The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 03, 1936, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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    tjAnj 1 I j 1 3
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5cents JIJ city
™Y JlO edition
_________•-- ■ --
Mrs. Edna Mitchell 2431 Dar
ker street, has just completed
a satis factory survey of some
3600 Negro homes in North Onr
aha for the Omaha Guide.
Mrs Mitchell, the authorized
ftrdloehnr for thp O ** «'b*i 1' ’* * >
ii >>o\v mfd'V’rr collections from
C'*1 .’.It'ihpT'C of + lw» O' >sb*:P-,1 to 1
11T, p. r thpt ft* t\ iriltl, .
to her o--p«v Conrt<»SV.
The c • : nV Tir” Bell TTarleiA,
2*110 Lake St., will open its doors
to the public Oct . 1st, according
to word received from Mr. Bell..
The features which go to make
this place one of THE places is
the grand space for dancing; the
ten piece orchestra seated in an
orchestra pit; lunch counters and
tables and the various entertaining
floor shows
Mr.. Bell is to be commended for
this step in giving Omaha a place
of amusement that compares fa
vorably with any to be found in
this section of the country..
Milton Wilson, clerk at Tuchman
Bros., store at 24th and Lake Sts..:
Marcellus Ritchie, Nebraska uni
versity graduate and city inspector
of weghts and measures; M- L..
Harris, ex-editor of a St.. Louis
newsipiapejr, general national or
ganizer and member of the educa
tional board of the direction of the
I.. B.. P.. 0.. E.. of W
Miss Delila Rucker
Miss Delila Rucker, 4409
Burt St., has entered the Uni
versity of Omaha, where she is
puruing the Commercial Arts
Miss Rucker, a graduate of
Tech TTigh Class of 1934, has
been in the employ of The Om
aha Ouide for the past six
Tusa Announces
Special Dates for
Any registered voter who has
moved, must re-regieter in order
to vote November 3, 1936.
We estimate that there are about
19,000 to 16,000 voters in the City
of Omaha who should register be
for October 23rd, if they desire
as isoon os possible, because if
We are anxious hat they register
to vote at the Nov. 3rd election
hey register early, we can give
btter service and do the work
more economically.
It is very important that all vo
ters who ^lave moved, register, be
cause if a voter is not registered
he cannot be drawn on the jury.
Therefore, it is of financial interest
to the voter to always be register
We have made arrangements for
special registration days in several
parts of the city, and the hours of
registration at these places will
be from 2:00 p. m. o 9-00 p- m.
except at South Omaha, which will
be from 8:00 a- m. and 9:00 p. m.,
and the following are the locations
and dates:
Thursday—Oct. 1—Benson fire
bam, 60th and Military Ave.
Sal unlay-—Oct-3—Birch wood Club,
27h and Redick Ave
Tuesday—Oct, 6—Municipal Uni
versiy, 24th and Ames.
Saturday—Oct. 10—2510 No. 24th
Saturday—Oct. 13—Fire Bam 24th
and Cuming Sts
Tuesday—Oct 15—Sokol Auditor
ium, 13th and Martha Sts.
Friday—Oct- 17—South Omaha
City Hall, 24th and 0 Sts.
We have requested all the Oma
ha newspapers to give this regis
tration schedule publicity, which
they most kindly agreed to do. We
hope that you, through your organ
ization, will give this matter pub
licity and thereby assist in getting
the voters to register early, how
ever, he last day of registration is
Oct- 23, 1936, 9:00 p. m.
Thanking you in advance for
your kind assistance, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Anton J- Tuisa,
Eleciton Commissioner
Syracuse, N- Y, Sept.. 29—With
biting words President Roosevelt
tonight “buried” the charge of
communism hurled at his adminis
tration by William R- Hearst and
Terming this charge “a ffalsc
issue,” he declared in phrases
bristlingly emphasized: “I have not
sought; I do not seek; I repudiate
ehe support of any advocate of
communism or of any other alien
‘ism’ which would, by fair means
or foul, change our American
The opening formal campaign
spe ch of Mr.. Roosevelt was de
Texas Centennial to Hold Third
Special Negro Celebration Day
Dallas, Tex.—Negro public school
children in Texas will have a holi
day Oct. 19th, third of a series of
Negro days at the Texas Centen
nial in Dallas. Purpose is to en
able them, along with the white
children in the schools of the state,
to take advantage of the numer
ous educational showings at the ex
The rate of a half-cent a mile
transportation, 26 cents general
admission to the historic Caval
cade of Texas, and special price*
at other concessions, also will apply
to them. Of particular importance
will be the fact that the greatest
single showing of rare Texas books
in the United States will be on
display in the Texas Hall of State.
The exhibition leaves the Exposi
tion Oct.. 26.
