The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 10, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    1 *** ^4/lWr
By Randy Taylor
Owens in the Theatre
Larry Snyder, coach at Ohio
State university, has announced
that Jesse Owens, the Olympic hero
will begin chasing the gold behind
the footlights of the stage Snyder
further states that Owens will go
to N. Y.. to study dancing under
the tutelage and guidance of Bill
Robinson, the famous tap dancer.
In answer to the question as to
whether or not Owens’ amateur
standing will be affected, Snyder
stated: “Jesse will sing and dance
on the stage and will not lose his
amateur standing simply because
he will not appear in any capacity
as an athlete ”
The danger in the whole situa
tion lies in the billing of Owens.
Should he be billed as Jesse Owens,
Olympic Hero” or should any re
ference be made to his athletic
prowess, you can bet your boots
itliat the AAU bigwigs are not too
kindly towards Owens since his
famous “run-out” in Europe, and
tho boys w„uld like to see Owens
mako the move which would give
them the opportunity to call him
a professional.
For the life of me, I can’t see
why there should be all this con
cern about amateur standing, etc
Owens certainly has done a good
job for Ohio State and the United
States, for the past three years he
personally, has made the Ohio
State track team front page copy
Ho “made” the 1936 Olympics as
for as it,he American viewpoint is
concerned- What else can the boy
Ho has all the track records
tucked in his pockets. He has won
all the track championships that
are available—can you tell me
what’s Owens going to gain by re
taining his amateur standing?
When you look down the line and
try to find a Negro athlete that
has cashed in on his college fame,
you find it difficult to find one—
they just don’t exist Take Drew
Tolan, Cooke, Brice; Taylor; Ward
the case of Wesey Fesler, their
and all the rest, and not one of
them have made any money thru
their athletic ability. The boys have
had to tlrn to law, medicine, social
service and whatnots to eke out
tho things that we need in making
a living.
If Owens was a white boy, he
would have no worries for Ohio
State would probably call him
back to help coach the track teams
They did that in the case of Wes
ey Fesler, heir all-American foot
ball star- But Owens will have to
realize that this is a land of in
equalties, a land of limited oppor
tunities for gentlemen of color,
and that black is black, white is
white and though the twain may
1 meet in the distant future that
day is not yet- Jesse wall find that
when all the smoke has cleared
away he will have to turn to teach
ing, the law, medicine, the minis
try or perhaps business—that's
what all the rest of the boys had
to do
If Owens can earn $10,000 in
the next year, even if it means he
will have to sacrifice his amateur
standing, he will be making a big
mistake if he doesn’t snatch the
opportunity That’s more money
than he will make in alifetime in
the old professions- Weigh this
against amat.uer standing, and I’ll
bet the old gold will outweigh all
the rest
I know of a chap who was one
of the greatest football players at
one time of the colleges in New
England some ten years ago. They
were crazy about this boy, his
classmates termed him the “best
same fellow is on home relief in
athlete in college.” Today, this
New York City
the gold, Jesse and let the amateur
standing go.
$5,000 Improvements
At Kentucky School
Lincoln Ridge, Ky., Sept. 26—
(C)—Lincoln Institute opened here
Labor Day with $5,000 in improve
>mentis, including two lx1 aeon1 lights
on tho campus, and money for con
crete sidewalks connecting the
main buildings.
2 Saw Way Out of Jail
Florence, Al'a., Sept. 26—(C)—
George Brown, charged with mur
der, and William Hunt, accused of
assault with intent to kill, sawed
the bars of Lauderdale county jail
during a heavy rain storm, swung
from a second story window on a
rope made of tom sheets, and es
A candidate for municipal judge
on Tuesday Nor. 3rd.. 35 years in
public service in the city of Omaha.
7 . First Downs . 12
20 f Yards Rushing.280
9 Yards Passing . 61
7 of 20 .. Passes Completed .. 3 of7
20 . Penalties, Yards . 15
Evanston, 111., Oct. 3—It was de
monstrated here Saturday that 11
good men can beat one superstar
at football when Northwestern’s
Wildcats won the opening Big Ten
game by beating Iowa—mostly Oze
Simmons—by a score of 18 to 7.
The Hawkeyes were outplayed
all the way- The Wildcats took the
lead with two touchdowns in the
second quarter, were held scoreless
in the third but added a safety in
the final period. Iowa’s only score
Drs. Savory and
Powell Together
In Politics
kAi- k. | -
New York, Sept. 26—(C)—The
prize Harlem business combination,
Dr. P. M. H. Savory and Dr. C. B.
