The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 24, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1
5 CENTS 1 i0° CITY PEP EDITION COI >eoW* _v I-—! HEW TO THE L1NE\ VOLUME 13 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1936 NUMBER THIRTY f JUBILEE SINGERS | MASTER OF SONGS Give Rightful Expression To Famous Spirituals; Tops In Sweetness Of Tone Fisk Jubilee singers sang in the Urban League Community Center in the evening, Oet- 19th, to a very appreciative audience. Program in cluded ten Negro Spirituals, a set ting by H- T Burleigh of Hugh Dillman’s “I want to Learn to Ser ve,” written for the Fisk Singers, a group of recular part songs, and many encores. The group was ac companied by Mr. Berrien. He also accompanied Mr Leonard Frank lin who rendered four soloes which were well received by the audience The singers number eight: Cecil Reeves, William A. Collier, Leon ard Franklin; Author Bostle, Carl Weems, Aswald Lampkins; Linton Berrien, and M's. Jas. Myers who is also director of the ensemble All the sweetness of a Negro song is in their tuneful harmonies. They are masters of effect in towe and rhythms, changes of key and eccen tricities of accent,however extreme or abrupt have no terrors for them And their voices have that quality of softness and sympathy in which no race on earth can surpass them. Their singing is singing all the time even, in dramatic and de-lam atory passages, where words of startling force leap out from a context of gentle pursuasion, it is beautiful modulated song that is medium of expression, and they sing always on their words—ev ery word distinct and ennoble by melodic modelling- But even better than the sweetness of their tone, the smoothness of their modula tions, and the freedom of their rhythms is the throb of spontaniety that marks every phase of their song They might be improvising all the time, their singing is so na tural and sincere. Roscoe Simmons On Air Oct. 23 and Nov. 1 Chicago, Oct. 25—Speaking un der the auspicies of the Republican National Committee, Col P^scoe Oonkling Simmons, noted orator and exponent of Republican prin ciples of constitutional govern ment, will discuss the Issues of the natiorral campaign as they relate directly to colored .people, his speeches being broadcast over a nation-wide hookup on Sunday, Oct- 25, and Sunday, Nov. 1. The time for the broadcast will be from 3:30 to 4:00 p. m., EST KOIL, Omaha, will carry the speech BURY PROMINENT D. O. PHAMACIST Washington, Oct. 24 (A.NP)— Funeral services for Dr Benjamin F. Hailstorks, for over two decades prominent pharmacist of southwest Washington, were held Thursday from Metropolitan AME Zion church, the Rev. J. M McCoy, pas tor, officiating, followed by Inter ment at the Woodlawn cemetery. s^cmi f>r»en fo* Ina Ray Hutton and Band Ina Ray Hutton and her Melo dears will have new scenery, new costumes, new specialty acts, and an entirely new routine of numbers and novelties when they open their season on at the Astor theatre in Reading, Pa The blonde bombshell of rhythm also booked for stage appearances at the Earl theatre in Wshlngton, D. C- at Loew’s in Montreal and at Shea’s Hippodrome in Toronto Perry Howard Says: “I trust that all my friends in Nebraska will continue t) stand up lor the G O. P. A division of votes w 'll not help us, and will not result in making up the balance of power I am one of those wha believes *hat no colored person can be a Democrat at heart. I define a Dem ocrat as being a “mad or sore Re publican” We are just as natur al'y Republicans its we are Method ists or Baptists I am one of hose who believes >ng about what Roosevelt has done for the colored peop’o. As a matter of fact, he has done nothing out of tho ordinary in administering re-; lief- In the south, it is a crime—in my state, Mississippi, where there are more Negroes than whites, they have not given the Negro ten jobs Just the other day, they laid off 30,000 Negroes from the relief rolls and not one white. Mr. Roosevelt has brought to Washington, I). C., over 60,000 white people in the departments, and only 50 colored The Democrats are trying to buy my people through Relief, and in buying them through relief, they ■are buying them with their own money" 1 want to urge my colored friends to take all relief they can get and then go into the booths and vote according to their own dic tates-” The above is ’an interview given a reporter of