The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 14, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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Braddock Signs 7 o Meet Louis
- 5
New York, Nov. 11—James Braddoek, worldheavy weight
champion, Wednesday accepted an offer from promoter Herman
Taylor of Philadelphia fora 12-round, no decision bout with Joe
Louis, at Atlantic City, N. J., on Feb.22, Joe Gould, Braddoek ’s
manager, announced Wednesday.
Mike Jacobs, Twentieth Century Sporting club promoter,
and part of the Joe Louis directorate, said he would discuss the j
proposal with Louis' managers tonight.
According to the plans, the win-Q
ner of the flight then will meet
Max Schmeling here next spring
with the world title at stake under
the joint promotion of Jacobs and
Madison Square Garden
The Atlantic City bout would
be held in the indoor municipal
auditorium which has a seating
capacity of 42,000
Under the terms of the “no
decision aglrefeme'nt, IaouIb would
have to knock out the champion
to earn the title- New Jersey law
stipulate that a decision must be
given, but Taylor is understood
to have reached »n agreement for
a special dispensation Tn this case
While the New York boxing
commission steadfastly has main
tained that Braddock wnu d not
be permitted to appear in no
’decision bouts, before meeting
Schmeling, staging the fight in
Jersey removes it beyond the juris
diction of the New York board
Under terms of the agreement
which will be drawn for the bout,
both will agree to defend the title
against Schmeling, Jacobs said.
Final maneuvers in completing
the match will be made as isoon
as Jacobs has conferred with
Louis, the promoter said- He was
confident Louis immediately would
agree to meet the champion
Denies Accepting
Republican Check
New York, Nov. 14 (C)—Dr. C
B.. Powell, president of the Powell
Savory Corporation, publishers of,
the New York Amsterdam News,
has addressed a letter to the Clerk
of the House of Representatives, in
which he says:
“Our attention has been dir
ected to an article published in
the Baltimore Afro-American for
October 31st, 1936, page 2, under
the caption ‘G- O- P. Files Cash
Output', in which the erroneous
statement appears that the Po
well-Savory Corporation, New
York, received $350 from the Re
publican National Campaign
“Permit ns to go on record
that the Powell-Savory Corpora
tion, publishers of the New York
Amsterdam News, has received
no remuneration whatever, aside
from a $1-5# subscription fee
Savoy “Swing” Now
In Full Swing
New York, Nov. 14 (C)—The Sa
voy Ballroom “swing” session on
Sunday a week ago, is still the
talk of the town- Manager Charles
Buchanan had three noted “swing”
bands to “swing out” in modem
isticly new Savoy—Teddy Hill, Bill
Hicks and Erskine Hawkins and
hs ‘Bama State Collegians
Baltimore, Md-, Nov. 14 (C)—
John Thomas, 29, was held to the
grand jury in $500 bail Friday
charged with operating a lottery
New York, Nov. 14 (ANP)—The
172 piece band of Pittsburgh uni
versity, accompanying the football
Panthers to this city for their
game with Fordham, brought along
as part of the organiation two or
three colored musicians.
Early Friday morning, the whole
group assembled in a well known
resturant in lower New York for
breakfast. When the waiter notic
ed the colored members of the band
he came over and politely whisper
ed that colored were not served in
that restaurant
One of the white members of the
band, rose just as quietly, went
o', t and told the leader of the
g cup what and happened, and
even though the whole -troupe had
ordered breakfast, as one man,
they rose and walked out of the
They went to an Automat near
by and enjoyed a most substantial
John Henry Lewis
Retains His Title
London, Eng , Nov. 12—John
Henry Lewis, outpointed Len Har
vey, European heavyweight to re
tain his light heavyweight crown
Monday night before 12,000; the
largest indoor fight gathering in
London in several years
Lewis, weighing 173’4 to Har
vey's 172, had things pretty much
his own way from the third round
to the finish- He came out un
scathed, except for some slight
damage to his left eye which had
been injured in training.
Harvey meantime was forced to
clinch and sling all through the
latter part of the bout and appeared
fortunate in escaping a knockout
Ends Last Month With
Record Divorce Cases
Cleveland, Nov. 14 (ANP)—The
renown Reno had nothing on Cleve
land so far as divorce proceedings
are concerned, for the month of
October. Matrimonial relationships
died and faded with equal rapidity
to the foliage of Ohio’s famous
trees An average of 30 a day tops
the all time record for any pre
ceding month. The docket Is so
crowded at the present time that
no new case can be set until the
middle of this month.
