The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 31, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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    5® CITY
COPY ’5 _
SO "— -
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John P. Davis To Be
At The Salem Baptist
Church On Nov. 10th
Will Speak On ‘ ‘ Black America
Faces A Crisis"
Mr John P Davis, executive
secretary of the National Negro
Congress, is a graduate of Ba es col
leg", Lewiston, Main and Harvard
university law school, Cambridge
Mass. While at Bates college he
captained the first American debat
ing team ever to debate in England
Scotland, and Ireland- He is a
brilliant speaker and orator, bring
well known on public platforms in
both America and Europe. He is
a well known writer for leading
magazines in the country includ
ing the New Republic, the National,
The Crisis and many others
For three years as secretary of
the Joint Committee on National
Recovery he fought to win Negroes
equal rights under NRA codes, AAA
Cotton contracts, and in other
branches of the New Deal- No oili
er colored man In America is as
well informed as he is on the mean-1
ing and actual workings of the
New Deal as it affects Negroes in
•all sections of the country- He
knows first hand the problems of
Negro workers- He has investiga
ted lynchings in South Carolina At
the risk of his life he spent mon
ths in the plantation belts of Geor
gia and Alabama, in the levee
camps along the Miss in prin
cipal industrial comm unties in the
south and mid-west
Mr. Davis has spoken before
such organizations as the National
Conference of Social Work, the I? -
ernial of the National Young Wo
men’s Christian Ass’n, the National
Ass'n for Advancement of Colored
Feorie, the National Ass’n of Col
eil of Negro Churches of the Uni
ored Women, the Fraternal Coun
Union of Oxford, England; the
ted States, The Oxford University
French University Student Ass’n
in Paris, France and before many
othev national and international or
ganizations- He has often , spok
en over the radio in New York,
Phildelp-hia, Chicago, St- Louis and
Roscoe Dunjee w’as born at Har
per’s Ferry. W Va-, June 21. 1883
and is now editor of the Black Dis
patch, Oklahoma City. Okla
The first Issue of the Black Dis
patch a,PPf’ared in November of
1915. and has issued weekly, with
out a break from that date on Dar
ly the paiper began to -secure no
tice for its vigorous editorial pol
icy, a standard which is maintained
until this day. The journal has id
entified itself with every racial
movement in the state and Iras de
veloped a circulation slightly above
In the public life of the state(
(continued on page 5)
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Dr John Adams, sr-, 2612 Wirt
street returned recently from the
Kansas conference where he was;
I elected Presiding Elder of the i o-1
pei.u District of the Kansas confer- J
| ing one 0f the Missouri conferences i
I which convenes at Hannibal, Mo.,
| Oct. 28th He will return to the city
| in time to cast his vote, after which
he will attend the last conference
cf Bishop Wiliams at Jefferson
City, Mo
After his retum from Jefferson j
I City, Dr Adams will begin his du- j
ties as Presiding Elder of the To
peka Dstrict of the Kansas confer
fir Adams will maintain his Onva- j
ha residence.
Mrs. Williams Injured in Fall
Monday, Oct. 26, while in the
Douglass County Assistance Bur
| eau. north branch relief station,
2219 Cuming St , Mrs. Ethel Wil
iams, 1145 No. 20th St., was appar
ently uninjured when the floor gave
: away causing her to fall through
a Door, a distance of about two
feet- Mr. Fred Dixon, 2889 Ohio St-,
took Mrs- Williams home. Se was
attended at home by Dr. Jensen.
A benefit dance is being planned
in Lincoln fo Monday night, Nov.
2, proceeds of which are to help re
establish the Old Folks’ home
Injured By Hit Run Driver
Alex Dys: n, 2514 No. 27th St.,1
with Currie Gardner, was walking
from north to south aeons Parker
strep-, and when about three feet
from the north curb of Parker St-,
was struck by a Nash sei'un driven
l-y Ralph McMarrls, 2623*4 Lake
St., who was going south on 24th
and. was nuking haul turn to go
west on Parker street- When about
30 feet west of 24th , St., his car
ruck a Doclge sedan, property of
Levada Trnmble, 2420 Seward S*.
