The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 19, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Rev P. M. Harris 'addressed Mt.
Nebo’s congregation Sunday morn
ing. His theme was “Common
Courtesy.” Rev. Joseph Gates, of
Council Bluffs, preached the morn
ing and evening sermons at this
Mrs. Gildie Jones," 5222 S. 30
Avo., expects to enter a local hos
pital soon for medical attention.
Little Edward Milton, 3113 R. St.,
who suffered a fractured knee
Tuesday, is improving.
Miss Erma Blacks ton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blaekston,
Harrison St., spent the past week
in Lincoln visiting her music tea- i
Cher, Mrs. Ann Williams.
John Orduna, 11, of 5515 S. 31
St., who has an infected foot, is
Mrs. A. P. Graham, 3209 U St., |
returned from a visit in Chicago
and Rock Island, 111. Labor Day.
Mrs. Brazier Stewart is still
confined to her bed. She is very
grateful for the marry kindnesses
evhown her and for the prayer
meetings that have been held with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, of Chi
cago, 111., spent two days visiting
Mrs. Jessie Lawson, 3217 U St., en
route to California. The Hughes
were making the trip by motor.
_ i
Mt Olivo Baptist church will '
give a sermonette on Sunday after
noon, Sept. 20 Seven ministers will
preach about the seven seas. The
public is cordially invited.
Miss Mayloise Ellerby has re
turned to the hospital. ]
According to report received, ,
Amos Starks, 3004 V St., was rob- j
bed of $27.00 the past week u*s he
stood iin a crowd at 29th and R .
St*. <
Mrs. Mar Frank!in, of Boynton,
Okla., is expected to arrive very
soon to visit her son, Mr. Amos .
Elder and Mrs. G. S. Hayden
have returned from Kansas City,
Mo. - !
Mrs. Julia Caldwell, who has j
been ill, is recovering.
Mrs. James White, 5615 S. 30
St., will entertain at a luncheon
Saturday, Sept. 9, honoring her
house guests, Rev. and Mrs. E. M.
White, of Earlsboro, Okla., and
Mrs. Hill.
Rev. P. J. Sears is expected to
arrive in the city from Texas this
Little Junior Gilden, 27 and V
St., is very ill with 'pneumonia.
Mr. Marion Nelson, 6508 S. 32 (
St., enjoyed a visit from hLs son,
Ciree, of C. C. C. ('amp, Ft. Riley,'
Mrs. Nellie Bassett has return- j
ed from Des Moines, la., where
she visited relatives and friends.
While in Des Moines, Mrs. Bassett
visited the State Fair.
Mrs. Sylvoa Whiteside, R St., |
expects to go to Kansas City this .
week. Mrs. Whiteside is the Church
Mother of the 30 and V St. Church
of God in Christ.
Little Rudolph King, 2914 W St.,
has had the cast removed from his
leg. Crutches are being made for
him. Rudolph is doing school work
at his home, and is making excel
lent grades.
Mr. Ben Gilmore'and Mr. Morrow
report a fine catch of fish as a re
sult of Saturday’s fishing trip to
Meadow, Nebr.
Miss Helen Hodges, 6701 Rail
road Ave., is confined to her bed
by illness.
J. C. Harris Grocery Store,
5224 S. 30 St.. MA 0741.
Dorsey Oliver,
5709 S. 29 St. MA 2678
Philip Payne,
5318 S. 31 St. - -
6407 S. 28 St. ~~ ~>
Miss Arlene Bryant, of Schuyler
Nebr., is visiting her sister, Mrs
Louis Harris, 2810 W. St.
Mr. Cl us. Baesett, 2912 R St.
was overcome by the heat Sept
5, He is slowly recovering.
Car Overturns
Mrs. Geraldine Martin, Mrs. Lil
ian Berry and Mrs. Opal Rose wert
in an auto wreck Sunday when the
c'ar in which they were ruling hil
r. bridge near Onawa, la. and over
turned. All except Mrs. Martir
escaped serious injury. Mrs. Mar
tin suffered n sprained Luck and
chest injuries. The party was en
rouito to Souix City, la.
Mrs. Gladys Starks and son,
Dewey, together with grandson,
Joe, returned from Springfield, 111.,
and Frankfort, Mo., where they
spent their vacation.
Registration for the fall classes
is now going on.
The ladios have started their full
dressmaking clas-es, from 1 to 3 on
Tuesday afternoons.
Fall canning cIL-ses are on
Thursday nights from 7 to 9.
According to a telephone call
•eeeived from Miss Carrie Mc
linty, the article given to an Oma
ip, Guido reporter, with regard to
discs McG'inty, Miss Marjorie Ter
■ell and Miss Priscilla Gildon hav
ng left, home etc., was erroneous.
Spaulding Cites
Good Increase
Durham, N. C., Seipt. 12—(C)—
>»’. C. C. Spnuding, president of
ho N. C. Mutual Life Insurance
Company, reports on the world’s
argeot Negro business: "Your com
•any dosed the first half of its
18th year under very favorable
:ircumst«uice«. Increase in premium
ncome, $49,460; increase in insur
es force, $1,343,003; increase in in
'eatment income, $10,000; decrease
n death claims, 3.6 per cent; de
cease in sick claims, 1.2 per cent.”
Jesse Owens, the Olympie
mnsatiou, announced this week
through his manager, Martv
rorkins, the appointment of W.
U. Ziff Co. as his representa
ives in negotiating with nation
il advertisers who seek his on
Owens name ranks high in
the business world as well ns
in the professional world be
cause of his exemplary conduct
throughout tiie Olympic games.
The international publicity ac
corded him has resulted in mak
mg Owens one of th<> best ath
letes of all lime. His clean liv
ing and his superb sportsman
ship, even under trying condi
tions, have gained for him the
respect as well as the admira
tion of the world.
Because of his high ideals,
Jesse Owens has become a
i rack salesman .lie will not en
dorse liquors or tobacco because
he does not use them. He will
restrict his endorsements only
to products that he feels hon
estely merit his commendation.
The public knows this and con
sequently Owens’ name will
make for confidence on the part
if the buyer.
W. B. Zoff Co. is nationally
known in the advertising and
publishing world having plac
ed most of thp advertising that
has appeared in Negro news
papers throughout the United
Stales. The W. B. Ziff Co., has
been for a great many years
and is today, the national rep
resentatives of this newspaper.
Ft. Valley
Begins Sept. 16
Ft. Valley, G*a. Sept. 12—(C)—
The Fort Valley Normal and In
dustrial school term begins Sept
16, according to announcement by
Prof. H. A. Hunt, principal.
Appeal Moore Case
Asheville, N. C., Sept. 12—(C)—
The NAAiCP here is raising funds
with which to appeal to the Su
(poreme Court the case of Martir
Moore, convicted of the murder od
Helen Clevenger and sentenced tc
death. (
hrs James Pickard Jnfh,
of ChdiesitontihiPuraia,
chosen as the/gpkvlAtnmtux
ffther ofnp6" fy Mo 6ohden
fife Foundation.
7%e mother of four sons
and two daughters atl of
whom, she has jmt to college,
Feing of moderate means she
, did all her own ironing, cook
'd liiq,seu/ing and other house mip
fairs Shul/i JelieueS,
in training children, A
make their own deeisio'is
/Pom early days- that the
average girl is hypiesZ wsuciy
married and fa my a A why
and that gar(nSrshowd.
guide tether than.
Sty-press or
dictate O
Ford To Speak On
National Hook-Up
For the first time in America’s
history a nation-wide radio hook-up
will carry the voice of a Negro
vice presidential candidate into the
deep south when J-ames W. Ford, |
tkwnmunist, steps before the mi-!
crophone on September 21 at 10:45!
p. m. (New York Daylight Saving
Ford, outstanding Negro leader
will speak over the Red network of
the National Broadcasting Com
pany for 15 minutes on the pro- j
blems facing the Negro people in
the election campaign. Nine im
portant southern cities from Rich
mond to Miami will carry his
words to hundreds of thousands in
the south. To many who hear him
his address will mark the first pre- j
sidential campaign in which they
feel they have a real stake.
This will be the third of a series
of eight coast-to-coast hook-ups I
arranged by the National Election
Campaign Committee of the Com
munist Party. Mr. Ford’s radio ad
dress will take place on the eve
of a tour which will bake him ac
ross the country to the Pacific
The stations in the hook-up are:
WOW, Omaha; WHO, Des Moines;
and KOA, Denver.
John Adams, Jr., Attorney
310 Knrhaek Blk., 15th a Douglas
In the District Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska:
To: Luther Simmons, whose
place of residence nml upon whom
personal service cannot be had,
i'QU ARE HEREBY notified
tha on the 15h day of May, 1936,
Jewell Simmons, as plaintiff filed
her petition against you in the Dis
rict Court of Douglas County, Ne-j
braska, Docket 319, Page 364, he
object 'and prayer of which is to
obtain a divorce from you on the
grounds of desertion, cruelty and
You are hereby required to an
swer said petition on or before the
12th day of November, 1936, or
said petition wil be taken as true.
