The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 07, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5

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»■ i ■ ■■ —_BBU|MM
Chick Webb, famed maestro,
who ranks at the top of the
orchestra world with Cab Cal"
loway and Duke Ehington,
reaches the climax of his ca
reer on Wednesday, November
11, at 9:00 p, m., when h sup
plies the musical background to
Irvin S, Cobb plantation - how
heard on a coast-to-coast net
work over WEAF.
Webb, whose music is known
^o dance lovers everywhere, was
chosen from a wide selection
for this especial occasion. The
entire east of the show is com
ing in from Hollywood for this
broadcast and it will be staged,
amid special effects, at the
Commodore Hotel in celebra
tion of the sponsor’s annual dis
play of its products.
The possibilities are that
Webb may go back to the coast
with the show and rema'n with
it to the end of the series.
Adventist Refuse to
Attend Texas Meet
Because of Jim Grow
Ft Worth, Texas, Nov- 7 (ANP)
—Lf’arninjr that they would have
to use the freight eleva'or if they
attended the conference sessions
held in the Texas hotel, Negro lead
ers in the Seven!h-day Adventist
denomination refused to, come to
this annual conclave.
Ons-picuous hy their absence were
tho following well known leaders
who are regular delegates: Rev. G
G- Peters of New York; Rev P. G..
Dodgers of Caifornia; President J.
L Moran and usiness Manager O
A Troy of the Oakland Junior col
lege, Rev. T H.. Allison of Chicago
and Rev. A E. Webb of Saint Louis
Local citizens are chagrined that
a denomination of such cosmoplitan
proportions as the Seventh-day Ad
ventists would arrange for a con
vention in a hotel where all its dele
gates could not receive fair and im
partial consideration
Eight State at
Morristown College
Morristown, Tenn-, Nov 7 (C) —
Eight states are represented in the
student population of Morristown
college, according the President
John W. Haywood They are Illin
ois, Indiana, Kentucky, N°rth Caro
lina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West
Virginia and Tennessee.
Cheyney Gets $30,000
For Improvemnets
Cheyney, Pa , Nov. 7 (C)—Chey
ney State college hag received $30,
000 for permanent improvements,
which will include the installation
of a dual electric lighting system,
the removal of all fire hazards,
which means the digging of a new
artesian well to safeguard the col
lege against any shortage of water;
the cnstruction of an othletic field,
which Is a WPA project.
Soil Conference
At Alcorn, Miss.
Aloom, Miss-, Nov 7 (C)—A
conference carrying oht the pur
pose of the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act was held
at Alcorn college last Tuesday. M
M- Hubert, state agent, presided
and presented President Bell, who
welcomed the delegation
Dr ""^'inr Dies
Little Rock, Ark-, Nov. 7 (C)—
Dr G- C- Taylor, pastor of Rust
ME church, Oberlin, Ohio, died in
Oberlin last Sunday following a
stroke. Dr. Taylor was for 14 years
president of Philander Smith college
here- He was buried here last week.
Welch School Gets
Grade “A” Rating
Louisville, Ky, Nov. 7 (ANP)—
Officers and members of the In
dependent National Funeral Dir
ectors Ass’n attended the recent
three-day conference of a'l State
Boards of Embalming, held at the
Seel back hotel- Those present were
R. R Reed, executive director of
(be association; Wm- Johnson,
chairman, executive committee; G
Wm- Saffell, former president; A
L Welsh, executive members of
Birmingham, Ala-; B- Lincoln Tea
gue, Madisonville, Ky, C- B
"laughton, Lexington, Ky.; Wm
Cooper, Versailles, Ky and nine
other funeral directors not members
of the association.
The assertion members present
ed to the conference an application
_>r the Grading of Welch School of
Embalming at Birmingham, follow
!rg whiih the conference appointed
c mmittee (white) to accompany
them to Birmingham to inspect the
physical setup and faculty of the
Welsh school- A L- Welsh, founder
of the school; R. R Reed and the
cnferen(e committee made the 'rip.
School Gets “Grade A” Rating
The school was inspected and ex
cept for the necessity of arranging
a different room for practical dem
nstiutlons and other minor chan
ges in the present setup, met the
approval of the committee. Associa
tion fficials were informed by the
conference group they could adver
tise that the next entrance calss of
the Welch School of Embalming,
after the first of the year, ©wuld
be entered In the grade “A” School
•o Embalming- The school is con
ducted at Miles Memorial college.
