The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 26, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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At a ceremony performed Thurs
day evening at 8:00 o’oock at Sa
lem Baptist church. Miss Ivory
Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ned Mbore became the bride of
John G. McGaugh. son of Mr. and
Mr*. Joseph H. McGaugh. Rev. M.
B. Bilbrew officiated
The bride, who was given in mar
riage by her father, wore a white
satin gown with a stand up collar
which was buttoned to the waist
line and was shirred on the bodice.
The full skirt flowed into a long
train. The long tulle veil was cau
ght far back on the head with a
rap of halo stjyle with seed pearls
an#l orange bJosrfoms on each end.
Her bouquet was formed of white
roses, baby chrysanthemums and
baoy’s breath. For something old
the hride wore stockings. That
something blue and borrowed was
a handkerchief that belonged to a
Miss Currie Moore, sister of the
bride was maid of honor, she wore
a gown of burnt orange taffetta,
flared from the hips and formed *a
short train. This was topped with
a matching waist length jacket.
Her .sash was of brown velvet. Her
hat was of the same taffotta, and
she carried a bouquet of yellow
roses and baby’s breath.
The bridesmaids, Miss Dorothea
Stewart, Miss Margaret Ihckerson,
Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Am
elia Thomas, wore yellow taffeta
and orchid taffetta, fashioned
alike with flashes of brown velvet.
They wore hats of matching colors
and carried talisman roses.
Flower girls were Thelma Ste
ward and Barbara Jean Matthews.
They were in short green taffetta
frocks. Kenneth Rogers served as
ringbearer. Louis MoGaugh, bro
ther of the groom, was best man
and Adrian Stamps, James Moore,
John Rosc/baugh and Armour
Wright were ushers. Mrs. Gerald
ine was at the piano and Mrs. Ar
Jnetta pl-ayfed the violin. They ac
companied Mrs. Libby Harris who
sang “O Promise Me.”
Following the ceremony a gar
den reception was held for 150
guests. Mrs. Moore was in wine
chiffon velvet and wore -a corsage
of white roses. Mrs. McGaugh was
in dark blue.
Assisting at the reception were
Mrs. E. R. West, Mrs. Libby Har
ris, Mrs. Elizabeth Bufford, Mrs.
A. B. Matthews, Mrs. Fay Patter
aon and Mrs. Mildred Samuels. The
sentiment expressed was the bride
was miurid on her father’s birth
day. The couple will bo at home
to their friends at 2809 Parker
The Friendly Sixteen Bridge
club met at the home of Mr. J.
Phillips, 3036 Emmet St., at 8:00
p. m. After the regular business
routine, tihey proceeded with the
election of officers. Mr. Massie
Avant and Mr. Sam Wead were re
tained as president and secretary
repectively. The New officers el
ected were Mr. P. AtJdns, vice
president and J. Davis, treasurer.
After the election of offices the
members started their customary
battle for the coveted high score
honors, from which emerged Mr.
Sam Wtud nnd T. R. Turner ns
victors. A very delightful repast
was served by the host. Everybody
was happy and adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Sept. 28th at
the home of Mr. W. Penn, 3111
Pinkney street.
Alex Hilton, reporter
Atty. William Bradshaw', Na
blican club, 24th and Lnke streets
on Monday night and brought to
that club iitforimuiijr| concerning
the program of the Republican
party, the stand of Gov. Lan
tion has taken as to treating all
people right. Rev. Dr. Brandon of
Chicago, 111, '.,n a national ad
visor committeeman accompanied
Atty. Bi‘adshaw. lie also made a
wonderful speech pertaining to
the program of the Republican
party. From here they will go to
Des Moines to be with Gov.
don where be will make his first
westm campaign speech.
Mrs. Elnora Oampbelle, 2617
Caldwell is very sick.
All persons inerested in attend
the Nebraska Annual Conference
at Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday, Oct. 11
on the closing Sunday, please ob
serve a special bus lias been ar
ranged to leave Omaha Sunday
morning, Oct. 11th at 7:30 a. m.
It will remain at Lincon, Nebr. all
day and bring he passengers back
after the appointments have been
read Sunday night The bases are
modern and here will be a limited
number at tickets available. Round
trip fair is $1.70. Gall MA 3497 for
Mr. Rafford is still on the sick
list. He reside* ’at 2406 No. 26 St.
