The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 14, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2
SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES! Mrs. Lillie Johnson, Mrs. Jas. Edmonds and Mrs. E. D. John son attended the Western J>is‘ trict Board at Sioux City, la., Nov. 5th. Mrs. Larry Nelson, 29 ami B St., is ill. Mm. II. Henry, Pacific* St., is indisposed. Salem Baptist Churcih Visits Bethel Baptist Rev. Bilhrew, pastor of the I Salem Baptist Church, together with his congregation, attend-j e*l the J:0() o’clock service at Bethel Baptist Church, the past Sunday afternoon. Mm. L. lv<*e, S. 17th St,, is ill. Mm. Georgia Williams, Paci fic St., is ill. % Rev. E. D. Johnson, pastor of St. John Baptist Church, Pierce St., is in Valley Junction, con ducting a ten-day revival for Rev. Garrett. He will return to the city Thursday. Mm. Coleman, Pacific St., is on the sick list Mm. Cora Jackson. Grant St., has returned from the hospital to her home, where she is re covering. _ Mrs. Janie Newman. S St., has returned- home from the tins pital. Her condition is good. Uev. F. K. Union, of Pinkney St., was a visitor at Bethel Bap tist Church Sunday afternoon. Skillful Workers To Give Fish Fry The Skillful Workers of the Bethel Baptist Church will give a fish fry at the home of Mrs. Until McGee, 5222 S. 30 Ave„ on Thursday, Nov. 19. Miss Ad" die Morow, the captain of this team, will he assisted by Mrs. Bessie Gilmore and others. Mrs. Womack's children are ■till ill. Mrs. Josephine Combs and daughter, Geraldine Stones, plan to spend two weeks at Mar shalltown, Ta., with Mr. Willard Stones. Mrs. U, Suddth, 5200 S. 29th St., will give a chitterling sup per, Saturday night, Nov. 14. • * Mr. Willie Jones, whose hand was cut Sunday, is improving. Mr. Whiteside, who suffered a broken arm in a recent auto niobile accident, is improving at the County Hospital. Practice Makes Perfect Mr. Ray Merrill, 2811 Q St., new in the art of hunting, got one rabbit on bis first hunting trip; the next hunt yielded him a pheasant, and a rabbit. On Monday, when the reporter was out on the South Side, be had not returned from his third hunting trip, but since “Prac tice Makes Perfect, ’’ we know be was successful in getting more game than before. School Is Dedicated Danville, Va., Nov. 14 (C)—The John M- Langston school was for merly dedicated Wednesday night with Fred M- Alexander, state su pervisor of ffcgfro education, as main speaker BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE FROM YOUR NEAREST SO. OMAHA AGENT J. 0. Harris Grocery Store, K24 8. SO St„ .MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 0700 8. 29 St. MA 2678 Montgomery, •407 8. 38 ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH I Pierce Street Rev. E. D. Johnson, Pastor The church enjoyed good ser does Sunday morning. Re.' Young was in charge due to the absence of the pa tor. In the afternoon, the Mothers Hoard gave a rally. Pleasant (Jreen Baptist Church visited at this time. Rev. J. H. Hey nolds, pastor, preached'. H.Y.P.U. and church in the evening were well attended. PNION MEMORIAL M E. CHURCH Rev Wm. H AHanis, Pastor The chureh enjoyed good services throughout the past Sunday. Morning sermon was preached by Rev. Caldwell. No night service was held. The church is planning a pro gram for Armistice night, spon sors I by the Improvement Club. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST E.der G. E. Hayden, Pastor The church and pastor went to Rev. Allen’s church, North Omaha, Sunday morning. Nigh* sermon wap pfreached by the pastor. Attendance was good. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 27th and R Sts Elder A- I)- Carter, Pastor Revival began Monday at this church. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor The church is now having a big revival conducted by Rev. E. E. Wilhite. There arc seve ral candidates for baptism. Ser vices begin at 8:00 p. m. Every one is invited to come and help save souls for the Lord. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor 29th aj?d T Streets Sunday School opened at 9:30 with a large attendance and the pastor reviewed the lesson for 15 minutes. The pastor deliver ed a soul-stirring sermon at 11. The words of his text were: “Try me now’ saith the Lord of Hosts. If 1 will not open the window of heaven and pour out a blessing, there will not be room enough to receive it. At 3:00 p. m., Rev. M. lb Bil brew of the Salem Baptist Church with his great choir and congregation was over in our special afternoon services. This service was under the auspices of Brother and Sister Raudell Roberts Group. Rev. Bilbrew de livered a powerful sermon and it was enjoyed by all. The a mount taken up in the afternoon was $15.00. The church has on a financial drive for $850 which started Nov. 1 and will end on Dec. 6. The pastor delivered a powerfid sermon at 8:00 p. m. to a large congregation. Ilis text was “The Wicked of the World of the Past and Present.” (hi next Sunday at 3:00 p.m., our pastor, choir and congregation will be the honored guests at the Paradise Baptist church. 