The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 10, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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New Provident Hospital Head j
Dr. John W. Lawlali
Dr. John W. Jjawlah, bril
liant young medical practicion*
er, who has been appointed as
Medical Director of Provident |
Hospital, the largest and finest
hospital for Negroes in Amer
ica. Dr. Lawlah, a njative of j
Bessemer, Ala., who did his
medical work at the Univdr
Medical college of the Univer
sity of Chicago, is but 32 years
old but is recognized by medi
cal authorities as one of the
most progres-b'e and compe
tent young men in his profes
sion. For several months lie has
been serving Provident as act
ing medical (director. Under
his leadership Provident Hospi
tal inaugurated oh Sept. 1st, a
post-graduate course for phy
sicians. The University of Chi
cago Medical School staff and
a number of the foremost men
in medicine will be associated
with the highly trained Provi
dent staff in conducting this
State New Dealers
Running: In Circles
Members of the State Central |
Committee together with a few.
others who have been prominent in
the councils of the Democratic
party are responsible for the con
fusion and evident discord now.
These few assume authority to,
completely ignore the wishes of
the thousands who voted for Car
penter as their choice as candidate
for the United States senate. Car
penter was nominated largely as a
protest to the leadership, too ar
rogant and too cock-sure of their
ability to handle party affairs as
they jolly well saw fit He will be
elected as a further (protest for
going outside the party for mater
ial when senatorial timber is plen
tiful within the party.
Nebraska’s new dealers trying
to persuade themselves that
Burke’s resignation was because he
could not, or would not support
the party's nominee for the senate,
is not well taken. Personalities ex
isting between Burke and Carpen
ter coud in no way be responsible
('Continued on Page 8)
Republican Advisor
Meets Local Leaders
Dr. J. R. Crossland, national
advisor of Negro voters ftr the
Republican national committee,
will confer at 9 p. m. Friday at
Northside Republican headquar
ters, 2216 No. 24th St., with'
Omah Negro Republican leaders, j
Qr. Crossland is making a ttur of
western states. While In Omaha he
will be the guest of Ray Williams,
chairman of the Northside head
President To
Speak Here
Saturday Eve
President Roosevelt v 1 open his
western drive ft r votes ’ ith an ad
dress in the Ak-Sar-B*'n Coliseum
at Omaha Saturday night.
In Washington it was announced
that the Omaha speech will be the
'irf.’t on the preside ut’-i w slen
tour, the itinerary of which was
still indefinite Tuesday night
May Go To Kansas
Tentative plans were for Presi
dent Roosevelt to leave Washing
ton Friday afternoon, speak in
Omaha Saturday n’ght, go from
there possibly into Kansas Major
speeches in Chicago and Dot riot on
tho return trip are planned
Sources close to the president,
however, were quoted as saying
that President Roosevelt will de
vote his Omaha speech to agricul
ture, talk on social security at Den
ver and make business recovery
uring his administration the
theme of his speech in the motor
’enter, Dctriot
Arrange tor l onseuiri
Arangements for the use of the
Coliseum were completed Tuesday
morning by State Chairman J. C
Quigley of Valenrtine and Vice
Chairman Charles Barth of Sew
ard, with the aid cf Mayor Butler
Butler called Ak-Sar-Ben gov
ernors, who agreed to waive the
rule against use of the Coliseum
for political meetings Butler
asked that the rule be waived
because of the civic importance
of the occasion.
