SOUTH OMAHA NEWS NOTES Rev. and Mrs. E. M. White left Wednesday for the C. M. E. con ference at Kansas City. Prom there they will go to their home in Earlsboro, Okla. Rev. and Mrs. White have been visiting their non, Mr. Jas. White, 6616 So. 30 St., and family. Mrs. TVana Henderson and Mrs. Jessie Riddles will give an old fashion dinner Saturday, Sept. 26, at Mrs. Henderson’s residence, 2604 N St., for the benefit of the Met ropolitan Spiritual Church, of which Rev. R. Johnson is pastor. Miss Ethel Davis, 5403 So, 24th St., has returned from Little Rock Ark. She was accompanied home by her grandmother, Mrs. Rector and her cousin, Miss Alice Moore. Mrs. Florence MfcCl intort, 6511 So. 31 St, is ill. The dinner given Thursday by the Bethel Baptist church, was a great success. Over 185 dinxreifc were served. Mrs. Vashti Crosley returned to her home in Nashville, Ark., after visiting hr brother, Mr. Elgin Booth, 2723 R St., and family. Mrs. I>aisy Thrift left Thurs day, Sept. 17, for her home in Wynne, Ark., after visiting her nieee, Mrs. Rose Hinton, 5216 So. 28th St. Mias Annie Franklin, 5622 So. 32nd St, returned to Knoxville college, Knoxville, Tenn., Saturday. Mias Franklin is a sophomore at this college. Diamond T Club Entertains For Miss Annie Franklin The Diamond T club entertained Friday night at Woodson Center. at a farewell party for Miss Annie Franklin, who left Saturday for Knoxville college. Some fifty or moro persons enjoyed an evening of dancing and socializing in gen eral. Mr. H. Merrill is indisposed. Fire at Lee Residence Fire of unknown origin destroy ed a partition of Mr. W. Ix?e’s re sidence, 2908 R St., some bedding as well as some clothing early Sunday morning. Little Donald Rose, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose, is vi siting his aunts, Mrs. Berry Car bins and Mrs. Joseph Oates of Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. Carrie Knox was forced to return to the city from Kansas City because of recurring ill ness of her son, Mr. Ralph Knox. Loving Four Giving Music Treat The Loving Four will give a ten day program at Union Memorial church, 33rd and U Sts., beginning. Monday, Sept. 21. Mr, and Mi’s. John Gilmore, Mrs. Bessie Gilmore, Mr. and Mia. Sam Break field and Mrs. Tennes see Webb, went to Meadows, Neb., on a fishing trip Tuesday. Mrs. Sylvia Whiteside left Sept. 15 for Kansas City, Mo., where she will attend the Convocation. Tho Church of God in Christ, 30th and V Sts., held a Parry Meet-! ing the past Saturday nierht. Meet-1 ing was held all night. One soul was reclaimed. Elder Geo. Hayden | is pastor of this church. Get your copy of the Omaha Guide at the J. C. Harris Grocery j store, 5224 So. 30th St. When you make out your grocery needs be sure to add a copy of the Omaha Guide, that you might keep up ■with the happenings in South Oma ha. BUY AN OMAHA GUIDE FROM YOUR NEAREST SO OMAHA AGENT J. C. Harris Grocery Store, 5224 S. 30 St . MA 0741. Dorsey Oliver, 5709 S. 29 St. .MA 2678 Philip Payne, 5318 S. 31 St. Montgomery, mots. asm. ANNUAL WOMEN’S DAY Sunday Sept. 27 at Allen's Chapel PROGRAM 7:30-1030 . . Breakfast Mrs. Sadie Green, hostess 11 A. M.: Mrs. F. Redd presiding Sermon: Mrs. Claudia Farmer Prayer: Mother Margaret Bolds Special Music . Bethel A. M. E. Junior Choir Announcements 1:00-3:00 Dinner Mrs. Mabel West, hostess 3 P. M. Mrs. Northcrose, presiding Special Music Ladies Choir Prayer Beulah Johnson Paper, “Community Health" Mrs. Hioronymous, Consulting Home Mnker, Woodson Center Piano Solo Miss Alice Gamer Selection Ladies Choral Group Miss Addie Foxal, Directress Address Rev. Mrs. 1 ruxon Selection Ladies Choral Group Reading Miss Nannie Rhone Offering — Announcements 4:00-7:00 . “Fall Tea” Auspices, Busy Club Hostesses: Mrs. G. Martin Mrs. Dennis Womack Mrs. Nadlie Sholes 8.00 P. M. Mrs. M. Rhone presiding Dvotional (10 min.) Mrs. M. Glass Singing .. Audience Led By Rev. J. S. Williams Dramatic Presentation . Miss Ella Mae Franklin Vocal Solo. Mrs. Milburn Green Selection . ladies Choral Graup Rev J, S. Williams Director Address Mrs. Aaron McMillian Returned Missionary of Africa Selection ladies Choral Group Offering n nouncements Pastor Rev. B. C. Stevenson Benediction McGill and Davis restaurant owners are now handling the Oma ha Guide. If you live in that vic inity, or chance to be passing by purchase your copy there. news Help make the South Oma ha news column grow by giving the reporter news. If you cannot see her tor any reason, give your new's in copy form to the person who sold you your Gide with the request that it be turned over to the reporter. Sumlay, Sopt. 27 will be Women’s Day at Allen’s Chapel. The morn ing message will be delivered by Mrs. Fanner; night, service will be in charge of Mrs. Truxon. Mrs. Aaron McMillian, returned Missionary of Africa, will also ad dress the group. Mrs. M. Bowles will read t.he opening scripture lesson at the 11:00 a. m. service. See complete program elsewhere on this page. Rirniintfham Daily Hits Lynch Record Under Talmadffe Birmingham, Sept. 26—(AN!’) —On the day last week that white Georgians marched to the poll to