The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 07, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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Mrs. Johnson of Selma, Ala.,
m visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Calvert Smith.
The members of the 20 Cen
tury Club report a jolly time at
their Hallowe’en party Satur
day night.
Roosevelt Will Enter the White
Roosevelt will enter the White
House according to the contest
“WTio Will Enter the White
House?’’ sponsored by the Mo
thers’ Board of Tabernacle Bap
tist Church on Oct. JO. Miss
Clara Shaffer, who represented
the Democratic party, or Roose
velt, was the winner in this con
test. The Republican party was
represented by Miss Lavada
The contest was under the
supervision of Mrs. Ida Giles.
Mrs. Ola Nicholson has re
turnedto Omaha.
Mrs. Lizzie Payne and -Mrs.
Williams visited in the Charles
Wilson home Sunday .
Clarinda Has the First Negro
Political Organization
October 26 saw the organiza
tion of the Negro Republicans
in Clarinda. Iowa, at a meeting
i ncharge of Mr. John Adams,
Omaha, and Mr. D. M. Nixon.
This group is the first Negro
political organization to be form
ed in that city.
Mrs. Hammonds, who has
been the guest of Mrs. Tillie
Reese, while attending the Chris
tian Science Association, left
Sunday for her home.
Loving Four Quartette
Now At Tabernacle Baptist
The Loving Four Quartette,
which recently closed a success
ful meeting at 110111011 Baptist
Church, is now at Tabernacle
Baptist Church. This group will
remain there for some two
Rev. "W. .T, Spires, Jr., preach
ed at Pleasant Green Baptist
Church, Omaha, last Sunday.
The afternoon service was in
charge of Tabernacle’s Junior
Miss Lenora Poston and Mr.
Ward Walker were the dinner
guests Sunday of Miss Bessie
Reynolds and Mr. Clyde Gordon
Mrs. Della Lewis who has
been an invalid for several
years, shows no improvement.
Mrs. Lillie Mills left Tuesday
for Chicago wdiere she will make
a short visit with relatives and
Mr. Ward Walker entertain
ed at cards Sunday night hon
oring Miss Lenora Poston, Om'
Mr. David Emery left Oct.
27 for Los Angeles, California,
where he will begin his new
Council Bluffs Agents For The
Omaha Guide Are
Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 245(5- 6 Ave
Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway
Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t.
Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave.
See Your Nearest Agent and Buy
Buy A Guide
Keep Posted on Local Race News.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holliday of
Omaha visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Nevins Saturday.
Bethel children had a joyous
time at a Halloye en narty Fri
day night at the home of Mrs.
John Mills .
Miss Eddiestedn Seals, for
mer Council Bluffs girl, visited
in Lincoln Monday for the pur
pose of looking over that field
with an eye toward o tablish
ing business there. Miss Seals
recently eomplet d a beauty
culture course.
Mrs. Fannie Harris, Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon William-, and Mrs.
Katherine Ford attended the
Sunday afternoon services at
Pleasant Green Baptist Church.
Miss Opal Harris lias return'
ed from a visit in Omaha and
Fremont, Neb.
Council Bluffs Girls In Car
Which Kills Man
Miss Doris Thomas, 1503 S. 9
St., and Miss Imogene Person.
1212-17 Ave., were two of the
passengers in the Manuel Park
er car Suday, Nov. 1, which hit
Frederick E. Ilaw'kins, 2318 N.
22 St., Omaha, on 24th St., re
sulting in Hawkins’ death.
Mr. Walter Herndon was tak
en ill while riding a bus en
route to Oskloosa, la., where
he was ealled by the illness of
a relative.
New York, Nov 7 (C)—A poll
conducted ‘among the newspapers
I recently by Calvin’s Newspaper Ser
vice on Crime News and Gem'ral
News of a Cotistrulctive Nature,!
showed nearly all (he editors voting
for Constructive News with a min
imum of crime news. The editors
were asked to check on: 1. Those
favoring reports on as much crime
news as possible; 2 Those favoring
a minimum of crime news and more
general news of a constructive na
ture. Newspapers sending in their
vote for choice No. 2 were the Ari
zona Gian, Christian Review, Flor
ida Tattler, Philadelphia Tribune,
Washington Tribune, Boston Guard
ian, Wyandotte Echo (Kansas City,
Kans )’ Northwest Enterprise (Se
attle, Wash.), Tampa Bulletin,]
Oklahoma Independent (Muskogee) ;
Cleveland Eagle and Waco (Texas) ’
Rome, Nov. 7 \1)—Prlemier Mus
solini boasted on Tuesday that It
aly will defend the Ethopian con
quest against all enemies. “The
March <>n Addis Ababa was the lo
gical consequence of the March on
Rome,’ Mussolini declared, recalling
that sixteen years ago he led the
Fascists party on a triumphant
nrarch on Rome when he seized the
Dallas, Tex-, Nov. 7 (C)—Bishop
college of Marshall was represented
last Sunday at a meeting of the
North Texas Area Council of the
YM and YWCA at Southern Me
thodist university by Mrs Dora H
Anderson, Prof. H. N Hughley,
Mrs Sadie Hughley, Mrs. Harriette
Sawyer, Alonzo Huff, C- Adair Hol
liday, Gentry Simmons, Heman Oli
ver, James Dillard and Allan Banks.
