The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 17, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2
SOUlil Oii/uiA NEWS NOTES BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE' FROM YOUR NEAREST JO OMAHA AGENT J. C. Harris Grocery A tore, 5224 S. 30 St. -MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 5709 S. 29 St. I.IA 2-7J Philip Payne, 5318 S. 31 St. Montgomery, 6407 S. 23 St. The Loving Four Quartette closed its meetings at the All,en Chapel Sunday night. More than $72.00 was raised during the week’s meeting. This quartette will return to Allen Chapel at ft later date to fill a ten days engagement. Rev. and Mrs. Dan Cork, of 6108 S. 25th St., entertained at dinner Sunday honoring the Loving Four Quartette. Mrs. Marey Williams and son will leave Oct. Kith, for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will visit. Miss Elleby Entertains Miss Annie Elleby, 2912 It St., entertained at cards Sunday evening. Mrs. Hattie Wright an Mr. Erma Jefferson were the prize winners. Eighteen or twenty persons made up the guest list. WHO WAS HE? Who was the man who went limiting and fell out of a tree, according to his story, Mr. J. L. Luster is improving. Mrs. Lillie Chatman, 26 and '/. Sts., is still ill. South Omaha Boosters The South Omaha Boosters nre hoding regudar meetings on Tuesday of each week. Watch The Omaha Ouide for informa tion with regard to an enter tainment soon to be given bj this club. At last week’s meeting more new members were added to the membership roll. If you have not joined this club, it will be worth your while to join. Mr. M. T. Whitelow is president and Mrs .Rowcna Sud doth the secretary. Mrs. Hazel Sampson, who suffered an injured hand about ten days ago, is still receiving medical aid . Mr. Sam Break field, who is undergoing treatment at the University Hospital, is improv ing. Add Candy and Cigars The store operated by Mr. ami Mrs. Neal Sampson, 29 ami It. Sts., has added u new candy and cigar counter. STILL AT PHILLIP’S DEPARTMENT STORE Bobi® Wise is still in the em ploy of tie Phillips Department Store, working mornings and evenings on school days and all day Saturday. He asks his many friends to call and see him. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It's Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Court !> Attend University of Omaha Misses Alberta and Althea Franklin are now attending the University of Omaha, Miss Al berta is taking the Educational Course and Miss Althea is tak ing sociology. Mother Luster, who bus been visiting friends and relatives in Kansas City, returned to the city Wednesday, Oct. 7th. Attend A M E. Confer ence At Lincoln Among those who attended the A. M. K. Oeneral Confer enee at Lineoln ,Neb., Blind ry Oct .11, were Dr. and Mrs. S If. Norlheross, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Henderson, Mr Mallard, Mrs. J. C. Harris and Mr. Jas. Haris ,jr. Rev. L. T\ Mrynt, recent ]>iis tor of St. John A. M. E, Church, < has been transferred to a charge in Kansas City, Kans. Mrs. Mra/.ipr Stewart has been moved to her home at 31 and C Sts. She is being eared for by Mrs. Lula Jackson . PROGRESSIVE THINKERS HOLD MASS MEETING At a mass mooting held Tues day night, ()H. »i, at the Wood son ('enter, the Progressive Thinkers Club hehl a special senior). Judge Perry Wheeler and Ally. Henry .1, I 'returner were present. Judge Wheeler spoke on the object o ft Ik* club, which is to promote better fellowship, bet-j (er citizenship, the morale and social welfare of the people | and encourage them to exrcise their franchise a strue Ameri cans. II,. received a tremend uous ovation for his timely re' marks. Mr. Hremmer spoke on the candidacy of our Robert It. Sim mons fo rsenator and Jackson M. ('has,, for congressman. Various committees h a v c called on Commissioner Knu! son, in regard to the removal of a N‘*gro janitor from the S Side comfort station a job that has been held by a Negro since the opening of the sta tion—and replacing him with a white man. The organization went on record as disapprov ing Commissioner K Hudson’s stand in the matter. The organ ization appeals to all well think ing citizens, black an dwhite, to use their influence in main taining this job for a Negro, and getting Mr. Knudscn to dis continue his practice of remov in g Negroes fromjobs and re placing them wit hwhites. Joshua Henderson, Pres. J. C .Harris, jr., Sec’y. ALTHQUSE Beauty Salon Everything new in hair coif* fures. See our complete line of ...cosmetics — especially blended for our particular needs. WE 0864 