The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 14, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL C; _ „ ; , CLUBS
The Quack club held Its meet
ing Friday night Nov 6th at the
N>>rthside YWCA ThiR week was
the beginning of two interest
groujrs- Mrs. Dockard, a teacher at
tho Central High night school was
the in-t|-uet<H' of the Public rev ik
ing eass and Mrs. Thelma Norris
Kancctelt was the Instructor for
tho Conversational hngl-sh class
The munibors went to he r choice
groups for a pe led of rue h air
After the interest groups were
over a regular bu-lness meeting
was held. The m eting was opened
with the singing of “Break T va
Barriers, p ayed by l)orot y 1' ry
Miss Lucy Mae Stain « read a
beautiful poem entitled “Seek Beau
ty." The minutes of the Jus! meet
ing wer* lead and approved, und
also the minutes from the C< un''il
Tho report from the soda1 chair
man, Olivia Sh«»bes wa read and
accepted Josephine Bell, chairman
of the Finance Committee, read the
report from this comm ttee concern
ing °ur forthcoming Formal Din
ner Dunce. Our Dinner Dance will
be on Monday, Nov 23rd, at the
Dreamland Hall- AH money from
the members for the dance must he
In by Friday Nov- 13th, and not
later than Wednesday, Nov. 18th.
This will be for dub members only
anil their escorts Plans are being
made to make this one of the most
outstanding affairs of the season
The new members present wire
introduced to the dub, namely:
Harriett James, Magnolia Lee; Dor
is Patterson, Jessie Cain, Sarah
Bradley, Agn*'s Ijandfalr and Ger
trude Johnson O'her new members
voted in the club were: Alice Jones,
Rose Luckey, Hazel Williams, Bea
trice Jackson; Marie Newman;
Gladys Jones, Lucille Bond und
Ruth McRaven.
The Sick committee reported that
Miss Mercedes Ferguson was 111.
The dub correspondence was read
by Este.le Robinson A letter was
received from Miss Rachel Taylor,
our former YWCA executive secre
tary, who is now the executive
secretary of the YWCA In Nash
ville, Tenn- Also short letters were
membra In Nashville M'ss Taylor
received from a number of Quack
has organized a Quack club In
Nashville in memory of the Omaha,
Quack club
The Ladies Social Bridge dub
met with Mrs- Mattie Peyton, the
first Thursday In November- One
member was absent- A delicious
luncheon was served by the host
ess The next meeting will be with
Mrs Eva Rhone, th third Thursday
in November. High score was won
by Mrs B. Nolin and b>w score
was won by Mrs. S. Sullivan.
The Autumn I^eaf club of Plea
sant Green Ii«| church, met at
the home of Mrs. Zettia White,
1816 No 22nd street, with the pre
sident presiding- The meeting was
opened with the usual proceedure.
Monday night wan business meet
ing night. Plans are being made
for a Major Bowes amatuer con
test on the fourth Monday night in
December- Any amateur wishing to
take part may call the president
WE 3732 There will be three pri
zes given for the best three ama
The president attend the West
ern district Women’s convention
board on Thursday, Nov. 6th at
Sioux City, la- Our efficient pre
Isident Is the treasurer of the Dis
trict Women’s convention- She was
accompanied by Miss Ida Austin,
sec’y of th club and Rev J- H.
Reynolds- Everyone is cordially in
vited to attend our prayer meeting
night which is next Monday- The
club wishes to evtend a standing
vote of thanks to Mils. Beatrice
Johnson and her committee which
made our Hallowe’en party such
a success- On the fourth Sunday
evening in November we will spon
sor a twenty cent rally at the
church The club adjoumer to meet
at 2618 Decatur street.
Mrs Carrie Roberts, of Clarinda,
la., vlsitd a few hours in Omaha
Wednesday enroute to Sioux City,
where she will spend the winter
Mr. Louis Banks, formerly of
Omaha, passed through the city
last week from Little Rock enroute
to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where
he aperates a chicken hut
Mr. Wm Brady, who has beer
Try ill. Is improved
100 Guests Attend
Literati Club Tea
Pc hundred guests Were in at
tendance at the lovely tea given
! y the Litei atl club.