the Omaha Guide Fri day, Oct. 16, by the, Hon. Perry W- Howard, while in the city. Tenants Chances Of Land Ownership Small Jonesboro, Ark., Oct- 24 (ANP) —Although tenant farmers regard farm ownership as the remedy for the south’s big social and agricul tural problem, sharecroppers and day laborers feel no good can come from this proposal, made to the special committee of 19 from Gov Futrell’s Farm Tenancy commission of 58 members which is scheduled to meet again near the end of October. In Arkansas the average tenant farmer pays the landlord part of the craps produced for the rent of the lnd, and has his own farm equip ment, livestock and seed. Share croppers, however, have nothing except supplies furnished at inter est from the landlords- While farm tenants have a good start toward land ownership, no way appears open for sharecroppers to obtain land- Rural Negroes fall into both classes. J O. E. Beck of Hughes, a mem ber of Futrell's commission and one of the yargest cotton planters in eastern Arkansas, believes that Im provement of the lot of the share cropper class in this section must start through educational channels He intimates the belief that by edu cating the children of his type of tenants, standards will be raised to to a position equal to farm owner ship. Educational and religious facili ties are lacking in many commun ities in eastern Arkansas In many of them colored tenant children have no opportunity at all to at tend school. The next meeting of the Futrell commission is expected to consider all proposals made to remedy exist ing conditions. After it meets, a southwide tenant conference at Hot Springs attended by Gov Futrell and governors or their representa tives from either other southern states is scheduled to be held Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lee Washing ton of 2634 Corby St., announce the birth of an eight pound boy. He was christened Leslie Lee, jr $200,000 TO NEGRO’ NEEDY FOR MEDICAL USE Jackson, Miss Oct. 25 (ANP)— Following the announcement that the late R- H Green, wealthy wholesale grocer, v ho died recent ly. had left a trust fund of $200,000 to provide hospital care for needy colored residents, Yuughn Watkins, on" of the executors of the estate said this week that wards in Jack son hospitals will be established for the charity patients rather than building a special hospital for the ' purpose. M •. Vaughn explained that the amount set aside in Mr. Green’s j wll1 would not be sufficient to build U hospital, equip it, maintain a; staff and furnish free food and medicinal supplies But if existing facilities are used 'and wards estab lished in the hospitals already built tli; $200,000 trust fund ran be de velopexl into one of the principal philanthropies in the south. Big Step Forward For Negroes The wealthy merchant’s trust fund raises hopes here in the hearts of members of both races that it is the forerunner of other bequests ■and financial efforts to provide ad equate medical care and hospital tretment for needy colored patients. It is well known that -as Individuals, Negroes are in many cases gener ously provided for by southerners, but little has ever been done in Mississippi to provide for them col 1 actively, in the matter of hospit al care- It is pointed out, however, that the development of social wards attached to the already ex isting white hospitals will offer no opportunity to Negro doctors who had hoped to have the institution established and placed under their care. This state’s colored charity pa tients have always exceeded the. ac comodations. and north of Jackson especially in the delta counties where the ratio of Negroes to whites is 8 to 1, no facilities art provided for them- Through the charity hospital fund recently pro vided by the state legislature a few free beds are made available for Ngroes, but not nearly enough for the grtat number needing medical and surgical care M.'