Jo'well Simmons, Plaintiff, -
By John Ad'ams, Jr.,
9-3 4t. 9-26 Her Attorney
Please Patronize Our Advertisers
Don’t Sleep
on Left Side,
Crowds fleas_
If you toss in bed and can't sleep on
right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE
dose relieves stomach GAS pressing
on heart so you sleep soundly.
Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and
lower bowels and brings out foul
matter you would never believe was
in your system. This old matter may
havo poisoned you for months and
caused GAS, sour stomach, headache
or nervousness.
Or. H. L. Shoub, Nete fvrlr, report!!
"In addition to inlmtlhuit cl< inting, Adlerika
greatly rod licet bacteria end colon bacllU.''
Mrs. Jas. Ftller: "Gas on my stom
ach was so bad I could not eat or
sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt.
The first dose of Adlerika brought md
relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine
and never felt better."
Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
with Adlerika and see how good vou
feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and
TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial
treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin
i to Adlerika, Dept. 71, St. Paul,
. i. _ _ .. i. ..
New York, Sept. 12—(C)—The
Harlem office of Postal Telegraph
Company, 2095 Seventh avenue at
125th street, has finally employed
colored messengers. Western Union
employed them ^ome years ago.
Attack Bishop Wright
New York, Sept. 12—(C)—An
attack on Bishop R. R. Wright, Jr.,
and Dr. A Clayton Powell has been
released to newspapers for the
two high churchmen deserting the
Republican party and helping the
cause of President Roosevelt.
W. B. Bryant, Atty.
2722 Binney St. Omaha, Nebr.
Probate Notice
In the matter of the estate of
Millie Anderson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given: that the i
creditors of the said deceased will
meet the administrator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of
Douglas County, Nebraska, at the
County Court room, in said County,
on the !)th day of November, 1936
and on the 9th flay of January,
1987, at 9 o’clock a. m., each day
for the purpose of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment
■and allowance. Three months are
tallowed for the creditors topresent
their claims, from the 9th day of
October 1936.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge j
For (he Theatre or Any So ial
Compare Our Rates
and. EU1PRE ••
&/ Aeee' wuhce-—
hwyrf trmnhU*t cx» *4a
1 Lam-Jft >»' ■' ._
NOTE—Your question printed free in this column. For private
reply send 25c ami (self addressed stamped envelope for my New
Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three
(uestions free. Fign your full name, birthdate and crm-ect address.
Address Abbe’ Wallace, F. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
R. A. S.—I like your column very
much. Please tell me if I will be
•able o get the place that I have in
mind ?
Ans: It is very doubtful whet
her you can arrange to RENT the
place but I do hink that it could
be BOUGHT. Get in touch with
tho party that owns this place and
try to do business wih him if pos
M. E. J.—Do you think that I
should send my oldest daughter
back to college this fall?
Ans: Try it again this year.if
you do not feel that she is taking
enough interest in her studies then
make other plans for her next
summer. She will get over this
period that she is going through
and it appttars to be in the near
S. E. G.—Should I continue on
with my husband or make a change
right away ? I only knew him a
short time before I married him
and didn’t have a chance to find |
out his faults.
Ans: Your husband is a good
man and there is but one fault that
you can find with him.that is
DRINKING occasionally. Stay with
him for he is trying his best to
overcome this weakness and if you
leave he will indulge stronger than
ever. None are perfect.
M. S. W.—I am very discour
aged and I want to know if things
in general will change for me 'any
time soon ? I enjoy your column.
Ans; Yes there will be sev-!
eral changes. Your SON will find
work within the next seven or
eight weeks and it seems to me
that you will go to work yourself.
I do not think that you will re-1
turn on the same job so scout
around and look for work.
R. T.—I met a man and he has j
taken quite an interest in my baby.
He takes the baby around places,
with him and seems o be crazy,
with him and seems to be crazy1
mean anything in my life?
Ans: He is fond of your baby
but he cares even more far you. I
predict a very happy summer for (
you and I don’t think that you will
north side transfer
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WE'Bag 2411 (Irani Si
fa A^TtnmrlnTi^
~r—^ Free magic incense for you. Just • <i *
your name and address and re. t-ive ins a
mag'c meense. 2 surprise gift* %r.c! I* 2 I
world-famous Keystone money making ■
agents' proposition Keystone La-ra H
tories. Dept. 000, Memphis, Tennessee a
Ml-.r..,,,- ■'■I
I ...
