5 CENTS CITY COPY _ EDITI0N 1---1 HEW TO THE UNE\ -- VOLUME 13 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1936 NUMBER THIRTY-TWO Nation Reelects Franklin D, Roosevelt - «■. -- ® U--———— - Mitchell Is Returned To U.S. Congress Chjcago — Congressman Arthur W Wttchell, attorney, was re-el ected from the first Illinois congres . sional district in Tuesday’s Dem ocratic landslide over his opponent Oscar DePrJest, former Kansan. In the Democratic avalanche which swept. Illinois as well as ihe natjon Arthur W- Mitchell defeated former Congressman Oscar De Pi Jest, Repubican by a vote of 35, 330 to 28,182. Athough DePriest waged a strong campaign he was unable to withstand the welter of straight Democratic votes It was not until 1:30 a- m. Wednesday that DePriest conceded his defeat to the Demo crat. Viuw" i With his head bowed and accom panied by his son, O Stanton De Priest, the former Congressman left his campaign headquarters and told his campaign manager, Fred Morris to take charge. At that time there were still six precincts missing. Pm still a good loser,” he said “I had expected such an outcome along wjth a Democratic landslide ” DePrJest blamed political leaders of the Second ward for his defeat. He sajd they had failed to cooperate. Jubilant after returns showed him victorious Congressman M jtchell left his campaign headquarters at 3 a m in company with hjs secre tary, Claud Holman. “I am going to carry on for Roose velt and his program,” he sajd- “I am going back to Congress to make history.” Congressman Mitchell piled up a record vote in the First ward and a fairly good vote in the Second ward. Incidently, Congressman Mitchell js the only member of the ra^e to win a seat in Congress in this natjon-wde Democratic land slide When the smoke of battle had cleared away, the trench fighters of the Republican party gathered up their wounded and dead and re paired to political seclusion to take stock with their fortunes and fail ures For the first time jn 25 years, the Literary Digest failed to score in its persidential polls It had giv en the Kansas governor a 2 to 1 victory in the electoral vote. In stead Roosevelt trounced Landon by mare than 2 to 1 vote. REELECTED JylJVW!" ~~~IMIJgBWLllJIM Con. Charles F. McLaughlin Reelected President By Staggering Majorities President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Loses Only 2 States President Roosevelt swept the country on Tuesday ljke a cyclone to defeat his Republican opponent with the largest majority known to American politics. Landon and the G O- P. suffered a devastating defeat. Only Maine and Vermont remain ed in the Republican column. President Roosevelt won 46 of the 48 states. The Negro vote played an im portant part in the election, Re turns in cities ljke Kansas City, Mo; Chicago; New York, Phjldel phja; Detriot; Cincinnati and oth ers show that the Negro vote runs high for the president. In Omaha all of the colored wards went for Roosevelt. In Chicago, in Negro wards which heretofore have been Republican, the new deal won out. In Kansas City, Negro precincts went overwhelmingly Democratic while the city voted 3 to 1 f°r Roosevelt' THROAT CUT IN FIGHT When David Booker, 2418 Blondo street, went to pass through a door into another room at the Rabes Cafe. 2426 No. 24th St., he and Ernest Lagway, 2412 Decatur St, accidently bumped into each other. Argument and fight started, in which Ernest Lagway drew a knife and cut Booker and fled James Hamilton, 1914 No. 28th street, and William Booker, 1918 No. 28th St., took David Booker t" the Covenant hospital, where he was attended for lacerations of the throat- He wgs discharged from the hospital Tuesday, Nov- 3rd. Lagway was arrested and book ed for investigation. Mr Galloway Returns to City Mr. 0. C. Galloway, acting busi ness manager of the Omaha Guide, well known in Omaha business, civic and political circles, who was d in an automobile accident miles west of Atlantic, la., while enroute t<> Chicago, 111., re turned home Friday. 1 Mr. Galloway’s first trip since returning home was a visit to the polls where he cast his vote in the presidential election Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. He is making rapid progress, and hopes to be up and ab‘>ut in two weeks. BITTEN BY DOG Mrs. Mary Davis, 2524 Hamilton street, was attacked by a dog Wed nesday, Oct- 28th The dog was the property of Leona Grant. Mrs. Da vis was attended by Dr. \V P- Jen sen at the police station. REELECTED Judge Lester Palmer The Winners NEBRASKA NATIONAL TICKET President Franklin I). Roosevelt Senator George W. Norris STATE TICKET Governor.R. L- Cochran (D) Lieutenant Governor . .Walter H. Jorgensen (D) Secretary of Slate . Harry Swanson (I)) Auditor William II. Price (D) Land C<>m’r Leo Swanson (R) Stale Treasurer . Walter R. Jensen (I>) Atly. Gen Richard C. Hunter (1)) SUPREME COURT First District.William 1$. Rose Third .I.George A- Eberly Fifth . Bayard Paine CONGRESS First Dist. Henry C- Luckey (D) Second Charles F. McLaughlin (D) Third. Ka'I Stefan (R) Fourth ..... C. G- Binderup (D) Fifth Harry Coffee (D; REGENTS First District.Charles Devoe Second .Dr. A- C. Stokes OMAHA PUBLIC DEFENDER Joseph Lovely (D) REGISTER OF DEEDS Thomas J. O’Conner (D) COMMISSIONER THIRD DISTRICT Leonard 15. Bergman (R) DISTRICT JUDGES Herbert Rhoades James M. Fitzgerald John W. Yeager Frank M- Dineon Willis G. Sears W. G- Hastings Charles Leslie Arthur C. Thomsen W A. Day COUNTY JUDGE Bryce Crawford MUNICIPAL JUDGES Lester palmer Perry Wheeler George Holmes John tV. Baltin Dennis O’Brien* UTILITIES DISTRICT Allen A. Tukey (R) Willard H. Quigley (D