23rd and Clark Sts. in a special service of Rev. Banks and his membra. Welcome is extended to everyone to come and wor ship with Bethel Baptist church at any time he wishes. Rumor John W. Davis To Head A. U. New York, Nov. 14 (C)—A ru mor persists that Dr. John W- Da vis, president of West Vir{!**ia State college and a graduate of Morehouse. Is favored by many of the trustees for the presidency of Atlanta university. Dr- Davis has long been known as one of the late Dr. Hope’s “more successful young men” Essay Contest Among Atlanta Uni. Students Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 14—To stimu ato wider Interest and greater pr* - I fiiciency In the, study of phlloso- | phy, the under graduate students ! of the Negro colleges of Atlanta have been invited to participate in i an es.-ay contest which, it la an - i nounced, become an annual j contest. The subject for this year’s eo’t . t will be “Can Philosophy I Practiced?” Two awards will tx* offered: $25 as a first prize, and $10 as a second. The winning es say will be published in Opportun- ! Ity, Journal of Ne^ro Life, during I the spring of 1937. i' (omm , ee of three, Dr- O- W. Eaglescon of Spehnan college; I>r. , Leroy E. Leomker of Emory uni- ! vcsity and Kev. 1). Witherspoon Dodge, chairman of the Atlant’a Urban League, will setve as jud*coss of this year’s essay, and their judgment will be final. lh<- rules of the content provide that essays should not exceed IS - I 600 words ami that three typed copies of each e-say be submit.tori | to Dr. Richard A. Schermerhon ! i(Sark university, not la!«r than [March l, 1937 Winners of the con- j test wilt be publicly announced on j A t!1 1st. and the prizes awarded ; durlrg the, commencement season j jin the colleges In which the win j ners are enrolled The spionsors of t,he contest sti- j pulate that not more than one-1 third of the essay should cons*s’ | of quotations from any source, and that all quotations used be indicated •as .‘xuh. In order that each essay may be judged without, reference to the Identity of Its writer, the? rules provide that the title pa jar® | l*eai\ng the name of the author be removed before It goes to the judges. The contest is op*en to any undergraduate student enrolled in Clark university, Morehouse colle-jgx? Morris Brown college or Spelman college. “The Goose Hangs High” Atlanta IJ .’s First Production Atlanta, Ga . Nov. 14—“The Goose Hangs High,” Lewis Beac-H’s suc eessful comedy of the conflict be tween the younger and older jgon evaMons In American Hfe, will t>o the first production! of the 1936-37 season of the University Players, which Is made up of the students j at Atlanta university, Spelman college and Morehouse college. T'Vi's three-'act comedy, judged on of the best plays of the New York season {when it was produced in 1924, will i be the seventeenth production to be staged by the University Players slneo its org | >.ation In 1931. rrhe play will be given in the Howe* Memoral Halt on Friday and Sat urday evenings, Nov. 20 and 21 The play will be acted by an all student east, and the entire pro duction will l>e bandied by students of Spelman and Morhouse colleges acting under the supervision of John M. Ro-s, teacher rf drama tics In the Atlanta unlvers'ty syss tern. Maudlyn Stokes, of Atlanta, ■ will be the stage manager. C’lara j Ivy, also of Atlanta, will design the scenery, which will be con strucked by Jefferson Curter, < f Grand Rapids, Mich. Eva Noal, of Atlari'a, Is serving as property mistress for this play, wh le Km'! Copeland, of Tlfton, Ga-, w 11 tm ira charge of the costumes and Kmi sting Sellers will handle the liig-bit ing. Work of the University Players will be directed this year by tbie* following officers: president. Hazed Washington, of Kansas City, a graduate student in Atlanta. uni versity; secretary, Edwina West moreland. of Atlanta, a senior in Spelman college; business man a ger, George Washington, of Cot alcanna, Texas, a junior in More house college; recording secretsa.i-y. Eloise Usher, of Demark, South Carolina, a junior in Spelmon col lege; publicity agent, Freeman YV. Hinson, of Daytona Beach, Florida, a senior in Morehouse college, and head usher, Raphael