The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 19, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Iter. It W. Johnson. Pastor
Mrs. \V. Varner, Rep.
Sunday was a very busy day
at the M tropolitan. Sunday
school was opened at 0:30 a. in.
Morning service was at 11 a.
m; RevJ Johnson spoke from
the 23 Psalms, 2 verse, subject
“Green Pastures.Sunday af
ternoon at 3:30 we also had a
wonderful time at the St. Luke
Baptist church. Rev. Johnson
preached from St. Matthew 2 :
31-13, subject “Where is Your
Wedding Garment f”
Sunday night the lesson was
found in Judges 11-35, subject,
3 have opened my mouth unto
the Lord and I cannot go back.”
Many strange faces were out to
witness the service Sunday
< 'nine to the Metropolitan
m*d worship vvith ns, von are al
ways welcome.
There was a gr*at musical
feast at the Metropolitan on
Friday night, which was a
great success. We appreciate
tiie wav our wonderful friends
turned out to lie'n make th
mnsical success. We are invit
ing you to come to our church
mid help us put the program
over for Ood.
2021 N. 24th St.
!•' *»r Rnbt. L Moody, Pastor
M I'. Rebecca Penrose, Rep.
General services were held
last Sunday. At the morning
services the. pastor preached
from Jeremiah, 2:13 on “Brok
en Cisterns”—“My people have
committed two evils, they have
forsaken me, the fountain of
living waters, and hewed them
out, cisterns, broken cisterns,
that can hold no water.”
At the evening worship the
subject was “Being Baptized
with the Holy Ghost and Fire.”
Matt. 3:11. This does not mean
that the recipient acts unintcl
ligently, but the Holy Spirit
burns out all impure traces of
character and constantly con
sumes these tendencies as they
hre brought to the heart, “for
our God is a consuming fire.’’
ITeh. 12:29. The public is invit
ed to attend our services.
27th and Franklin Streets
Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor
Rev. E. E. Whilhtte, Ass’t- Pastor
E. W. Faulkner, Reporter
Sunday school was very in
teresting as usual. The program
rendered by Miss Charlesetta
TJpcher was splendid .Rev. O.
W. White of Tabernacle Bap
tist Church in Council Bluffs,
visited with us and gave some
good remarks. We have in
mind the pastor whose condi
tion was reported poor, and
continued to pray.
Rev. G. W. White delivered
the sermon, the text was found
in Isaiah 6.8. Rev. Cooper read
the scripture lesson. John 17.
Rev. W. Hall and Rev. J. TT
Revnolds were among the morn
ing visitors who left some fine
thoughts for the congregation.
BYPU was as always, enjoy
able. As the other auxiliaries of
the church it is progressing
Rev. Reynolds was the speak
er for the evening. He rendered
both the scripture lesson and
sermon. Rev. 4 chapter, Psalm
PP F> respectively.
We aro asking every praying
person in Omaha to remember
Rev. Priee. ,
22nd Street and Willis Avenue
Rev. L. I*. Bryant, Pastor
L. L. McVay, Itep.
With the closing of the confer
ence year the enthusiasm seems to
; mount. To start the day off right,
the Sunday school was very well
attended. Rev. Bryant brought a
well filled house a most convincing
and complete sermon. His text was
taken from Matthew 7th chapter,
22-23 verses.
The subject of his sermon was
‘‘The necessity of examining your
title." Included in this sermon were
the impressive remarks that “if
your title is all right, your faith
is all right. We want a title that
is unmoved, one that floods cannot
wash away, one that the * flames
cannot destroy, one that can stand
up under any pressure, no matter
how strong it might be. It is very
necessary that one examine his title
daily to she if it will stand the
test of flood and flame. Most of us
ar« in danger of being satisfied
with the standard of the religion
in our community, which standard
is Very low. We ought to examine
our title and if the religion of our
community does not come up to the
Standi >rd of the religion of Jesus
Christ, our title is worthless.” Ac
cording to the response and en
thusiasm in the congregation, this
was one of the best sermons ever
preached by Rev. Bryant. Nothing
v.ys left unsaid and the congrega
tion turned away, their thirsty
siuln, thirsty for the religion of
Jesus Christ, filled to the utmost.
Surely those who attended services
on Sunday gained much by being
Rev. Bryant is still asking that
each individual do his i>art in the
raising of the conference Claime so
that St. John can report a full as
sessment at the Annual Conference.
28th and Decatur Street*
Rev. M. R. Rilbrew, pastor
Johnny Ro*ebaugh, reporter
The Sunday School’s progress is
continuing under the earnest effort
of Supt. J. L. Reagans. The church
services were well attended thru
out Sunday. The pastor brought to
us an inspiring message. The mor
ning text was found in Rom. 11:18,
the evening text, Psalms 102:27.
The ]taster and officers wish to
express their sincere appreciation
to the churches that came te our
aid in our financial effort which
was past the $300.00 mark.
'rhe B. Y. P. U. officern are in
high spirits due to the inspiration
put into the B. Y. P. U. by the co
Mrs. Christine Althouse return
ed Monday from St. Louis, Mo.,
where she attended the conference
of the National Beauty Culturist
Lague, which was held Sept 8-11
in he Castle ballroom.
In attendance at this great meet
ing were beauty culturists from
every section of the country.
Demonstrations of the latest
hair coiffures, croqulgnoles and fin
ger waves were in evidence.
Milady’s hair, according to the
vogue, must be cut very short in
the back.
A bright light of the conference
was “Mias St. Louis on Parade—
showing the latest in hair styles.
A reception was given at the
cdose of the conference at the YM
C. A. This was indeed a colorful
Mrs. Althouse, owner of the
Christine Althouse Beauty Salon.
2422 No. 22nd. St . wishes to ad
vise her many friends that she is
prepared to give them the very
latest in hair coiffures. She will
again run articles in the column
of this paper on Health, Beauty,
■and Charm. Watch for them.
Miss Young Lee Haskel, the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sims, 23rd and Grace streets, left
to visit her grandfather in New
York City.
The following classes are being
offered by the vocational depart
ment of the Board of Education to
adults and retarded students. (Lit
erary classes, (Reading, arithme
tic, spelling, etc.) on Wednesdays
from 7 to 9 p. m. Also on each
Thursday afternoon from 1 to 3
p. m. at the Urban League.
Democrats Organize
For the Campaign
The Colored Division of the Nat’l
State and County Democratic
organization met Tuesday night,
Sept. 15th at 2420 Lake St. The
following officers were 'appointed
by Charles F. Davis, State Direct
or. Hon. John Owens, Ass’t. State
Director; John O. Woods, County
Chairman Colored Division; M. L.
Harris, Ass’t Chairman Colored
Division ; Harry Leland, State Or
ganizer Men’s Division; J. West
brook McPherson, State Organizer
Roosevelt First Voter*’ League;
Chairman of Committee of 1,000
' Roosevelt Campaigners.
In addition to rooms for Head
quarters, (jhe Klks Hall, located in
same building, has been secured
for the purpose of holding meet
I ings during the campaign. The
I Elks building has been elaborately
painted and decorated for this pur
Wednesday, Sept. 16th is the
date set for the formal opening of
the campaign and work will begin
at once in organizing the colored
voters in all parts of the state un
’der the Roosevelt banner by the
j state advisory committee, consis
ting of the following: Mrs. Lucille
1 Slcaggs Edwards, Chas. J. Cole
| man, Charles Payne. Chairman
speakers bureau, M. I* Harris.
Sandy Campbell, 76 year-old
v>-d warrior, came in the office of
the Omaha Guide accompanied by
Mr. C. C. Galloway. The following
is the story he had bo tell.
Horn a slave, April 19, 1861, in
Whitehall, Carolina, Wayne coun
ty, he became a warrior of the
road early in life. In 1918, while
attempting to catch a B and O
freight train, near Glenwood, Pa.,
his left leg was cut off ami three
toes of the right foot. Undaunted
by this, after a sixteen months
dtay in a Baltimore hospital, he
again answered the “call of the
i Reniiniscenting, Mr, Campbell
(said that in 1882 he worked as a
braketman on the C. Y. and Y. V.,
now the A. C. L., receiving 12Vfce
per hour, the engineer receiving
only 18c per hour.
Mr. Campbell has, according to
his own sitory, traveled all over the
United States and in five Europ
I can countries. He arrived in Oma
ha Tuesday morning on the C. B.
and Q. railroad, and expected to
leave over the same road bhat
Adding a touch of humor to his
story, our road friend advised us
that "a rich democrat hates a poor
democrat and a rich republican
hates a poor republican—all of
which makes a poor fight.
Admiring the articles of cloth
ing given him by Mr. Galloway,
Mr. Campbell said that all around
were to be seen fellows “all dress
ed up, but had no where to go,"
while he would soon be all dressed
up, with plenty of places to go.”
“I can say without fear of con
tradiction that we, as Negroes of
the midwestem region of the Uni
ted States, are now receiving the
greatest opportunity of all time to
particcipate in and to gain for our
selves a worth while position in
politics on a national scale.
*1 feel that this fact can not or
must not be considered a matter of
small significance to a minority
group in a country which is under
a democratic form of government
such as ours. There are many
stresses under which we find our- |
selves toiling, not particularly as
Negroes, but as members of a min
ority group, that can be alleviated
chiefly though intelligent partici
•pation in politics.
"I am convinced that President
Roosevelt is the man for the peo
ple o{ the United States and even
more certain that he will be reel
Through careful cooperation and
coordination of individual and the
various group activities with those
efforts of Aitt’y- Charles F. Davis,
who has been appointed State Dir
ector of the Colored division of the
National Democratic campaign, I
am sure that we can well accom
plish our share of the work.
Charles F. Davis
Democrats State Director j
The Texas Centennial singers ,
left Tuesday morning for Texas
where they will sipend a few days
after which they will gon on to Low
Angeles to fill a six months en
gagement. ----
Parents interested in Child Care,
and Parent Education, also Book
Reviewing, please meet at the Ur
ban League Tuesday night from
10:00 to 12:00 a. m. If you are
having trouble with your boy or
girl in school, bring your problem
with you.
McPherson Named
State Head of First
Voters League
J. Westbrook McPherson, upon
recommendation of Miss Kathleen
McHenry, executive secretary of
the Roosevelt First Voters Lea
gue, Hotel Biltmore, New York
City, was appointed director of the
{colored division of the Roosevelt
First Voters I/eague in Douglas
County, by Att’y. Edward J. Du
gans, County Chairman.
At’y, Charles F. Davis, director
of the colored division of the Na
tional Democratic campaign in the
I State of Nebraska.
McPherson to widen the scope of
his activities to embrace the en
tire state and appointed Mr. Mc
Pherson, static organizer \<>f the
Roosevelt First Voters League, ■
colored division.
If you have ever dreamed of just
the kind of a car trailer you would
like to own, and would like to see it
in reality, just inspect the new
tnailer of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. My
ers, 2416 No. 22nd St.
An inspection of this delux
trailer reveals at one end what one
would suppose a studio couch,
which is in reality a double bed.
On either side, at the other end,
one finds a twin bed. The dining
t"ble unfolds between these twin
l>eds, so that the diners may use
t)he beds for chaiiV*.
One sees a center light in the
trailer and wall ligh<fi. Regard
less of where the party is, it is
assures! of lights—the trailer has
its own lighting system. Conceal
ed ironing board, drawers for lin- ,
rtn, kitchen cutlery and utensils,
etc., are a part of this marvelous |
trailer. Dainty curtains adorn the
windows, here is a heaing stove, j
burning either coal or charcoal, a
kitchen sink, a cook stove, running |
wfater, a clothes closet—really to
appreciate this palace trailer in
is entirey, one must see it.
The Beau Brummel club gave its
first public dancing party at the
Dreamland, Friday, Sept. It. Mu
sic was furnished by Eli Rice and
his dance band.
The dance was attended by some
four hundred persons. This was
tho first of a series of dances to,
bo sponsored by the club during |
the current season.
Mrs. Harry Norman returned
from Dennison, Tex., where she
was called by the death of a rela
Mrs. Eva Mae Hughes and little
son Carles Dudley, returned Mon
day from Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Hugh
es reports an enjoyable trip.
Tuttle Marshall Tate, 2214 Dou
glas St., who underwent a tonsil
ectomy, was discharged Tuesday
morning from a local hospital.
Mrs. H. R. Roberts, of Tacoma,
Washington, is visiting Mrs. Bow- I
ler, 2711 No. 28th Ave. Mrs. Ro
berts is a former Omaha resident.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers and
son, Robert, will leave this week
for Dallas, Tex. From Dallas they
will go to Washington, D. C.,
where Robert will enter Howard j
university. The beautiful trailer
will be used in making this trip.
