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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1936)
COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA , ^WS NOTES _H. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR Mr. Mack Day and P. E. Sutton loft Sept 16 for Corsicana, Tex. ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Reeves entertained at a dinner Sunday night honoring Miss Helen Gamble, of Los Angeles, Calif. The guest list included the honoree and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Herndon, Mr. end Mrs. Eugene Herndon, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert, Harvey, Mr. Reu ben AJthouse and Mrs. Audrey Smith. Mr. Frank Newby is recovering from injuries received last week in an accident at the Rock Island ooal chute. Mrs. Mary White and Mrs. En sie Myrick left Sept. 16 for their respective homes in Texas. Mrs. Ella Green visited her hus band, who is a patient in the Oak dale sanitorium, the past Sunday. Mr. Charles McDonald, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges, has re . turned to his home in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Ben Calhoun returned Fri day from a visit in Corsicana, Texas. Mr. Dewey Creighton left Sept. 13 for Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Alfred Berry, 8th avenue resident, suffered a stroke Mon day. Sept. 14. Invents Curtain Stretcher Miss Antoine Huff has perfect ed a curtain stretcher which will make it no longer necessary for the housewife to use pins when stretching her curtains. According to report received, Mrs. Huff has been offered $30,000 for this in vention. Mrs. Ojxal Jaoo, vice president of the Women’s Home and Foreign Mission f the tri-states, spoke at Tabernacle Baptist church Friday, September 18th. Revrend Younge preached. Music was furnished by Mrs. Hackard and Tabernacle Baptist choir. Promotion Club Gives Social The Promotion Club gave a so cial in the basement of Tabernacle church Thursday, Sept. 17, which was a huge success. Too much cannot be said of the splendid co operation of the members of this dub. Mr. Charles Russell is under going treatment in the govern ment hospial in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Antoine Huff was the din ner guest of Mrs. Josie Oarbins Sunday. Rev. Ed Johnson of Omaha and sister-in-law, Mrs. Johnson, toget her with Rev. G. E. White, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaffer on Friday. Mias Clara Shaffer and Messrs. Fred Reewes and Sam Jones mo tored to Clarinda, Shenandoah and Red Oak on Sunday, Sept. 13. Mrs. Fraud Warden, of Omaha, attended the Promotion Club’s so cial Thursday, Sept. 17. Little Vivian and James Sylves ter Nance, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Woods, left Tues day for their home in St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Helen Gamble, of Los An geles, Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Reeves. Mrs. Opal Jaco, vice president of Home and Foreign Missions of Nebraska-Iowa-Dakota, Rev. G. E. White and Rev. J. H. Reynolds were dinner guests of Mrs. Blanche Golden on Friday, Sept. 18. Council Bluffs Agents For The Omaha Guide Are i Mrs. Clarence Oliphant, 2456- 6 Ave Iuttle Savoy, 1408 W. Broadway Miss Mary Teal. 1810 S. 10 t. Miss Odessa Russell, 1201-16 Ave. See Your Nearest Agent and Buy 1 Buy A Guide Keep Posted on Local Race News. Among those from Council Bluffs attending the funeral of Rev. P. J. Price Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Williams, Mrs. Frances Lee, Mrs. Fannie Harris, Mrs. Saluda Carter and Mrs. L. L. Williams. Mr. nd Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Emery and Mrs. Tucker