'/Powell, are together in politics too,
it became known last week when
both accepted membership on a
national committee being formed
among colored citizens by the Good
Neighbors League, (which is or
ganizing church and educational
leader in aiding the re-eleotion of
President Roosevelt.
camo in the fourth quarter when
Simmons took a lateral pass from
Eieherly,, and with no blocking
support, ran 29 yards over the
goal line
Much of Simmons' failure to go
places was due to a hard charging
sure tackling Northwestern line.
Operating behind that forward
wall, Coach Waldorf exhibited a
galaxy of fleet footed and shifty
hipped backs.
Northwestern Pos- Iowa
Kovach . LE Lennor
Gibson . LT Wakei
Schriebcr . LG Liggett
Fuller . C .... Osmalosk
Ried . RG .Farroh
Voigts . RT . Deheer
Zitko ... . RE Harris
Vanzo . QH Hild
Ad«lman . LH .Simmons
Hinton . RH Eieherly
Tooth .. FB Balazs
Referee, Fred Gardner, Cornell;
umpire, Schommer, Chicago; field
judge. Clarno, Bradley; head lines
man, Lipp, Chicago.
By Periods;
Iowa . 0 0 0 7— 7
Northwestern] . 0 'B 0 2—18
Northwestern scoring: Touch
downs, Geyer, Adelman. Point from
try after touchdown, Toth. Field
goals, Geyer.
Iowa scoring: Touchdown, Sim
mons. Point from try after touch
down, Nelson. Saftey, Balas
National Catholic
Inter-Racial Group
Cincinnati, Sept, 26 (By James
T. Whitney for AND—The cry of
tho angles cm the first Christmas,
“Peace on earth to men of good
will,” was cherished by those in
whose minds the National Catholic
Interracial Federation was born.
George W. B. Conrad, Cincinnati
attorney, president of the federa
tion, said in his annual address at
tho concluding session of the 10th
annual convention in Holy Trinity
“Tho new social order calls for
men of integrity and honor, men
who have an unselfish desire to
serve humanity in all its aspects,”
Mr. Conrad said. “This new better
social order must be built from an
acknowledgement of the Father
hood of God and Brotherhood of
i Mr. Conrad said aim/s of the
federation were to advance its re
ligion and the Negro race, and also
inspired by the basic elements of
i Catholicism, to promote the wel
fare of the country and of man
kind, He haid:
“The Negro must not per
mit men with selfish and ul
terior motives to undermine
and destroy his faith in the
American white man. He
should ever cling to him, be
lieving that his interests are
so linked wdth one common ob
jective that the success of one
means the success of the other.
“He must strive to emulate
the white man's virtue and
not his vices. The Negro must
stop whining ahout his con
dition and redouble his efforts
to contribute something toward
alleviating his economic and
social condition. He must de
vote less time to social diver
sion and strive to win praise
and respect through laudable
Mr. Conrad was reelected to the
presidency. Other officers elect
' ed were: Vice presidents, first,
John C. Dempsey, white, Cincin
nati attorney and member of the
| Community Social center, a Ca
i tbolic Negro welfare organization;
i Mrs. Cora Riley, Indianapolis; Mel
Ivin McNairy, business man, Chie
| ago; Albert Grahl, white, St.
Louis; Sidney B. Thompson, Cleve
land; treasurer, M. C. Whitlor, St.
Louis, releeted; executive secre
tary, Charles L. Rawlings, Detroit.
Resolutions deploring the trouble
in Spain, declaring against Com
munism and Fascism, praying for
the canonization of Blessed Martin
do Porres, Peruvian Negro Dtmin
ican, decrying injusties to the Ne
gro, especially lynching, and ex
pressing appreciation to the clergy
and the laiy of the diocese for their
hospitality were adopted.