. Watkins believes that Mr Gree- ’s bequest for Negro welfare augurs well for a betterment of race relations and is indicative of the “decline of race prejudice in the south.” Hundreds of colored residents attended the last rites for the merchant, and he remembered a numbered of them, family ser vants and employees of his whole sale house, in his will. Granddaughter Of Frederick Douglass Visits In Omaha Mrs Fredericks Douglass Spra gue Perry, who is travelings in the interest of the National Republican party has been in the city for sev eral days speaking and making con tacts Mrs. Perry is the granddaughter of the late Frederick Do-uglass, be ing the daughter of Rosetta Dou glass, first born of Frederick Dou glass- She has the distinction of having been named after her grand father. The Mme Cantacuzene, of Wash ington, D C. who recently visited Omaha in the interest of the Na tional Republican party, is a grand daughter of General Grant. Now Gen- Grant and our beloved Fred erick Douglass were very close friends. It was a coincidence, in deed, that the granddaughters of these great men should happen to be here at the same time and meet, (Continued on Page 8) GALLOWAY HURT; IN AUTO CRASH Suffers Two Broken Ribs Mr C. C. Galloway, res den* of Pmal*.'. for 36 years end we 1 I ’'uslncss. civic and politi el cir le\ was scvorn'y Injured in an r, 'tomoblle accident eight miles west o.' Atlantic, !■•>. -about 6 a m. Saturday morning Oct 17th; while enrout i to the Iowa university H metoming football game and P'er to Chicago. His cur was in a collision with another drivun by R Flickengcr of Council Bluffs, la who was also going to Iowa City Tho details of the accident have not. us yet been ascertained Accord ing to reports there w’ere four per sons in the other car The most seriously hurt of these is said to have suffered at fractured wrist w hile one of the women occupants suffered a head injury. Mr. Gallowuy, whose son Ledrue Galloway was a member of the. University of Iowa football team c! 1924-25, suffered two broken ribs and cuts ubout the face and hanc^s- He is at the Jones hospital in Atlantic where his con dition is reported as satisfactory. More than a hundred Omaha friends have visited him since the accident. He has been acting bust ess manager of the Omaha Guide for several years N.A A C P to Hold Midsouth Conference In New Orleans, La. New Orleans, Oct 25—The fall meeting of the regional conference of southern branches of the Nation al Association for the Advancement of Colored People will be held here Oct 30-31 and Nov. 1. NAACP representatives from Georgia, Flordia, Mississippi, Lou isiana and Alabama, will converge on New Orleans to seriously dis cuss problems affecting the. Negro group, and to devise ways and means to collectively combat many of the existing injustices Problems to be discussed include lynchings, jury service, unfair trials; police brutality, voting, edu cational inequalities,, WPA and PWA jobs, cotton control adminis-1 stration, farm aid; crime; travel and transpoiation discrimination, Negro business and unemployment. The conference will open Friday night, Oct. 30 at the St. Marks Baptist church- On Saturday, Oct 31 there will be sessions at Xavier university and St- James A ME church, and on Sunday 'afternoon, Nov. 1 another big mass meeting [will be held. The business sessions of the meeting will be held on Saturday, at which time plans will be form ulated for the united attack against the evils retarding the progress of the Negro group, or It is consider ed that more than 4,000,000 color ed people; or approximately one third of the Negro population of the nation, live within the bounds of the conference, the importance of the meeting is obvious A T- Walden, of Atlanta, a mem ber of the NAACP board of direct ors, Forrester B. Washington, pre sident of the Atlanta branch; E Luther Brooks, of Oarke univer sity, and Dr. E- W- Taggart, mil itant president of the Birmingham branch will be among those to de liver addresses in connection with the meeting The regional conference of sou thern branches was organized in Mobile last April, and promises to become an integral force in allevi ating problems of the Negro in the south. Mi's- Estella Saunders, State Custodian of Records A W. M-, left Tuesday Oct. 20th, to attend the state convention in Sargent, Nebr RENT AN1) JOB JIMCROW HIT IN RELIEF PROBE New York, Get 25 (CNA) Rent 'xtirtiens and jim crow discrimina tion in employment are, dan'Hin"°d as the most vicious Harlem con li tions in an official repirt relc ied this week by th '. Advisory Cmimit tee on Negro Problems to the Di rector of the Emergency RD ef Bureau- Th committee Includes 21 Harlem leaders and is headed by the Rev. Dr John H- Johnson re cently appointed 1 ’ Mayor T Guardla to the ERB board. The report charged that the “most serious and most immed ute vrob'em for the Nero fmvly :s em ployment,” and stated that the “rent problem