In addition to the school child
ren, special trains will bring Ne
gro eaders, agriculturists, fratern
nity and sorority members from all
sections of the south. A rate of
one cent a mile has been announced
by the railroads. V
The Negro football classic of
the year will be staged during
the aftmoon of Oct. 19th, the
clash between Wiley college of
Marshall and Prairie View State
Normal at Prairie View.
There will be a parade of Ne
groes through downtown Dallas in
the morning hours, under the aus
pices of the Dallas Negro Chamber
of Commerce. It will be the first
all-Negro parade ever held in the
history of the city.
Sam W. Houston, in charge of
Negro relations for the Exposition
forecasts a minimum attendance of
eO.OOO members o<f the race on Oct.
, 9th.
The Texas Centennial Exposi
tion, Dallas, is in many respects
the greatest world’s fair ever held
in the United States and excels all
other fairs in the number of per
manent buildings, many of which
are air conditioned, in the beauty
of its architecture, landscaping
and mural decoration. The exhibi
bits and amusements are of uni
formly high quality, and the entire
layout of the grounds is so ar
(continued on page 5)
“Red” Backing Is Repudiated
By President In Radio Speech
~~ - - —= - - —
livered at the New York 6tate
democratic convention.
Cites Own Record
He asserted “the previous nation
al administration” had “encour
aged” conditions that fostered com
munism- while the democratic
party was “realist enough” to
face this “menace ” He added later
that there was no difference be
tween the major parties on what
they think about communism, but
a “very great difference” in what
they do about it
The president contended his own
record showed “consistent adher
ence” to the letter and spirit of
the “Amec’ictan form of govern
Landon's Promise Hit
Then he turned, to Crack down
hard on Governor Alf M- Landon
of Kansas, the republican nominee,
as two-forced campaigner who
promised one thing in the old guard
east, and the opposite to the new
deal west- He mentioned Landon
only inferentially, saying:
“You can not be an old guard
republican in the east and a new
deal republican in the west- You
can not promise to repeal taxes
before one audience and promise
to spend more of the taxpayers’
You can not promise tax relief for
those who can afford to pay, and at
t’ same time, promise more of
the taxpayers’ money for those who
(Continued on Page 8)
Dies of Injuries
Received in Crash
Injuries suffered Sunday morn
ing in a three-way auto crash 8
miles south of Plattsmouth proved
fatal Wednesday at 1 p m. ip Gus
Lide, of 2433 Blondo St. Lide died
at St. Jojseph hospital.
Three others injured in the crash
are still at the hospital but are
reported in improved condition.
They are Elmer Kelley, 2502 Blon
dt St.; Mrs. Cleo McGuffey, 2111
Clark St.; and Miss Alma Cook,
1636 No. 21st St.
Kentucky Teacher
Enters Municipal
Miss Willette Embry, prominent
young school teacher of Richmond,
Ky , arrived in Omaha Sept. 18th
for an inde|finit)e stay with her
aunt, Mrs. Hiram R Greenfield,
who has been ill for some time.
Miss Embry has come to the
city to do what she can for her
aunt’s comfort- Some eight years
ago, while a Junior at the Normal
department of Wilberforee univer
sity, Wilberforee, Ohio, she visited
the city, and proved to he a popu
lar summer visitor, being royally
entertained by the young and older
socialites during her stay.
Miss Embry attended West Vir
ginia college, at Institute, W- Va.,
completing her Bachelor of Arts
Degree in one and one-half years.
She has been teaching in Kentucky
for five years.
Since coming to Omaha, Miss
Embry has matriculated at Omaha
university, where she is working
on her Master degree. All of her
college fees are paid for by he
State of Kentucky from a fund al
lotted to Ncgvo Kentucky gradu
ates who wish to enter northern
colleges. No Negro graduate can
enter Kentucky colleges for high
r training. This law was enacted
at the last Kentucky Legislature
A young Negro attorney, Chas
Anderson, who was the first of his
race to be elected to Kentucky
Legislature, introduced the bill.
Miss Embry is a Gamma Kappa
The honorable Perry W Howard,
national committeeman from the
state of Mississippi will address
citizens of Omaha, under the aus
pices of the Republican Colored
Division at the Dreamland Hall,
Oct.. 1st, at 8:30 p.. m.. Mr.. Ho
ward will be met at the station by
a reception committee accompanied
by a band- All Omahans are in
vited to pay their respect to this
distinguished guest.. Mr- Howard is
a national character.. He is the
special advisor to L.. R.. Williams,
director of the National Colored
Republican Division with head
quarters in Chicago.. Mr.. Howard
is a member of the Grand Lodge
and the position as national com
mitteeman for Mississippi for a
number of years. He is ex-United
States District Attorney..
Produces Decree As
Summons Is Served
Claude T. Young, 5528 So. 28th
St., was surprised Thursday when
Deputy Sheriff Harry Stevenson
served im with a summons to come
into court on his wife's petition
for divorce, because he had the im
prtssion he was divorced from
Martilla L. Young, Dec. 16, 1933.
“I have a decree right in my
house that proves It,** said
He then produced the document.
Young’s attorney, Frank Hein
isch, explained that he must have
forgotten to have the decree re
corded in the district clerk’s of
fice after getting Judge Rhoades’
signature on it. t
parties concerned on the question
of labor legislation Mr.. Britt Pry
or, iprelsidenti of the Nebraska
State Federation of Labor statd:
“Mr. Adams is fair and just to all
parties, workers, employees, tax
payers, farmers and the citizens
generally, and, if our opinion is
correct he will go a long way in
bringing about legislation for the
benefit of the major portion of
Nebraska citizens,” Mr.. Adams
took an active part in securing the
passage of the compensation Court
bill he was appointed by the speak
er of the House on the conference
commifcte to settle disputes on this
bill- Mr.. Adams led the fight for
Unemployment Insurance.. The
Legislature failed to pass this
bill but Mr- Adams feels that it
will be adopted in the future- Mr..
Adams also led he fight to create
the Nebraska State Employment
Service.. Two young Colored men
and one young colored ldy have
just passed examinations for pos
itions in the administrative de
partment of this service. The young
lady has already been appointed
and is working a.3 senior interview
er.. One of the young men will be
appointed as junior interviewer and
the other as a clerk.
John Adams, jr-, candidate for
the Unicameral Legislature of
Nebraiska was endorsed by the
Douglas County Union Voters Lea
gue.. While in the Legislature, Mr.
Adams served on the Labor
Committee and was. regarded by
Labor as being fair and just to all
“The Peacher case is the on
ly one we could find” he said.
Only a few hours before the
federal grand jurors complet'
ed their work, the Crittenden
county grand jurors returned a
report denying that any peon
age conditions existed in that
Richard P. Shanahan, feder
al bureau of investigation at
torney said, “The eight counts
charged Peaeher with falsely
charging eight Negroes with
vagrancy and bringing them
before a justice court at Earle
where they were illegally con
work on Peaehers farm.”
Shanahan said that he had
notified all witnesses appear
ing before the grand jury to re"
port to him any threat of in
timidation as a result of their
Little Pock, Ark., Sept. 30— •
A federal grand jury investi
gating reports of peonage in the
east Arkansas cotton belt in'
dieted a city official Thursday
on charges of violating the U.
S. anti-slavery laws by obtain
ing laborers for his farm thru
false arrests.
The indictment named City
Marshall Paul D. Peacher of
Earle, Ark., a cotton planter
and former deputy sheriff for
Crittenden county, on eight
counts alleging violation of a
law enacted in 1866.
U. S. District Attorney Fred
Isgrig said the charge was spe
fically “aiding and abetting in
holding in slavery.'’
Lsgrig said Thursday night
that the grand jury found" no
other violation anywhere in
Arkansas of the federal stat
1. S. Grand Jury indicts Arkansas
£ity Marshall As Slaveholder
Hurry and enter your favorite
candidate. There will be a prelim
inary and final election. The two
highest votes will compete in the
final. This is not a political move
The elected Mayor will have a
cabinet of twelve leading colored
citizens to help him in his purpose.
The big electric victrola in the
new Jim Bell Harlem, 2410 Lake
St, was stolen Tuesday night..
According to report, Mr Bell had
locked up the place and had gone
way.. Chancing to return some 30
minutes later, he found the victro
la had been stolen.. Someone had
removed it through the back door,
loaded it and made getaway
Kacehanites Open
Campaign Offices
The Baechanites have opened an
office at the Omaha Chronicle,
2314 Mi No- 24th St, for t,he benefit
of the public ito register ita favor
it-i candidate for a Negro Mayor of
North Omaha
A definite outline has been made
for tho activities of an active Ne
gro Mayor
Ths campaign is for the benefit
of tho public, and not the benefit of
tho Bacchante. We are fighting
for tho betterment of our race. Wo
aren’t asking you for a penny. All
wo arc asking for is your support
and cooperation. Isn’t that a very
little for which to ask? No one
can better his condition by stand
ing by and waiting for things to
just happen. Action is what it
takes, if we are willing to help
fou, you should be wiling to help
us solely by coopcrationg with us.
AH candidates must be register
ed at our office not later than
Oct,. 9th and Friday night, Oct- 9th
wo will hold a round table discus
sion at the Community Center.
You don’t know what you are
missing when you miss one of our
Campaign meetings- Come out and
give your personal opinion as to
W’hat you think of this movement
Fight for your high school grad
uates and your college graduates.
Thus means your children and
Douglas Co. Union Voters’ League Endorses
John Adams, Jr., in 5th Unicameral District