One of the loveMer aTa rs "f +h;*
social season was given Sund !'•
Nov. S'h, at the home of Mrs. Olive
DavO, 2219 Ohio St, when th>- L •
cat1 club members were hosts to a
very b'‘autlfu! and successful tea.
'1 his affair was one of notable men
tion became of its I eauty and a
c< rdnn e of th club m tuber* The
Tea table was beaut fu ly decorated
n e p n' end white eolor selv me
Many of ( malm's social leade r,
•e "• In altondan e They w< -e:
y<• 1 ■'men Faui’ne Douglas, Kth
nc Price. P* 'i Harrcdd I. E
eon' ■ n. Z R McGee, Wm. II,
Tip’e.t Lulu I’" 'nt- ■, Anna .1
'’•'e Hole M"'"8, Ferwllda A>
t'aou (I*o, Wn 'i on I! Ilnrvcy Car
(• , Will's, (F A Intve Susie
Yen j J IF (F v- n I. S MePher
«>n, Roberta Pa'iey, Marguerite
'VI Hams Carrie Carter, Rl zalwth
Buford, Florence Johnson, Mary
Ann Elliott, Jamie Chandler Nor
man. Eugen a Chue, I,oig Goode,
Emma Geon Bel. Grace Bell, A H.
Hawkins, J- D Lewis, Gladys Pul
lam, Edna Jaekson, E. Johnson.
Charles S, of Topeka, Kas.;
C H. Harris, Lea Walker, S. O
Kenney, J- Row, B. M Taylor,
.joweii nose, neizora uutson, ana
F1 no Harmon, and C. B Freder
ick. MissesGhrisline IUxon, Irene
Harrold, Thelma Dickenson, Hattie
Br kenrldge, Mals'l L. King, Doris
Wilburn, Betty Davis, Ed rose Wil
lie, Frands Lee Julia Williams,
Cekrtlne Smith, Mary Ellen Dick
erson, Gertrude McCaw, Margaret
Belle Dickerson, Willett Embry,
Elizabeth Black, Hester Brown,
Lorene Annett Lewis, Asilee Dotson
Mary Alice WHlls Lolaanne Hern
don, Velma Rose and Lorraine
FU*t< hr
Me dames Geraldine R Harris,
Eva Mae Dotson Dixon and Olive
Mess’s- De'mar Kirtley, Ghas.
Harrold, Paul C. Commerse, Al
i'oiizo FlelcB.i, John Woods, J West
brook McPherson,, Richard Graham,
Roy Coleman, Warren Alston.
Janus Myers, Sam Kellogg, Nor
val Avant, Leonard Vernett Turner,
Thomas C- Ross, jr* Galtha Pegg,
Joseph D, Lewis, Charles H- Davis
II Lawrence Level!, Albert Harri
son, James Harris John C Williams
Robert Jackson, Hezeklah Stewart,
and Burton Walker.
Tho Literati club plans to make
this tea an annual affair- Miss
Mary Alice Willis, chairman of the
social committee, planned thin af
Chapter No. 6 Gives Tea
Omaha Chapter No. 6, OES
gnvo Its annual Fall Tea Sunday
No 8th at the Masonic Hall, 26th
and Hondo. The had was beautifully
decorated. Some seventy persons
were In attendance
On November 15th at 4:00 p. m-,
at the Urban League Community
Center, 22nd and Lake Streets.