Educational Program Outlined
A subseguent report was sent to
tho Association membership by Ex
ecutive director Reed, outlining the
educational program for the year
Hollywood, Nov. 7 (ANP)—This
is choir week in Hollywood as two
of the best known singing groups
in the country have been engaged
for film work
The Hall Johnson choir, a world
famous musical group has been en
gaged to furnish Tibetan musical
accompaniment to sequencesa of
Prank Capra’s forthcoming “lost
Horizon” at Columbia’s studios,
which stars Ronald Colman Max
Steiner, well known American com
poser, will direct recordings of the
musical background of the score
for the film by Dmitri Tiomkin.
The Hall Johnson group, since
coming here for work in the film
“The Green Pastures” for Warner
Brothers Studios, have appeared in
numerahble shorts and other big
productions, and are one of the
features of the new Irving S- Cobb,
radio program, “Paducah Planta
tion,” heard every Saturday night
over the NBC chain
The other choral group at work
for Clumbia this week Is the cele
brated St. Luke’s choir of Long
Beach, who are appearing with
Grace Moore, singing star of screen
and opera.
Tobacco Used as Remedy
for Cholera in France
During I lie cholera epidemic In
France in ISdl the use of tobacco
was said to induce immunity. To
ward olf illness while the great
plague of 10(15 was in progress in
London everyone was urged to
smoke. Small children were com
pelled to take tobacco. At Eton
clnsses were instructed to pause
and light up at frequent intervals,
writes Charles Sniutny In the Chi
cago Tribune,
Who first brought the plant to
Europe is not established, nor is it
certain who smoked the first pipe
ful. Jean Nicot, whose name re
mains today In nicotine, sent to
bacco seeds to France about 1560.
Within five years Sir John Haw
kins returned to England with to
bacco. Most of Europe and parts
of Africa and Asia had the weed
by the opening of the Seventeenth
century. Snuff was preferred in
France for many years. The "drink
ing of tobacco," as smoking was
termed In England, became com
mon and later fashionable through
the example of Sir Walter Raleigh.
Every schoolboy knows the leg
end of the drenching of Sir Waiter
Raleigh by his valet. This faith
ful fellow, for the first time seeing
smoke Issuing from the mouth and
nostrils of his master, believed
him to be afire and promptly emp
tied a howl of tvater, ale, or beer
over Sir Walter. The beverage
changes as do the characters In the
Hnecdote. Slightly varied versions
are given for Richard Tarleton and
others. Another Sir Walter Ra
leigh yarn involves a wager with
Queen Elizabeth. He bet that he
could weigh tobacco smoke. First
he weighed a pipeful of tobacco,
then smoked It and subtracted the
weight of the ashes.
Community Chest for
1937 to be Increased
Tho Gommunty Chest budget for
1937 Is $546,683 85, an increase of
$53,673, or more than 10 per cent
over the amount raised last year.
W- Dal« Clark, president of the
Chest, announced this figure Sat
urday after individual members of
the budget committee surveyed
each Community Chest 'agency in
relation to its request
Agencies requested $632,998 '.o
handle their total needs, Clark said,
but the committee slashed almost
$70,000 from that figure to reduce
the burden on Community Chest
donors. He Said each agency was
investigated by a member of the
budget committee, and its work,
programs and needs were carefully
weighed before the committee fix
ed the amount it should receive.
Members of the committee, head
ed, by Melvin Bekins, -are; Joel
Wright, Francis P Matthew, J
Francis McDermott, W. Dale Clark,
W- F Cozad, Walter Plerpoint, J.
L- Haugh and Mrs T- L . Davis .
Explaining the increased budget
for 1937, Bekins stated:
“Welfare groups, children's
homes and health organizations
are faced with the prospect of
caring for a greatly increased
number of clients. Practically all
agencies are working short-hand
ed, and every one of them is con
fronted with the problem of in
creases in maintenance, operation,
food and general living costs”
Twenty-eight agencies are in
cluded in the 1937 budget, and
their needs vary from $600 to $90,
000 for the year. In every instance
tho Community Chest will attempt
to provide only for the Omaha
cases, leaving outstate and other
clients to be cared for through
service fees, other subscriptions
and interest on endowments, Bekin
I ne duok^i vi Lummuu-v
Chest campaign for 1937 should
be a challenge to every- individual
in the city of Omaha-”
Fi'ands Matthews, campaign
chairman, said;
“Every contributor this
yean* must be at least 10 or 15 per
cent above that of the last cam
Tho Chest campaign will get un
der way officially on Monday,
Nov. 16th, and will continue
through Nov 25th
Longest Coast Lina
Florida Is considered lo have the
longest coast line of any state. Ac
cording to tiie United States Coast
and Geodetic survey this coast line,
exclusive of Islands, Is 1,197 miles,
including 399 on the Atlantic and
798 on tho Gulf of Mexico. Califor
nia Is listed ns second with 813
miles of coast. Lake shore line Is
not regarded ns const line h.v this
government department. If It were,
Michigan would have the second
longest const line, according to this
same authority. According lo oth
er authorities, Michigan has 905
miles of coast line In file Upper
Peninsula and 810 In the Lower
Peninsula, a total of 1,715 miles.