Eddie Wallace, 2629 Charles
Packing plant is sick in the
Mrs. Margaret Harold, 2716
Charles is reported better af
ter undergoing an operation in
the hospital
W. B. Bryant, Atty.
2722 Binney St„ Omaha, Nebr
I*Tobate Notice
In the matter of the estate of
Charles McCant, Desceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of the said deceased will
meet the 'administrator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of
Douglas Couny, Nebraska, at the
County Court room, in said County,
on the 2nd day of November, 1935
and on the 2nd day of January,
1937, 'at 9 o’clock a. m. each day,
for the of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Three months are
allowed for the creditors to pre- |
sent their claims frrtm the 2nd day
of October, 1936.
Bryce Cmwford
County Judge
9-19-3t I
Ford Questions
Political Stand
Of Jesse Owens
(Continued From Page 11
The noted Negro leader paid a
high tribute o the Buckeye Bullet,
warmly praising Owens’ achieve
ments at the Olympics. He ques
tioned, however, whether the 22
year old track star, who will cast
his first presidential vote thus year
was sufficiently conversant with
the issues of he 1936 campaign, the
most potentious since the Civil
War, to warrant his coming out
openly for Landon. In this connec
tion, Ford cited Jesse’s own ad
mission that he was no acquainted
with all the issues of the cam
In an interview at KepuoMcan
eastern headquarters here, Jesse
had told reporters: “He (Iandon)
does not promise a lot of things
but what promises he makes I be
lieve he will keep. I am just an
athlete and I don’t know all the
figures and arguments, but I do
know a sincere man when I read
his record and speeches.”
Displaying a warm regard for
Owens throughout the discussion,
Ford contended that Jesse was un
wittingly doing his race a disser
vice by supporting Iandon. The
Communist candidate backed up his
contentions with caustic references
to Tandon’s record; his support of
racial discrimination at the Uni
versity of Kansas where Iandon
appointees have introduced dis
criminatory practices against Ne
gro students; the Kansas govern
or’s advocacy of $1.08 a week re
lief for a Kansas unemployed fam
ily of five; and his use of troops
last year o defeat a strike of Kan
sas miners for 'better condiions.
One gathered from Ford’s remarks
that he had serious doubts that
Jesse had given careful study to
I .andon’s record.
“Owens was unwise to support
L’andon, whose most notorious
backer, William Randolph Hearst,
has ideas identical with those of
Hitler, who insulted Negroes all
over the world by his treatment of
Owens in Berlin,” Ford asserted.
“Owens” he continued, “made a
splendid record at the Olympics
for himself and his race, but un
knowingly he is doing his people—
my people— a disservice by sup
porting Landpn.”
Hits Jim-Crow in Sports
A former athlete himself, Ford
remarked that he could appreciate
what Jesse has been up against
in sports by reason of jim-crow
practices. He had played semi-pro
fessional baseball himself and
knew of numerous qualified Ne
gro players “who were kept out of
the big leagues because of jim
crow club owners and sport offi
Assailing Landon as a puppet of
the reacionary Hearst-Liberty Lea
gue-Black Legion combination
Ford expressed the ouinion that
Jesse would have done better to
aropt a non-partisan attiude if he
did not want to join with the pro
gressive forces seeking “to keep
Hearst out of the White House.”
He thought Jesse could have done
a great service to his people by
throwing “all his energy and his
word-wide prestige with those pro
gressive forces which are building
a Farmer-Labor party throughout
the countx-y and right in Owens’
home state, Ohio.”
Chicago, Sept. 12—(C)—The ^
x>dy of Edward D. Green, veteran
xecre^tary of the K. of P.; arrived
here Tuesday from Hot Springs,
\rk., where he died. Mr. Green, a
bachelor, is survived by a sister,
Mr*. Angie Myers of Pittsburgh.
John Adams, Jr, Attorney
310 Karback Blk.. 15th at Douglas
Probate Notice
i* the matter of the estate of
Charley Williams, deceased.
Notice is hereby given: that the
creditor's of the said deceased will
meet the administratix of said es
tate, before, County Judge of
Douglas County, Nebraska, at the
County Court Room, in said
County, on the 26th day of Oct
ober 1936 and on the 26th day of
December 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M.
each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examina
tion, adustment and allowance.
