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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1936)
SOUTH Of;lAt!A NEWS NOTES Little Christ obeli Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Marion, S. 28 St., is ill. Satur day nhe will undergo a tonsil ectomy. Miss Viola Wiliams will go to the Liu versify hospital on Sat arday to undergo a tonsileet" •mj. Mrs. Annie Crnham is indis posed. Mr Dewey Morrow reports |hat he again was sueefssful in bagging the limit of game. That is what comes of being a splen did marksman. Mr Fred Tolies, R St., con tinues to improve. Mr W. D. Day, 25 and Z Sts., is on the sick list. Mrs, Mabel Hooth, 2725 R St., who has been very ill, contin ues to improve. EDDIE DODD EURIED Mr. Eddie Dodd. 2808 If St., was buried Monday afternoon from the Myers Funeral Home. Mr. Dodd is the son of Mr. dim Dodd. Little Donnie King, 2914 W St., who had the mi-fortune to break bis arm, continue® to im prove. WOODSON CENTER On Thursday, Nov. 5, from 7 to 10 p. m., will be Adult Fun Night. Tlik* k'ity Recreational Fun Team will furnish the amusement. The Dramatic Group will put on n play at this time. There will he com munity singing and stunts by various groups. Bethel Baptist Church has piif on a financial drive, which will close the first Sunday in December. The pastor, Rev. D J. Seans, has begun the work of reorganizing the church, and i macting with much success. Mr. Randall Blackston, S. 8(1 St., is ill. REV. BIT.BREW TO PREACH The group in the Financial Drive, of which Mrs. Mildred Roberts is captain, will have Rev .Bilbrew preach Sunday af ternoon at 8 o’clock Bethel Baptist Church To Have Bible Schoo1 Bethel lbifitisif Church will begin a Bible School, which will run from Monday to Friday evenings. This School will be conducted by the pastor, Rev P. J. Sears. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 27th and R Sts Elder A- D- Carter. Pastor The church enjoyed good ser vices the past Sunday. Mr. Chapman was in charge of the services in the absence of the pastor. Mr. Cage and Mr. Aus tin visited in thP Willing Work ers meeting. UNION MEMORIAL M E. CHURCH Rev Wm. H* Adams, Pastor Morning and evning services were conducted by the pastor. Attendance was good. BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE PROM YOUR NEAREST SO OMAHA AGENT J. 0. Harris Grocery Store, M24 S. 30 St.. ..MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, BT09 S. 29 St. MA 2671 Montgomery, •497 S. 28 St. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Morning service was conduct ed by the the pastor, Rev. Mos ley. There was Communion at the evening service. Attendance was good. The B.F.P.U. gave an interesting program. Rev. Mosley preached at Mt. Nebo Sunday afternoon, lie was accompanied by the church. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST E.dcr G. E. Hayden, Pastor Morning sermon was deliver ed by the pastor. Elder G. S. Hayden. Elder Ellis preached the night sermon. The revival meeting closed Sunday night. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor The church had good service and attendance throughout S in day. The pastor. Rev. I’. '.I Si ars, preached both morning and night sermons. Two Colored Men Hired by Buamann New York. Nov 7 (O)—Ludwig Baumann, 6<!0 Eighth avenue, one of the 'nrgest furniture houses In New Yo-k, last week hired Vernon Harris and Itavid Parker as col Ilectors, who work our from ihe main office Ludwig Baumann has a store in 126tn street in Harlem where *'-e"f* a-e p-in-w colored eus'omers Harris and Parker are working mainly in the Harlem section, but have many white accounts ITALIAN IMMIGRANTS TO SAIL FOR ETHIOPIA Romo, Nov 7 (C)—The greatest Immigration movement of the 20th century is about to begin, with thousands of Italians eagerly await-1 ing the completion of the road from Asmara (E'dtroa) <o Addis Abba Then the vast plateaus and p'ains i f Ethiopia will be populated with r. new people. The crown lands in the fertile provinces will be the | first sttl' d The treat fertile COU try in regions most accessible will be opened first. In these