were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Floyd on Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Perkins and infant son, of Omah, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Albert Gor don. Miss Ardith Cave, of Kansas City, was the dinner guest of Miss Marilfouilse Teal Sunday. Mrs. Lula Gilbert returned Sat urday from an extended visit in Tennessee Omahans Wed Miss Anna Precely and Mr. Al bert Woodruff, both of Omaha, went) married by Retv. G. W. Sla ter, jr., on Sept. 15. Mr. Herbert Parks won a prize for the basketball set up at the WPA Institute now going on the .Omaha YMCA. A Consumers Operative has been formed. Meetings are on Wedns day nights at the Bethel Commun ity Center. Mr. Wm. Harvey is temporary chairman and Mr. Ghas. Cage temporary secretary. Bethel Credit Union is now mak ing loans. It will pay you to line ing loans. It will pay you to line up with this organization. Mrs. Reva Teal and Miss Nan eese Thomas left Sunday for their hame in Shrdveport, La. Pall classes in the Adult School of Education are now going on at the Bethel Community Center. Ping pong, checkers, croquet, football under the direction of Herbert Parks, and many other games are being played at the Be thel Cnter. Littl Jack Terry is in the Ed mondson hospital where he under went an appendetomy. Re/v G. W. Slater has resumed sis studies at Omaha university. He will receive his B. A. degree in June, and will be accorded the Bachelor of Theology degree. Mrs. Walter Herndon has been indisposed. Rev. J. H. Reynolds preached at Pleasant Green Baptist church, Omaha, the past Sunday. Tabernacle Mission Circle will meet Friday, Sept. 25, at the home of Mrs. Inez Cooper, Ave. C. ENTERTAINED Mrs. John Williams entertained at a luncheon Friday, Sept. 18. Guest list included: Mrs. Saluda Carter, Mrs. L. L. Williams, Mrs. Nannie Williams, Mrs. Sam Floyd, Mrs. Minnie Tucker and Mrs.1 Frances Lee. It is Now Time to Ship with RISK BROS. 1114 Douglas St. WE 1661 Paramount Liquor and Wine Co. »«*»•»- ^ ■ THE LIQUOR CENTER OF OMAHA We meet and beat any advertised Liquor Price Visit our Beer Room 24th and Deer Park Blvd. OUR CHURCHES CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1618 Avenue 11 Elder A. D. Carter, Pastor Sunday school had good attend ance. Elder A. D. Carter brought the evening message. Union Meeting of the five churches of God in Christ will bte tt this church Monday night, Sept. 28. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH 16th and Ave. A Rev. Geo. W. Slater, Jr., Pastor The church had good services tho past Sunday. There was an in creased Sunday school attendance. Because of a msunderstanding, no Christian Endeavor was held. Christian Endeavor will be held Mjrfxt Sunday evening, at which time Chas. Cage will his paper. Bethel is laying plans for a jubi lee in celebration of the raying off of her mortgage. Full details will be given later. Presiding Elder W. H. Ogleton will preach Sunday, Sept. 27, at the morning service, at which time will be Love Feast. He will preach Sunday night and hold Commun ion. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. White, Pstor Tabernacle had good attendence at its Sunday school. Rev. G. White delivered the morning message as well as the night one. BYPU had good attendetnce. The Mothers’ Board had ser vices the past Sunday, with U«* J Junior Church in charge. Tabernacle choir assisted with' the music at Rev. Price’s funeral. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 16 Avenue Rev. Samuel Pant, Pastor Regular services were conducted the past Sunday. Rev. Cannon, of Omaha, is conducting a five day meeting, which ends Friday Sept. 26. Miss Lula Hall and Mr. Herbert Parks are attending the two weeks' WPA institute now in session at the YMCA. CO. Bluffs Giants State Champs When the St. Paul Raiders for feited the game with Council Bluffs Biants on Labor Dlay, the Council Bluffs Giants became the Champions of Iowa. Whoop-a-la! Funeral services for Rev. P. J. Price, former pastor of Beulah Baptist Ghuch, were l(‘ld Tues day at 1:30 p. m. from Salem Bap tist church. Compliments of Geo.Tilley Fish Co. I 515 S. 13th St. -- _ THE MEN’S SHOP IN OMAHA AJKINS’ I MEN’S SHOP V 1409 Farnam St. AT 7667 ■«■■»■.« « ■ ■ -r—- 0 a ! I ll BEST WISHES I FROM JUDGE : Thomsen i DISTRICT JUDGE t i Mrs. Nannie Williams entertain ad at dinner Monday night honor ing Mrs. Opal Jaco, of Des Moines, la. Rev. G. E. White and Rev. J. H. Reynolds were also gruests. Rev. Renfroe ami wife, 2410 No. 21 St., Omaha were tho dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Gates Sunday. Mrs. I. Hall and Mr. Morris, 949 No. 27th St, Omaha, visited with Mrs. Joseph Gates and Mrs. Berry Harbins. Mrs. L. L. Williams Entertains - j Mrs L. L. Williams, entertained at luncheon Wed. Sept 16, hon oring Mrs. Reva Teal and Miss Naneese Thomas. Guest list in cluded honorees and Mrs. Saluda CUdber, Mrs. Ireme Teal, Mrs. Fiances Lee and Mrs. Dana Cleve land. l/>ving Four Singers at Beulah The I/wing Four Quartette ap peared at Beulah Baptist church Friday night, Saturday and Sun day •afternoon. During their stay, a contest wafe conducted bo see who among the kings and queens cho sen, oould Paso the most money. Mr. and Mrls. Sam Floyd had the honor of being king and queen who raised the most money, the winners iof the first prizes. The Loving Four will return to ] Council Bluffs after filling a ten day engagement in Omaha. Union Mission Service will be at Calvary Baptist Church on Sun day, Setpt. 27, at 3:00 py m_ Mrs. Opal Jaco left Wednesday lor her home in Des Moines, la. Best Wishes and thanks for your past business Marsh Market 1622 N. 24tih St ' .. ..j 1 Compliments of n » r' r -' • i n*rr 11 »m<i,iilijiic i RIZZO TO BROS.; ! COMPANY i * 215 S. 13th Street 1 : » t ... , , I ■ Vote For Wm. Ross King FOR DISTRICT JUDGE Endorsed by the Lawyers of Douglas, Washington and Burt Counties _ - -M. I Uncover Record Of Slaves Tn Boston Boston, Sept. 19—(ANP)—Staid old Boston, traditionally thought of as a hoifcbed of abolition, has been revealed by old records as practically a bulwark of slavery. | In 1638 a Mr. Maverick of Nod-| dies island (east Boston) was the owner of three Negro slaves. Sla ves were shipped from the West Indies to Boston and in 1680 then* wereover 200 slaves in the Massa chusetts Bay colony. Many disapproved of the prac tlve, however, and in 1702 attempt ed to make it illegal. These efforts wro unsuccessful and slaves were bartered ami sold through adver tisements the s-ame as in deepest Dixie. A second attempt to stop it was made in 1767 when Boston had 2,000 slaves but still the practice continued. Not only Negroes but white prisoners of war were ship ped here as slaves. It was not un til considerably later that eman cipation was accomplished locally. Compliments of James P. Hoctor COUNTY CLERK f See ns for the best prices * Radios, Washers and ! Heating Stoves i _ W..S. Buck j Mercantile Co. V/.