Rev. Francis G. Wade, S. V. D.,
Lafayette, La., Negro priest, cele
I brated memtrial mass at Holy
| lYinity church. The morning was
! devoted to a business session at
| which Rev. John LaFarge, S. J.,
associate editor of America, and
Rawlings were the principal speak
crs. Speakers in the afternoon were
McNairy who said in his talk on
“Educatitn and Racial Adjust
ment” that impairment of relations
between the races is due to ignor
ance, and that frequent contacts
I between racial groups are needed;
I Rev. Leo M. Walsh, StL James
j church, Wyoming, Ohio, whose
Jilk on “The Federation and its
, Objectives” was in a vein similar
to McNairy’s, and Thompson, wht
j said on “The Negro’s Achieve
ments in the Olympics,” that in
tenacial goodwill come thi-ough
such young men as Jesse Owens
and Ralph Metcalfe, who serve as
Ambassadors of goodwill. The con
vention ended with a reception and
dance at Holy Trinity auditorium.
J/e/ms j a cmmteK
'L of cUdar£cip(tfP( Zmfa
ts Mwut four'years ago, Soger traded
'i seme a/Aututho /Sr lessvrts in,
J sculpturing Ins smallest sycamcrg
i Ti*xki figures Howlring fo/kiVOari/ee
v makes quaint tig tups ot 'oowlen;
livksmt/is storekeepers; doctors*
and turn/oiks JJe has/artapple ted
d group, that is valued alrdSOQ*1
in Jew York,
Chicago and
Detroit Sappo/t
fas work os
/me art.
fle still tolhius
fas trade as a.
a uhe/t not
& (vtutttlng h.
Carver Experiments k
On Cassareep
Georgetown, British Guiana,
Sept. 26—(By G. A. Boyea for A. |
N. P.)—Prof. G. W. Carver, sea- j*
soncd Negro scientist of Tuskegee
fame, is presently engaged in per-!
forming an experiment with cass-1 ^
areep sent him by the Negro Pro- l
gross Convention. This information K
was revealed in a letter dispatch
ed to convention by Messrs. G. ^
Hodge and Ashmore McKenzie,
British Guianese students at Tusk
egee. 11
Cassareep is a te'acle made from
cassava. a vegetable produce -i
grown in West Indian and tropical J
countries. Locally it is used for
seasoning sauces and forms part of
the popular dish known us “pepper,
pot.” It may be stated that Dr. j I
Carver has already successfully j <
tackled other B. G. products and i
years back created a sensation by I
making paint and confectionery (
from isorrel. Sorrel is mainly used
in British Guiana as a drink and {
considered an antidote for hot wea- i
ther days.
Florida College
Runs Saturdays
Daytona Beach, Fla.,—((')—
Beginning September 19, the
Bethune-Oookman College
starts classes in college sub
jects on Saturdays for teachers
in service .according to Dean
J. A. Bond.
I guarantee to help you get a new start ia ;
life. No case beyond hope. Stop worry- |
fng 1 Write me today. Information FREEI ,
M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen At*
Dept. O. G. 1
Make This Test at Our Risk
Don’t feel old.
Help your
glands by using
> famous doctor’s
own guarante
ed private pre
scriptions. Proscription No. 25 for
men and prescription No. 40 for i
women. These prescriptions assist I
nature in restoring the prostrate,!
ovaries, and other glands of the
glands of the body to normal act- j
ivity. Price $1.00; super-strength,
$4.00. If C. O. D„ postage extra.!
After 6 days’ trial if you are not I
satisfied, 'return the unused por
tion of the medicine and your mon
ey will be returned.
10-AB, 424 E 42nd St., Chicago, 111.
►tart Probe Of
“Cotton Union”
Greenwood, Miss., Sept. 26—(C)
-The alleged threatening of a
■anter by a colored cotton picker
,st Wednesday started a probe of
t organization of colored cotton
orkers. Samuel Warnel, 60, has
sen jailed in Lefore county char
ed with threatening V. O. Ains
orth with a gun, Ainsworth
aims Warner threatened him
hen he asked labou( a report that
dored farmers would stop having
>tton ginned on Ainsworth plan
New York, Seipt. 12—(C)_The
lew York Age began its 61st year
l’ continuous publication with the
,8ue of Sept. 5. Editor Fred R.
lwire wrote a signed editorial on
he occasion.
Feel full of pep and possess the
slender form you crave—you can’t
if you listen to gossipers.
To take off excess fat go light on
tatty meats, butter, cream and sug
ary sweets — eat more fruit and
vegetables and take a half teaspoon
ful of Kruschen Salts in a glass oi
hot water every mc-ai"" to “Uau*
aate excess waste.
Mrs. Elma Verille of Havre ft
3race, Md., writes: "I took off 2(
ba.—my clothes fit me fine now.”