Barbecue—Cold Drinks
Furnished Rooms
4827 S 26 St. MA 0957
Heroism of the
American Negrro
By John Mills
'"'M American sons of Ham, the
Hemercan or the American Ne
gro has always been loyal to his
-ountry In time of peace and in
t.'mo of war. He has played a con
‘ s"iruous part in a'l of the great
’■•'tiles of his native land.
The valor of the Negro was first
brought to the attention of the
world in what is known as the
Boston Massacre, which occurred on
Kings street in Boston, Mass., Mar.
5. 1770. Captain Preston, with the
king’s soldiers, appeared on K ngs
street to enforce a decree if the
British Parliament. The ap~ ar
ai’ee cf the soldiers infuriated the
citizens and a mob, led by Cripua
Attu^ks. a runaway Negro slave,
was fired upon by the soldiers. At
tacks was the first one killed; thus,
he, i' Negro, being the first mar
tyr for American Independence. A
mnnument was erected in Boston
in memory of the Patriots who fell
with the following epitaph com
emerahing the first martyrs for
American Independence;
“Long as in freedom’s cause
the wise contend,
, Dear to your country shall your
fame extend
While to the world the lettered
stone shall tell
Where Caldwell, ,Atlucks, Gray
and Maverick fell.”
At! Bunker Hill, we see Peter
Salem, and ex-slave, fighting side
by side with white soldiers, and
when Major Pitcairn mounted the
redoubt and shouted, “The day is
ours,” the gallant Salem poured the
contents of his gun into the Major’3
body- Salem was presented to
George Washington as having been
the hero who performed that feat.
At the storming of Fort Griswold,
Major Montgomery was lifted upon
the walls f the fort by his men,
and called upon the Americans to
surrender; the answer was given
by John Freeman, a Negro soldier,
who pinned the Major dead to the
earth. *
Janies Freeman, a Negro Bridge
water, participated in the erection
of the fortifications on Dorchester
Heights, under the commarfd of
General Washington which the
next morning so surprised <le
Thus we- get a few glimpses of
the heroic efforts of Negroes in
those early days of white American
oppression, helping to get Ameri
can Independence- The Negro work
ed so hard and fought so valiantly
that; it attracted the attention of
the British to such tan extent that
Lord Dunsmore issued a proclania
staiing that since the colonists were
so eager po abolish a fanciful slav
ery in a dependence on Great Bri
tain, h« would try to see how they ■
liked the abolition of real slavery
by setting free all of their Negroes.
It must not. be forgotten that Ne
gro slavery flourished in the col
onies at that time, and this threat
meant to the colonists from tiheir
v' point a dire calamity.
Lord Dun«more, who was in Vir
ginia, promised freedom to all the
slaves would come on his side; this
invitation was accepted to such an
extent, that the colonists tried their
best to stop the ‘alarming desertion
of the Negroes, they detached a
strong force to check Dunsmore in
his course, but the Americans were
checked at “reat Bridge,” the brid
ge over the Elizabeth river, was
made impossible; some of the works
were defended by Negroes; thus
showng that the oppressed will
turn against the oppressor if giv
en a good opportunity
The next heroic efforts of Ne
groes in fighting for this country
was at Lake Erie in the W'ar of
1812. The cause of this war was
May Oust Professor
For Dining With Ford
Charlotte, N C-, Nov. 7 (C)—
The University of North Carolina
was asked on Wednesday to dis
charge prof. E E Ericson, who is
said to have attended a dinner for
James W Ford, Communist can
didate for vice president of the Un
ited S ates recently. The plea was
made by Dr. Roy W McKnight,
president of the Mecklenburg chap
ter of the U. cf N C. Alumni Ass’n,
who said after being informed that
Prof. Ericson had been present
with other white persons at a din
ner In Ford’s hotel suite after he
had heard Ford make a speech in
public: “I believe a university pro
fessor should enjoy the right of
freedom of speech and liberality of
thought As a matter of fact, it is
his duty to do so, but when a facul
ty member’s conduct and philoso
phy of life become so opposed to
' merienn traditions, especially to
southern traditions, as to be offen
sive to the sensibilities of the thou
•tnds of alumni and to the tax
payers of the state then it is time
for the university adminltration to
start a general house cleaning- I
can see no place n the faculty of
the University of North Carolina
for such an Individual, nor can I
understand why the administration
permits and apparently condones
such offenses against the conven
'ions of the people of the state and
the thousands of alumni of the old
est state university in America ”
“Porgy and Bess”
Songs Heard in N. C.