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.VJ j J I; Best Wishes from f. < J ■: Mr. Hynes, Jr. ’:]■ :j PRESIDENT OF J j: FARMERS :j Terminal Elevator ■: 5 Company :: 1 I I| 314 Grain Exchange Bldg. ■; ■ B -ttr ■ % I; JA 4764 J i! ■ ? ? iV/.V.V.V.V.V.V.V^.V.V.V. ^W.VVAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V/AV.V.V.W j RE-ELECT jj \ . JUDGE WILLIS G. SEARS ji ■ ■ ? h: i . _____ ___ 5 > Indorsed by the Lawyers of the District % £ Judge Sears for District Judge :■ :: y OK’D BY MILLIONS U4tc/ccrmdrrlf Gregg Goes To Va. Union Richmond, Va., Sept 26—(C)— Dr. Howard D. Grepp, formerly of Wilferforce, succeeds Dr. Robert P. Daniel, who was elevated to the presidency of Shaw university, at Virginia Union. Dr. Grepp directa the Department of Education. BEST WISHES FROM Armature Electric Co. 2566 Leavenworth Street SUPPORT * JOHN T. DYSART FOR DISTRICT JUDGE IRKF.I.EOT - Bill Barber •«PF ~ ^ar OUR County | Commissioner His Record is Proven Compliments of World Motor Supply Store 1919 Famam Street_ FOR SALE & RENT FOR SALE—9 room modem house, laundry room with electric ■appliances, Frigidaire in kitchen, complete 9 rooms of furniture all goes with the sale. The income from tho furnished rooms apart ments brings $83.00 per month. Price $3,360, first down payment is $160 or $200; balance oan be paid of at $30 per month. FOR SALE—8 room modem house. Good rooming house north of Grant, not far from 24th street. $300 down. Price, $1,200. Monthly, payments, $20.00 per month. ________ I “ ' HOUSES to rent 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 to 10 rooms. Apartments 1, 2, 3, and 4 rooms. Buy yourself a business. For sale all kinds of businesses. Many other bargains in property. $60, $100, $160 to $300 do-wa. ____________ Don’t try to reach mo by phone come to the office. SHANK LIN AGENCY 1711 Coming Street MEN LOVE PEPPY GIRLS You can become peppy this easy way If you are happy and peppy and full of fun, men will take you place*. If you are llvelv. they will Invite you to dancea and parties. BUT, If you are cross and lifeless and iliu-'i tired out, men won't he Interested In yo . Men don’t like “quiet* girls. Men go to parties to enjoy themselves. They want glrii along who are full of pep. LYDIA R. PINKIIAM S VRGRTABI.r. COM POUND helps give you pep and energy. I J over sixty years girls and women have been taking this famous old medicine to pep thei.i up ... to help give them strength, energyl sparkle. Notice the girls and women ai»Ov you who are full of pep. Ask them what make i them peppy. If they are honest, many ol them will give the credit to LYDIA E. PINK • HAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Yon should give LYDIA R. PINKHAM'S VEO* RTAIII.K COMPOUND a try. GUIs with pvj are moil attractive to Uhju. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 m AGENTS WANTED! TO SELL C*BBoUn* Cannolan* Hair Grower Bleach Cream / iPouble Strength) IDouhlo Strength) I •X And Our 18 Other Cannoleno Beauty Creation* Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we wlQ give a Fraa Start to intelligent, energetic men or woman who are ambitious to make money and build up a business oi their own selling beauty products oi the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co„ Dept 20-A, Atlanta, Go, N-N-F. Ex. S. 00 YOU KNOW WHY— Ml Is, MII So, Why? ^^ IN THE PRST Place we t>onr KNOW A THlNfc ABour <4olluf m Bur we know SOMe POOR 40TS *iHO NEVER (JET •pySINeji INIERFtot With 4olf them LOOK <-IKe tooo SENSI0CB ads TOO' NOW FOLLOW * c»s closeln f\U PUJHT ftj?ftiioR » MUSIC. PceFjse* ..I . we Do*h r Kr««>v \ ’ “ . ,r heivhi ( — n77~\ i^v. v\i> ^ Mow«=v«ia ( \ but '»C'U TLCC» ,t S t er1"—T) \ | ^ooa eosi 1 # ^ > kFORE’ ) k Um H'5 VAft \ f 9 |u*>cw»'«<. ^ Us^ea _s • s—" — ME MAO A V^TiL KC 4000 FACQ WISED OP OM ONCe - AOUp Me Ct*^iT UOOM- NkTVKAc MOW U '•* . r. y, ,4^'' ' FlAST AurHfcHnC, AC.TVRe’ OF THB EFUllfVi . cOMfioxL-i knowh AS rue 40ur <eRH Imagine <\ 014 ZOOK ouHAunc (_ IT has aPRCAQ OlSCASe TO.THCy lAt-PSAwA-i AT ft pqqR. inaoCBAt itTTl£ Pin, 1.1*0 TV|rS