Omaha Branch of th NAACP, wilt
hold Its annual election of officers
We are very anxious that »U who
are able t<> come and help to dir
ect this organization, do so. Ptea e
be on time,
Mrs. Laster Entertains
Mrs. Beatrice Laster, 2618 Cald
well St., entertained in her charm
ing manner, members of the Asso
ciated Board dub, of Bethel AME
church, Monday night. Visiting the
club was Mrs. Maston
It was In bouyant spirit that a
large number of the Carter Charity
club members met at 2409 Blondo
street for their monthly meeting,
with the president, Myrtle Metcalf,
After dispensing with the regular
routine of business, our general dis
cussion of a day nurtsery and the
annual can party was participated
in by all. We were pleased to have
with us Mrs Zenner Adams of Los
Angeles, Calif., who made encour
aging remarks and spoke briefly on
the charitable home in Los Angeles
and the work they are accomplish
ing. The hostesses, Mesdams Myrtle
Metcalf, Ida Wiley, Alice Smith
and Gwendolyn Deckard served the
guests with a delicious two-course
■ ■ ■■■' ." ... .. ... 1 1 . ..1
Director of Publicity among Negroes for tin* democratic National Caurmicn Commtto"
who has received a letter of thanks for a job well done from Mon. Chari s Nicholson, Director
of Publicityof the Demoeratie National Committee. Dr. Powell is shown studying r turns from1
the Demoeratie landslide which he helped to make possible.
Community Chest
Drive Underway
(Continued from Page 1)
eight majors, H. S Manville, Stan
field John on, Charles Klyre, Ray
mond F L«w', Royal Miller, Ed
Phe’.ps jr., S- R Ki kpatriek and
Joseph Greenberg.
Forty majors ate included in the
Industrial division organization un
der Chairman Rusk They are:
Creamery and cold stoiage d vi
rln, Grace T Roberts; laundries
and dry cleaners, II- A Jacobber
ger; lumber and coal dealers. R H.
Mallory; manufacturers (No. 1)
Sam W- Reynolds; manufacturers
(No. 2) Clarence B Adair; manu
facturers (No. 3) Allan A. Tukey;
manufacturers (No- 4) T. F- Nau
ghtin; manufacturers (No. 5) Ray
mond S- GUI.
N-.wspapers, Fred 1 Archibald;
printing, Clyde N Tryon, with
John Roslcky as associate; chest
agent les, Lorin F. Corliss; court
house, John VV Yeager; federal de
partments, Herbert S Daniel; nu
bile departments, Lawrence Welch; j
airlines, Gordon T Burke; automo-j
Vita (No 1) John L. Opitz; au* ■
mo' les (No. 2) Ben A Herm -:i;
automobiles (No- 3) George W.
Public utilities, Frank J Moylan;
railroads, Cyrus P- Mason; rubber
companies. Paul W. Jacobu-; stor
age ami transfers, S- A 11 >us ‘
with Clyde Miller r.s associate;
banks, James P Lee; bulding an 1
loan corn.'iinlta. James A- Lyon ;
hotels, clubs and restaurants (N■».
1) RU bird Kitchen; hotels (No *2)
Charles R. Gardner; insurance eg
endes, Ri b- rt T. Burns, w th E !
ward J. Shoemaker associate; In
surance . (local) Mrs. Mabel L
Crtgg; store? (No- 1) Don B Wood
yard; stores (No. 2) Frank 15 Car
vr; stores (No. 3) Al en T. Hup ';
stores (No- 4) Harry Kulakofskr
Packing industry. William 1
Diesing; South Omaha factories, H.l
Shepherd; wholesalers (No. 1) A -
thur R Klopp; wholesalers (No.
2) Dewey A. Hoadley; wholesalers
(No. 3) Wray M. Scott; wholesal
ers (No. 4) Thomas S McShane;
wholesalers (No- 5) Ellsworth Mo
ser; oil companies, Arthur McCaf
The Ladies Household dub met
at the home of Mrs. G W- King,
2830 Burdette St. at 1:30 o’clock
with the vice president, Mrs. W- C
Morris, presiding. After business
was over, a delicious luncheon was
served. We had as our guest, Mrs
Maxwell, Mrs. Evans, and Mrfa.