Mrs. Hattie Campbell of the Old
Folk’s Home is on the sick list,
Mrs. Catherine Gibson, 2426
Caldwell St., is on the sick list.
Mrs. Amanda Hamilton, 2408
Indiana Ave., is on the sick list.
Mr. Hosie Dorsey had an ac
cident wieh rosiulted in an injured
Mrs. Emma Avant was injured
in an auto accident.
Bernice Ellis will celebrate her
thirteenth birthday on Sept. 27th.
Mr. Chas. Anderson, Emmett St
mddijnd, who has been very ill is
We are ghad to see Mr. Moore
back at his old job of soiling coal
and ice after a severe aqrident.
Services are still being conduct
ed on Tuesday, Thursday and Sun
day at the Spirifcaul Temple No. 6
Mr. Joseph H. James. 3320 Em
met St.,entertained at dinner Sun
day, Sept. 20. Some four persons
enjoyed Mr. James’ hospitality
Little Helen Jean Gray, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gray,
2710 Oodby street, was slightly in
jured in a fall.
Funeral Kites for Mrs. F. Williams
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Wil
liams, 3024 Lindsey Ave., was held
Wednesday, So<pt. 23 from the My
ers funeral home. Mrs. Williams
will be remembered as Agnes Alls.
Mrs Edna Mitchell, 2431 Parker
street, solicitor for the Omtaha
Guide Publishing Co., was bitten
by a dog belonging to Mrs. Elmer
Hill, 3217 Emmett street.
Motor to Texas
Mrti. George Watson, 2413 Iaike
street and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
ItoiiloHijd, 3617 Blondo St., left
Tuesday, by motor for Waco and
Dallas, Tex. They expect to be
gone some ten or twelve days.
Mi's. Pearl Mitchell, Mrs. Minnie
Gibson and Mr. Richard Gibson
pan t)o make a trip to Brookfiejd,
Mo., and Des Moines, la., in the
near future.
W. B. Bryant, one of Omaha’s
attorneys, 2722 Binney St. has
been appointed to the Republican
National Advisory committee,
headquarters in Chicago. Rev. Z. E.
McGee, 2621 Blondo street was al
so appointed to the National Ad
visory Committee to aissist in fos
tering the Republican dictory.
We feel and trust that there
wll bo others of this district to be
aixpointed to he Republican Na
tional Advisory Committee which
wilt l>e a great honor to the citi
zens of Omaha, Douglas County
Poochie Gets Warm Reception
Poochie, the little French poodle
belonging to Mr. W. F. Lewis, «at
on a lighted cigarette some few
days ago. Poochie is recovering
from his warm experience and no
doubt thinks that warm receptions
are not always he best.
Y. W. C. A. Glee Club
The voice class under the direc
tion <«f Rev. J. S. Williams is open
for anyone who wishes to attend.
The class is organized for interest
ed people to come and learn sight
reading and harmony every Mon
day 'and Thursday.
Monday, Sept. 14, we held an
election Cf officers for the coming
year. They are as follows: Mrs.
J.ona Underwood, vice president;
Mrs. Mattie Marshall, secretary;
Mrs. Fannie Childs, assistant sec
retary” Mrs Jane Johnson, trea
surer; Mrs. Minnie Dixon, sponsor
by acclamation.
There were eighteen present at
our first meeting. Our next meet
ing will be on Thursday, Sept. 18
at 2:30 o’clock. Everybody welcome.
Means WE Write and YOU
Get the Credit
Letters, social and business;
popular speeches and talks for
Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Rus
iness and Lodge leaders; ar
ticles for publication. Your
own work rewritten, revised,
or criticised. Write us you?
needs and send 6 cents stamps
fr more details.
141 West 125th St.,
New York City
WPA Jobs Sus
pended In Miss.
For Cotton Picking
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 26—(A.NP)
j —Suspension of all WPA projects
in the Mississippi delta has been or
dered by Wayne Alliston, State
WPA dincjrtor, to provide cotton
pickers for distressed plantation
owners after planters complained
th'at federal projects used workers
ordinarily available for picking
Because of a scarify of labor,
'police in the section have been pa
troling Negro sections of small
towns and herding all unemployed
persons into trucks where they are
carried to the plantations and
forced to pick cotton. Thase who
refuse bo go are jailed as “va
However, the 'action of Alliston
is contrary to a ruling of the WPA
at Washington which declared the
Mississippi director had not been
authorized to drop federal 'project
workers not suited tor cotton pick
At the nation’s captiol Orring
ton Gill, acting administrator, em
phasized that “the Works Progress
Administration is not an employ
ment exchange nor a placement
service, nor will it be a party ar
bitrarily forcing workers to accept
sub-standard wages.’’