the first choice of land will be given to sold iers wh<> have expressed a desire to remain in Ethiopia Of the regi ments of Italians recruited abroad (outside Italy) 700 have decided to remain, white the percentage Is equally high for the soldiers whM came from Italy herself Natives will not be deprived of their lands without due process of law, It Is claimed. Land c«n be obtained in two ways by these wishing to own 0. Tho government will penni a man to settle on a piece "f land—and tho size to be determined by his financial ability to operate- and th" i settler will be required to pay a small yearly tax for a number of l y«ur:», depending on the value "p the land. When th" period has ex pired (he settler will receive full till" to the land Land also may be pur chased dlreety from natives, but official approval must be obtained first. Speculation i,n land will be rigidly prohibited Chick Webb In Cobb’s “Plantation” Program New York, Nov. 7 (C)—Chick Webb, the famed “midget” band master, was picked with his or chestra to go on the air at 9 p- m on Wednesday, Armistice l>ay, Nov. 11th, in a coast to coast broadcast through WEAF with Irvin S- Cobb’s “Plantation” show The Cobb show, just out of Hollywood, has such headline features as the Hall John son choir and Clarence Muse, the movie star. _ BOY RUNS AWAY WITHOUT CLOTHES Hempstead, Lr I-, Nov. 7 (C)— Nussau County police sent out an all-state alarm at midnight Sunday for Henry Hill, 7, who, resenting the disciplinary measures of his aunt, ran away from her home at 57 South Franklin street with no clothing except his aunt’s white crepe summer coat. Henry’s father is in Phlldelphra, and he has been staying here with his aunt, Mrs Lether Hill The boy is three feet two inches tall and weighs sixty pounds- Henry was locked in a room Sunday ag punishment for impert i nonce Lincoln, Nebr Giver lllnusual WPA Grant Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 7 (ANP)— A WPA request, recently release* by Mayor Bryan apparently is fo the purpose of ascertaining th1 status of Negroes in this eommun i’y It was checked by Engineei Erickson Since no funds are to b« provided by the city it was nol treated as a matter for counci ronrMera'Ion A total of $7,830 6( Is Involved The Urban League it listed for $1,172 75 us sponsor’s share with the government to con tribute $6,657 85. Th > projo* t Involves a study °i Negro ion'*itlons locally without In volving r .'ll work Here are somf of the matters mentioned in th* request: Na u>e of Negro community In I Inc in. Juvenile deliquetKy amonq Neg oes, Pre: su e due to racial dif ferences, Comr'aratlve study of dis ease cases among Negroes an i whites Problem of literacy and Ii litera- y, Employm nt status among !o p| Negroes, S’ jrces >f tn h’oend income, Hadal dlffi uibie-s in v ■' / ' emfl vm- nt and Lp,.gth of reside' CP 1.1 State. Dean Pickens Hook Praised by Librarian N-w Ye k city. Nf'V. 7 (ANPl— r' an Wil'lnm Pickens, director of hrrn h*s of the NAACP and nu ‘ho- o' the hook “Burst'ntr Bonds." -wade a ndab'e addition to his r,»ad.. t1 onh'lc lost week, when tp* n> i‘iyp-1 a |.»ttor of comniendatlon om Wil,:e Buffing*on, rrominent white rest lent of Greensville, S C-, i d " e rfipi.,^1 the Faith Cobin l:bra V- Mr. Buffington’s letter said In part: “fha books arrived safely- And did 'i receive inspiration when I rea-t “Bursting Bonds." I cannot sa' that 1 have had such a feel ing since I read "Up From Slav "ry”’ by l)r. Washington, when I was just a kid in the eighth grade- 1 read it through at one sittl-ig. '/ might say that I really didn’t have the time to spare as t had other things which were very urgent, hut 1 just cou'd not lav it down. I think your book end I>” Washi-gten’s books should he in every white h’gh H'*hiw>l l'brary in the south, and It should Im that English teachers should require that they ln> read sometime during he high school course- It is my humble opinion the*, they w on hi do much to break down some of the unre*sonable prejudices. I also wish that we had v. copy of ihi» book for each of tb > seven Hbrarie .Maybe you r Hte oat