No drastic cathartics—no consti
p&tiou—nut utlaaful daily bowel ac
tion when you take your little dall'
lose of Kruschen.
Help Kidneys
^ Don’t Take Drastic Drugs
Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny
ubes or filters which may be endangered
>y neglect or drastic. Irritating drugs He
arcful. If functional Kidney or Hladdsr
llsordcrs make you suffer from Getting
Tp Nights, Nervousness, Lons of Pep.
*alns. Rheumatic Pains, Dizziness, Cir
•les Under Ryes, Neuralgia, Aeiditj
burning. Smarting or Itching, you don't
leed to take chajices. All druggists nov
iave the most modern advanced treat
nent for these trouble®—a Doctor s pre.«
rlptlon called Cyatex (Slss Tex). VV >r k
ast—safe and sure. In 48 hours It mini
•ring new vitality and is guaranteed t<
nake you feel 10 years younger In on*
veek or money back on return of empt>
tackage. Gystex costs only He a dose at
iruggists and the guarantee protects you
2 Die In Chair In N. C.
Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 26—(C)- —
J. B. Carden of Durham and Geo.
Alston of Chapel Hill, both con-!
vkited of murdering women, died in'
the electric chair Friday night. In
n farewell note Alston admitted
killing his sweetheart, Helen Mas
sey, and thanked Prof. Roland Me
Clamrocld of the University of
North Carolina for helping him.
Duke At Palisades
In New Jersey
Edgewater, N. J., Sept. 26— (C)
•—The famous Duke Ellington of
Harlem and his band with a free
stugo act were the big attraction
at the Fhdisades Amusement park
on Labor Day.
Robert Smith, candidate for
district judjre, Tuesday, Nov. 3rd..
His record deserves his election for
I the district bench.
Here is a way to hdp calir
quivering nc.ves
Do you feel so nerimiN that you want to
•fieam? Arc then- times when you ar« crtMr
and Irrllahlc . . . times when you scold those
who are dearest to you?
If your nerves are on edge, try LYDIA E
helps calm your (inhering nerves and shouli
give you the strength and energy to fate Ilf
with a smile.
When your worries and cares become tot
much for you anti you want to run i»w«v from
It all . . . take LYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEG
ETABLE COMPOUND. Many women have
had nerves an jangled a a yours, hut they have
been able ro build up their pep anti energy and
get hack to normal with the aid of I YDIA E.
When your mother and yoor grandmother
used to Itccome nervous. Irritable and rundown
they depended upon this famous old medlclno
to pep them up again ... to help their nerves
• • . to help give them a cheerful dUpotHkm.
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial Irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulslon.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul
slon, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
s loosened and expelled.
Even If other remedies have
.ailed, don’t be discouraged, your
Irugglst is authorized to guarantee
Creomulslon and to refund your
money If you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomulslon right now. (Adv.)
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
of a baby all your own and yearn
for a baby’s arms and a baby’s
smile, do not give up hope. Just
write in confidence to Mrs, Mildred
Owens, Dept. C 2G2, Ilanan Bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo., and she will tell
you about a simp*e home method
that helped her after being denied
15 years. Many others say this haa
helped bless their lives. Write now
and try for this wonderful happi
Flush Kidneys of
f.cids and Poisons
Stop Getting Up Nights
When kidneys are clogged they
become weak—the bladder is irri
tated—often passage is scanty
and sir. a its and burns-—sleep is
restless and nightly visits to the
bathroom are frequent. The right
harmless ami inexpensive way to
stop this trouble and restore
healthy action to kidneys and
bladder is to get from any drug
gist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules and trke
as directed—you won't be disap
pointed -but bo sure and get
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules—the original and genuine
—right from Haarlem in Holland
a grand kidney stimulant anil
diuretic. Remember also that oth
er symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble are backache, leg
damns, puffy eyes, moist palms
and nervousness.
Tree course in
Inc'uding Diploma by Mail.
Write Cuban Cosmetic Co,
Eox 5315 Chicago. Ill
Is Due To Constipation
Often one of the first-felt
effects of constipation is a
headache. Get at the bottom
of the trouble with a dose
or two of purely vegetable
That’s the sensible way — relieve
the constipation. Enjoy the re
freshing relief which thousands of
people have re
ported from the
use of Black
Draught in
such conditions.
is made of fine
ly powdered
leaves and roots
of medicinal
plants. It is
sold in 25-cent
packages. In
sist on
l - ■ -.- --
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