Last Rites For John Pollard
Funeral services were held Mon
day, Nov- 9th, from the Myers Fun
eral Home, for John Pollard, 2109
Miami St-, who died Nov. 6th at
his home- Death was due to heart
Mr. Pollard has been in the em
ploy of the Sunset Cab Co. for the
past four yeans
The deceased leaves to mourn his
loss a son, Kenneth Pollard, 2228
Burdette street and a brother, Fred
Pollard, also of this city
Bishop Washington
Coming Tq Omaha
Bllsho.p Wm- A- Washington of
Los Angeles, Calif., will be an Oma
ha guest for at least ten days be
ginning Sunday, Nov 15th, to con
duct a series of meetings following
the dedicating of the New Christ
Tetrn'e church, 26th and Burdette,
Sunday afternoon at 2:30- You are
all well acquainted with Bishop
Washington- He will also be accom
panied by h*3 brother, D. J Wash
ington, better known by th Onia
hans as the praying and singing
man. All pastors anti their mem
bers will be made welcome guests
at these services which shall be
for the glory of G°d and the help
of humanity.
It will be interdenominational
So come and make youit-elf at
Urban League Formed
In Little Rock, Ark.
That Little Rock is to have a
branch of the Urban League was
practically assured when fifty
leading citizens of the Capitol City
began n earnest to campaign for
the budget for the first year oper
ation In the first few days of a
two-week drive $1,500 in cash and
pledges had been reported- The
steering committee of the fifty
leading citizens, haded by Mr. L- M
Chrisophe, principal of Stephens
school and Mrs- A- B Ives, princi
pal of Bush school, is conducting
an intensive drive which is to in
clude every Negro in the city
Mr. J Harvey Kerns, field secre
tary of the National Urban League
who has been making studies of
the Negro population in the city
has disclosed a number of social
maladjusteents which has attract
ed the attention of a number of
business and civic leaders of the
white and Negn> group. In several
addresses made by Mr. Kerns, an
analysis of local health, housing,
recreation and unemployment pro
blems ware given as a basis for a
j- am for study and planning
for Negro welfare
The Chamber of Commerce and
hads of a number of the social and
civic agencies have expressed their
interest in, and willingness to co
operate with the League when the
branch is ready to function
Howard Uni. to
Get New Buildings
Washington, Nov. 14 (C)—The
semi-annual meeting of the Board
of Trustees of Howard university
last Tuesday heard a progressive
report- The Buddings and Gounds
Committee reported that Robinson
and Williams, architects, have pre
sented preliminary sketches for two
new dormitories for boys, to cost
$525,000 and that plans and speci
fications for the new library were
advertised for bids on Oct. 14 at
the Department of Interior. This
budding will cost $800,00- The pre
sident’s report showed an increase
in the enrollment of the school, the
advance of graduate education, and
that the school is now worth $7,
963,170-93. Receipts for the year
totaled $1,691,351. 30
dr. McMillan in paris
Dr- Aaron M McMillan, former
Nebraska State Representative,
now physician at the Willis F.
Pierce Memorial Hospital, Galangue
Angola, West Africa, arrived in
Paris, Oct. 29th, according to a
letter received by Mr- C- C- Gallo
way this week.
Who got a lovely corsage of orchids from the Good Neighbor
League as they boarded the SS. Europa and sailed for Cape
Town, South Africa, from New York Friday night. Many friends
were at the pier to see the A.M.E. prelate and his wife off to
their work in foreign fields. Lovely gifts were brought to the
boat for Mrs. Wright and her husband.
Husband Dies of
Silicosis: Wife Sues
Foundry for $50,000
Cleveland, Nov- 14 (ANP)—
Charges were made by Mrs. Birdie
Webster last week through a peti
tion filed in the Common Pleas
court here that the Forest City
Foundry company was negligent in
providing means whereby the air
could be purified in rooms in which
the grinding and casting was car
ried on
Mrs- Webster is the widow of
John Webster. He died of Silicosis
Jan- 1, 1935, after having been in
the employ of the Foundry company
for eight years as a chipper Ills
work consisted operationg a ma
chine which cleaned and ground
castings and in so doing set into
motion a spray of sand and iron
particles containing silica. With
out proper exhaust and ventilation
the debris is thrown into the air
of the room and inhaled by opera
tors therein- Mrs- Webster char
ges this was true in the case of
her husbands.