.— -■■■■■ 1 . V
Prices Are Going Up!|
or Sport
32 to 46
1512 Farnam St World-Herald Bldg. ^
bo lonesome many more nights in
the future.
O. T. D.—Will I be able to fin
ish the course that I Have started?
Ans: Not any time in the near seems to me that you
will have to put this work joff for
a few months until you are in a
D. T.—Does my husband really
love me and was our marriage an
unfortunate mistake ?
Ans: He loves.but I am afr
aid that both of you were juist a
little too young to realize the re
sponsibility of marriage. He will
X. X.—Does this boy friend of
mine have a sound mind? Please
tell me what to do in a case like
Ans: You had better stay away
from his PLACE as he appears to
be in a very JEALOUS MOOD and
he might embarass you. There does
not appear to be anything wrong
with him mentally but he is of a
very jealous nature and it is best
not to take any chances with him.
C. S. M.—How long will it take
for me to get what I am trying
for? Could I write you privately?
Ans: It will not be an easy job
to COLLECT the money that is
due you so you may as well ap
proach this party pretty tough. If
you desire my Astrology Reading
just send a quarter and I shall be
glad to give you Free advice on
three questions.
Get Money—love*
I guarantee to help you get a new start ill
life. No case bevond hope. Stop worry- j
ing! Write me today. Information FREE!
M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen Av*.
Dept. O. G.
Moke This Test at Our Risk
ro Restore Lost Youthful Powers
What! No pep7 i^oo* our or
the girls will call you Old
Man*’ if you’re not careful.
Pretty soon you’ll have to
take a rocking chair with the
old woman! Why let life slip
through your fingers... and
why be whipped! Any man
or woman, too. who can’t en
joy life stiould try a doctor’s
double strength Prescription
No. 1000--the concentrated
power pills that have been
used so successfully by thou*
He nc!s to restore natural body
vigorB. Men and womenovef
v' > '* ' forty need rrt senptlon r»o |
000. It purifies the blood, eliminates poisons that alow
*JU up and make you prematurely old. and stimulate*
ILL THE GLANDS to healthy activity. In one wee*
ou'll feel like a two-year old. just rarm to go place*
*id do things. Absolutely harmless No dope. Mail
he coupon below right now to test these easy-to-tak*
•ills at our risk. Send no money. Just deposit *1 uu
•iua pt>stage, on arrival. Send under plain wrapper
Ilf ail This Coupon TO D AY I
Chemists Salss Co., [
5001 Irvin* Park Blvd., Chic«*o,lll.
Send at once one box of Prescription No. W
' will deposit $1.00 plus postage on arrival with
understanding I can return the pills in seven dayb
. if I am not satisfied with results, and you will re- .
1 tund my deposit.
, NAME-■
1 CITY___STATE-— , |
FOR SALE—9 room modem
house, laundry room with electria
■appliances, Frigidaire in kitchen,
complete 9 rooms of furniture all K
goes with the sale. The income
from the furnished rooms apart
ments brings $83.00 per month.
Price $3,350, first down payment
is $150 or $200; balance can be
paid of at $30 per month.
FOR SALE—8 room modem
house. Good rooming house north
of Grant, not far from 24th street.
$300 down. Price, $1,200. Monthly,
payments, $20.00 per month.
HOUSES to rent 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to
10 rooms. Apartments 1, 2, 3, and
4 rooms. Buy yourself a business.
For sale all kinds of businesses.
Many other bargains in property.
$50, $100, $150 to $300 down.
Don’t try to reach me by phone
come to the office.
1711 Chiming Street
For Backache, Kidney
And Bladder Trouble
Stop Getting Up Nights
Here’s one good way to flush
harmful waste from kidneys and
stop bladder irritation that often
causes scanty, burning, and smart
ing pasage. Ask your druggist for
a 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haar
lem Oil Capsules—a splendid safe *
and harmless diuretic and stimulant
for weak kidneys and irritated
bladder. Besides getting up nights,
some symptoms of kidney trouble
are backache, puffy eyes, leg
cramps and moist palms, but be
sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s he
genuine medicine for weak kid
neys—right from Haarlem in Hol
Ideal and j
New Yorker j
Beverages [ j
WE 3043 | (
1810 N. 20th street
A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors
and gave me the youthful vital
ity of a person of twenty years
says Lieut. Clifford of New
York. MATE is giving to
‘housands of run-down, nerv
)us and weak elderly men and
women new energy and vital
;tv and the thrill of youth and
'ove again. f
ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply.
Money returned if not satisfied
FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free v
with each order received within ten days. Write at once for
your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story
408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK OITY
S-C-F. Ex. S.