The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 17, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3
NEWS NOTES -H. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR Mr. Benson Carter, who has been ill, is able to be up. OLD RESIDENT DIES Mr. Tom Wright 2744-8 Ave., passed away Saturday evening at his home. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Cutler Funeral Home. The body was shipped to Ver' non, Okla., for burial. Surviv ing are his widow, relatives and many friends. Mrs. Bessie Le^ left Thursday Oct. 8, for Iowa City where she will undergo treatment. Mrs. Velma Thomas and her daughter Mary, together with Miss Veloria Kelly, of Ennis, Tex., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradley, of 2535-6 Ave., left Sunday for their respective homes. Mrs. Belle Means was taken to the hospital at Clarinda on Tuesday. Mrs. Sylvia Brown, who re cently suffered an injured foot in an elevator accident, has re covered sufficiently to return to work. Mrs. Lena Patterson of Kan sas City, Mo., will spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. Botin*1 Shine, 1515-5 Ave. Mrs. Juanita Gamble Bibbs, of Topeka.Kans., spent the past week enrl visiting her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Gamble, and oth er relatives. Mrs. Juanita Woods is still indisposed. The Loving Four Quartette began a ten-day engagement at the Beulah Baptist Church. Mr. Ttoht. Christmas. Clarks dale, Miss., will spend the win ter with his aunt. Mrs. D. M. Mixon. TTe is entered in T. J. High School as a sophomore. Mr. David Emery, formerly a Council Bluffs resident, is in the citv enronte to Los Angeles where he will visit his rbildr'm. Mr. Emery hopes to be trans ferred to California. Mrs Givens of N>w London, Mo., was the guest of Mrs. Sal uda Carter at a recent meeting of the Mothers’ Board. Mrs. Givens is the mother of Mr. Wm. Givens of this city, and will spend the winter here. Mrs. W. Shaffr and daughter, Miss Clara, were Omaha visit ors Monday . CELEBRATES BTRTHDAA? Master Adolph Brown cele brated his eighth birthday on Oct. R. at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Blanche Golden. Some five or more of his little friends joined in the celebration. Mr. J. W. Holt is now con find in the Jennie Edmondson Hospital, where he is undergo ing treatment. Council Bluffs Aeents For The Omaha Guide Are Mbs. Clarence Ollphant. 2456- 6 Ave Little Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal, 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Your Nearest Agent and Buy Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. OUR CHURCHY CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 16 Avenue Rev. Samuel Fant, Pastor ■ ■ ' ■ I Sunday school was held at the usual time- There was no church service held in the morning- Rev Z E McGee, of Omaha, preached in the 'afternoon- Rev. Cannon, of Omaha, preached the night se mon BEULAH BAPTIST CHURCH 303 - 18 Rev W. M. Clayto* Regular services were conduct ed the past Sunday Sunday school ' ■as well attended RIoning ser vice was conducted by Rev. Clay ton- Beulah choir is getting back to itself again- Night sa vice was conducted by Rev Clu ton The church had several Omaha visitors and one from Kansas City during the day TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. White, pastor — Rev. G- E White preached the morning se mon Attendance was good- Rev J. II. Reynolds preach-, ed in the afternoon Mrs- Charles! Warden, state missionary, of Sioux Falls, S D add ’ess 1 the group The pastor preached the night ser mon CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1 f* 18 Avenue B Elder A. D. Carter, Pastor Elder A- D- Carter was in charge of the mo ning service: Attendance was good- Mrs G- Smith, mission ary of Omaha is spending the week in the city CLEVERETTES MEET The weekly meeting of the Cleverettes was held Sunday at 3:00 p. m., Oct. 11, at the home of Mrs. Geraldie Haynys, 24 N. 16 St. i The meeting was spent in making and discussing plans for a formal introduction of the club to society in the form of a tea. N,ew members wer® Mrs. Thelma Lytle, Mi's.Ethel Smith Mrs. Lucilo Hawkins and Mis Corinthia Harvey. After adjournment of the meeting, refreshments were, served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the residence of ATrs. Novella Cage. Mrs. Tnez Wilis, Pres. Mrs. Viola Reynolds, Rep. Miss Clara Shaffer is indis posed. VOLUNTEER REPUBLICAN ... CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Volunteer Republican Club organized Sppt. 30, met at the hom,o of Mrs. Jennie Moore 1410 W. Broadway. Officers of this club are: Mr. Win. A. Giv ens, chairman; Mrs. Katherine Ford, vice-chairman. Miss Cor intliia Harvey, sec’y.: Mrs. Mat' tie Turner and Mm. Mixon, reg istration committGe; Mrs. Haze] Means, chairman Literary com mittee. The sprphers of the evening were Mrs. Thompson, Mm. Wright and Mrs. John Scott. ATTEND TEA DANCE A group of young Council Bluffs matrons attended the Tea Dance in Omaha Sunday afternoon at the Dreamland Hall. Attending were Mesdames Gertrude White, Inez Williams, Geraldi,e Haynes and Miss Opal Harris. Miss Helen Gamble has re‘ turned to her home in Los An geles, Calif., after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Reeves. '^eNRit.HT TAKING THE PUNCH OUT OF IT _ ENTERTAINS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Floyd enter tained at a dinner Friday in cele b ation of their 26th wedding an niversary- The guest list included Mesdames L- L W'lliams, Saluda. Carter, Nannie Wiliams, Sallie Williams, Francis Lee, Mary Wil son and Lula Gilbert Many beautiful and useful gifts we received by the Floyds HIT REPUBLICAN “JARGO N” New York, Oct 18 (C)—The colored publicity division of the Democratic National Commit tee has released a blast against Repub lican publicity propaganda, chav ging it is “unintelligible jargon ” Tho release says enough publicity goes to papers to fill throe news panel’s of the size of some of the papers to which the releases are s«*nt First Colored Jury In Southwest Ark. Murfreesboro, Ark-, Oct- 18 (0)— Pike county’s first all-colored ju~y (of twelve sawmill workers) deli berated 65 minutes last Thursday and returned a verdict of second degree murder with a recommended sentence of five years for Charles Gent iy, a colored man charged with killing Jasper Evans, colored White attorneys represented both sides and the State, demanded death for GentUy RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS DANCING 2425 N. 24th JA 9195 Congressman Mitchell Loses Mother In Ala. Birmingham, Ala-, Oct. 18 (C)— Mrs Anna Mitchell, 63, mother of Congressman Arthur W- Mitchell of Illinois, died last Tuesday- Con gressman Mitchell arrived here from Chicago Thursday and attend ed tho funeral services Friday morning, Ha relumed to Chicago Friday afternoon N. Y. A. OPENS TWO PROJECTS N Y. A- has recently put in op eration two new projects employing about 60 women. One is a sewing proect at South Side Social settle ment and the other is a sewing project at the Unban League. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage IPhone WE5656 2414 Grant St K K Ks Threaten Indiana Minister Lexington, Ky, Oct. 19—The Rev. William II Brown, rector of St Andrew’s Episcopal church here, has received a threatening letter signed “KKK” from Moore’s Hill, Iiul. because he has purchased a fa m in the vicinity of that town Mr Brown is a World War vet eran and in June received hts bon us money. He decided to invest a portion of It in a farm for his fam ily and, after investigation, com pleted negotiations for a piece of property in Indiana During ho transaction with real estate agents and others Mr- Brown voluntarily brought up the ques tion of color so that he. would be assum'd of peace for his family. There was no indication from any ono concerned that a colored fam ily would have any trouble in that section of Indiana However, two days after the deal was complet ed, Ml >■ Brown received the fol lowing letter, printed in capital letters by hand: “Mr. Brown, ’I am taking time to drop you a few lines, as I under stand you are dealing for a piece of property near Moore’s Hill, Ind I would like to let you know before it’s too late that there are no other Col ored folks in his community nnd I think this will not be a desirable place for you and your family as the feeling is running very high since the news has come out that you were coming into our com j munity. I would advise you for ISpGolden Brown j Hair Dressing 9 NOW 25* Make* your hair beautifully , Miiooih and ca>> to drea*. Ha me / hi* package that ‘old by mil- / lion* at 50c, nt your favorite , dm* store NOW ilAe. / LUCK BAG FREE! j Stic Algerian Mnjo Dock Hnc | nnd samples Hair Dressing.Pow- i der. Ointment Free Send 10c to rover mailing rest Goldsn Bn HD ' Co., Dept. G, Memphis, Tenn, | THEY WILL BE SURPRISED WHEN WE TELEPHONE -<* «=d YES. PEOPLE IN EUROPE DONT USE THE TELEPHONE nearly AS MUCH AS WE DO. * • ■'«*« I 111 . ■■ . - Americans lead the world IN THEIR USE OF TELEPHONE SERVICE • The average American makes nine times as many telephone calls as the average European. In the United States, you can get more and better service for your money than anywhere else in the world. Under such conditions, it is natural that Americans should use telephone service more than do the people of other countries. Your telephone dollar has been buying more and more each year. It buys swifter, more accurate ana more dependable local service; it buys out-of-town service amazingly faster, clearer and more sure at substantially lower cost. For more than half a century, the. Bell System has worked constantly to improve and extend telephone service and to keep down its cost to telephone users. -In this way, it has helped to give the United States world leader ship in telephone service. NORTHWESTERN* BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY your own benefit to not buy property here Yours truly K. K. K” Mr. Brown has been an active worker for and supporter of the NAACP -and has communicated with Walter White, national secre tary in New York, who in turn has placed the matter before Govern or Paul V- McNutt of Indiana, the two Indiana senators, and all the representatives of the state in Congress Mr- White’s letter to Gov McNutt declares: “We are. taking the liberty of requesting you as governor of the state to take such action ns lies in your power in inves tigating and bringing to just ice under the laws of the state under he laws of the state of cf Indiana the persons respons ible for these threats, and to protect to the fullest extent of the law, Mr Brown in his rights, as a citizen, and as a soldier who fought for demo cracy.” , cups Ui.UiSlD T£i; KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll like the woy It map* you back, overnight, to the feeling of "racin' to go fit net* and Wide cleanlineii! Eliminate the left-over waitei that hold you back coute heodaehe*. in dtgeition, etc. Garfield tea li not a miracle worker but if CONSTIPATION bother* you, it wil certainly "do wonden'" IP< on-l ?S« of druadorei -or, WRITE FOR FRcE SAMPLES of Ourf,. .l T.c and Garfield Headache Po-der* to. GARFIELC TEA CO., Dept. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from your blood Is thru :• million tiny, dallc&te Kid ney tubes or filters, but beware of cl\eap, drastic, Irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you puffer from (letting Up Nights, Nervous ness, I,eg Pains, Backache, Circles Under Byes, Dizziness, Uheumatlc Pains, Acid ity, Burning, Smarting or Itching don't take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran teed prescription called Cyatex (Siss Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 48 hours It must bring new vitality, and Is guaranteed to tlx you up In one week or money back on return of empty package. Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists and the guarantee protects you. FOR SALE & RENT APTS. TO RENT EH AN K LI NS APAIt IM ENTS 2311 No. 21st Street $4 00 $4 25 and $5 25$ Apply 1711 Coming Street 2 rooms each $2-60 per week. One front room $3 25 per week 1 front room, private sink $3.75 per week 2 rooms, front view, private sink $6-25 a week 2 rooms each $2 60 per week Gas, electricty, heat furnished to each apartment; bath for all. HOUSES to rent 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to 10 rooms. Apartments 1, 2, 3, and 4 rooms. Buy yourself a business. For -sale all kinds of businesses. Many other bargains in property. $50, $100, $150 to $300 down. Don’t try to reach me by phone come to the office. SHANKLIN AGENCY 1711 Ouming Street OMAhaTpiGNEER dairy MEN LOVE PEPPY GIRLS You can become peppy this easy way If you are happy and peppy and full of fun, men will take too places. If you arc lively, they will Invite you to dances and parties. nUT, If you are cross and lifeless and always tired out, men won't l>e Interested In you. Men don't like "quiet" girts. Men go to parties to enjoy themselves. They want give along who are full of pep. I.YDIA F. PINKIIAM’S VEGETABLE COM POUND helps give you pep and energy. Fo» oyer sixty years gills and women have been taking this famous oL, medicine to pep them up ... to help give them strength, energy, sparkle. Notice the girls and women about you who are full of pep. Ask them what makes them peppy. If they are honest, many of them will give the credit to LYIIIA L. PINK. IIAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. You should give LYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEG ETAIII.K COMPOUND n try. Gills with peg ate mute attractive to tuen. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp* to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED TO sT-i-i* Cannolon* Hair Growef ' Bleach Cream tfjouble Strength , iDoubl* Strength) And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Start to intelligent, energetic men or women who are ambitious !o make money and build up a business ol their own selling beauty products ei the better kind. Ours Is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and yeu win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co« Dept 20-A, Atlanta, Ga* N-N-P. Ex. a RcmSUly me I arnity- pour pmeon is an innocent »'lctlm of circumsi^n(,.v _________ ^*SnC! 'fOORS LOVINGLY r-—-- _ ) RoSfM-te TPVNGO I OK,NOO TUJO OF rwe H,0N,feHT R^CEO THING? \ wic^ f l m J . y . / ' P i u»^*w«t7pha;. cijiroo*- co,N r. Chemical