s- nie Woman’s rlub :n New York t> supolv these copies. Certainly it would he an •'poortunity to make a great con tribution to the life of these poo ■ boys and girls of the south ern cotton fields." MRS. BETHUNE MAKES FRONT PAGE OF TIMES Mew York. Nov. 7 (7) Dr. Mary M T,vi Bethure. director of Negro activities of the NYA at Washing 1 n and p'-esident of Bethun<‘-Coi>k •nan college at Daytona Beach, F>a. .... fi- at page <>f the Nev Vorlt Time's Tuesday morning when ’ , v s -subetltuted on a radio pro 1 m n place of Mayor LaGuardH of New York, hut her race was m mentioned- The Times headhne read •M.aGuardia Not On Hand For Ra (Ho Broadcast,” and the story ran la part: “A radio program in which Mayor LaGuardla had been amv'un mast hookup under the auspices of ced as a speaker on a coast-to '•’•ouna seeking the re-election of president Rooeevelt was cha ge last nigh: by the substitution o' Dr. Mary McLeod Rethune of Wash ington, for the Mayor. No reason was announced for the change- An announcer for the Columbia Broad casting system, ever whose net work the program was sent, merely said it had been informed a substi tute would be provided for the Ma yor." BAPTISTS MEET Little Rocik, Ark, Oct- 31 (C)— The Union District Baptist Ass’n had 250 delegates at the opening of its 67th annual convention last Thursday. The meeting was held at ColUns Street Baptist church, and Rev- N- Nichols, moderator, was re-elected Wilbecan In Buffalo Buffalo, N Y. Oct. 31 (C)— State Chairman George E- Wilbe can of the Republican drive confer red with committeemen of Erie county here Monday. Two mass meetings are planned her* before Nov- 3rd L ' CRARLOTTt A. GILLARD INTERNATIONAL NEGRO PRESS Pensions For The Aged 1'hrre was time v.hen gra.« hairs were considered honor able. Later they were found to he a handicap in the business world and the manufacturers of hair color restorers and hair dyes sold millions of dol'fir* worth of their worthies con coctions annually. So matter how youthful tin1 face or form, how great the knowhdge and experience, gray hair indicated that the owner was ready for the human junk pile when it earn eto consideration for em ployment. We know of several instances of gra vhaired capa ble people being refused posi tions, which later thy obtained ( afteer resorting to the u-ee of dye. All this is to be changed. It seems that gray hair will be re , stored t oits time’honored |>o sition. If not exactly that, it | will have a cash value in sub , st.antinting proof«of eligibility for a nold-age pension. Recently under the new fed eral and state security aw, over 27,(K)0 people in New York, re ceived pension cheeks. In that state the City, State and Fed ) eral Governments have entered into a partnership to care for the dependent elderly people who ned public asistance. This i sa fine example of cooperative socia Iseeurity legislation and , is not to he confused with the I Townsend plan or any other plan that promises to pay out a sum in monthly pensions that would soon bankrupt the gov l eminent. i ueceentiy there has come to our d sk a leaflet setting forth a plan to distribute 280 million dollars each month which re cipients must spend yitliin the month. This is nothing more no rless than a cruel joke upon an unsuspecting public and is furthermore is a m naee to the whole cause of social security. It is absurd to expect a bottom* less treasury tha tean go on sup porting people forever and ever Naturally someonee makes mon ey out of these imbeeilic ideas a swas brought out in the in vestigation of Dr. Townsend States Senate. In some instances and hi- associates by the United those wlm investigate these unsound schemes are not delib erately viscioiis—merely senti mental an duninformt d in the fiel dof eeeonomies. They soon attract a group, however, that sees in the -elierne, an oppor tunity to rob agulliblp publi c With the ranks of the aged growing apidly, the field upon which such vultures may preey is practically unlimited. Ac cording to Dr. liohrt E. Chad' dock, Profoes/sor of S'tatfistie in Columbia University, the number of those oveer 65 