Shortage of Cotton
Pickers Reported
Memphis, Eenn., Sept. 2ft— (C) .
—Planters of the mid south are
facing a (shortage of cotton pick
ers, it was reported Tuesday. The
opening of colored schools early in
September, taking thousands of
young people out of the fields has
caused wages to scar to the high
est point in seven yeans. Prices
jumped last week from 80 cents
to $1.25 per hundred, Arkansas
planters face the same situation.
Slave Tools at
the Texas Fair
Dallas, Tex., Sept 26—(C)—In
the Negro Exhibit building at the
Centennial is a department pre
senting the transition in agricul
tural implements Used by slaves in
the period immediately after the
establishment of the Republic of
216 Italians Are
Reported Slain
In Ethiopia
Rome, Sept. 26—(C)— Casual
ties among Italian troops policing
Ethiopia during August were re
ported at 216, it was announced of
ficially Tuesday. A total of 2,991
Italian soldiers were lost in the
Ethcpian fighting sinice the inva
sion on Oet, 3, last year.
New Nig-ht Cli»h
To Open In Ifarleir
New York, Sept. 26—(C)—Just
as it was announced the Cotton
Club would open cm Broadway late
fiis month, came the announce
ment that a new club, “The Plan
*.i,tion.” will open, in the old home
of the Cotton Club at Lenox ave
nuo and 142nd street. Mae Johnson
and Jackie Mablie will be featur
ed in a show staged by Leonard
Harper, with songs written by
Andy Rai.'afknrieo, the poet.
Students Travel
In Air-Condi
tioned Coaches |
karshali, Tex., Sept. 26—(C)—
According to •announcement by
President M. YV. Dogan of Wiley
college last week, “air conditioned’’
coaches were provided for students
coming by railroad front !)&llas,
Houston. Forth Worth, and San
Antonia. School opened Sept. 17.
Weichel’s Garage
4426 South 24th Street
Our Work Guaranteed
Furnace and Tin Work
Oopper and Sheet Mtal
Shop 4733 Seward W A 1666
Flag Tells New
Yorkers of Lynching
Now York, Sept. 17,—(CNA)
—“A Man Was Lynched Yes
terday.' '
A flag bearing that grissly
indictment nf American capital
ist civilization was flown from
the headquarters of the Nation
al Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People, 69
Fiftt Ave., this city, the day
following the lynching of 21
year-old A. L. McCamy in
The flag was displayed from
noon until six and its legend
was read by thousands of shop
pers and office workers on
Fifth Ave., this city, thrs day
to display it for one day after
each lynching, as part of a
campaign to arouse sentiment
against lynchings.
Paine College Ready
Augusta, Ga., Sept. 26—(C)—
Paine college began its 54th ses- !
sion on Sept. 14 'according to an
nouncement by President E. C.
Duke Back In Harlem
New York, Sept. 26—(C)—Duke
Ellington ami his orchestra, with
Ivy Andertson, the Four Step Bro
thers, Baxter White and Sandy,
George and Dusty are featured at
at the Harlem Apollo theatre.
LaGuardia Present
Porters Get Charter
New York. Sept. 12—(C)—May-1
or LaGuardia was present as the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por-!
ters received their international
charter from the American Federa- |
tion of Labor, at exercises at Mo
ther Zion church last week.
Washington, Sept. 12—(C)—Al
bon L. Holsey has landed a job as
field representative of the AAA
for this year and next. Mr. Holsey
has head quarters at Tuskegee In
Atty. John Adams Jr.
Romm 310 Karbach Block
15th and Douglas Phone AT 6766 .