Ralph McMoris again falling to
stop continued west c i Parker
street- The s'at'nn '.as notified and
Lyscn b’otight to the station,
where 1 _■ wan attended fI- a b uised
right fib. w. McMorr's was Inter tar
es ted at his home ami booked at
C "Police Station on chage of
• s driving Land leaving the
scene of an accident
Bitten Bv Dog
Mi'. Alonzo Ph'llips, 46, of 2710
Decatur St-, was bitten by a dog
Sunday, October 26th, when re
turning home from a grocery store
When In front of 1716* No- St-,
the home of Louis Harvey, a dog
jumped out from that yard and at
tacked him, biting him on the right
hand. He was taken to the Police
Station and attended by I)r. N- IL
Attwood, and returned to his home
Candidate for Board of Education
Mi*. Friedl'ander, proprietor of
Herman’s Market at 24th and Lake
streets, has filed, at the request of
friends, as 'a candidate for the
Board of Education He was select
ed and accepted the filing because
of his belief that the schools of Om
aha need a business administration
and should be conducted on the bas
is of practical common sense the
same as is used in private industry.
Ho believes that elimination of pol
itics and application of business
principles will cut cost and produce
better schools—two things that are
vitally needed in Onraha. And
above all he has shown his worthi
ness by his fairness to all citizens
of Omaha
Mrs. Zack Johnson, of Minnea
polis, Minn-, stopped in Omaha
Frday, Oct. 23 enroute from Cali
fornia, for a five days’ visit as
house guest of Mrs. Hiram R
Greenfield, leaving Oct. 28th
Mrs- Johnson had spent a de
lightful three months on the coast,
taking in every important point.
This was her first visit to the west
and to Omaha- While in the city,
Mrs. Johnson was entertained Tues
day, Oct- 27, at a breakfast by Mrs.
A- L- Hawkins- Other social court
esies were extended her.
Mrs. Johnson’s affable disposi
tion won for her many friends dur
ing her short stay in the city.
By Charles F Davis
Director Democratic Campaign
President Roosevelt entered upon
his duties in March 1933, during
the greatest upheaval this country
has ever known Out of chaos, des
pair, financial ruin and general un
'■st, he has with the aid of a Dem
o. ratic Congress disspelled fear, res
tor'd the peoples confidence In their
government and placed the nation
on a high road to prosperity..
Such a herculanean feat demon
strates this man’s ability to fill the
office of chief executive and he
merits the undying support on el
ection day of every man and wo
man honestly interested in the
welfare of this nation.. Franklin
Delano Roosevelt must be re-elected
Bv Ray Lffitnce Williams
Chairman Color'd Division Douglas
County Central Committee
Because he represents today the
true spirit of America He believes
In liberty and freedom and oppor
tunity for all- He includes all racial
stock in this American Way of
'This campaign is a challenge to
all Americans and the Negro in
particular.. He must beat both the
dictators and the’*£’ommtinists. This
service can b*' performed in only
rno way in the present crisis; by
voting for Governor Landon Nov
ember 3rd for president..