Webster Is survived by his wife
and granddaughter, Lena May, 15
The petition stated that Mr Web
ster contributed $25 a week to their
support before his death. It also
stated that the Workingmans Com
pensation act does not provide any
compensation for Mrs- Webster.
She asks that she be given $50,000.
On Saturday, Nov 7th, in driv
ing east on Dodge street, the Ford
V-8 sedan, driven by Wm. Baker,
1508-11 Ave., struck Alvin Brown
and Rose Shemek, who "had just
alighted from an east bound street
ear. Baker was unable to stop be-1
cause of the icy streets Brown re
ceived abrasion to right elbow.
Rose Shemak received bruised right
Baker was booked for reckless
li lving and no driver’s license.
London, Nov. 14 (C)— Mussoli
ni’s dem'and that Britain recognize
Italy’s conquest of Ethopia may
?et favorable recognition, it was
mrmised Sunday when it was team
ed that England is thinking of
transforming her legation at Addis
\baba into a consulate- The lega
;ion is credited to Emperor Haile
The Alpha Eta Chapter of Kappa
Plsi, the national Negro collegiate
fraternity, recently held Its annua!
election of officers- Jess Hutten, a
charter member of the local chaptei
was elcted Folemarch by acclama
tion Mr. Hutton succeeds Mr. Gal
tha Pegg who is the retiring Pole
march- Mr- Arthur McCaw was el
ected vice Polemareh, and Atty
Charles F Davis, Keeper of Re
Dr. Weldon W. Solomon was un
anlmously elected Keeper of Ex
chequer; Mr Gai'-ha Pegg /as ac
claimed Strategus- Mr. J. Dillan
Crawford was elected Lieut Strate
gus, and Mr. Lloyd Livingston Lee
was elected Historian by acclama
The new officers were installed
at the last meeting with much cere
Dr. Haynes Pleads
Minority Cause
New York, Nov. 14 (ANP)—In an
article under the title of “Negro
Americans and the Churches,” car
ried by the “World Call,” organ oi
the Disciples of Christ, Dr. George
E Haynes, Federal Ouncil ol
Churches, calls on the churches tc
renew their vigor and action lr
bringing justice to minority groups
Discrimination in employment, dis
crimination in the administration ol
relief, and color barriers in civic
life are given by Dr. Haynes as the
principal issues with which the
church must be concerned if its
Christian doctrines are to be more
than “fine verbal phrases-’
San Diego, Calif-, Nov. 14 (ANP)
—Allen Quinn, a WPA worker was
fatally burned ast Friday after
being injured in an auto-truck col
sion After escaping death in the
crash Quinn was lying on the pave
ment, awaiting arrival of the am
bulance, when a careless passerby
thoughtlessly tossed a lighted
match into the car wreckage, Ignit
ing the escaping gasoline from the
broken tanks- Quinn’s body was Im
mediately enveloped in flames and
was fatally burned before he could
bo pulled away from the flaming
Chicago, Nov- 14 (ANP).One of
the surprises of the recent na
tional election—apart from the al
most complete loss of Identity of
the Grand Old Party—was the re
markable gain, nationally, made by
the Communist party, in both vot
ing strength anil Interest aroused
throughout the country'. Hotter or
ganization methods, timeliness of
their appeal to the workers of the
nation and their unequivocal stand
against Jim Crowtsm, bigotry and
color prejudee are some of the
reasons advanced by political ob
servers for theh showing made by
the Communist at the recent el
James W Ford of Alabama,
Communist candidate for vice pre
sident was one of the principal
speakers at the Chicago stadium
Monday, calling upon his people and
their friends to halt the march of
American reaction- He also told
the audience of 18,000 to form an
All-People’s party in Chicago and
to join with the Farmer-Labor mo
vement to fight jtm crowism
Among the other speakers at the
big meeting were William Z- Fos
ter, chairman of the Communist
party, Mother Ella Reeve B'oor, 74
year-old labor leader and Harry
Heywood, Communist candidate for
Congress from the First Chicago
School Janitor, Shot
By White Girl’s Father
Birmingham, Nov. 14 (ANP)—
Curtis Cobb, janitor at a local
school and suspect in the attempt
ed attack Oct 10th of 10-year-old
Ethel Weaver, white, is expected
to leave the hospital this week com
pletely recovered from two revolver
shots which physicians at first
thought would end his life.