Stewart. Visitors are always wel
Mr. Benny Austin. 983 No. 27th
St , left Wednesday, Nov. 11 for
the south. Places where he will vi
sit include Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mem
phis, Wynone, Mississippi and he
plans to 8pend Thanksgiving In St.
Louis. Mo. with his siister. Mr- Aus
tin will return about the first of
Mds. Arthur Fln^pilgan, 2117
Ohio St-, is recover!Jg from a re
cent Illness. i
Mrs S- E. Mntgomery, 2531
Lake St, te recovering from an ill
Mrs. Florence Riggs, 3112 Corby
St., Is 111.
Mr. Geo. Byrant, 2875 Wirt St ,
Is slowly recovering from a recent
Mrs. Emma Pruitt will return
from Chicago soon nnd will make
her home with her daughter, Mrs
OHie Station, 220<l Ohio.
Wide Awtks C'lub Gives Party
The Wide Awak<‘ dub gave a
rarty Thursday, Nov. 5th, at Zion
Baptist church This part was a de
cided success
M'ss Fu'n .1 hnson of Pcs Moin
ne la . was ihc week-end guest of
Mr. and Mrs Robert Allen- While
in the city, she was entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hopkins, Mr
and Mds- Love.
f’.pi* R-'et..,- Sutton of Kansas
City, Kas., of the First Spiritual
Tetnp'e will be in Omaha at the
First Spiritual Temple No. 6, 24th
and Blondo, Thursday, Nov. 12th
for an eight, day service- The pub
lic is invited
Jolly 20 Give Ball
The Jolly 20 gave a ball Mon
day night, Nov. 9th, at the Deluxe
1 S<»me two hundred persons
were in attendance- Music was fu>'
nlshe I 1 y the Adams' orchestra
Mr. and Mr- Johnnie Wright of
1.721 N'>. 27ih street are the proud!
parents of a seven and one-half:
pound boy, born Nov- 6th. The mo
ther is doing nicely They are the1
son and daughter-in-law of Mr. j
and Mrs. John Wright, 2520 No.
25th stn'et.
Missionary M Wright of 2520;
No. 25'h street, has returned from:
her trip to Nashville, Tenn- She:
has now returned to continue her,
mission duty. Her first visit was
with Mrs- Anita Johnson on 27th
and Decatur St. She had scripture
reading and prayer with her- Mrs.
Johnson is getting along fine
Oelebrates Birthday
Vernon Stamps, jr-, 2723 Ohio St
celebrated his eighth birthday Sat
urday, Nov 7th at a party in which
ho was joind by some twenty-seven
of his friends.
I wish to thank the many
voters whose generous sup
port enabled me to be elect
ed «ts Regent.
M” W S Fi t-be”. 2722 Bin-ev
St- Went to Linco’n Friday, Nov.
Mrs Far! Jones. ‘>512 Corbv St .
has returned from Oswego. Kansas
City and Independence, Ka- , after
visiting relatives and friends.
Invitations have been issued to
Omahans to a luncheon Nov 11th
at the home of Mrs- Os-ie Cooper.
Council Bluffs, honoring Mrs. Bell
Riley, of Los Angeles, Ca' f
The Board of Directors and A'd
isors of the YWCA, met with Mrs.
A B- Goode, 2820 No- 25th St.
Saturday afternoon. A delightful
luncheon was served by the hostess.
Aloha Club Elects Officers
The Aloha club had election of
ffiieers Wednesday night at the
home of Mrs Jasper Brown, 2883
Mr. and Mrs- Walter Agee were
host and hostess at a dinner in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. William
Burke of Covington, Ky, and Miss
Thelma Hayes of Detriot, Mich.
M and Mrs. Charles Warden,
Mr- and Mrs Basil Vann and little
daughter, Audrey, will spend
Thanksgiving in the Thomas Vann
home, 2403 No. 22nd St.