Three months are alowed for the
creditors to present their claims
from the 26th day of September
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Begin 9-5-36 Ex. 9-19-36
Wanted woman baker that can
bake 500 pies daily, go to work at
! 3 p. m., quite when 500 pies have
been baked. Call WE 0689.
WANTED. Male instructor, Quart
ette. MA 3076.
7ROOM house for sale $888.00
Modem. $100.00 down, $15.00
per month. AT6773
EMPTY garage, 2 furnished rooms,
2716 N. 28th Ave. WE 5549.
2 ROOM Apt. $10.00 per month.
WE 6089. '
$3.50 FURNISHED wo room apt.,3
bath, bills paid, JJA.0986, WE
3 furnished apartments. WE,;
WANTED—'Three nicely furnished
rooms by working couple. We. 2328
_•• >_'
Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho
las street.
_- ’’ ,
9 ROOM modern house $30 per
month. 2522 Maple Street.
NICE furnished room, WE 2582.
Mrs. Will a Johnson returned
Saturday from St Louis, Mo.,
where she attended the conference
of the National Beauty Culturist
Mrs. Florence Hughes, of Den
ver, Colo., arrived Tuesday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Myers. Miss Hughes will accom
pany her parents and brother to
Dallas, Tex. and Washington, D. C.
Means WE Write and YOU
Get the Cre 'it
Letters, social and busine s:
popular speeches and talks for
Teachci-s. Ministers Civic. Bus
iness and Lodge leaders; ar
ticles for publication. Your
own work rewritten, resist'd,
or criticised. Write us your
needs and send 6 cents stamps
fr more details.
141 West 125th St.,
New York City
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553.
ROOMS FOR RENT—1125 N. 19th.
We. 5729.
One Large South Room. We. 4162.
Two Five Room Houses, modern
except for heat $700.00 each—
Michael Gallagher, 2102 Pink
2407 Lake Street.
SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil
ity. Personality, connections im
portant. Write for interview. The
Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant St.
AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face
( ream. Hair Dressing, Tonics,
Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices
Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation
al Supply Co., Richmond, Va.
5000 Representatives Wanted.
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 301-305 Elm st., Dept. N3.
Nappanee, Indiana
AGENTS—IX) daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
tn interesting magazine. Movie
News and Pictures. Box 452,
Dayton, Ohio.
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait. 2420% Cuming
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c).
Negro Dol s, Flappers, African
League, 254 W. 135th St., New
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126th St.. New York City.
tV ANTED—Experienced salesman
for rubber work gloves as side
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Co., Winona, Mnn.
Save time, worry, confusion and money by
consulting this complete Directory of Neigh
borhood and City Business places.
Beauty Salons
2422 N. 22nd St. 1 We. 0864
2037 N. 24th St. At 6810
2512 N. 24th St We. 2864
Lux Barber Shop, 2045 N. 24th
McGee & Taylor, Managers
Beer Gardens
24th and Grant Ha. 4634
2426 N. 24th St. Ja. 9196
TuLnlu Pie and Sandwich Shop
2422 Burdette St. We. 0689
2088 N. 24th Street.
American Wiener Shop
2609 N. 24th Street.
2210 N. 24th Street
2124 N. 24th Street
2010 U N. 24th St. Ja. 8676
Alberta’s Sandwich Shop
[ 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0967
Raybon’s Midjret Cafe, 1922 N. 24th
11602 N. 24th St._We. 4019
Cigar Stores
2415 Lake St. Ja. 9044
I 2312 N. 24th St. na. 4236
Drug Stores
1904 N. 24th St. We. 0998
2Uh and Lake We. 0609 j
1805 N. 24thWE 6161
Electrical Appliances
Norge Appliance Co.
2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0500
Grading and Excavation
4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0816
Grocery Stores
24th and Lake We. 5444
Carey's Naborhood Grocery
2302 N. 27th St. We. 6089
2531 Lake St We. 0226
2019 N. 24th St We. 4515
2324 N. 24th St We. 1029
2401 N. 24th St_We. 6065
Monument Makers
40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1788
Produce Markets
1518 N. 24th St.Wo- 4787
Service and Tranpfer Stations
Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24
2414 Grant St. We. 5666
Used Cars
2601 Cuming St.At. 6656
Tailor Shops
2218 N. 24th St. We. 3320
2237 N. 20th St. At. 5156