrent balanced interaction of a consider able number of meaterial agents in the food, some of them substan ces derived directly from the soil, others formed in the plant, all in dispensable to health.Chemists, alone, are able to appreciate to the full the green leaf vegetables, so as to secure proper porportion of vitamins disappear with age. Green vegetables exposed for sale -.four days after picking are found to be almost completely de void of vitamin.” Court of Wisdom The group of renown scientists who attended the Tercentenary Conference at Harvard decided to establish a “Court of Wisdom" of the world’s best minds. They would try to substitute reason and wis dom for emotion and bias in hu man affairs. If this could be done, dictatorships (built with emotion) would disappear; minorities (made by bias) would dissolve, while the rich (were they wise) would dis perse. If you think that this would be good and desirable, why not begin with yourself. I mean that f if all of us really tried to be wise, substitute reason for emotion in our daily rounds, if we tried to fight courageously and decently without resort to underhanded me thods, tried to keep our bodies strong and our minds clean, we could greatly aid in the success of this court v