2422 N. 22 St. Expert Auto Repairs .. Overhauling Our Specialty _ All Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makes and models] E.. L.. Merriweather, prop I 2209 No. 22nd St.. Omaha, Neb* CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe 2#10Vi N. 24th St. Jackson 857« Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 THREE GENERATIONS OF REPUBLICANS llepiihJican lenders, representing three generations, meet at national headquarters in Chicago to discuss plans for the current pres idential campaign and judging from their ex pressions, it looks good for the Landon-Knox ticket. On the left is Bert Cumby, assistant di recto ro ft he Young People’s Department of tie Republican Colored Division. Seated in the center is Major John It !, .> t,. ; , I ;■ : , arv, ' ho iii addittion to being a] member and speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives, served as a l\ S. Congress* man from Mississippi and is the only Negro ever to act as temporary chairman of the Na tional Republican Convention, this honor oc curring in 1884. On the right is Robert R. Church of Memphis, one of the nation’s most influential lenders. ____ j ROBERT SMITH Candidate For District Judge TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD His Record Deserves His Elec tion to the District Bench. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0600 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Child Breaks Arm Kiltie Dennie King, "t-veur old son of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence King, 2914 W. St., fell and broke his arm while at play at si hool Monday. A new Baptist church was organized at 20 and Q Sts., by Rev. M. 0. Cannon on Monday night. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL We specialize in rebuilding shoes. If your feet are not comfortable, “see Sam,’’ the shoe doctor. We Call For and Deliver 1807 North 24th Street WE 4240 8c SHIRTS 8c WHEN SENT IN ANY FAMILY SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ! ZORIC DRY CLEANERS I 2321 No. 24th St WE 102!) ONLY TWO MORE DAYS IN ji WHICH TO PROFIT IN OUR :j 51st BiRTHADY \ SALE ■ . J 3 ■ The NEW and GREATER HAYDEN Store Invif s J : 5 | You to its Birthday Party. Every Department Parti | cipafu with Extraordinary Savings.Our “GIFTS" jj t to You in Appreciation of Your Good Will and j; Patronage. Friday and Saturday are the Last Two ; Days. ■! ’t Miss the Savings HUR !r CV COr> IN CHRIST 27*!, rn' R Sfs Elder A- I)- C-vCt. Pastor There was no rror: iug ser vice. Sunday afternoon the church joined the 28th and 1\ conducted by Elder G. S. Ilay St,, church in a Union Mission meeting. Night services were ,i 1 nastor. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P, Mosley, pastor | Rev. J. I*. Mosley, the pasto preached Sunday morning ami evening. 3.30 p. m. service was conducted by Rev. Clayton, pas tor of Beulah Baptist church, Council Bluffs. The church hail several visitors during the day. The church will begin a re vival in the near future. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 27th and P, Streets Elder A. D. Carter, pastor The church enjoyed good services the past Sunday. Union Mission Board met here at 3:00 p. in. Sunday. There were many visitors. UNION MEMORIAL 51 li. CHURCH Rev Win- II Adams, Pastor The ihureh enjoyed good at tendance in the morning, Rev. Cork preached the 11:00 o’" clock service. No night service was held. Many of the members attended Allen Chapel for the night services. On next Sunday morning, Rev. Je<sse Young will preach at the 11:00 o’clock service. Rev. Methodist Church will preach at the 8 :00 p. m., service. There was a Ladies’ Meet ing at the First Spiritual Tem ple No. 6, 24 and Blondo Sts., the past Sunday at 3 30 p. m. Opening remarks were made by Mrs. B. Johnson. Mrs. I. Camp bell read an interesting paper, on the subject “Ladies.’’ There j were many other intersting pa- j pers r{,ad and songs beautiful-1 ly rendered. i Look At Your Roof! THERE S A R] RD RCOF For Every Type of Heme Sbinffle or Roll, in a ho<:t of love’y colors. Chill for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 YearsToPav 1 " Nicho!a s / GET MONEY—LOVE; I guarantee to help you get a new start ta life. No case beyond hope. Stop worry fag I Write me today. Information FREE! M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen At* JERSEY CITY. N. J. ■ id. * i i > Functional PAINS from poor nourishment A hearty appetite and good diges tion are much to be desired. Women who formerly suffered from a weak, run-down condition as a result of poor