The coast of Maine is so indented
that if a small unit of measure
ment were employed that state
would have a coast line of about
3,000 miles. As measured by the
methods of the Coast nnd Geodetic
survey, it has only 228 miles.
Strive to Excel
Strive always to excel; try al
ways to keep that attitude of mind
which abhors defeat; for it Is a
proved fact that man's nature Is
so adaptable that he can accustom
hiusclf to mediocrity and numb bis
sense of failure. But the converse
of this Is also true, making It pos
sible for one to train oneself to
be satisfied with nothing less than
the best, and with the failure Idea
made so repellent that all one’s
faculties will be kept constantly on
the alert to discover opportunity,
p&ssess It, improve It and through
it carve out a significant and satis
fying destiny. A study of the ca
reers of successful men will reveal
this attitude ns one of the under
lying factors in their progress. It
Is an unfailing source of Inspira
tion and the fountain from which
flows that matchless determination
so pronounced In those who lead.
Home of the Hemp Plant
The native home of the hemp
plant Is Asia, near the Caspian sea.
Wild hemp is not used in rope mak
ing. Italy, Russia, France, India
and parts of the United States and
Canada are the chief hemp produc
ing countries. Hemp can be raised
several years In succession and
three bushels of seed are required
to plant an acre of ground, accord
ing to a writer in the Indiana
Farmer’s Guide. Hemp demands a
rich, light soil. The three chief
products of hemp are: The fibers
of the stem; the resinous secretion,
and the oily seed. The leaves and
blossoms are used as a drug and
intoxicant for smoking and chew
ing. The oil extracted from hemp
seed Is used In making soap. The
pulp that is left Is a good feed for
Various Crises Are Linked
to Solar Activity.
Cambridge, Mass,—In line with
the "sunspot theory" of economic
and industrial activity, there has
come from Harvard's astronomical
observatory a declaration by Dr.
Loring D. Andrews, astronomer,
that sunspot activity can be cor
related with such varied phenomena
as weather conditions, economic
tranquility and distress, wars, floods
and international crises.
While admitting the correlation
between earthly phenomena and un
usually active spots on the surface
of the sun. Doctor Andrews, in dis
cussing the subject, states that the
actual source of the correlation
must be sought in other solar pe
culiarities which are correlated in
turn with sunspot activity.
Especially "amazing," according
to Doctor Andrews, is the correla
tion of economic prosperity and de
pression with periods of sunspot
maxima which has held true over a
period of the past two centuries.
Using this correlation, the astron
omer states that "it would seem
that all the king's horses and all
the king's men cannot bring pros
perity back again; but the sun can."
Next Maxima in 1939
With a sunspot maxima expected
in 1939, the Harvard scientist tenta
tively predicts an increase in stock
market activity at that time, for
"as the number of sunspots mounts,
prosperity turns the corner; as the
number of sunspots diminishes,
prosperity hides itself in a depres
"It may be pointed out,” he con
tinues, "that the last sunspot maxi
mum was in 1928, an epoch in the
economic history of the United
States to which one commonly re
fers as the good old days." The
last sunspot minimum occurred in
1933. Some one has mentioned an
economic depression similarly dat
The blemishes on the face of the
sun, with which Doctor Andrews
finds so many correlations, have
been demonstrated, according to the
scientist, to be huge solar cyclones,
whiriwinds in the solar atmosphere,
accompanied by pronounced mag
netic conditions. Each sunspot, he
says, is a huge magnet as a result
of the whirling of electrically
charged particles within it.
Sunspots have cycles of eleven
years. Maximum spottedness has
come in 1906, 1917 and 1928 since
the turn of the century and mini
mum spoltedness in 1901, 1913, 1923
and 1933.
Since the sun rotates on its axis
in a period of 25 days, Doctor An
drews states that it is impossible
for the earth to be permanently in
the range of a sunspot or a sunspot
group, but when the spots are near
the earth, such terrestrial phenom
ena as auroral displays, electric
storms and effects on long-distance
radio reception are noted.