Mrs. Fredrieka Perry
Leaves City
Among the talented and worthy
persons travelling throughout the
country for the good of the Repub
lican party, is the granddaughter
of Frederick Douglass, Mrs Fred
erickr. Perry of Kansas City, -Mo-,
who has been in the d*y of Oma
ha for more than a week and has
made many inspiring and helpful
speeches throughout the city, name
ly: On Oct. 16, at the residence of
Mrs Wm. Rose, 1310 No- 25th St-,
to the “Just \\'e” social and char
ity dub; Ocl. 17, at Zion Jlaptist
church; Oct 18, at Mt. Moriah Bap
tist church; Od. 19, at the resid
ence of Mrs M ah alia Jackson., 2219
Ohio before the Federated dubs of
which Mrs- Essie Harris is presi
dent; Oct. 20, at the North Omaha
Republican club, 1322 No. 24th St ;
Oct. 21, at Lincoln, Nebr.; Oct 22,
at the Frederick Douglass club;
Oct. 23, at the Woodson Center,
South Omaha and dt one of the
Presbyterian churches, making a
complete tour of the city
While in the city, Mrs. Perry
was the house guest of Mrs. Clara
Speese, 2864 Miami St- She met
many new friends and exjperienced
many pleasant occasions while here
and leaves Omaha with gratitude
and joy for having so gracious
ly and anxiously accepted and so
carefully planned for by Mrs- Vic
toria Turner, who is chairman of
the Women’s division of the Re
publican party of Omaha, and who
had full charge of Mrs- Perry’ cam
paign and entertainment while she
was in the dty. Sunday, Oct. 19,
Mr and Mrs- Chas. Harrold, with
Mrs- Turner, took Mrs- Perry on a
tour of the city
Mother Finds Two
Children Overcome
The timely return home of a
mother Friday noon prevented the
tragic death of her two infant
daughters by gas axphixiation.
The mother Is Mrs Opal Shields,
of 1513 No. 20th St., and the child
ren are Claenda, 2 and Nadine, 3
Mrs- Shields, who had left the
daughters playing on the kitchen
floor while she went to the relief
headquarters, returned to find the
children overcome by gas- Appar
ently they had turned on three
jets of the stove.
Governor Alfred M. London
Shot While Entering Store
William Harris, 18, transient,
sufi'eied wounds In the left forearm
and twoi ‘punctures in 'he right and
left leg when he attempted to break
into and enter ihe Brodkey Grocery,
2002 No- 20th St
The Brodkey Grocery store was
broken m'o the night of Oct. 23rd
iand y cartons of eirarettes were
stolen; on Oct- 25 attempt was
again made to burglarize the store.
1 wo watchmen were engaged and
when on Oct. 27th they saw a man
crawling in through the oponing,
after entering Ed Novak, watch
man fired one shot at Harris, who
immediately fled through the store
and tan north on 20th street to
Burdette and finally to 2114 Burd
ette St , and asked David Reiss to
eail a doctor, stating that he had
been shot. Harris was taken to Ni
cholas St'.on hospital by officers and
attended for gun shot wounds.
James Cole Cuts Jim Murphy
When James Murphy, with Paul
J Morris, white, 2770 California St.
was at th6 Riff club, 2124 ti No.
24th St-, upstairs, Sunday, Oct- 25,
he got into an argument with James
Cole, 2109 Miami St, and in the
ensuing fight. Cole cut Murphy
Munphy was treated by Dr. Haw
kins, and taken to Nicholas Senn
hospital and attended by Dr. Gallup
for laceration of the back and re
turned to his home
Mr. Leander McGee, 1812 No. 23
St , suffered laceration of the scalp
in u fall from the second to the
first floor of his residence. He was
taken to the Nicholas Senn hospital
and attended by Dr- Palmer Cu lup,
and returned to his home.
Visits Sunny South
Little Barbara Ann Dill and her
grandmother, Mrs. Nicholas, left
Oct 15th for Dallas, Fort Worth
and Galveston, Texas. They will be
gone for one month- This will be
• ho greatest sensation of little Bar
bara Ann’s three year’s experience'
Mr and Mrs. Jewell Rose, 1310
No. 49th avenue wish to announce
he marriage of their daughter.
Miss Geraldine to Mr. J C- Harris,
Dies Suddenly
Mr. Clay Odie, 1835 No. 23rd
St died suddenly from natural
causes, Oct. 22 Tito body is at the
Myers Funeral Home No arrange
ments have been made for the fun
Mrs- lone Hanger entertained the
Pokena club at her home, 1916 No
28th street, Friday, Oct. 23rd. Mrs.