Winston Salem, N- C-, Nov. 7
(C)—‘‘Strawberry Woman” and
“Prayer for Bess,” two songs from
the opera, “Porgy and Bess,” were
heard at the Winston Salem Tea
chers college recently when the
Eva Jessye choir appeared in re
cital- Tho Bongs were sung by Helen
Dowdy, dramatic soprano, a prin
cipal in “Porgy and Bess” when it
was on Broadway, and also had a
part in the opera, “Four Saints” in
through the Negro when the crew
of the British ship Leonard took
Ware, Martin and Strcken from
the Chcsiipeak and pressed them in
their own service. These Negroes
were then recognized as citizens
of the United States, and this act of i
tho British was sounded as the key
note and rallying cry of the war.
Tho battles on Lake Erie are,
the most memorable n'aval battles1
■ver fought with the British- It was!
n this war that America showed
ber naval supremacy- The crews »n
:ho ships at Lake Erie were partly,
na'le up with Negroes, there was
lot a vessel whose crew in part was
no-tj made up of Negroes. In this
war, the Negro gave some valu
ible service to his country, and on
he 18th day of December, 1814,
when General Jackson review the
Drlcans, he eulogized the Negro for
troops under bis command at New
bis bravery.
(To Be Continued)
At Reasonable Prices
40th and Forest Lawn
KE 1738
List Current Hooks
On Negro Education
Washington, N»v. 7 (C)—The
Journal "f Negro Education lists
the following book* under the head
ing “Current Literature on Negro
Education”: The Story of the Ne
gro Retold, by Carter G Woodson;
Negro Makers of History, by Car
ter G- Wodsoon; The Negro In Our
History, by Carter G Woodson;
Allen Americans, by B Schrleke;
The Rape of Africa, by Lamar
Middleton; A Study of Special
! Kinds of Education for Rural Ne
gritos, by Maurice E- Thotnasson;
The Movable School Goes to the
Negro Farmer, by Thomas Monroe
Campbell; The History of Alpha
Phi Alpha, by Charles H. Wesley;
Meet- Brother Martin, the Life of
Blessed Martin L)e Porreg, by, N°r
bet Georges; and the African Back
ground Outlined, by Carter G'
New York, Nov. 7 (C)—Anotherj
dramatic blow was struck at lynch
ing last week as six veiled and si
lent women, dressed in mourning, J
picketed the Biltmore hotel last
week in which was located the Dem
ocratic headquarters. The pickets
refused to tell what organization
was sponsor for the protest. They
made no effort to distribute litera
ture, but wore placards which car
ried such legends as “Sudden
Death. Lynching Continues In the
Democratic South. F. D . R . Says
Nothing,” and In Memorlam. Sixty
Lynehlngs under the New Deal ”
Including Diploma by Mail.
Write Cuban Cosmetic Co.
Box 5315 Chicago, 111.
2425 N. 24th JA 9195
New York, Oct. 31 (C)—Rex In
gram, “De L«wd” of the motion
picture version of “The Green Das
tures,” will present the first prize
of $10 00 to the winner of a craft
contest Saturday at the Lafayette
theatre- Three 'awards go to the
makers of he best models of Noah’s
ark- The prizes are sponsored by
workers of the WPA theatre pro
ject in connection with “Noah,”
now playing 'at the Lafayette.
Dallas, Tex. Oct, 31 (C)—'The
Dallas Gazette announced a special
edition devoted to Negro Day at
the Centennial
is jW w** tfw toay iroy
You'll Ilka th* way It tnopi you back,
ev*r night, to tha fueling ot "rarln' to go" fit
mu ond Intido cloanlinottl Elimino4« Itn-ovof
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— or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ot Gortluld Th
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TEA COw D*pt. C, Brooklyn, N. Y.
upen tixiension unit
At Virginia Union
Rlchm n 1, Va O:-. 3t (C)—*Ths
Richmond Unit of the Virginia uni
versity extension school began last
Rockefeller Rents To
Come Do.wn
New York, Oct. 31 (C)—-A ru
wcek with an enrollment of 130
mor persists, since John I>. Rocke
feller, jr foreclosed his two million
dollar mortgage on the Paul Law
rence Dunb&r Apartments, thai the
apartments will be m)a<le into a
renting proposition at lower rate*.
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WE.i6.a6 2414 Grant St
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Both Our Service and Printing. We are
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