Butler said that all decorations
for the Ak-Sar-Ben coronation ball
Friday night would be left up
Thus the Coliseum, ordinarily
pretty barn-like, will have a festive
May Speak for Norris
In his Nebraska stops and prob
ably in his speech here,, the presi
dent is expected to say something
in behalf of the independent candi
dacy of Senator George W. Norris
for re-election
Tho Friendly 16 Bridge club met
at the home of Mr. Chas Laster,
2836 Charles St Due to the ab
sence of the president, Mr, Avant
who is out of the city, the vice
president, P. Adkins presided over
tho meeting After the regular
business meeting routine, we pro
ceeded with our bridge games- Mr
Charles Laster and Alex Hilton
won high scores- We had a visitor
in the person of Mr. Dorsey of
2833 Binney St whom we were
to have with us We were served
with a deightful repast by the
host and everybody was happy
We take this method to announce
to the public our definite plans and
outline of our campaign movement
We feel that from a few remarks
wo have heard, that you (the pub
ic) don’t understand our program
Wo as an organization feel that
the community would be bettered
in all civic affairs, by submitting
theso facts to the public
1- A mayor—to be active in all
civic affairs, and to represent the
Negro as a nation
2.. His duties—to cooperate with
his twelve councilmen in any ca
pacity of life that might be con
fronting a person or a group of
persons. ,
3.. A mayor—to be elected by a
popular vote of the Negroes in the
community. His councilmen will
also be elected bf a popular vote
of the community. We expect the
cooperation from all organizations
and clubs.
4.. We as an organization TAKE
NO definite stand on any POLITI
CAL standpoint one way or the
other The contest, is run solely
democratic.. We ARE NOT pro
tected or backed by any political
The following candidates have
been registered by different organ
izations and clubs: Mr.. C.. C.. Gal
loway, Mr- Milton Johnson, Atty.
H.. J.. Pinkett, Mr.. W.. L.. Myers,
Mr.. LeRoy Childs, Mr.. Johnnie
Owens, Dr G B- Lennox and Dr
Wesley Jones.. Hurry and register
yours, any candidate you may sel
ect will be accepted. Registration
closes Friday night Oct. 9, 1930..
Don’t forget to come out Friday
night to the Round Table discussion
and express your opinion on this
Governor Allred M, London
I have nothing but the highest regard for our American cinzeng
of color. The history of the Republican party and that of out
colored fellow citizens is so interwoven that it is impossible ta
think of freedom and the remarkable progress of colored Ameri
cans without recalling the origin of our party. Who can forget the
labors of the Republican party for this people in their darkest
Against forces often cones :iled but nevertheless tireless and
industrious the Republican party keeps the faith with its founders
who promised to remain unwearied in the cause of fully estab
lished emancipation. Our party is not sectional. Its beliefs and
practices are everywhere the same, both North and South alike.
It is universal.
I employ neither platitudes nor mottoes. Our platform of J93S
as it relates to colored Americans, together with the principles of
the Republican party as they were first uttered, express my feel
ings and convictions on all problems that concern them. No turn
of fortune could change my belief in the absolute equality of all
American citizens. Wherever I may be in the future I shall strive
03 1 have thus far striven to adhere to the fundamentals of jus
tics .. will by word and deed.
Mrs. Elias Hunter, 2225 Lake
St, who has been very ill, is great
ly improved.
16-Year-Old Girl
Enters University
First semester registration at
Omaha Municipal university totals
617 students, an increase of 10 per
cent over the first semester total
of 660 last year
Tho enrollment includes 285 wo
men and 332 men Non-residents,
numbering 12 per cent of the stu
dent body, are from California,
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri; Kansas
and Canada
Youngest among the students is
Adeline Speckter, 16, of 2705 Ho
ward street Rev- George Slater,
64-year-old colored minister of
Council Bluffs, is the oldest stu
dent Tho Rev. Slater is working
for his bachelor of arts degree
Arrested As Auto
Rams Into House
Durham, N. C., Oct, 3—(C)—
James Nance, 24, was Jailed for
reckless driving after his car had
rammed into a souse on East Proc
tor street. Lonnie McLaughlin,
who occupied the dwelling, was
tho complaintant
N. A. A. C. P. Warns
Voters To Beware Of
Political Trickery
New York. Oct l1 As the pro-.
sidental campaign waxes warmer,
the NAACP issued today a warning
to thoughtful Negro voters not to
be carried away by artificially
pumped up enthusiasm, but in
stead of to exact from candidates
for office unoquivocal pledges on
matters of grave con cm t . ;r' >
voters. Prominent Negroes nre
actively working in all parties, and
that is as it should be But the
motives of all persons, white or
Negro and the past activities of
thoso who urge Negroes to vote
this way or that should be care
lully scrutinized and weighed
,1 eeial a, p als to •. u<.. h ph. us
es should bo ignored If the Negro
masses are to get any benefit from
the extraordinary opportunity
which his election affords, they
must be realists and not let them
selves be led astray by meaningless
party labels or flamboyant oratory.
Let candidates for office know
that while we expect Negroes to
bo given johs just like the repre
[ sentatives of other races, the mas
i see of Negroes will not be. satis
fied with a few soft berths for
political wheel-horses' We are
much more interested in funda
mental issues affecting Negroes,
such as physical security from the
lynching mob, jobs at equal pay
the abolishment of discrimination
in relief and civil service, and in
I the establishment of a more just
' social and economic order, for the
benefit not only of the Negro but
I of ther inority groups and of the
the country as a whole.
The Omaha Election Campaign
Committee of the Communist party
317 Karbttch Block, Omaha, Nebr
i announces that Mr- James W Ford
I candidate for vice (president of the
(United States on the Communist
party ticket, will be the main
speaker at an election rally to be
held on Sunday night, Oct 18th at
8 p- m at the Dreamland hall, 2223
No- 24th St
Mr Ford spoke over a national
network including WOW on Sept
21st on the subject “The Negro
[ People in the Elections ” Mr Earl
Browder, Communist candidate for
President introduced Mr- Ford to
the radio audience as follows:
“The speaker tonight for the
Communist party is a member of
its highest body, the Central Com
mittee elected by the party’s na
tional convention The Central i
Committe is the authoritative lead
ership of our party until a new
committee is elected at the next
convention Our speaker also sym
bolizes a basic point of the Comun
ist platform, namely complete equ
ality for the Negro people, by the
enforcement of the 13th, 14th and
15th Amendments to the Constitu
tion He is a recognized leader of
the Negro people generally as
well as of the Communist party
as a whole. I consider it an honor
and privilege to introduce the can
didate of the Comunist party for
vice president, James W Ford ”
This is the only appearance of
Mr Ford in Omaha during the el
ection campaign. Admission is by
ticket wieh costs only ten cents
Hon. Ross D. Brown
To Speak at Elks Hall
Hon. Ross D Rown of Chicago,
will be the guest speaker at Elks
Hall, 2420 Lake St Thursday, Oct
8th at 8 p- m Mr Rrown wil give
the colored people of this section
his opinion of how' the New Deal
and the present Democratil admin
istration has affected them in their
civic, social, economic and indus
trial life Under the careful man
agement of President Roosevelt
Landon l^fouSd
Take Action to
Stop Lynching
i ka. Oct 10—Governor Al-;
're 1 'I Landon Monday demand
ed legal action to curb lynching, |
idi he branded “a blot on our;
■Vir.erican civilization ”
He made his declaration to Col
\rthur W- Little of New York
•.vho comancled Negro troops in
1 iunco during the world war, and
• i Robert It Church of Memphis,
Tenn , a colored business man and
leader among the colo. >■! j'op'.e,
hen they conferred with him on
Republican rnr"''i,!gn "Ians
After the sea"ion. Church with
c oncurrence ff ( ,o\ ■ rner Landon,
told reporter*:
“I diseussel with Governor Lan
don a number of matters relating
to the colored people of the United
Robert R Church, Memphis,
T'-nn's wealthiest Negro business
man and national committeeman
l’or the Republican party of Ten
nessee, who with Col- Arthur Little
interviewed Gov Alfred M Lon
don at Topeka in the interest of
Colored America
States The crime of lynching was