SCHOOL BOARD Walter Korisko Mrs. Bessie Saxton Dr- C. C. Hall Mary McIntosh Bath George W. Pratt, George M. Tun ison, Louis Karan and Peter Meh rens in virtual tie for last two places. LEGISLATURE Fourth Dist Walter R. Johnson Fifth Dist John Adams, jr Sixth Dist William E. Worthing Seventh Dist .. Charles F. Turdik* Eighth Dist P. J. McMahon Ninth Dist _Amos Thomas Tenth Dist.Ernest A- Adam *Doubtful as yet. FREDERICK E. HAWKINS KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Frederick E- Hawkins, 2318 No 22nd street, was killed when struck Sunday, Nov. 1st by a Chevrolet, car driven by Manual Parker, 2320 Burdette street Hawkins received skull fracture, multiple body injuries and possible internal injuries resulting in his death. He was taken to the Nichol as Senn hospital, where he was pro nounced dead Riding in the death car were Doris Thomas, 1503 So. 9th St-, Council Bluffs; Imogene Person, 1212-17 Ave., Council Bluffs and Gcorgo Hayes, 2409 Lake St. Parker was arrested and booked for investigation REELECTED t .mumnwMWHllP———————M ,,n—"rn,liw;,-v i * * Ill li' Hi I'I'IIUIMHIl 1 1 li ill — i llll 'll Senator George W. Norris Ku Klux Klan Drive Man From Atlanta Atlanta, Ga-, Nov. 7 (C)—George Looleg, a naturalized Greek, an nouced the sale of his h'at cleaning business Monday after picketing by the Ku Klux Klan who declared ■against his religious belief Leoles saluting the American flag to be stand against saluting the flag be came known two weeks ago when the city school board refused his daughter, 12, entry to classes be cause she also refused to salute. BEN STEWART SHOT Ben Stewart, 2708 Seward street, was shot in an argument with Mrs. Nellie Hale, 2835 Franklin street, Oct. 28th. One of the shots struck Stewart on the chin and neck, caus ing a puncture wound. Taken to Nicholas Senn in the police ambul ance, he was treated and then tak en to the police station, where he was booked for investigation- Mrs. Hale was also booked for investiga tion. REELECTED wBffflTriiS-! ■ Ilf .. ... ..... ... -J Gov. R. L. Cochran Omaha Uni 0+ P. W. A. Grant The PWA grunt of $414,000 to 'ho Municipal University of Omaha must bo accepted by Nov. 12th or it will bo withdrawn, according to word received from Horatio B Hack ctt, assistant admjnjstrator 0f the PWA, by Frank Martin, chairman of the board of regents of the uni versity. This means that the City Coun cil must annex the West Dodge sjte next Monday, or the university will lose a half milljon dollars toward the construction program. At next Monday’s session of the city council, the committee of the whole will either reccommend the annexation measure for adoption on Tuesday, or reject jt. If it, is reject ed, the regents would not have time to locate a new site before the PWA deadline of the 12th. If the site is annexed, as requested by the re gents, work on the new university can begin at once. This announcement followed hard on the heels of a resolution of the ex eeutjve council of the Omaha Par ent-Teachers Ass’n, endorsing the West Dodge site and requesting the City Council to annex it to the city of Omaha. Mrs. C- K Ross, president of the P-TA. council, said “The proposed site for the Municipal University will fjt in with a wider develop ment of education in our city, which has become one of the major act ive objects of the Omaha PTA group” EVA JESSYE TEACHING AT CLAFLIN COLLEGE Orangeburg, S. C-, Nov 7 (C)— Miss Eva Jessye noted conductor of the Eva Jessye choir, is coacsing vocal ensembles at Claflin college two days a week Scores Great Victory In Race For Legislature Voters Ignore Race Propaganda Wins Over Thompson By virture of his 7,232 to 6,621 victory over Thompson, hjs op ponent in the Fifth Unicameral Legislature District, Ai.ty. John Adams jr. popular young Omaha attorney will be one of the 43 mem bers of the newly organised house of representatives when they meet for the first time next year. Adams recejved the largest total number of votes than any of the 43 suc cessful candidates for the legisla ture Wm. E Worthing, winner Jn the Sixth Dlstrjct, who served with Adams during the last term was second highest with 7,075 votes. Al though considerable amount of literature appealing to race pre judice was circulated by unknown persons just before election, a check of the polls show that Adams re ceived a large percentage of votes from" precincts populated largely by whites. Mr. Adams, who resides at 2612 Wirt St is 30 years of age and has been marrjod five years to Con stanco Singleton Adams, they have two children, John Adams III age 3 and Edith Ann age 16 months. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and a member of the law firm of Adams, Adams and Adams BILLY LOVE IN COLLISION Billy Love, 1610 No. 28th Ave-, was the driver of the car which was in a collision with a street car Sun-, day. Nov. 1st When south of Ames avenue, Love pulled out to pass an automo ble that had stopped for a red traf fic signal, and collided with an Oma and Council Bluff’s street car. In fhe fodtsion with the rear end of the street car, property dfamage was done to both vehicles. Lou*3 Harvey, white, who was a pas senger of Love’s received cuts about the 1/ace and hands. Love was booked for reckless driving and im proper brakes. Chick Webb to Apollo New York, Oct. 31 (C)—Diminu tive Chick Webb; the “midget” bandmaster, goes into the Harlem Apollo theatre for a week, beginning Oct. 16 The Sunset Royal enter I 'amors win return later by popular demand NEW JUDOE Judge Dennis O'Brien D. E. O’Brien, attorney, who holds a lead over E. W. Elsas ser for 5th place in the Muni cipal Judgeship race.