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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1936)
SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES Mrs. Eugene McGill, Mrs. Alice Moore and Mrs. Rector left Thursday for Arkansas. Mrs. Rector and Mrs. Moore are residents of that state ; Mrs. McGill will take a course of bath treatments. Trinity Baptist Church is now located at 2522 St. Rev. N. C. Cannon is its pastor. i~—■ — Mrs. Gallic Beck of Wei et kn, Okla., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T exannn Williams. Mr. Fred Tolies, I! Ft , who has been confined in a local hospital by illness, has now re turned to his home. MISSES LYi.ES ANP ANDERS ENTERTAIN Miss Annabelle Lyl's and Miss Stella Mae And* rson were host esses at a party T'r rs'a Oet.22. at Miss By I s’ residence, 2715 R Street, The guest list n eluded some two ty-fi e per sons. Music was furnish d by I Mr. Lein Oliver, of this city. j Mrs. Mabel Booth, 2723 R St..! who has been very ill, is im proving. Slip is still confined to the house. Red Circle girls sponsored a masquerade party at Ret he! Baptist Church on Oct. 30, Mrs. Janie Neewman, S St., is very ill in a local hospital. Mrs. It. Suddeth, 5320 S 29, • i entertained some fifty of her friends at a party Sunday night.' Fire In Ross King Homee | Fire at the home of Mr. Rosa King, early Sunday morning. I resulted in slight damage. Mr.1 Kzell Tyron, who rooms at thei King residence, received a cutj hand while rendering assistance! Mr. King was out on a hunt-j ing trip at the time of the fire, i Mr. Suddeth, 5320 S. 29th St.,. who accompanied a party of men on a hunting trip, reports* he was successful in hogging | tin* limit of pheasants. Mrs. Sylvia Whiteside, 2917! R St., is on the sick list. Rev. TV M. Harris is proudly i displaying a recent photograph of his grandchildren, children of his son, Mr. Klevenstinee Hari ris, who resides in New York City . Mr. N. S. Littlejohn, 5318 S. 31 St... whose toe was broken in an accident at a local packing house, reports his toe to lie jm proving. However, it will be some three or four weeks before he will be able to return to his work . Mrs. Womack, 33 and r Sts . has two sick children. - ■ ■ Mrs. Anna Hell Hack of Keir, tucky, is in the city visiting rela ! tives and friends. “Son’Tyson, 30 St., is on the sick list. Mr. Tyson has been ill for the pa*>t two weeks. tv HUNT PHEASANTS Mr. Webb together with some other hunters, returned from a recent hunting trip. lie reports that all in the party, with the exception of one, were success ful in bagging the limit of pheasants. BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE PROM YOUR NEAREST SO. OMAHA AGENT J. 0. Harris Grocery Store, 5224 S. 30 St.. ,.MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 5709 S. 29 St. MA 2678 Montgomery, §407 S. 28 St. Progressive Thinkers Meet Rev. G. E. Stevenson, pastor; of the Pilgrim Baptist Church, 15th ami Hamilton St., was tin* guest speaker for the Progress ive Thinkers Club at a meetitv Oet. 20, at the Woodson Center. So impressive was his message that at the end of the meeti g. a man came to the club’s ailvi or. Rev. P. M. Harris, and said in his belief Rev. Stevenson must be a giant in his pulpit, it u that from the impression ma'1 upon hint, he wa- going to mal e a change in his way of liv u Said he, “The principles of t’i club have become a part of me, and will he a means of guid ante throiighlife for me.” doshua I lend »rs'»n, Pre ;. J. C. Mart is, jr.. Secy. The Harlem Pees ; a c a Ha1 lowe’en Party t. : 0, at th Woodson Ccntr . Recent Marriages d. C. Haiti . jr., (leraldine Rose . WOODSON CENTER Sunday at 4,00 p. m., saw the first n fa series of programs in the Youth Forum. This program included Community Singing, Discussion led by d. 0, Harris jr., Announcement of Future Forum Activities by Miss Ella Franklin, Violin Selection bv Miss Evelyn Battles and Intro* duct ion of Ministers and their wives by Mr .Ralph Alexander. One of the highlights on this program was the address made by Miss Ruth Allen, Education al Diretor of the dewish Com munity Center.Among the oth er things related by Miss Allen was the fact that there were no Jews on the City Relief they are being taken care of by Jewish organizations. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2522 Q Streeet Rev. N. C. Cannon, Pastor Come out and worship with us. CHURCH OF GOD IN ClIKiSI 27th nnrl It Sts Elder A. I)- Carter, Pastor There was good attendance at Sunday School. There was no preaching in the morning. HU dor Carter preached at night to a goodly number of persons. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Eider G. E. Hayden, Pasta ' The morning sermon was de livered by the pa tor. Elder El lison of Kansas City, who is cor dueling a revival for us, proa I ed the night sermon. Attend ance was good. The meetings will continue throughout the week, UNION MEMORIAL M E CHURCH Rev tVin. H- Adams, Pastor Rev. Adams preached the morning sermon. Rev. Baas, pas tor of Cleaves Temple, preach ed at 3:00 p. m. No night ser vice was held. Union Memorial’s Govern ment Raly was a success. _ _ BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor Rev. P. J. Sears preached at the morning and night service. No afternoon service was held. Attendance was good the entire day, with a number of visitors, j JUDGE FOSTER SEEKS TO FILL VACANY ON THE DISTRICT COURT BENCH Judge Charles E Foster, who ser : ved fourteen y*'ars as judge of the municipal and districts courts, has had the judicial background needed in one who is to be a judge. Judge Foster has 'always taken Hme out of an extremely busy life In the legal field to take part In those civic e'tJvit’e* which have helped ip i>ui]d! - u hs community and ■ id'jte n *• n*w exls In" on > * e"»N Judge Foster r.e-|'‘ t- be elected to fill that va , I • e -M-r eo e. ability and . >• he* lnm the logical h be HOWARD KENNEY P. T A HOLDS SECOND MEETING *l" • " cut- >a he-r Ass’n of TV ' r 1 Ken < • • re -f d he'd its second m eting ’ bur >day Ort 2*2 1*1 nt 8,f>0 p. m- et !(• *■••*»> | K n.vdy school- 1 he guest speakers were Lt Pet P ■ ne of th" Safety i Utrf I Dr, ]'• ve • A i * i s n. superinte i ’ t'. •' " V \V: and l)r. Her 1 • ' iv:r Service or •’ ! , ; . .. i . -mli -nv sc’e-t'on • ho .|, i If ( ■ 1 i-ffirers ai'1 *1: Ju! . vr.'lrmrs, vice i r" di*ert; M'ss J'd tin rh.-if man, second vice p-e shlent; Mrs. Florence Branch, re cording secretary; M ■» Do ">*’• t'ry, I'oi'"'espondinr; secretary n ' Mrs Buelah Neely, treasurer Th" next meeting will be announced inj a later issue MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Rev. Mosley preached in the morning using as Ids text,; “Making an Effort to See Je sus’'—Math. 14:24. Sunday School was held at the usual time. The J OG o’clock services by Mission Circle were in charge* of Rev. Banks, pastor of Para dise Baptist Church. There were many vi itors. B'.Y.P.P was held at the us ual time. Night service was in charge of Rev. Mark Marion, visiting pastor. Mt. Olive will begin a reviv al Nov. 1. which will last ten days. Rev, E. P. Breen of ()! turnwa, la., will conduct th< meeting . T.W.I Republican Nominee for STATE TREASURES His record in 1931 and 1932—in the face of bank failures and financial up heavals—warrants his re election. Honesty . . . im partiality . . . efficiency are his platform. Vote for a wise, conscientious pub lic servant! T. W. BASS RE-ELECT PERRY M. WHEELER Municipal Judge ELECTION-NOVEMBER 3rd, 1936 : NORTH OMAHA PUBLISHER RUNS FOR COMMISSIONER Twenty-five years ago. W J “Bill” Norman rjuit a good job as j /printer and decided to go into busi es for himself. Establishing a shop at 24th and Ames, he took 'ver the Benson Times and later es ablished the North Omaha Boo st"? and built them up until the papers now have a combined cir culation of more than .10.000 anr^ are well and favorably known throughout nattonal newspaper cir-: cles He has a pay roll from twenty-! five to thirty employees and knows | r ri’t It is to meet It In good times and bad Although Mr. Norman has been n fieri in the civic and eommer 1 . l'fe of Omaha for thirty years, hi has paid special attention to N 'th Omaha wh 'reiri his business is located ard where he owns ome fin1' real prr*r>ertieg. A 1th itgh Mr Norman has always l"ad an active life* In the affair of Omaha, he has never be»n a can 'idat ■ for public office until in Me .' wl *>n a great number of fri ends V'h", kn' w his qualities urged him to b toome a candidate for the rty (orrimisslon lb- finally gave t . the urge of his friends and > nominated at the primaries by . ’ "ns -me majority c.vhr his noar nmetiter and :r now a can ’■l f i f. r eloetl • i:i N tvemb r : m n d. a n ’ tician,” says Mr. ' ■’nan “but when ■ rosed by in” ’ iend- who were interested in bet ter connty management., I allowed my name to be presented for the n reinnlion ’’ Mr- Norman believes that the I" sound business methods use 1. in the management of a successful • ’ ive'o business can be used in public business, and If elected, h" Intends to use the business logic j nnd business principles which have mrdo his careerjn Omaha an out tinding one In^tho printing indus-' try. DENNIS O’BRIEN Candidate For Municipal Judge TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD 35 Years in Public Service in the City of Omaha. WANTED TO BUY 100 C^n p n-'fi- Brass Cun rnr, Le.a ’ and Aluminum 20,000 Batteries f 0,000 Radiators ' re We Bvyin ? You Ect' ff It* s An to Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us T i st We Arc Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Court Nebraska A. M. E’S Hold Conference Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 30—AND —The annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church held in Quinn (Jhapei came to a close Sunday. The conference was presided ovei byBishop Noah W. Williams, newly appointed bishop to the Fifth Episcopal District. Bisho, W. T. Vernon, superintended of Western university, Quin darn, Kansas, delivered the or dination sermorn. Merle Smith and Mr. Martin were ordained deacon-: Oliver Butler was ordained eld r. Two children of Mr. and Mrs Rt»fh were christened h,T Rist* n*' ,,Ti]lia’>1 = . Wiliams made manv '■'iji"'v in Ms "unointment C* A T ftH'T ROBERT SMITH Candidate For District Judge TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD His Record Deserves His Elec tion to the District Bench. Quinn Chaped was transferred to the N'ortli Missouri confer ence. Ttev. Long at the close of the service expressed his appre ciation to the congregation for the gifts presented him and Mrs Long as a token in return for the threP years of service ren dered here as a pastor. DOJXiOFF HARDWARE I'aint, Glass and Varnish YVe do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 V/E 1607 Duffv Pharmacy We ooon 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery ALTHOUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif* fures. See our complete line of ...cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL We specialise in rebuilding shoes. If your feet are not comfortable, “see Sam," the shoe doctor. We Call For and Deliver 1807 North 24th Street WE 4240 ••• OMAHA'S PIONEER DAIRY ••• RE-tLECr W.G. HASTINGS JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT • Endorsed By Bar Association— Douglas, Burt and Washington CountiM “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 IBJ. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL FOUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts; Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St WE 1029 Forward with HOOSEVELT ARE YOU BETTER OFF’ THAN YOU WERE UNDER THE HOOVER ADMINISTRATION? You know what President Roosevelt’s Administration has done toward Recovery— - PROSPERITY. ISN’T “JUST AROUND THE CORNER’ IT’S IN PLAIN SIGHT WILL YOU Go Forward With Roosevelt OR Back and Backward with the G.O.p ? THAT is the Decision YOU Must Make. Don’t Be Mislead by the Republican Campaign of Fear— Don't trade accomplishments for empty promises. Franklin D. Roosevelt Forward With Roosevelt. FOR RE-ELECTION born in Nebraska: age 50. Eighth year as district judge. Judge Thom sen asks your vote on the basis of merit and on his capacity for con tinued service.. ENDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE LAWYERS OF THE DISTRICT. Expert Auto Repairs - Overhauling Our Specialty _ All Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makes and models E.. L.. Merriweather, prop 2209 No. 22nd St.. Omaha, Neb.. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kinjr Yuen Cafe 2010*2 N. 2Ilh St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until .'1 a. in. JA 5000 Look At Your Roof! THERE’S A mm roof For Every Tvpe of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of love’v colors. Oall for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 Years To Pay Stop and Shop At HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor 2-!th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 For lightening and brightening ; the skin tone and for clearing off freckles, uneven color, blackheads and surface pim ples, there is no Dr.FRED Palmer, thing better, fast er working or surer than Dr. FRED Palmer’s original formula. Depend on this old reliable. Ask your drug gist for the 25 cent Dr. FRED Pal mer’s Skin Whitener Ointment to day. Results will delight you in 7 days or your money back. i BEFORE1 A H D > AFTER! FREE TRIAL OFFER BRINGS L'lGHTER SKIN Be convinced your skin can bo lighter, fairer, brighter. Take ad vantage of this Free Trial offer. Send your name and address with 9 cents postage for a valuable kit containing generous sizes of Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment, with Soap and Face Powder, too. Just say “Encloeed is 6 cents for postage. Send me your free Week End Kit.’’ Address Dr. FRED Palmer Labs., Dept. 170-A. Atlanta, Ga, Dr.FRED Palmer's SKIN WHITENER OINTMENT 19, Nicholas]