was the most, acute faced in the Harlem area ” It char ged further that private industry openly |diiri<cri ml notes against Ne gro workers and that the bad housing conditions breed “disorder and vice.” Similar conditions con front the Spanish-speaking popul ation in lower, the report pointed out It fully confirmed the finding of j the Mayor’s Commission on Harlem that rent and job discrimination, unbridled police brutality and other/ oppressive conditions were direct-' ly responsible for the. historic March 19, 1935 outbreak in Har lem- The report was issued on the very day that eleven city depart ment heads, including Police Com missioner Valentin'1, treated them selves to a generous whitewash in - blanket denial of the charges of the Mayor’s Commission The Advisory Committee found that “rents already prohibitive for the facilities offered are. being raised in many instances ” It ppo* * posed consideration of “the pos.v”" tty of reenactment of emergency rent as a possible solution to what Is the most acute problem faced in the Harlem area.” The report describes as utterly inadequate present ERB rent al lowances the present policy of giv ing the client a rent allowance which the, bureau recognizes insuf ficient to pay the rent scale agreed upon between the landlord 'and the tenant, is unsound The client must supplement Ms relief allowance or be dispossessed- This Is done by hook or crook.” Other surveys show that the client is ordered to draw on Ms feod allowance to sup plement the rent check The report assails discrimination by private employers and quotes statistics from the State Employ ment Service to show trat only 38 Negroes have been placed in jobs In jrivate industry during the per iod from Aug 15 to Sept- 19. This, despite the fine record made by Ne groes in executive posts In the ERB. The committee acknowledges in creased placements of Negroes in executive /positions in the ERB fol lowing the March 19th outbreak In contrast to “a year ago when the Negro worker, regardless of hls ability, appeared to be 'automatic ally excluded from most of the im portant jobs In the ERB The num ber in executive posts Increased from nine to 63, the report said The 1,015 Negro staff members of the ERB comprise 8-9 per cent of the total, as against the 4.7 per cent Negro population of the city. Mrs. John Hope For F. D. Roosevelt New York, Oct. 24 (C)—Mrs. John Hope, sr., widow of the pre sident of Atlanta university, has written Mrs. Crystal Bird Fauset, director of the Women’s Division of the Democratic drive among Ne groes, "I will cast my vote for Franklin D. Roosevelt ” Mrs- ZeJma Leffall, 2877 Maple, who has been sick for the past four weeks, is greatly improved Jesse Owens Says: “Everyone has his own opinion about things. I went to visit Lan don, and before I went to visit him It was in niy mind to go Republi can- I was talking to several men and they thought that I eould lo Landon a lot of good hy talking for him I was a Republican at all times, it was not'a matter of chang ing partieb- I really think he is a fine man and I like his personality very much- I especially like his views on lynching I like his attit ude, and the stnnd he takes toward our people.” His message to youth Is, the op portunity that is before him now will not bo for long They have, a wonderful opportunity at the pre sent time They have ample time in school, and opportunities present themselves, so that they -are learn moro about worldly affairs- It is not going to be very long before they ate voters themselves and they should know something of the Aids that are facing them today and they should weigh them better than they have In the past and take more advantage of them. In due time, by taking advantage of the opportunities offered there will bo abetter understanding be tween the two races of people in this country—white and black Owens said he started in Junior high school In 1928. One morning tho coach took him out to run and was so pleased that h« asked hint to come back that afternoon- From then on ha took an interest in run ning and has been participating in track eventsever since He has bad a marvelous time during his athletic career and has made some marvelous colle cts. Through kls athletic ability he has had aa op portunity to secure, a college educa tion and so it has proven very pro fitable t»o him Father Divine Checks Pn Cleveland Judge Cleveland. Oct. 25 (ANP)—The secular activities of Father Divine are not confined to providing chick en blow outs, it was 'apparent here the other day. In fact, the Harlem “God” seems to be extending his territory. The clever promotion stories showing converts moved to retribution and jaying old debts •are popping up nil over the coun try. They make the daily papers easily, so unusual is it for old debts to be paid because of religion. Here in Cleveland, Father Divine has “cut a new one.” In the mall of Common Pleas Judge Samuel B- Kramer last week was -a letter from Father Divine’s Righteous Government forum in New York City and a copy of its semi-monthly magazine containing the Righteous Government plat form Judge is a candidate for re election. “Kindly write me whether you will accept this platform in your political work; merely state yes or no,” the letter read- “Father Divine has a following of over 30,000,000 people, many of whom are voters and living in Cuyhoga County, Ohio “He says stay your hand in regards voting till you hear from me. “Waiting to hear from you be for election, and wishing you hap piness and peace, I am peaceful ly yours.” OLD FOLKS HOME TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 25th The managers of the Old Folks Home, 933 No- 25th street, will have an open house, Sunday, Oct 25th- Everyone is invited to attend Mrs. Olivia Kirtley, president; Mrs Martha Taylor Smith, reporter. Republicans Endorsed By Jesse Owens and Perry Howard Two thousand persons attended tho Republican political rally held nt 7Jon Baptist church Friday night Oct. 16th and heard a bitter de nunciation of the new deal policies by Perry Howard, Republican Na tional Committeeman from Miss Other speakers on the program were Jesse Owens, four event Oly mpic winner and “world's fastest human,” and Stanton DePriest, son of Oscar DePrles't. former con gressman from Illinois. "London is ho real friend of our people- I’ve met)Governor London and admire his sincerity and honesty with our people. He’s going o be eur next president of the United States Earlier Friday Owens, Howard, HePriest 'and Miss Fannie O’Con nell, in charge of he. Republican Young Women’s division, paraded north Omaha and made a number of short stops for talks Also on tho program was Mrs. D. Perry, Kansas Cty, Mo. who urged return of the Negro voters to Re publican ranks The party left late Friday night for SL Paul. John Adams, candidate for the unicameral legislature, the only Negro candidate in the state of Nebraska, also spoke He said he would strive to represent all of ihe persons in his district if ejected Other spiftkcM’s on the program wore H- J- Pinkett, master of cere monies; Ray Williams, chairman; Art- B. MeCaw; Gaitha Pegg 'and Miss Josephine Bell QUASH N. C. INDICTMENT i Charlotte, N- C- Oct- 24 (C)— Judge J Will Pless, jr. quashed a burglarly indictment Wednesday against Tommis Walls, and defer, red the trial of Fred Steel and Sam uel Jones, charged with murder, when he learned no Negroes were on the Mecklenburg Grand Jury that voted the Indictment Tho trustees of the Pilgrim Bap tist church wish to announce to the public that we denounce the action taken on the premises of the above named church Friday, Oct. 16th when one man refused to permit the meeting scheduled to be held there to hear Hon. Perry Howard, Jessie Owens and other speakers This guilty party was not ‘a trustee nor any officer of this church what ever and was not authorized to stop this meeting. We feel that wa owe the public our regrets and we would like to let you know that it was unlawfully done. (Signed) Trustees of Pilgrim Baptist Churoh TENANTS HOLD PARADE IN BIRMINGHAM, ALA. New York. Oct 25 (C)—The Con solidated Tenants’ league sched uled -a protest parade and mass meeting on Saturday. The assembly was called for Dorrence Brooks at 2 p. m , and the mass meeting at Rockland Palace afterward to pro test increasing tenants Dr. Will tarn IJoydl Imf^i Attorney Vernal J Williams and Rev. Thomas S. Har ten were listed as speakers Rainey Broadcasts for Roosevelt and Curley Boston, Mass , Oct. 24 (C)—Hon. Julian D- Rainey, eastern director of the Democratic drive among Ne groes, with offices in New York, spoke for fifteen minutes over WBZ and the Yankee Net work Friday evening for the re-election of Pre sident Roosevelt, and the election to the U S. Senate of Gov. Curley, and the election to the governor ship of Charles F. Hurley, state teasurer