Notice of Administration
In the County Court of Douglas
Gounty, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of
Robert Gardner, deceased.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed in said
Court alleging that said deceased
died leaving no last will and pray
ing for administration upon his
estate and that a hearing will be
had on said petition before said
court on the 17th day of Ojctober,
1936, and that if they fail to ap
pear -at. said Court on said 17th
day of October, at 9 o’clock a. m.
to contort said petition, the Court
may grant the same and grant
administration of said estate to
Ethel Gardner or some suitable
person and proceed to a settlement
Bryce Crawford
County JJudge
Begin 9-26-36 Ex. 10-10-36
{ I
Ye Pastry Shoppe
The Finest of Pastry for
All Purposes
4714 So. 24th MA 3060
1616 North 24th Street
Ku Klux Gather
In New York
Peerskill, N. Y., Sept. 26—(C)
—The Ku Klux Klan gathered in
this vicinity last aturday for its
first public meeting since 1931.
This time the Klan plans to fight
Communism. The Fast meeting
was broken up by a group of Ca
Negro Population
Gains In N. Y.
New York, Sept. 26—(C)—The j
Negro population of Harlem has
gone upward with the influx of i
Negroes of the south, according
to a report by the Mayor’s com
mittee on City Planning. Russian j
and Italian colonies showed in
creases in the Bronx and in Brook
lyn. A large Negro settlement is
reported to have grown up in the
northern part of Kings county
Metz Cigar Store
Smoke Your Favorite Brand
Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco,
Soft Drinks
Phone JA 9295
Tho\ J.
Register of Deeds
105i/2 So.16th JA 193C
District Judge
Has an Excellent Record and
Should Be Re-elected.
Endorsed by Bar—Douglas
Washington and Burt
Compliments of
217 Farm Credit Bldg.
* . t '* 4
2014 Martha St HA 5523
I __
Wanted woman baker that can
bake 500 pies daily, go to w'ork at
3 p. m., quite when 600 pies have
been baked. Call WE 0689.
WANTED. Male instructor, Quart
ette. MA 3076.
7 ROOM house for sale $800.00
Modem. $100.00 down, $15.00
per month. AT 6773.
EMPTY garage, 2 furnished rooms,
2716 N. 28th Ave. WE 5649.
APARTMENT for rent, 2875 Wirt.
WE 4285.
2 ROOM Apt. $10.00 per month.
WE 6089.
$3.50 FURNISHED two room apt.,
bath, bills paid, JJA.0986, WE
3 furnished apartments. WI
FURNISHED room, 2803 Ohio St.
FURNISH room — AT 6350.
‘WANTED—'Three nicely furnished
rooms by working couple. We. 2328
Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho
las street.
0 ROOM modern house $30 pei
| month. 2522 Maple Street.
NICE furnished room, WE 2582.
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553.
ROOMS FOR RENT—1125 N. 19th
We. 5729.
One Large South Room. We. 4162
Two Five Room Houses, modern
except /or heat $700.00 each—
Michael Gallagher, 2102 Fink
Lot 6, Block 3 A. S. Patrick Addi
tion. 2521 Maple street size 50x
150 Sale prices $500 to $100 down.
Balance on monthly payments.
Call at 2020. Lake St. Dr. L E:
Compliments of
Theosical Society
804 Pine Street
2107 Lake Street.
SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil
ity. Personality, connections im
portant. Write for interview. The
Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant St.
AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face
Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics,
Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices
Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation
al Supply Co., Richmond, Va.
5000 Representatives Wanted.
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 301-305 Elm st„ Dept. N3.
Nappanee, Indiana.
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls Write, National Co., 163
West 12fith St., N. Y
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine, Movie
News and Pictures. Box 462,
Dayton, Ohio.
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait. 2420% Cuming
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E-, Met. Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile
S.lassie Future, (Sample 25c).
Negro Do! », Flappers, African
League. 254 W. 135th St., New
■LAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126th St.. New York City.
WANTED—Experienced salesman
for rubber work gloves as side
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Co.. Winona. Man.
It tastes better
because it’s
strictly fresh
Insist on
502 North 16th Street
Featuring "LaBELLA" Seemouna Spaghetti
10c a Pound 20-Pound Cflase $1.65
Delsa Brand Tomato Paste, per case.-.—.$5.50
‘‘LaBella Sicilia” Pure Vegetable OiL.$1.20 per Gal.
Another step in the rapid progress of
the Hayden Store is the opening of our
’ Bargain
This is just one of the many improve
ments taking place in this old Omaha
Come, see for yourself how we have