nourishment, have reported they obtained much bene fit by taking CARDUI, a special medicine for women. They found it helped to increase the appetite and improve digestion, thereby bringing-4,hem more strength from their food. Naturally there is less discomfort at monthly periods when the system has been strengthened and the var ious functions re stored and regu lated. CARDUI is given so much praise by the thou sands of women who have taken it that it is well worth trying by others who suffer similarly. Of course, if not benefited, consult a physician. Three Days’ Cough h Your Danger Signal A cough, chest cold or bronchial rotation today may lead to serious ouble tomorrow. You can relieve cm now with Creomulsion, an * .nulsifled Creosote that is pleasant to take. CreomulsioA 4s a dlcal discovery that n' ■ nature to othe i and heai ■ - . iod membranes and to relieve the irritation and inflammation as the germ-laden phi-'gm ir ic„:cued and expelled, i authorities have for j— rocc .mized the wonder* ml t of Beech wood Creosote | ior u , coughs, chest colds and bronchial irritations, A chemist worked out a special process of blending Creosote with other in gredients so that now in Creomul sion you get a real dose of Beech wood Creosote which is nalatable and can even be taken freer mi and continuously by adults and children. Thousands of doctors now use Creomulsion in their own families and practice, and di'uggipts rank Creomulsion top because in this genuine, original product you can g^t a real dose of Creosote so emulsified that it Goes to the very scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ-laden phlegm. Creomulsion is guaranteed satis factory in the treatment Qf cough?, chest colds and bronchial troubles, especially those that start with a common cold and han't on and on. Get a bottle of Crsoi. kion right now from your druggist, use it ad up as directed and if you fail to get satisfactory relief, he is authorized to refund every rent of your > nney. Get r—-•un.lsi now • • GAS RATES REDUCED! ^ Eleventh Consecutive Reduction Will Save Users of Gas $110,000 Annually! THE Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Utilities District is pleased to state, that through savings realized by the use of Nat.’ i Gas in our manufacturing process, we are abii to announce another substantial reduction in g--s rates for Omaha. This is the eleventh consecu- ■ live reduction since the city acquired the g. s plant in 1920. This new rale schedule will ap;' 1 on all gas consumed after January 1. 1937. an ' which will be represented by the bills render? i in February. Approximately $110,000 will be saved annually to users of gas. Consumer cost of domestic gas over 500 cubic feet monthly hcs been reduced from 55c to 50c per 1.000 cubic feet neb This is the second rale reduction made possible by the use of Natural Gas in the manufacturing process. The 1934 reduction of 5c per 1,000 cubic '.t was made in anticipation of the guaranteed iomy by use of Natural Gas instead of gas t 1, A total reduction of 10c per 1,003 cubic fee! ay now be directly attributed to the uso ot Natural Gas in the manufacturing process. Compare the new rate of 50c per 1,000 cubic feet r domestic gas with the rate existing at the tlmo t o city purchased the gas plant. The rate at liiut time was $1.15 per 1,000 cubic feet net. The gas plant was purchased by the city on the as sumption that "Dollar Gas" could be realized. Omaha has had the lowest manufactured gas rate in the United States for some time. This new slash in rates gives Omaha still cheaper gas service. *- BOARD OF DIRECTORS FRANCIS P. MATTHEWS, Ghairman ALLAN A. TUKEY, Vice Chairman H. MALCOLM BALDRIDGE FRANK J. BURKLEY RALPH G. COAD CHARLES M. WILHELM THEODORE A. LEISEN, Secretary and General Manager ■ Now You Can COOK WITH GAS Cheaper Than Ererl * *—" - Lower cooking costa! 1*000 Omaha vomM cm bow prepare n*k IK UB88 THAW V •eat pm pmeoa pat meat. Oeok with OAH. Now You Can HEAT WITH GAS Cheaper Than Ever! Lower cost, too, for AUTO MATIC GAS HEAT I Gel An enti k mete on the cost of GAS HEAT for jronr home thin winter. You'll be ■ nr prised how little It eoeta un der the new re tern Now You Can REFRIGERATE WITH GAS Cheaper Than Ever! Cost of operating the average RLE CTRO LUX GAS REFRIG ERATOR drops from t 1-6 cents a day to LESS THAN I CENTS under the new, towered rates Refrig erate with GAS. . _ Now Ypu Can Have Automatic Gas HOT WATER Cheaper Than Everl Enjoy AUTO MATIC GAS HOT WATER, with 24-HOUR FUEL. SERVICE at a new low cost. You CAN afford autom&tio OAS HOT WATER1