Mclvei*, of Slavannah, Ga,, a graduate stu dent in Atlanta university. Colored and White Held To Grand J ury Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 14 <C) —-Fred SkUes, colored, and Arthur Darter, white, were held to the December federal grand jury- FVi - day. Sidles faces a charge of lar ceny, due to the disappearance of a pistol of Col. John Robinson, of the ROTC at Western State Tea- | ehers college. He is held In $5001 bond. Carter Is held on a charge of ( owning a stilt and having liquor f •n his possession T usktegee’s Course for Cooks and Chefs 'I n akegee InsOtute, Ala-, Nov. 14 r>r- F D- Patterson, president of Tuskegee Institute has received From the officers of the American Hotel Ass’n- resolutions adopted an annual meeting held recently in St. I tuIs, endorsing the course in Com mercial Dietetics now being offered 'T~u;'cecee In ti-tute for Chefs Cooks and Caterers- At. this meet in-rr, Nf r. Frank A MrKowne, chair man of the Edurational Committee oF tV»e American Hotel Ass’n and F’rof. H B. Meek of Cornell uni versity gave a resume of the conrse- of study Tuskegec Institute Is ofFering The Ass’n. adopted the Following resolutions which were sent to Resident Patterson as a go st ore of apprec'aUori for what Tuskegw Ins’itute is doing to make it |>ossible for men and women to prerare them-elves as competent cooks and caterers. T'illotsonPres. Travels A xistir, Tey.. Nov. 14 (Cl—Fhr s i* 1 ** n t Mary E Branch of Tillotsan "p li'g'n left Wedne day night for j Memphis to attend a meeting of presidents of colleges operated by t h ■ American Missionary Ass’n. F>r. Ri tnch will visit Dallas and ,,r " k fore sh«> returns. Spellman College Has Record Enrollment Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 14—Twenty seven states- the District of Col umbia, and the Bahamas have sent students to Spelman college this fall. The student body of 302 young women is the largest collegiate, en rollment in the institution’s his tory Of the 302 young women en rolled, 110 are freshmen; 78 sopho mores; 60 juniors; and 54 seniors. Spelman students come this year from 119 cities and towns, a study of the geographic distribution shows: Georgia leads all states with 194 students from 41 cities and towns- Alabama is second with 19 young women from 12 commun ities; South Carolina third with 13 students from 12 communities, and Florida fourth with 11 students coming from eight towns and cities. Mississippi, Ohio and Texas each have six students to Spelman this yt*ar- Five have come from each of the following: Michigan, New York, Tennessee and North Carolina. Three are registered from Pen nsylvania, and two from t*ach f the following >tates: California, Connecticutf, Illinois, Mssouri, New Jersey and Virginia- One student Is "nri.ied from each of the follow ing: Arkansas, Color ado, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Is lund, West Virginia and the Ba hamas. I Geo. Schuyler Is Hampton Speaker Hampton, Va-. Nov. 14 (C)— George S- Schuyler, noted journal ist -and author, spoke In Ogden Hall on “The Negro Press” last Tuesday. “The Negro press is as free as the press of any other group anywhere,” Mr. Schuyler declar ed- “Even the poorest of the pa pers manage to keep going with out surrendering any of their independence. Their editors in variably say what they think on any nnd all questions.” PATRONIZE OTTR A DVERTISERS Stop and Shop At HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FEIEDLANDER Proprietor 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 . . “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS °324 No. 21th St WE 1029 , ™ w The Entire Store Joins in This Once-in-a h;fe- [ Given wifh Pim liases time Feature Event. '• 'n AH Departments l •Redeemable dutirnj The Nebraska’s New Way Anniversary Celebration in which I he Nebraska gives 50th Anniversary Ap preciation Certificates with ad purchases is an Event that all who recpiire fall ami winter clc'hes will ap preciate. The Certificates are redeemable in mer chandise at our store durine 1955. Buy Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats I Buy Women’s a d Misses’ Coats and Dresses BUY EVERYTHING YOU NEED FROM HATS TO SHOES Please Note—The Nebraska’s Fiftieth Anniversary Ap I predation Certificates are given with all purchases as a token of The Nebraska’s appreciation for the patronage accorded to this store during the past half century. They are redeemable in merchandise in any department of our store during 1936. Take full advantage of the oppor ■ tunity The Nobraska offers. . * ’ v 3MT06feq€tc>tfeinQ(SQL i|fr CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN , . __ _ -