The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 31, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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The Autumn Leaf rally Sunday
was very successful. Rev BHbrew
and choir members were present
with their wonderful director, Mr
H L Preston
The Autumn Leaf club had a Dee,
Hunt at the b< tutiful residence of
Mrs. Bula Milton, 1908 No. 28th
St There were about 45 gues s. AH
enjoyed their evening very much
and hope to have another real soon
A very interesting program W is
rendered. Mistress of C remontes
was Mrs. Lottie Keyes- 'i he club is
progressing fine under ihe admin
ltration of our president, Mrs. Es
teila Watters. If you want to en
joy yourself meet us eve- y M >n
•lay nght, especially the third Mon
day as it is our prayer ser.'icc
O- IT. L- C C will hold its n'xt
meeting Nov 4th, with M s- Mel
vina Squires and Mrs. Florence
Terrell as hostesses In this meeting
we will have n guest from the com
munity chest- The latest a hleve
ment of this club is the adoption
of a family of eight. MHk is being
delivered (Lily for the Labavh.E
this family- And we are soliciting
clothing for them- Anyone interest
ed In helping us call Mi's Jewel),
WE 3217 and Mrs Jones, JA 2887
Mr. John Green, 2523 W-rt St-,
left Wedn‘ sdav for Denver, Colo,
to spend ten days wl'h Miss Cora
Haywood of thi« city- Miss Hny
wm>i has. been in Denver for eight
weeks for nerve treatments- She
will remnln there for about six
we“ks late - before return'ng home.
Mr. Green win leave Fiday evening
for home.
Mrs Lulu Mohs, 181*V4 No. 23rd
St, Is confined to her bed by ill
In answer t® a letter written to
Mrs Alice Holt man asking whether
or not she favored colored teachers
In public schools, pro ratio of em
ployment and no discrimination in
'a* use (j school facilities, she re
’li , th t she does favor teachers
■ ’ pm atic, rf employment also
t’-r* she does nit see why there
•’*ot*W l any dlscriminatton In the
lire ot school facilities. "I think
VC", j i entit l’d to them as you are
tsM ny v fhe said She belongs
to he DR A and' stated that sly
thought that, colored people wre
entitled to thes* things as they help
ed f ee the count y a d that there
•.hould b“ no segregation or dis
crimination whatever.
She is “wHli" the colored people
■ 1 t1* *i'* tb.'d we should have ou
Oil’ i'll;: nti’Hon “The colored
! pc p'e 1 this tew n fire very nice
i )• 'Opl • and n"” good citizens,” she
rod. Both Mr. Herman Friedland
■ •' end llr. Ia*vine will stand by
: you
’! If* Don Rime Beau y Salon of
fers Violet Ray and Vibrator
1 ment for your face and siufcp.
Special on Facials
Wo are giving special garc and
treatment to your Individual needs.
Then* treatments will be priced
within your reach Do not fall to
cat! for information.
Watch this paper for other Spe
cials which will follow.
Mrs- Joseph Stuart, of S’- Paul
Minn., returned to her home, M >n
day, Oct 26th, after visiting he*'
mother Mrs. Kdira McCaw, 2H06
Ohio Si., and other relatives.
ipur ^
and EUIEJRE ••
rant«k«t on «W jfl
■_- -► -•
NOIL- Your question pi loud iree in uii» column, eo* private
reply send 25c anil (self address* d stamped onve ope for my Ni >v
Astrological Heading and receive by return nail my advice on thr e
questions free. 5'ign your full name, birthdate and et ,-rect address.
Address Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta. Oeorgia.
1) B Huh my Bible been stol
with you over the loss of your Bible
Ans: I can easily synupa hizo
with you ove the loss of your Bible
However don’t feel too bad about
losing this book, because ANYONE
should feel bat you have rendered
a service to some wayward soul by
leaving it where such a person
could find it- Truly, they needed to
read this book and will no doubt
benefit by so doing. It would be a
wonderful thing if all lost souls
could bo redeemed for the price of
W Mo.—Will the young lady I
•am in love wi h marry me, or will
sho choose some one- else after she
finds out about my poor dancing
and my scanty of clothes?
Ans: Sho would not mind the
poor dancing . but how can you
expect the young lady t« marry
you when you CANNOT PROVIDE
cannot provide decent clothes for
yourself you cenainly cannot
afford to buy clothes for a wife.
My advice is to forget about mar
riage until you are able to provide
a decent living for your future wife.
II- T—Is my husband true to me
or is he slipping around with oth’r
■women ?
Ans: You do your husband an in
justice by believing that he is in
terested in other women. Your hus
band is deeply in love with you and
a little encouragement on your part
ho would make A MODEL HUS
E- M S—Should I continue
school until I finish college or
should I marry the young man
who wants to marry me?
Ans: Don’t are
making j*ich wondr-rfui progress
in your school work it would be a
pity to give it up now. Your fri
end cares for you deeply but his
future is very uncertain and you
never know when you may be call
ed on to make your own way in the
world and .it would be much
easier to do this with a COLLEGE
Mrs. M W—The '' is a bad wo
man living in calling reai h fit m me
and my husband likes to talk with
her every cha. ce hr gets Is (here
anything between them or not?
Ans: Nothing is between your
husband and this had woman- This
wonran is really not bad, but one
who is something of an outcast be
cause Of Feme intake she made in
her past life. ’1 he woman is lone
some and enjoys talking wlh your
husband or anyone else. More of
neighbors should talk with her and
(ry to help her
I*. B—Please tell ni" what AlT "
me" I have be«n under the care of
n doctor for my heart. It seems 1
don’t- improve Will I get all right ? '
Ans: Inasmuch as you are al-j
ready under the doctor’s care and
don’t seem to Improve I would
suggest that you consult another
doctor. In selecting your doctor, al-1
ways choose one in whom you can
place your utmost confidence. In
some cases It is necessary for the |
doctor t0 have the confidence of his
patient if Ids work is to bring
about the best results.
_ I
C F. G—I enjoy reading this1
palter every week and especially *
your corner. Please tell me if I
change from the denomination that !
I now belong to another, will I be
more successful ?
Ans: If you tire sincere In your
belief that this other faith sotnes
nearer to your own ideals and he
liet's, then by all means you should '
make this change. You would cer ;
tainly Is- more successful if you j
were completely satisfied.
A- M. J—I am just a poor girl
anl I would like to know if you nr1'
married or are you a real sure en
ough person- Someone told me you
were an old woman.
Ans: I’m glad you asked this
question I am married happily
thank you I am 28 years old and
only this week the Good Lord saw
fit to leave MY WIFE AND ME
BABY BOY. Mother and baby are
getting along just fine.and there
never jwas a prouder father on
this earth than I am
He t» young and beautiful
If you want to be loved.
The Good Looking Girl
If I wi re to say that “any girl
can '. good looking," some of you
would lattg.t outright, others would
sit '' comfortably in a chair and
be prepared to listen to a good fairy
story. Still I sav tha1 this state
m'nt Is more true than most of us
i.h you may not become “Misti
America” or win a blue ribbon In
. beauty contest With a free trip
I to Hollywood, hut now-a-days, any
girl can so improve her appearane
until the result will be w>'ll worth
the effort.
lie rig good-looking is no longer
pttonal. To some it is a joy, to
all of us It ahou'd be a duty. The
world has no place for women who
‘are net There Is no place for un
k'pt hair; no place for dull skins:
no place for rundown heels or un
becoming ha's.
Y' i ami girl can be good look
ing, blit not all girls can be good
looking In tho same way- The clever
g.rl is the one who at an early age
dts dov n before her mirror and
t-ooks herself over. She takes a true
Inventory of herself She checks
up on her bad points as well as her
good points. She also checks her
size, shape coloring, disposition,
hobble?; occupation and back
Again I say, no girl is rr*ally
good looking with unkept hair and
shallow complexion A clear skin
is mostly a question of care, of cor
rect eating, of proper cleansing, of
circulation and of protective mea
sures. Nice looking hair depends
on brushing and proper shampoo
ing and upon studying your face
an«l adapting your coiffure to it.
If you have any trouble in doing
this, consult your beauty operator.
She Is trained to help you
(By courtesy of Christine Alt
house Beauty Salon.)
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Burke at
tended the dance given Thursday
night by ihe Hollis Art club in
Count it Bluffs
Mr Paul Barnett, who has been
ill for several days, has recovered
sufficiently to return to work.
Mrs. Naomi Henderson-Byron,
2.'!01 No. 22nd street, is visiting in
St Pviul Mi-'n
an Experienced M n
and a Trusted Fr e i.’
Democrat For
Congressman McLaughlin
has approved of the N. A. A.
C. P. program and strongly
favors an Anti-Lynch law
His Record in Congress
Merits YOUR Vote.
Pledged to Support Our
Great President Franklin D.
Levine Support Cause
Of Race Teachers
[ am writing you In behalf of
candidacy for members of the Board
of Education- I feel tha’ I have a
right to ask for your support. Not
only because of my accomplish
ments in the field,of education, but
because I have been a true
■and genuine friend of the colored
■people at all times and not merely
temporarily before election
I am proud to state that I am
uno of a small but ever-increasing
band of men who have liberated
themselves from the cankering
ore of pettiness and prejudice that
■■ats into the human heart and des
roys the very life blood of demO
racy built on the principle of eq
ual opportunity for all American
Itlzcns regardless of race, color o
1 hi* fair city of our Is compos
ed of many kinds of people who
odd to its financial upkeep through
axation, its undust rial and com
mei civil prosperity, It* welfare and
happiness- AH of these ]K*ople have
an inalienable right to 1*' repre
sented in the many activities of
our local government. I see no rea
son why we cannot have half do
zen or more colored teachers in
our public school*. The great cities
of our nation, like New' York and
Cleveland, not only have colored
teachers but also colored principals.
In this great country of ours
that boast* of democacy we can
not 'afford to have any forgotten
men and women or forgotten race
Position as .teachers in the school
world afford a much-needed oppor
tunity for qualified colored young
men and women who have received
an education and training but
who cunnot utilize this education
and training for want of a position
I am yours very sincerely,
Victor E Levine, M D Ph D
Mr C. C. Galloway, acting busi
ness manager of the Omaha Guide,
who l* in <he Jone* hospital, At
lantic, la., is improving. He is ex
pected to return to the city the
first of next week Mr. Galloway
wishes to thank his friends for their
many kind expressions of sympa
The Wide Awake 24 club of Zion
Baptist chuch will have its annual
luncheon Nov. 5
M s. Emma Pruitt, 2209 Ohio
St, has gone to Chicago, 111. for
an indefinite stay.
“Taxpayers of Nebraska boast
of the solvency of their great state,
but they should have witnessed the
peril it faced in the eritieal days
of 1931 and 1932,” Dr. T W. Bass,
Republican nominee for state trea
surer, said yesterday.
The gaunt spectre of closing
banks, and crashing stocks, and a
near-panic 'hroughout the country
was the discouraging picture of
Nebraska in the bitter early 1930s,
Dr. Bass said
As state treaurer, Dr. Bass’ two
year term in office was a succes
sion of financial collapses
Twenty-nine banks holding state
funds were closed—yet the state did
not lose a single red cent!
A constant, untiring check on
developments in the financial up
heaval resulted in 'he salvaging of
every dime if state money. Money
of the state treasurer’s staff felt
the pulse of the banking situation
almost hourly in the critical per
iod, he said.
Dr. Bass’ platform in the race
for state treasut'eship is his past
record—a record of masterful hand
ling of funds for the taxpayers of
the state.
The honesty, integrity and effi
ciency of Dr T W- Bass merits the
attention—and the vote—of every
voter in the state
Mrs- Hattie Johnson, 2401 Pa
trick avenue, will give a chitterling
and fish dinner -at her house, Sat
urday, Nov- 7th, for the benefit of
the Twin contest at Zion Baptist
Mr. W. V- Gordon, 181314 No
23rd St , who has been suffering
from rheumatism, is able to be out
Miss Ollie Redd, 2232 Willis Ave.,
is recovering from a recent illness
Miss Velma Rose, 1310 No- 49th
avenue is still indisposed
Bergquist Garage
General Automobile Repair
Greasing, Car Washing, Gas, Oil
Tire Repairing
Prepare your car for cold wea
ther with anti-freeze and grease
with 65 Alemite Winter Grease
JA 9269 2417 No. 24th St
A practicing lawyer in all oi
the Couris.
District Judgee
NOTE—The name on the ballot appears as Victor E. Levine
and not as Dr. Victor E. Levine.
Lets Pull Douglas County Out Of Bankruptcy
Wm. J. “Bill ' Norman
Leonard B. Bergman
Republicans For
Mrs. Isaac Bailey Entertains
Mrs. Isaac Bailey gave a delight
ful dinner party Sunday, Oct. 18,
at her home at 2816 Pratt St-, in
honor of Mrs Alice Roberts, of
"’acoma, Wash- Covers were laid
for ten
Mrs. Fredericka Perry Leaves
Mrs. Fredericka Perry, National
Republican speaker, returned to
Kansas City Thursday front Lincoln
Mrs- Perry left Saturday, Oct 24
for lies Moines; from there she will
go to Chicago. She has been meet
ing with marked success on her
Little “Micky” Jean Harris,
grand niece of Mrs. Minnie Wilson
2301 No- 22nd street recently cele
brated her fourth brthday.
Mrs. Ella Shaw, 35th and Blondo,
is ill at her home.
Mrs Hattie Hieronymous, 2628
No. 28th avenue, is ill at her home.
Mr Joseph Edden. 2>60 Corby
St., is ill in the St Joseph hospital
For County Judge
Not endorsed by any associ
ation or clique. Whenelected
I intend to make the first
Colored appointment ever
made in that office.
Greet Your Friends at “THE
Main Event Cigar Store.”
Telephone Service, Candies
and Soft Drinks
2416 Lake St. JA 9044
20th & Grace St. WE 1560
Sam Feldman
2019 N 24th St. WE 4515
We Deliver—Open Sundavs
District Judge
Now presiding judge of Do'
mestic Relation and Juvenile
Endorsed by lawyers of Doug
las, Hurt and Washington
2518 North 24th Street
Beautiful Dresses Valued up to $7.50 for $2.95
Indies Suits_ $3.95 Hats _$.95
Winter Coats.$5.00 and up. Children’s Shoes _$.39
..Many attractive articles that can’t be mentioned.
Come and see for yourself.
Also Children’s complete school supplies
Da Away
with an
Automatic Washer
No longer need you worry about the dread of
wash-day. With this new 1936 AUTOMATIC
WASHER, you save time . . . labor and trouble.
You'll have more time to do the things you like
to do. It is efficient and fast and costs less to
operate. Get your AUTOMATIC WASHER,
u£'SW6F - SS