Sunspot Activity.
“All of these phenomena,” Doctor
Andrews declares, “show a close
correlation with sunspot activity
and particularly with the passage
of an active sunspot group across
the central area of the sun’s disk;
the aurorae, borealis and australis,
perform beautifully, magnetic com
passes oscillate to and fro over a
small amplitude centered in their
normal position, and long-distance
radio reception is either improved
or hampered. In connection with
the last of these It should be said
that whether reception is improved
or hampered depends upon the
wave-length of the signals and oth
er factors related to radio trans
lilt: CA^idlldtiuu Ui UlC bUHCiauuu
between sunspot activity and eco
nomic prosperity and other items on
earth is explained as being indirect
ly caused by the solar phenomena.
When sun spots are at a maxi
mum, he finds, the earth’s receipt
of heat from the sun is above nor
mal. Strangely enough, this does
not make for warmer weather be
cause it increases the evaporation
of water from the earth’s surface
and therefore the weather is cooler
than usual and there ia increased
Norway’* Home of Giant*
About in the middle of southern
Norway there rises from the great
central plateau a vast wilderness
of peaks and glaciers, Interspersed
with hundreds of brooks and lakes,
teeming with trout. This national
park is the Jotunheim, a name
which means the Home of the Gi
ants. In the Norse mythology It is
considered the home of the Jotuns
(giants), trolls and other enemies
of the good gods, consequently the
home of everything evil. Except
for a few hunters, no one had seen
much of this dreaded district until
a little more than a hundred years
ago, when the scientists of Oslo
“discovered” It.
Liking and Having
College Man—What would you
like, dear?
Coed—Well, I’d like some fruit,
cocktail, some caviar, an order of
frogs’ legs, some fruit salad, a sir
loin steak smothered In mushrooms,
a large lobster, some demitasse anrf
some pie a la mode.
College Man—That Is all very
well. But, now, what wfll you
■ —- -. -S3!
Attractive senior at Knoxville
College is Ruth Ann Roberts of
Gary, Indiana, who was elected
varsity Queen by the K. C. gridders
to reign at Homecoming festivities.
Miss Roberts is very active in
campus organizations. She was re
cently cast in a leading role in
the religious drama, “The Rock”,
which will be presented by the
dramatic fraternity of which she is
Start Bethune Com
munity Meetings
Dayton Beach, Fla- Oct 31 (C)—
The community meetings each Sun
day afternoon, inaugurated 30 years
ago, began for the current year
last Sunday- The meetings serve to
promote interracial work, and to
train students in public speaking
Mrs. Myers, 2308 N<>. 29th St ,
Is convalescing
Mr. Willis Roberts, 2629 Charles
street, is on the sick list.
Mss Clara Shaffer, Council
Bluffs, who has been ill, has re
The Paxton Social club niet Moni
day night at the home of Mr. C A
Branch, 2866 Binney street.
Mrs. Hattie Hieronynv'us, 2528
No. 28th Ave., who has been con
fined to bed because of illness, Is
nw able to be up
Mr. James Murphy, 2615 Parker
street, who was in an accident
some few days ago, is convalescing
Funeral services for Mrs. Harry
Brown, 1848'ti No. 20th street, will
be held Saturday from the Myers
Funeral home- Mrs. Brown died
Mrs. Jessie Gray, who was in an
automobile accident In Iowa re
ceiving a broken jaw and internal
injuries, was brought to Omaha
and is now at 2519 Corby street,
where she Is convalescing nicely.
Mrs. Hattie Wallace, of Boley,
Okla- who came to the city to at
tend the burial of her daughter,
Mrs- Roosevelt Johnson, suffered a
paralytic stroke Mrs. Wallace is
The Junior Girls Culture club
and the Royal Rhythm boys gave a
Hallowe’en party at the home of
their instructor, Miss Ethel Jones,
2811 Caldwell street, Wednesday
evening, Oct. 28th- Music was fur
nished by the Royal Rythm Boys’
orchestra. During the evening the
boys used their own broadcasting
microphone t announce the dance
numbers. Fortune telling and
games furnished other amusements
for the evening Mothers of the
young people assisted Miss Jones
in the chaperoning
your worn shoes areformed to
yiur feet- Retain their comfort
and get more service and ap
pearance by having them pro
perly rebuilt.
hoes are never old until they
can no longer be rebuilt
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
Sweet Georgia Browi
Hair Dressing
Men and Women earr
- up to $35 a week as
•agents for Sweet Georgia Brown
Hair Dressing, Face Powder, Blea
ching Cream; 300 products. Jusl
send name and address for FREI
SAMPLE and Money Making
Agent’s offer. Write Quick!