years of age, now esimatted at about 6,500,000 will be trebleed in 50 years . The social security act is not perfect. There aree many glar ing flaws in it which even the unitiated can detect. But it at least is the beginning of an hon est attempt to meet the prob lem of unemployment and the needy old-aged.Enacted in haste to meet emergency econditions it issubject to revision by a mendments. Thc^se revisions must come through our law makers. Thereefore let us se cure soun dinformation on the subject and let our repreesent' atives and senators, both state and federal, know our wishes, instead of becoming victims of the promotors of leagues and plans to giv us old agee pen sion*. + -J •REVEALING' your PAST, PRESENT <nt FUTURE” /wm-ACE— NulE—Your question printed .-epiy send 25c and (self addreser Astrological Reading and receive b luestions free. Sign your full nai 'ddiess Abbe-’ Wallace. P O. Box— B. I)- S—I have been married' four months and I would like to know if I will ever have any child ren? An»: Surely you will However, you haven’t been maried long en ough to consider child birth. I wi.ii d suggest that you wait until you and your husband have a little something ACCUMULATED be fore taking on such a responsibility, taking on such a responsibility C. G—I to know if my husband will ever be all right? . ■ ■■ -e answer this in your column. Ans: I am sorry to s'ay, but 1 do not believe your hushand will ever be as well as he was in his youth but I do think that he is going to continue to improve by your careful nursing. Your old years together may not be active ines, but they wi 1 be qui’e cheer ful. L- E- P.—If I make a chang-' will 1 be able to find a better job? I would like t<> do some dlff ent kind of work An: Make a change and a course n PRACTICAL NURSING will ap n -a' to you more than anything I know' of Your experience in dom estic work will make it quite easy ( for you to master this nursing course and you will be able to make more money for your services. L. P. M—Is this dear, fat, man I am so attached to, interested en ough in poor little me to do some thing for us to have a divine fu ture tgether? Ans: Ths f'at man appears to be the most sincere man you have ev er' gone with With a litt'e en'ou agment on your PART and the I nnestion will be asked you before j Xmas. L- M—I want to know if you i fell me where my husband’s children are now? Ans: Your husband carried his children to the State of VIRGINIA, and in the southern part. It is my impression that he is w’ith your mo ther-in-law She will see that the children are taken care of “Sweet River” Pleases Critics u'ew' Y<>rk, Nov. 7 (C)—“Sweet River,” which Is “Uncle Tom’s Ca bin,” pleased critics as it appeared at the Fifty-first street theatre Wednesday night. John Mason Brown said in the Tost: “The good \eatures of the production are many M Abbot’s direction Is an excep i tiorallv fine, sympathetic, imagin ative ’and expert. Mr. Oenslager’s setting for the slave quarters is au thentic, full of atmosphere and dra matically effective The fine choral work which Juanita Hall has ar ranged and directed is sung with grtut beauty, and contributes much to the evening. Walter Price is a | dignified and touching Uncle Tom. ami Shar!es Dingle a droll phineas.” Thinks Italians Will Stay In Ethiopia New York, Oct- 31 (C)—Dr Thomas A- Lambie, secretary gen eral of the Ethopian Red Cross dur ing the Italian invasion, said on his arrival here aboard the lie de France last week that the Italians are there to stay RED FLARES IN HARLEM __ New York. Nov. 7 (C)—Red flare returned to Harlem in street parades during the last few days of the political campaign WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20,060 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It‘s Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us Fi’-st. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5056 Home of Kangaroo Court free in this column. For private i stamped envelope for my New y return mail my advice on three ne, birthdate and c<-rect address 11, Atlanta, Georgia. •. ' C —Wi’t you tell me what the future holds for me? I have not been able to make much suc cess lately. Ans; The condition of your health will be much better in the future. The change of residences is just what you need now to bring about an improvement. Move be fore cold weather becomes severe B. K-—Why is my boy friend sc cross with me ? Ans: He just doesn’t like your children Discontinue this friend ship now before it gets serious be-' cause you can’t think of marriage wi'h a person who dislikes your children B B- W.—Do y< u think that I should continue my musical educa tion ? I w-ant to write you a private I tter, phase explain how I can do so Ans: By all means continue your musical education for this is a wonderful thing to fall back on if you should ever have to give up your job- 1 believe that later on you wid take your music as a pro fession. If you desire my Astrology Reading send a quarter and I shall he glad to give you FREE advice on three questions M- C- I am planning on leaving town. Which of the cities t'.ut I have in mind w^u'd be the best bet? Ans: You wil be more satisfied in CHICAGO rather than OAK LAND. If you do choose Chicago... call upon your ex-husband 'and he will be glad to help you get work DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Vamisli We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 Duffv Pharmacy We. 0600 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery ALTHOUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif" fures. See our complete line of ...cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL We specialize in rebuilding shoes. If your feet are not comfortable, “see Sam," the shoe doctor. We Call For and Deliver 1807 North 24th Street WE 4240 Supreme Court Again Gets Herndon Plea Washington, Nov 7 (ANP)—A second appeal was made to the U S- supreme court Tuesday by An Herndon, young Oommunist, who thereby hopes to escape serving ind 18 to 20 yctir sentence on th* Georgia chain gang imposed under a law questrionab'e legality pass ed during reconstruction days This statute, under which Hem Jon was convicted four year# ago in Atlanta, bars ‘‘any attempt to persuade or otherwise to Indue* others to join in any combined re sistance to the lawful authority of the state.” The law was invoked when the young Red led a march of the hungry jobless on the Fulton county commissioners to for adequate relief and was later found to have Marxist literature La hi» possession Herndon, n"w at liberty under $7,000 had provided by the Interna tional Labor Defense, says th« Georgia statute violates the con stitutional rights of free speech, free press and free assembly Judge Hugh M- Dorsey of th* Fulton County Superior court re leased Herndon on a writ of Ha beas corpus, holding that the stat ute was too vague to be enforced, but the state upheld by the Georgia Supreme court. That tribunal as serted the law violated neither th* state nor federal constitution Once before the Herndoa case came to the U- S. Supreme court, but the justices refused the appeal on the ground that the youth’s counsel had not soon enough rais ed (he question whether the haw vi olated the federal constitution Expert Auto Repairs _ Over hauling Our SpedaKjr _ AH Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Bet dee —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather's Garage We repair all maker and moflda E_ L.. Merriweather, prop 2209 Ne. Mad St_ Omaha, Neb CHOP SUEY American and Chinese l>ish«-o Kin? Yuen Cafe 20101? N. 24th St. Jack so n 8.T76 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Jg/BJjiI JA 5000 Look At Your Roof! THERE S A b;sd roof For Every Type of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of lovely colors. Gall for Estimate, JA 6000 1 to 3 Years To Pay ^H19’ Nicholas •e»^H»,.e..r»r»e<e<«r»e"0»0‘,Oi’>’i*"0^,‘*,-> a 1 Stop and Shop At t { 1 HERMAN’S i I MARKET ! | HERMAN FRIEDLANDER j t Proprietor \ 1 t 24th and Lake Street j j WEbster 5444 j “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE’’ 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 Ne. 24th St _WE 1029 OK’D BY MILLIONS MLCt coxtfiznif