ono of the matters discussed and
inthat connection Governor London
said; “In common with ail law
abiding citizens of this country, I
am unalterably opposed to law
lessness in all forms and, of course,
this includes lynching, which is a
blot on c ur Am* 1 an civilization
“ ‘Furthermore, cur party will in
sist that the colored man shall re
ceive equal treatment in the re
ceiving of relief and not be discri
minated against because of his race
or political faith
(continued on page 5)
Georgia Mobsters
Take Wrong Man
New York, Ot 11 >mu«i
vtions to the National V > ation
. o' the Advancement >f Colored
P-ople here indicate that A I, Me
Camy lynched at Dalton, G- Sept
6th was certainy not guilty of “at
tempted rape” and might have been
a man innocent of any crime what
Tho white woman who is sup
p. sod to have been attack has de
nied that the man in her horn®
molest* d her Site has denied also
that she could identify ' e person
She simply woke up at 1 oaring a
noise and aw a men id:ng in
her bedroom. She screamed and he
fled There is no evidence that the
intruder was their for the purpose
of harming anyone or committing
rape Ho could have been a burglar
A check upon the movements of
McOnmy on thn* night shows
that at the time the woman claims
she saw a man in her room MeCay
was home in bed- He left the North
end of Dalton before ten o’clock
and went to a,cafe in south Dalton
ins, taxi-cab with another man
From there he walked home and is
said to have been there continous
Iy until two o clock when the offi
cers came and arrested him
The family attempted to get ft
hearing for him on Friday but the
authorities put it off until Satur
day • On Saturday they put it off
until Monday and on Sunday he
was lynched
The dead man’s relatives are said
j to liavo been warned by deputy
sheriffs that they would “get the
same the same thing” if they did
not get off the streets The state
ment appearing in the paper that
the police officers did not know
where the l>ody was until four
hours after the crime is also said
to be false as the dead man’s rela
tives telephoned the jail soon after
th" crime and were told at once
where the body was
The fact that a hearing was
postpone for 2 days and that the
sty riff and other officers were
home asleep when the lynching
took place on Sunday points strong
ly to the knowledge that a lynching
was to take place on the part of
all concerned
Squaro Deal Stores Meeting
The Square Deal Stores met
Sunday evening at the residence of
Mrs. Bertha Bell, 2631 Binney St.
Plans were discussed for entertain
ing all the ministers of the city
after they return fom the various
Mr B. E. Squires is recovering
from an operation which he under
went Saturday at the Luth»ra hos
pital Saturday morning
Hot Springs, Ark., Oct.. 3—(A
NP)—Federal aid, education of
children, substitution of land own
ing for tenant farming, birth con
trol, and sterilization of the unfit,
as well cooperation between share
croppers and landlord were advoc
ated as remedies for the 70-year
old farm problem by the 57 mem
bers of a special commission hold
ing a two day meet here last week
at the invitation of Gov. J_ M..
“Complete annihilation of ten
ancy is a dream," Gov. Futrell
said.. “We may as well bear In
mind the fact that wortslees peo
ple cannot be helped. The ultimate
end to be obtained is the substitu
tion of farm owners for farm ten
ants as far as possible. The fed
eral government most have a hand
in carrying out a policy of enabling
would-be owners to purchase land
at reasonable prices and on terms
which an industrious tenant farmer
can meet while making a good liv
ing for himself and family.”
The governor pointed out, how
ever, that a large percentage of
the several million sharecroppers,
many of them Negroes held in vir
tual peonage, cannot be helped be
cause “the average tenant has the
mentality of a 12 year old child.*
Ho dvocated birth control and
sterilisation for tho mentally de
ficient as partial solution for the
Getting back to federal aid, Gov.
Futrell said, “Long terms of pay
ment with a low rato of interest
are necessary to enable the pro
(Continued on Page 5)