Joe Stewart, of Minneapolis, M*nn
was the guest of honor
To Hold Primary Election on November 6th
■ ■■■ ■ --- V
Mr. Ben Davis, of Atlanta, Ga,
left Friday, Oct- 23 for Kansas
City, Mo-, after spending three days
in this city
Mr. Davis is an ex-national com
mitteeman of Ga. Here he was
speaking in the interest of the Re
publican party. He is a delegate
■af-large from the State of Georgia.
Mr. Davis is owner of the Atlanta
Mr. Ralph Adams, who is station
ed at Little Rock, Ark, as educa
tional advisor of the CCC camps,
is expected to arrive homo around
the loth of November.
The Bacchantes will have their
primary election for a northside
Negro Mayor on Friday, Nov. 6th.
You may cast your vote nt Willa’s
Beauty Parlor from 9:00 a m- until
8:00 p. m.
Candidates nominated for voting
are; Atty H- J. Pinkett, Mr. C.. C..
Galloway, Milton Johnson, W. L
Myers, LeRoy Childs, John Owens,
Dr. G B- Lennox, Dr. Wesley Jones,
John Benj- Horton, jr., Charles
Payne, J. D. G'anville, Atty. Chas
Davis, J- C. Carey and R- C Price,.
Don’t foryet to cast your vote- The
final election will bo on Friday,
Nov. 27th- Those who have pledged
to cooperate don’t forget your pro
Colored Division of
Democratic Set-Up
Makes Hufre F'nish
Roscoe Dunjee an1 A’tormy
Reynolds to Appear Here
In addition to Judge p R. \Vil
liHins, and Hon- Roscoe Dunjee, ed
'to" of the “Black Dispatch,” Okla
me. City, Okln uwpearing at the
Ell.’s hall. 2-120 Dike street in In
terest -of the Democratic ticket lo
cal Atty. R J Reynolds f Totpeka
formerly president cf the Topeka
h '.inch of he NAAGP, ami holder
of AB and LLB degrees front Wash
burn college
Mr- Reynolds has b on consist
ently ured as a (n-mnii-n speaker
since 20 years of ege is known as
:in Independent end fearless thinker
While president - f the local NAAGP
he made nn i. vestigation of Lon
don’s at itude toward Negroes, and
provided for publication in 1934 a
amphlet, which 25 000 were cir
ciilat'sl among K"m -,s Colored Vo
ters- This won lorg before Mr. Dan
don had been discovered by Mr
Ilearst, and built up as presiden
tial timber, this pamphlet Is known
as the “Unanswered Pamphlet," the
statements of which has never been
dried or re nted and it stands out
at the present date more in the light
of a prophetic treaties than a polit
ical forecast. Mr Reynolds having
been born in Kansas, and lived, and
practiced law in Topeka for years
well Informed as to Mr Landon’s
attitude since he has been Gover
nor toward the members of our
group- In his speech at the Elk’s
Democratic State Director Color
ed Division, closes campaign with
national speech in whirlwind finish.
hall, Friday night, Oct- 30th he will
dt'al strictly with claims that have
been setup by Landon’s managers
of the great LOVE he has for the
Negroes by showing what he has
done in the,past for them, and al
so answer the statements of the
Hon Perry Howard made by him
a few weeks ago, while campaign
ing in Omaha for the Republican
29th, at 1004 So- 13th, and at
ticket- He will also speak on Oct.
South Omaha, Nov. 2nd, 2707 Q St.
Fire At Brown Derby
Fire of unknown origin gutted
the interior of the Brown Derby,
2035 No. 24th St., about 9:00 a- m.
Rumor has it that Miss Geraldine
Rose, 1310 No- 49th Ave., was
married to Mr. J. C. Harris, jr-,
6221 So- 30th St. the first part of