defeat Gov. Talmadgo’s quest for >a senate seat by a margin of 6 to 1, tho Birmingham Post took an editorial shot at the Georgian who is notoriously anti-Roosevelt and who has Beverly critized the New Deal for the consideration given Negro citizens. Under the heading, “The Shame of Talmadgc,” the Post said: “The people of Geogla are voting in the primary in which Governor Talmadgc is a can didate for the U. S. Senate. “We trust that law-respect ing Georgians will Dear in mind that since January 11, 193J “Eleven Georgians have been lynched, “No lyncher has been pun ished. “-All in the administra tion of this man who has mouthed much about up holding the Constitution.” Compliments of Sam Greenleaf COUNTY ASSESSOR For the Best in Dairy Products call METHOD’S Dairy Products 8610 N. 30th St. KE 3865 T West Indies Ban “Green Pastures” Georgetown, British Guiana, Sept —(By Samuel A. Boyea for A. N. P.)—West Indians have been denied the pleasure of seeing “The Green Pastures,” the miracle of the theatre which has not be come the miracle of the screen. It is claimed that there are certain features which are “objectionable” and might not react very nicely in n Oarribbean community. Again, it is also said that the film is saerili guos, especially the role played by Rex Ingram representing “De Lawd.” The film was banned in Trinidad, West Indian island which houses the British Colonial Film Exchan ge and is the chief distributing cinema, centre in these parts. The West Indian Press launched a tor rific: broadside on the Board of Censors. The “Port of Spain Gazette,” the father, of West Indies journal ism stated: "Considerable discussion has been provoked by the banning of thefilm, “Green Pastures” and, in connection we have received num berless letters complaining of the manner in which our film censors do their work. FV>r our part, we haev never maintained that they aro wonderfully proficient in their methods; and, as a matter of fact, tho present eonsitiution of the Board oppears to us to leave much to bo desired. “Tho grounds of their decision seems strange, since the actors and the film company took the great risk of making the film knowing as they must have done, that a considerable jiortion of the cinema going public would give it a wide berth. In some of the cor respondence we have received, the claim is being made that the film has been banned because it is a Negro film, but we cannot bring ourselves to think that such a mo tive would have entered into the minds of the Board of Censors. Their is not the duty to descend to such a level. We however think that the time has come when they should be a Board of Appeal.” Every effort is being made to get the decision squashed. Fight For Freedom Wilmington Hell-Hop Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 26—(C) —George Wheeler, jr., 21-year-old high school student and bellhop at the Carolina Beach hotel, who is held for re-selling a pint of ABC store liquor to an employee of two Wilmington drys, Isaac C. Wright and Dan J. Herrin, is boinir defend ed by Aaron Goldberg against a sentence to four months on the county farm. The care has been appealed to superior court. Wheeler testified be had the li quor for his own use and Raymond L. White, an employee of the drys, begged him for it, saying he had a sick friend in a car. It developed that White was paid $100 to secure evidence that the ARC store li quor was being peddled. Wheeler told the court White bribed and framed him. Goldberg said: "Sure ly public policy forbids a court I'n m upholding such tactics as have ; been shown in this ease,’’ AAA COAT CO Anv amount—Anv kind Anv Price Wp have clea-. Smokeless and Soot less COAL TOM BESSEY, Proo. 2200 Leavenworth JA2159 Mueller & Johnson Since 1898 .WAV FURNACE HEATING AND VENTILATING VAVA 939 N. 24th St. AT 1712 Compliments of Dennis E. O’Brien Candidate for 6 MUNICIPAL JUDGE * -*»—- . ■REVEALING' < l/Dur ’ PAST PRESENT and EU1RRE •• &Y I _ NOTE Yi 'ir question printed free in this column. For private reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and er erect address. Address Abbe' Wallace, P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. R. M. M.—I am anxious to know if the man that I met a few weeks ago means all the nice things that he insists on telling me? A ns: He is sincere when he tells you to develop your DANCING as ho realizes your talent. .. he does not want you to take him too seri ously in regards to the vacation in MAINE this fall for he isn’t thinking of going up there. D. G.—It is my intention to file a suit against the company that my j son worked for and I would like j for you to tell me what is the best way for me to go about it I read , and enjoy everything you write. Ans: Don’t take legal steps just yet make another attempt to see the manager of the company your son worked for before re ceiving injuries. If you will let the company know the purpose of your mil it seems to me that they will arrange an immediate settle ment. W. E. S.