i SOCIAL . CLUBS ; AFFAIRS ’'vJ-U-C-l C' r > ' ORGANIZATIONS * f L'ttle Eddison Collier, 21EO No 28th Avt», has been very ill Mrs. Taylor, 2">07 Burdette st eet who has been sick is recovafng slowly. Miss Ruth Anna Dixon 2009 No. 25th street, has been vo 'y sick but is much improved. Henry Langston, 1616 No 25th street is visiting In Chicago He will also visit his brother, Benny Langston, in Cleveland, Oh'o Miss Betty Baugh returned to Denver, Cx lo-. to retain he 1 health. While tlier<' she will attend Cole Junior High school Rov. D- W Btass, pastor of Clea ves Temple, visited in St Louis, Mo., the past week. Mr Abdul Hardee, former Oma ha resident, arrived in the city Friday from Cleveland, Ohio, to again make this place his home M s. Betts, 1820 No 25th street in visitin'' her daughte ■ In Chicago Mrs- Betts’ daughte recently un derwent p. seious ope 1 tion In one of the Chicago hospitals The Common ty Widow’s club will ceet Tuesday evening, Oct. 20 at 8:00 o’clock with Mrs S- M C. Baker 29th and Ohio streets Mrs Hattie. Smith, Resident Rev. and Mrs O A Calhoun, of Denver, Colo., worshipped at Cleav es Tempie Oct. 4th. Morning ser vice was conducted by Rev. Cal houn PS'. Ja/.k Ollier and family of Topeka, Kas, are visiting Mrs Jan" Collier, 2205 No. 27th Av<>, mother of Jack Collier. They will b" here fo | a short si'ay. Mrs William Scott and M's. C P Hollins e-temined Mis Walker of Chicago at th" Jim Bell cafe for breakfast. Covers were laid for twelve M s- W'alker is the mother of P?1 iss Jessie Richardson. Those present wo|": Mrs. Walker, Mr and Mrs Simms, Mr- A Shelton and Alberta Brown of Sioux City, Mrs. Myrtle Perrin, Mr Oh as Wat son, Mrs- Richardson, Mr and Mrs Scott and Mr- and Mrs Hollins Tho Metropolitan Busy Bee, club met at. the residence of Ml s Oli o Forrest, 920 No. 25th street, Tues day evening, Sept- 29th The, meet ing opened with devotions Busi ness was transacted- Miss C- May ben ty was hostesss for the even ing. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess Mrs OUie Fo'rest, president Mrs- Payton, secretary The laulies Household club met Tuesday at 1:80 o’clock at the re sidence of Mrs- J. C Crowder, 2631 Parker stlteet The meeting was opened with devotions Busi ness was transacted. Moth'-r Davis was hostess for the afternoon- De lightful refreshments we e served by tho hostess The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs Robbins, 2630 Hamilton sreet Vis itors are welcome. Mrs. R Thomis, piesident Mrs R. Payton, si'crefary The Phillys Wheatley Home Mak ers club was organized at the home of Mrs- C- M- Farmer, 2507 Z street- The following ladles we v elected to office; Mrs C- M- Farm er, president; Mrs Edith B W eight vice president; Mrs- Emily L- Cork, secretary; Mrs Emma Banned, treasurer; and Georgia Curtis and Wilbume O’een, pogratn commit tee- Refreshments were served by the hostess- The club adjourned to meet at he residence of Mbs- Edith B Wright, 2614 Z street on Thurs day afternoon, from one until three o'clock The Cartels Charity club held its regular meeting Oct 1st at 2863 Binney St We were pleased to have so many members present After? dispensing with the business session- Mr Stamps, of the Bac chanite club spoke in behalf of its objective Mesdames A- L- Haw kins and Addle Seals gave a very interesting account of their vaca tion trip, which we enjoyed very much A very delicious and palat able luncheon was served by the hostesses, Bertha Baily, Augusta Steven,, Mrs- Levins and Selma Clark G. W Green, reporter *r C;j*» l^s Ando son. 3325 ReJ t rd, is slowly recove4 nr' from his r»* cnt illness Mr and Mrs- Will Wa re-, 3222 1 Emmet street, a *• the proud par ents at a son M s- Georgia Peoples, who has b en very ill, is Imp oving at her home, 1630 No 22nd street Mr J T- Freeman and Mr Claude Jones, attorney, arrived in the city by moto", Oct 8th and left Oct, 10th Rev O- A Calhoun returned to his home in Denver Oct- 6th Mrs. Calhoun will remain In the city for an indefinite period Mrs Gmce Flannigan, 2117 Ohio St., who recently underwent a a operation in the St- Joseph hospit al, is Improving Mr and Mrs A1 Williams, of Sioux City, la , spent a few hours In the city Oct. 8th, visiting Mrs n " Flannigan, sister f Mrs Williams Mrs CharletUB Johnson left Sun day morning for Kansas City, Mo-,; l',i‘ having visited Mrs- Mattie Smith, 2117 Prospect She expresses h-rself as having an enjoyable vi sit Her little niece, Virginia Price {•turned with her Mr-'- Anna Ewing of Atchison, Kas and her daughter, Mrs. Hum1 lb niton, are at ho. bedside of El- j md{ Kelly, son of Mrs Ewing, l who was injured in an automob le accident LUNCHEON M s- Lucille Allen of 2120 Chare street was hostess to a number of fronds at a luncheon on Thursday, 0 t Kth at 8:00 p- m- Those pre sent were Mr. and M s- P II No vi'|. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Porter, j Mrs. M- Coleman, M s H- Harris and Mr. Robert Lipkins The Ladies Uay ally at the First, Spiritual Temple No. 6 was a success both financially and spir itually- Them were seme wonder ful sermonettes and pape s, also songs We wish to thank everyone for h:s service. The High Spirit was earned right Into the night service and we had a glorious time Sister Spriggs of Kantas City was Mirtreas of Ceremonies- Come out and hear her Wed night. She will prophesy. I Mrs. Irene Oliver, 2631 Parke street entertained at dinner on Popt- 30th, hono ing her daughter, Mrs L- Jackson, Chicago and niece, Mrs. Grace Jackson of Chan-! ute, Kas. 'The gin sts were Mrs Verdie Forman, Chicago; Miss Mu ion Shultz of Chicago; Mrs Elsie Wr.rick, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Pesste King, Mrs. Grace Nicholson, Mrs Florence Triplet, Mr- Ernest M Faulkner, Mr. Elmer Faulkner end Mr- C owley Mrs. Jackson re turned to her home on Oct. 3rd FAREWELL PARTY The I,. (\ A- club, of which M s Aaron M- McMillan is one of the oldest members, entertained on Saturday, Oct- 3rd, in honor of M s. MeMiHan and to l»ld her bon voy age The table, decorated in autumn colors, was covered in g e<-n moss and in the midst of a number of small life, boats on the table, was centered one large ship, making a very pretty setting- M s- McMillan was beautifully dressed in a black evening gown with a corsage of red roses. The other embers were also dressed beautifully A similar party was given six years ago be fore the McMillans sailed for Afri ca- Many lovely gifts were receiv ed The Willing Workers club of the Met'-opolitan church is doing great work in behalf of the new church home. We invite you to come to our meeting on Thursday night of each week Come >and see for your self what we are doing. You too, can be a willing worker. The club sponsored a chicken dinner on last Thursday which was a great suc cess We are calling for new mem bers who are not afraid of work On account of the chicken dinner that the club is giving on 'Thurs day, Oct 15th, there will be no meeting for the next two weeks, but if you want to help us to put the program over just see the pre sident, Mrs- Mayberry, and she will gladly place you in the field Mr*. Gertrude Mayberry, pres Mrs Willie Varner, reporter FOR RE-ELECTION Born in Nebraska; age BO. Eighth year aa diatrlct judge. Judge Thom een atk* your vote on the baaia ef merit and on hit capacity for con tinued aervice, INDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE LAWYERS OF THE DISTRICT. r] was burn to Mr. and M 1s. Allen Johnson, 2101 No 22nd street ’* ’’nr1 • nd f°*nily have moved from 2230 Ohio St. to 1915 No 27th St.. Fo | y Smith, f'ath< r of Mrs Edward Bluef.rd, Is still sick at 2864 Binney Ft. -- M.s T o I’.er yrmn, 2638 Clark St., Is on the sick list Sho is liv- j ing at the home of ho mother, Mr s ■ J. F Thomas --- '*!