616, 2241 Indiana Ave-, Chicago
L. E- Wal'brldge and II F. Jones,
manager of the Washington Insur
ance O., reported that they were
robbed Monday while sitting in
their parked ear at 28th and Grant
streets by a dark brown skin N**-l
gro wearing a dark over coat and
black fedora hut. The Negro, It is
said opened the right front door and
held them up, taking a bill fold
containing Insurance papers, a sil
ver dollar and four dollars in small
Lafayette Carodine, age 9, 2123
No. 28th Ave. got, the third and
fourth fingers on his left hand
mushed, Wednesday, ()e<- 28th
Lafayette was playing with an
Id washing machine in the buck
yard of his home when his fingers
were caught In the cogs of the
Machine, resulting in the mashing
if two of them
Price Lee, 5038'i So. 25th St.
received gunshot wounds In an af
fray at 2605 P street, on Nov. L
Lee received gunshot wound
through right leg when shot by
James Jackson, 2511 P street
In the house at the time of the
hooting were Gladys Wright, 2606
street; Robert Jones, 6310 So.
28th street; nnd Thos Rurse, 2512
Q street.
Virgil May White, 25fh and Indiana
Ave., was struck on the head by n
brick when coming out of the homo
of Ernest New. 26th Ave and Mich
igan St , Virgil Massey, She was
found by Miles Johns (white) and
brought to the Police Station where
she was treated for scalp lacera
tions, bruised forehead and lacera- '
tions of the left side of the fore
Mrs. Savannah Newman, 2809 R
St-, Apt 3, says she lost a 45 cali
ber pistol, a large black pocket
books con'{Ur|ng tejidtians and a
bank book after a Negro man,wh«
hart been visiting, left- Description
"f this man was that he was dark
skinned, 6 feet, 190 pounds and
wearing bule overalls, blue jumper,
blue corduroy cap work shoes and
had a small mustache
Hr Sam Jackson, 2105 No. 28th
street was robber by two women
and a man
We specialize in nothing but
Bar-B-Q. Once you try it you
will always buy. Drop in and
see us some time.
Tubbs’ Beauty Salon
It Pays To Look Well
Then go to Tubb’s Beauty Salon
for your work
Our shampoo, pressing and mar
celling are outstanding.
1712 No. 25th St. WE 2243
Poverty-Sjckness- Unhappiness?
Send 12 cents for a little pam
phlet that has helped thousands
to free themselves.
It contains complete instructions
for those willing t,o do their part.
School of Physical Science
2514 Erskine St.( Omaha, Nebr
Hold Three Whites
In Death of Negro
Macon, Gtfc, Nov. 7 (ANP)—
Charged with the murder of Cectl
Hollt:, 21 yecr .>!<! youth of Lizella,
Ga., three white men.. Jack Ramsey,
26; Prentice Tucker, 22 and John
Hutto, 20, were ’arrested last week
hy deputies on murder warrants
sworn out by T.. O Hollis, father
of the dead man.
On Oct 10th, Ramsey, one o'
those arrested, reported to city de
tectives that Hollis disappears
when a boat overturned with thei
in the Ocmulgee river near Macon
Ramsey also faces ’a previous mu'
der charge connected with andthev
Negro, Isom Denmark, who died
as the result of an ’auto wreck cli
maxing a chase with police. The
white man was tried here last June,
mistrial declared, and the prisoner
released under bond
The body of young Hollis has
not been recovered. Deputies went
t the site of^th alleged drowning and
reported residents and dynamited
the river in vain efforts to find the
body. Other deputies arrested Hut
to 'at his garage and the other two
gave themselves up at headquarters
AH denied the murder
’ritz ~SH0F ’ ’‘nEPAI?.'
Excellent Service
If you like our work, tell
others, if not, tell us.
We shire and dye any color.
2033 N. 24th Street
OuaUty Ler th'-r Esed on Every
Special Prices on l.adiea Shoes
Black and Brown Suede Shoes
$1.98, $2-98 and up
Shoes repaired while you wait
1510 No. 24th St. JA 0353
1410 North 24th Street
Shoe Repairing, Dye and
Quantity plus Quality is our
We Call For and Deliver
Join State’s
Radio Club
W -
See State's complete stock of
Fairbanks-Morse Radios. Easiest
Big Discount
3 T
Y 0
This Beautiful Grand Piano Manufactured by the World’s
Largest Piano Manufacturers and i3 fully Guaranteed by