M s. B atrice Williams, of Sioux
City', la, s recoverng from an em
ergency operaton for appendicitis,
which she underwent the past week
Mrs. Wiliam-’ is the sister of Mrs
Arthur Flannigan of this cty.
2416 N. 22nd St.
WE 0248
1410 North 24th Street
Shoe Repairing, Dye and
Quantity plus Quality is our
We Call For and Deliver
This Coupon with any pur
chase of 50 cents or more
Is Good For 10c.
Including Diploma by Mail.
Write Cuban Cosmetic Co.
Box 5315 Chicago, 111.
Mr- Irvin Green, Grant St., is
Mrs. Eliza Jom«, 2008 Ohio St-,
wh« has been indisposed, is better.
The Just We club gave a Hallow-1
>’en party, Oct. 31 at the Masonic'
Mrs. Georgia Nee’y of Houston.
'exas will return to her h"me after
ittendmg the funeral <>f her sister,
Vlrs. Giace Brown, 1848 ffe No. 20th
Mr and Mrs- Buster Monday,
ogether with Mrs. Owens, return
'd Monday from Kansas City. The
Li ip was made by motor.
Mr. Mitchell, 26th and Charles
3t., is ill
.. " -
Mrs- Nora Reynolds, of Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, will arrive in
the city for Thanksgiving with her
laughter, Mrs Thos- Vann. She
will .-.pend the winter in the city
Gas and Motor Oils
Alemite Grease Job 5Sc
Special, Car Washed 49c
2303 N. 24 St.
Beauty Culturist
Marcelling Flnger-wavin
WE 0274 2512 No. 25th St
We feature package fuel,kind
ling, coal of all kinds, kerosen
W* C. Paras, prop
2406 Bhmdo Street
Until Bacon Comes Down
Springers and Hens ...16c
Carey’s Home-made
Sausage _ 18c
Pasteurized Milk, Qt..10c
Cigarettes...2 For 25c
Fish, Buffalo Fish,_15c
Naborhood Grocery
WE. 6039 27th & Grant
Your friends and others. Learn
I sythie Palmistry at home- 6 eas
ly learned (lessons, $1-00 Postpaid
Also sent C. O. 1). PROFESSOR
CHEIRA. Dept 7, 34 Tracy, BUF
Greet Your Friends at “THE
Main Event Cigar Store.”
Telephone Service, Candies
and Soft Drinks
2416 Lake St. JA 9044
20th & Grace St. WE 1560
Sam Feldman
2019 N 24th St. WE 4515
We Deliver—Open Sundays
1809 N. 24 ST. WE 4240
9:00 A.M. to 6 P.M.
First Class Work At Cut-Rate
Lillian Cunningham
Bessie Wilson
I/.V,VAViV.*.V>V.■■'.'.'•■•■■ViV.. . . .V. ..J
Wordy's Bargain Centerf
1316 Mo. 24th Street
i; :■
150 Silk Dresses, size 14-44 j:
Special Price at.$2.49%
■' 100 Silk and Wool Dresses, ^ I;
% sizes 14-20.$1.95 %
Pequot Sheets, Size 81x99
Reg. 1.39. Reinforced taped selvages. Neat hems. 4 4f
Long-wearing, serviceable quality, ea- I ■ P V
Pequot Pillow Cases, 42x36 .......29c ea.
72x84 Cotton Filled Comforters
Plan for cold winter nights with these fine com->4 QA
forters. Challie covered, each ---l«ww
Part Wool Double Blankets
Plaids in rose, blue, green, lavender and gold AA
sateen bound ends, pair....
All Wool Single Blankets
Rose, blue, green, lavender, gold and rust with j rtQ
Silktex bound ends, each .—— ™»ww
72x84 Double Cotton Blankets 1 CQ
Beautiful assorted color plaids, pair .
Wool Filled Comforters 4 OQ
Sateen covered. Plain and fancy centers, each-■§■051
White Cotton Sheet Blankets 7Qp
Size 70x99 for cold winter nights, each-- ■
Basement—Where Quality Is Low Priced