•’> U ’ i Lfgue Charity cktb will h Ms ’is ti vxt meeting Tuesday Oct 2'tt.h, with Mrs. Ethel New man a d Mr.» Leu se Smith as host esses. Mrs Addle Hopkins, 2203 No 20th received Injuries from a fall sho received while attempting to catch a st eet car Come to the Revival at Clair church, 22nd and Miami streets. Rev C. C- Reynolds, Evangelist, of Carthage, Mo. will spt'ak Mrs Ludie Scott, 2871 Maple, street v.as hone re,-) with a su prise othy F.ott. Mrs. Scott celebrated birthday dinner given by Miss I>or he • sixty-third b rthday- M ss ret’ v as as istt’d by Mss Mury Hard n An \v- g > to press, the condition i'i Bar'.U a u !:er, 3333 Em " . St ; Do othy Hughes Ilenn ng, '79S Crane St ; Ed Br-own2233 f'To St; and Harold Whiteside, 3 707 Ohio St ; injured in an auto r < i'j ie a cldent, In which Robert Vi.ung. 2610 No- 28th avenue, was killed, Is fair. Bar i n Tu 1 cr f fared severe face cuts, Dorothy Bk at Zion Baptist church at the Jej^se Owens meeting The fe.llio-vshtp r option wmsor 1 b the City Usher Board was ove whelming su-ccss On hursday. Oct- 8, 1936 at Zion Baptist > hur h We h'tpe to c eate a greater fellowship duri g the en puing year On Sunday, Oct 11, ’936 the installation of the new of fleers for the coming yea- was ”r't'/ Impressive, it l»eing held at the. Metropolitan Spiritual chlurch and Rev. Johnson, pasto- delivered the sermon, from the Slth TV 'm o' ■ d, suh'ect “A Doorkeeper for 'it- nr "-am was ve, y uni on I many helpful ideas were 'v light us from various rhurher ii the o ty We hope f ir the ensuing .v u , hearty cooperation and faith ful service from the ushers and *;nn»d giiidanio from the Al-! mighty. I Vntact Committee: i Mrs. Goosly, chairman Mr- A Missm M A. Rone ' ■» AiPumn T- if dub of Plen Green Bn mist, church metjit t*' 1 hr mo of Miss Lottie Keys, 2217 Noi 2.5th St. with the presi dent presiding- As this Monday night wns ou ' busincm meeting, we decided to have a joint Halloween party to include the Pickup and Willing Workers club on Halloween night, Oct- 30th The club will also hold a rally the fourth Sunday at 3:00 p. m We are asking each mem . T>.. orj cents. On the fourth Monday night the club is holding wl.ut is known as guest night, with fun and refreshments for all The third Monday night, Oct. 19th is 1 raye meeting night. A'l are. wel 1 one Sixteen members were pre sent- Miss Keys and the president Miss Watters se veil u very' nice timehe p which was enjoyed by all 'The dub extends its thanks to Bro j Green Pearl for acting as chap lain bit’ Aust'n, secreta y Estella W'att-rs, president r -e. J W. Reynolds, Acting pastor I Ht’e Ren Burton, jr., has been to ChPago to visit his ie’.‘ t ves a's ■ v ted in Toledo, Ohio, Gary and Evansville Indiana HEFT & NOYES MONUMENTS AND MARKERS At Reasonable Pikes 40th and Forest I.awn KE 173S Mrs. OUie Cheatem, 1208 No. 24th Jt Is on the sick list Miss Margaret Harrold, 2716 Cha lies street, is improved. Mrs L«orrard Owens, 2403 No 20th street, is feeling somewhat better after having a serious ope ► ation- , Mr and Mrs A- Watts, 1613 No 22nd street were the dinner guests i>f Mi’, and Mrs. Henry Weboter, 2010 I^kke St James Hugh, of St- Paul, Minn-, con of Mrs- Anna Swilley, 2690 Wirt street, is very ill in the hos pital Elder T. I). Merriwether, evange list and wife, of Milwaukee, ae conducting a series of meetings at the Church of God in Christ 26th ' and Erskine Sts Elder E D Roberson, past o ' BIRTHDAY PARTY Mis. Hicks, 3012 M'ami, honored h< v daughter, Cha lotte, at a birth day garden party on Saturday, Oct 10th. Tho decorations were carried out in Halloween colors and the >"uests were dressed in sports iftles- About twenty guests 'at tended Something New Something Good Bar-B-Q Hot Links AND OTHER BAR-B Q MEATS Mrs. Belle Fisher, Mgr. 2514 Binney St. WE 0100 ! RITZ SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Excellent Service If you like our work, tell Others. 4f not, tell Us. We Shine a id Dye Any Color 2033 N. 24th Street When Poisons Clog KIDNEYS And Irritate Bladder FLUSH THEM OUT FOR 35-CENTS Co to your druggist today and get this safe, swift 'and harmless diuretic and stimulant—ask for Gold Medal Hap. lem Oil Capsules and start at once to flush kidneys of waste, matter and saturated with acids and poisons That’s the way to bring about healthy kidney activity and stop that bladder irritation which often causes scanty passage with smart ing and burning as well as restless nights. Remember, the kidneys often need flushing as well as the bowels, end some symptoms of kidney weakness a V?: Getting up once or twice during the night—-puffy eyes —cramps in leg—backache and moist palms But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— the original and genuine—right f ‘mi Haarlem in Holland—the price is small (35-cents), the good results will fulfill your expecta tions i DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c ! LAITNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman | 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 FREE—TO WOMEN THE SECRET OF LIFE — HEALTH — BEAUTY Your Copy 01 NATURAL HEALTH AND RADIANT BEAUTY By Michael Brant, Food Authority and Psychologist Will be mailed to you absolutely FREE. Send a 3c Stamp lor mailing and address— VTTAI.IFE INCORPORATED qn.L HOOTU. BUILDING OMAHA. NEBRASKA Mrs. Ida Fentain, 2115 Clark St is on the sick list Mr. Roy Dill, 2518 Decatur St-, who las been very ill i8 improv ing Mrs- Lillian B- Smith, Perry, Okla, formely of Omaha, is visit ing hell son, David Smith, jr and wife 'at 2918 Burdette St Messrs. Geo H Johnson, C. I> Dumas and S- Campbell of Chic ago, 111-, spent 'a few hours in the city Friday, Oct 9th. Now Open For Business DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. WE 3162 2228 Lake St. VISIT THE— BROWN DERBY CAFE for the beat of food and the best in service. 2035 N 24th St. I Stop and Shop t At ! HERMAN’S | MARKET j j HERMAN FRIEDLANDEF Proprietor {24th and Lake Street j WEbster 5444 IT PAYS TO LOOK- WELL MAYOR B A PRER SHOP Ladiea' and Children's Wor)< A Soeci;iltv 2^22 Lake Street TRY THE NEW BEAUTY SALON AT 5810 2037 N. 24th St Homer McCraney Manager SPARKS VAN TRANSFER Local and Long Distance Moving Purnitnro and Piano Moving. Closed Trucks 2217 Cuming St. JA 6562 DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 j AMANDA OFFUTTS CAFE I I You have tried the rest, now T try here for the best ; 201414 North 24th Street J 1 . _1 J. B. SIMPSON Exclusive Tailors JVUWW Now offer the season’s new Tall fabrics, tailored the way you like them. Smartest pat terns, latest styles. Call C. H. Davis, The Simpson Man. WE 2335 JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Till Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St. IMPERIAL CAFE Vollie Saunders, Mgr. Open under new management. Good food and service with a smile. Open from 6 a.in. to 6 p.m. 106 S. 14th Street. (The Elite Ciprar Store j I Direct Wire On All Sports! Events t Ladies Especially Invited J Fred Alters, Algr HA 4225 2314 N. 24th St. Two Real "W AKER - UPPERS" • START YOUR DAY WITH DELICIOUS COFFEE An Electric Coffee Maker makes the best coffee you ever tasted! There is none of that puckery taste of coffee that has been too long in contact with the grounds. You get only clear, full bod-, led coffee, and nothing else BUT coffee. Taste the dif ference. ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKERS $J§ 95 “up PERFECT TOAST No matter how you Hke your toast—thick or thin. fl crisp or soft—you can make it better on a Mod em Electric Toaster. And none of the flavor oi the bread is lost. For perfect toast See Our Modem— ELECTRIC $065 TOASTERS A UP NEBRASKA POWER CO.