C°bb was shot In the shoulder
and side by J. G Weaver, father
of Ethel, after the child had par
tially identified the janitor as her
assailant. The shooting occurred
near the Weaver home where the
father and other white men formed
a posse to hunt out the alleged as
Richard Jones, 4909 Burt St-, sup
erintendent of the National Life
and Accident Insurance Co-, 727
Electric Bldg., reports that about
i G:45 a- m-, on Nov- 7th, he stopped
at the home "f Mrs. Blanche Ship
man, 2428 Franklin St- to make a
call- Coming out about 7:00 a- m.
he got iato his car, which was park
ed in front of that address Just as
he started to drive away, going
west on Franklin, a dark skin Ne
gro, about 30 years of age, jumped
out of the back seat where he was
hiding, stuck a gun in Jones’ neck,
informing him it was a stick up
and to give him his money. Jones
gave up a dark brown billfold con
taining $15 or $20 in cash, driver's
license and public library card.
Jones was attended at the station
for a laceration and bruises of the
The Howard Kennedy P-T. A
will hold its regular meeting on
Nov. 12 at 3:00 p- m-, at Howard
Kennedy school. The guest speak
ers will be Rev Lawrence Plank
and Mrs- A. J. Blauffs of the Com
munity Chest Speakers’ Bureau
Miss Velma King will give a dem
onstration of how to make toys in
the home Everyone is welcome and
the parents are urged to be present.
Miss Annabelle Jones, of Red
Oak, la., was the dinner guest of
Miss Love, 1610 No. 28th St-, on
Friday Nov. 6th.
Expect To Reach
$564,688 Goal
in Campaign
Divisions Organized
Work of gathering contribution*
in the Community Chest’s campaign
for $564,638 85 has been started in
fur of the divisions In the big cam
paign organization of 5,000 men and
women volunteers.
First responses t" the call for
more and larger subscriptions this
year were hailed as indicative of
success by Leonard Hurts, chair
man of the advance gifts division;
Frank E- Rusk, in charge of the
big Industrial division; Walter S.
Byrne, heatl of the business division
and (den R Eastbum of the nation
al firms division. Work of assembl
ing the advance gifts and of the
national firms division. Work of as
sembing the advance gifts and of
soliciting employees In most of the
larger industrial establishments is
expected to be completed this week,
ahead of the opening of the gener
al drive on Monday, Nov- 16th.
Workers in the worn ills division
in oharge of Mrs. Roger P- Holman;
the schools division, headed by Leon
O. Smith, assistant superintendent
of schools, and the South Omaha
division, under Chairman F. J Mc
Cauley, will swing into action next
Monday for the two weeks of the
For the advance gifts division
Chairman Hurtz announced as co
chairmen J- L. Haugh, W- F- Noble,
Francis McDermott, William L
Holzman, Frank A McDevitt, Max
A Miller, P. F- Petersen and Victor
B- Smith. They are being assisted
by groups including many of the
leaders in Omaha business and civic
Chairman Byrne of the business
division has as his principal aides
Continued on Page 4)
Our Jesse Makes
SEP. Article
New York, Nov. 14 (C)—A full
page advertisement In the News
Monday announced “My Boy Jes
se,” by Larry Snyder, Owens’ coach
to appear in this week’s issue of
the Saturday Evening Post With
two large photographs showing
Jesse in action, the ad reads: “From
high school to international head
lines in two years. That’s Jesse
Owens’ greatest race.his sprint
to fame- But behind the headlines
there Is a dramatic, personal story
—now made public for the first
time. Were the breaks with Jesse
or against him? Who paid for the
track shoes which carried him to
four World’s Championships ?
What is the story of the ‘rambling
pain’? Why did Jesse refuse to
Barnstorm in Sweden? You'll en
joy this—the inside story of the
fastest, farthest jumbing human
the world has ever seen ” ,T
Richmond, Va-, Nov. 14 (C)—
Virginia Union students heard the
Rev. Theodore Adams, pastor of
the First Baptist church and a
trustee of the university, at the
weekly convocation services Friday
morning. Dr- Adams spoke on
“Christian Faith.”
Hampton, Va-, Nov. 14 (C)—
In order to give students a pract
ical knowledge of government,
Hampton Institute promoted a mock
plitical campaign, allowing stu
dents to vote for president and vice
president after hearing speeches
of candidates.