—Why did the boy I went with for a year or so call me for a date and when I gave it to him he called me l*ack and broke it? Does he still care? Ans: He isn’t very interested so don’t get yourself excited over him again. He wanted you to fill ; in with him and join a party but j later found out his REGULAR | GIRL was back in town and he de- | cided to cancel the engagement j with you. M. M. C.—Please tell me if you I think it wise for me to go ahead ■with my plans for Halloween? Ans: it is time for you to begin mapping out your PROGRAM for your Halloween danco and entertainment that you wish to feature at your place. It is my opinion that you will have a much lurger crowd than you had on Labor Day. S. L). W. What is left for me t > do in regards to my son? I am so worried ? Arts: Stop worrying.he will RETURN TO SCHOOL this month BEST WISHES FROM Fuller Brush Co. MR 0 BERN, Mfr. 629 Barker Bids'. AT 4047 Best Wishes from District Judge Fitzgerald COUNTY COURT HOUSE although he will be a week or two late. He realizes the mistake that he has made and is sorry- I don’t see a similar act of this kind in his future life. M. N.—Please tell me do you think that I should go ahead and take this trip? I foel I should not go Ans: Of course you should go. your GRANDMOTHER would be very disappointed if you did not come to her in INDIANA with your two sisters. You will have a much better time than you believe for she has planned many social activities for you there. L. E.—Should I get married? The man I go with likes my cook ing so well he says he wants me to marry him. Ans: He loves you.and he loves the DELICIOUS MEALS you prepare too. You could be happy together. Best Wishes from ft. G. HASTINGS Who Asks Your Vots for DISTRICT JUDGE At the Coming Election NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving anil Storage Phone WE.,6.-»C 2411 (Irani S' WANTED TO BUY 100 000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It s Auto Parts You WanL It Will Pay You To See Ub First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Cou t Compliments of A FRIEND JACKSON B. CHASE REPUBLICAN FOR CONGRESS PAST RECORD: Assistant Attorney General of Nebraska, Legal Advisor of Omaha Welfare Board, Member of Nebr aska Legislature, All relief money should be spent on those who are unemploy ed and need it. Ishall do all I can to keep it out of the pockets of the politicians and administration favorites. ■ ■ II .. ■■■! —— I '■ Sc SHIRTS 8c! ' WHEN SENT IN ANY j FAMILY SERVICE j EMERSON LAUNDRY AND! ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 Ne. 24th St WE 1029 John Adams, Jr., Attorney 310 Karbark Blk., 15th at Douglas NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: To: Luther Simmons, whose place of residence and upon whom personal service cannot be had. Defendant. A'OU ARE HEREBY notified tlhat on the 15h day of May, 1936, Jewell Simmons, as plaintiff filed her petition against you in the Dis rict Court of Douglas County, Ne braska, Docket 319, Page 364, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion, cruelty and non-support. You are hereby required to an swer said petition on or before the 12th day of November, 1936, or said petition will be taken as true. Jewell Simmons, Plaintiff,.... By John Adams, Jr., 9-5 4t 9-26 Her Atttrney W. B. Bryant, Atty. 2722 Binney St., Omaha, Nebr Probate Notice In the matter of the estate of Charles MeCant, Desceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Douglas Couny, Nebraska, at the County Court room, in said County, on the 2nd day of November, 1935 and on the 2nd day of January, 1937, at 9 o’clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to pre sent their claims from the 2nd day of October, 1936. Bryce Crawford County Judge 9-19-3t Please Patronize Our Advertisers Compliments of Petroleum Equipment Co. Expert Pump and Meter Service 1210 Dodge Street REPAIRS FOR ALL FURNACES Estimates Cheerfully Given. New Furnaces Installed. John F. Merwald 4116 N 24th St. KE 2300 W. B. Bryant, Atty. 2722 Binney St. Omaha, Neb», Probate Notice In the matter of the estate of Millie Anderson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given: that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court room, in said County, on the 9th day of November, 1936 and on the 9th day of January, 11937, at 9 o’clock a. m., each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors topresent their claims, from the 9th day of October 1936. Bryce Crawford County Judge 9-19-3t Best Wishes from Frank M. Dineen DISTRICT JUDGE Candidate for Re-election Look At Your Roof! THERE S A BfFB IMF For Every Type of Home Shingle or Roll, in a host of lovely colors. Call for Estimate, JA 5000 1 to 3 Years To Pay 19, Nicholas BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS DANCING 2425 N 24th JA 9195 BE SQUARE WITH YOUR MOTOR STOP AT THE BE SQUARE SIGN BARNSDALL REFINERIES 6th and 12th Avenues Council Bluffs, Iowa ANGELA MATE A Now Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY I and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New7 York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv >us and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and 'ove again. ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY