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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1936)
I1Y RANDY TAYLOR ’International Negro Press Jeslse Owens came to town and all the sophisticated New Yorkers were down to the boat to give him a big hand.I went down the bay on the newspaper boat with the rest of the scribes and board ed the Queen Mary in mid-stream It was like getting into the Presidential Mansion to get on that boat The Owens family, Governor Davey of Ohio, Bill Ro binson, a. group from Cleveland, Jack Denrvey and a host of other celebrities were on the boat. Helen Hayes, the movie star war. on the beat, but one could only hear Owens, Owens, Owens A cordon of New York’s finest met Owens and his party at the gang plank and kept the surging crowds from overwhelming the brown he ro Mrs. Jepse Owens was all smiles and looked the picture of fashion Jessels father seemed bewildered, he just couldn’t get ac customed to all the crowds, Mo ther Owens took the whole affair like a veteran. But I am running ahead of the story Th» scribes ai'ound Jesse when they boarded the Queen Mary and of course began to ply the us ual questions Jesse outsmarted the boys in some of the answers ho gave When questioned about Hitler Jopse said, “Gentlemen, it would be bad taste for me to criticise the national hero of Ger many.” He continued that Mr. Buadage was a very fine man.’’ It just about floored every news paper man.They expected some thing quite different.The poor scribes did not have anything to write about, and that’s bad for any writer. The police escorted the Owens party in a mad dash to Harlem where they rested at the apartment of the inimitable Bill Robinson to wait for the train to Cleveland. Jejsse told the boys that he was glad to be back in the U. S. That he gave his best for the red white and blue.And that he made up in the ‘36 Olympics for having missed the team in ‘32. When he was pressed about the professional offers he had been re ceiving, he told the press that he intended to return to college and continue his education-Despite the fact that his entrance into the professional ranks is still the burn ing question, Owens said nothing that sihed 'any light on the question. Larry Snyder, the silent man behind the throne hovered over Jesse like a hen over her chicks .. . Bill Robinson took charge of the affair and well—you know it went .Well back to the Queen Mary Yours truly enjoyed the lux ury of a stroll along the docks and finally wandered down to the bar ...In good old continental fashion. I drained myself on the bar and ordered a tom collins The limey bartender went to town and I didn’t know that a tom Col lins could taste so good It cost mo fifty cents, guess I’ll have to make it on hot dogs for awhile now to catch up. Cleveland turned out in grand style to welcome its favorite son1 The welcome lasted two and a ' half hours Jesse spoke six min utes The longest time he has ever spoken before Now he’s home taking a much needed rest. Youth must be served.Lloyd Scott came through to take the na tional tournament setting Harmon Fitch back on his heels.N'atj Jackson and Ora Washington couldn’t stave all the charges of tho challengers and went down to defeat. Ran across Peacock and Ben Johnson and of course we talked, the boys are hanging up their shoes until the winter season in the boards Peacock says that football is out this fall. _ GRIDIRON GLEANINGS With the all-tstar football games getting under way early in Sept ember, the fans are beginning to think in terms of the pigskin and make prognostications as to who will win and so it goes. The talk usually runs to the Negro stars and what they will do this fall. Oze Simmons and his brother will be back and Iowta. Reed at Minnesota, Jordan 'at Northwest ern. Gillie at Western Reserve, Du vall at Loyola in California, Wea ver at Williamett up in Oregon and Bright, Illinois Normal. The boys are raring to go and you can bet that some of them are going to flash prominently across the foot ’ball scene. Oze Simmons looks like he will arrive this fall and make that all American team that he has been threatening to do for the past two years. He runs passes and if he can pick up the art of punting. 1 can’t see how hey can keep him oft' the team. He runs like a ghost in an open field and can really carry he mail when the pressure is on. This looks like Simmons’ year. Reed is due for another good year with Bierman up in the north country. This lad held his own last year and ought to be better this fall. Down below the mason-dixou line tho football dish is in a mess. The national championship still goes around waiting for someone to claim it. Kentucky State was cham pion in the midwest, Texas College in the southwest with Morgan Col lege still supreme in the east. No team played a sufficient number of intersectional contests to warrant being named national champion. Morgan should repeat in the Cl A A wih Hampton and Virginia State pressing them hard. Wiley will make the going tough for Texas College to repeat with Lang ston looking on with envious eyes. Anything can happen in the mid west. Wilberforce, Kentucky State, Lincoln, ’all of them possess the power to run off with the bunting. Its going to be a grand scramble in that league. I had better stop for these August prophecies don’t mean much anyway. Cleveland Paper Gets Out Special on Jesse Cleveland, O., Sept. 13—(C)— The homecoming of Jesse Owens, Olympic hero, was the signal for papers here to “turn on the heat” in warming things up. The Cleve land Eagle apparently led the race with a five iSilumn cartoon of Jesse in fuU flight, printed in brown ink. The paper carried numerous con gratulatory advertisements to Jes se, among them messages from the Woolworth Company, Standard oil Company, Sheriff John. M. Sulz 1 man, and he American Federation of Labor. NAME FOUR NEW SHAW TEACHERS Raleigh, N. C., Seipt. 12— (C)— President R. P. Dianiel has named Mias Florence T. Butler, Miss Alois and Lowell Jackson to the staff H. Francis, Mrs. Emmy V. Hunt of Shaw University. Miss Butler will teach elementary education, Mrs. Hunt will head the depart ment of Home Economics, Miss Francis will be assistant librarian, and Miss Jackson will be mainten ance foreman. Alcorn Namess Building Alcorn, Misis., Sept. 12—(C)— “Bowles Hall” has been named in honor of P. S. Bowles, who has completed his 31st year of service to Alcorn College. “Harmon Hall” has been named for the secretary of the Board of Trustees, and “Ro wan Administration Building” in honor of the late president, L. J. Rowan. “Oakland Chapel” is named for the original Oakland college for white youth, on this site. Italy Makes Ethi opian Financial Plan Rome, Sept. 12—(C)—An indi rect way of financing Ethiopian development is being planned by Italy in issuing Italian bonds for sale in foreign markets. The bonds will be exempt from Italian taxes. Comment in London on the announ cement was that the money was probably for the development of Ethiopia. A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn for a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile, do not give up hope. Just write in confidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept B 562, Hanan Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she wiU tell you about a slmp>e home method that helped her after being denied 15 years. Many others say this has helped bless their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happi ness. Bacchanite Club IiCads Civic Move To Benefit Race WOULD CHOOSE A LEADER Further Announcements Will Be Made By Club Next Week (Corrected and rerun by request) Omaha, Nebr., Sept- 4, (WNS)— The Bacchanite club is striving to open up new avenues of employ ment to encourage Negro youths to continue their education. Omaha Negroes for years bras needed a trustworthy leader. A leader for the best interest of the Negroes as a whole. A leader to represent them in all civic affairs. With one who is honeist and who is looking forward to the best interests of the Negro Youths, we can expect to •accomplish great things in the c*v onomic world. There are jobs in the city of Omaha that the Negro 1 youth is entitled to fulfill. The Bacchanite club feels that with the proper leadership, we can secure; these positions. We need a leader i .hat our entire Negro population ; can, and will stand behind to the finish. We feel the necessity of a leader who is not afraid to ask for and demand the thinges that will better the economic condition of our race. We expect to exert every effort at our command to continue this campaign honestly, squarely and above board where every Negro in Omaha will have the opportunity to nominate his candidate and the election will be held with an open ballot. We furth er desire to say right here that when this leader is selected, by the majority of the Negroes of Omaha any individual, business man, self styled leader party workers, mooch ers or any others who refuse to eo- I operate in the efforts that we are , putting forth in this campaign to | better the condition of the Negro and to increase the earning capac ity of our youth, will not fare so well in Omaha. The 'public will know the enemies to this campaign through public meetings after this 1 leader is selected. This campaign will be conducted by the Bacchan-! ite club, one of Omaha’s oldest i civic ’and social organizations for the purpose of explaining more fully the object of this campaign, (the club is opening an office and I we wish to request the whole hearts ed, support and cooperation of the entire Negro race. We are asking you to support the men and wo men in this campaign that you know will make Omaha a better place in which to live. This is a campaign to nominate and elect a Negro mayor on the North Side, ■any man or woman or any organi zation will have an opportunity to ; nominate his candidate for the position of first Negro Mayor in Omaha. All nominations must be made by registration at the Bac chanito headquarters at the Elks hall. The date of the opening for this registration will be annouced j in the next weeks issue of The Omaha Guide. There will be 'a ipre iminary and a final election to de cide on the nominees and the two P. B. YOUNG ACTIVE WORKER Norfolk, Va.. Sept. 12— (C)—P. B. Young, editor of the Journal and Guide, took the lead in getting City Beach, now being operated with a floating hotel, and manned and maintained by city funds for colored recreation here. Mr. Young worked through the Citizens De mocratic Club, which is powerful in City and Second Congressional i District polities. The club has also secured the Norfolk County Hos pital Apr colored, which began with a city appropriation of $1,000 per year, and now gets $3,400 per year. Man Dies In Missouri Mine Moberly, Mo., Sept, 12—(C)— George T. Dameron, 27. was found dead at the roar of the 200-foot tunnel, along with Edward Stoner, Jr., 26, both victims of the deadly white damp. Two coal miners were rescued Friday after having been imprisoned by the mine collapse Tuesday afternoon. Dameron was the only colored man of the group. Man Lynched at Dalton, Georgia . A mob lynched a 21-year-old Ne gro aiocused of an attempted •at tack on a white woman near Dal ton, Ga. on Sept. 6th after hustl ing the prisoner away from the Whitfield county jail. Sheriff J. T. Bryan said the crowd of about 150 men stormed the jail, forced the jailer, John Pitt, to hand over his keys at the point of pistols and seized the pri soner booked as A. L. McGamy. Bryan said the Negro recently com pleted a chain gang .sentence for an attempted attack on a 10-year old girl. highest votes will compete in the finals. This campaign is sponsor ed solely by the Bacchanite club and will not cost the candidates or the public one cent. The only thing we are asking is that our race stand beside us and help us to succeed, for “togther we stand, divided we fall.” ARE YOU NERVOUS? Here is a way to hs!p calnri quivering nerves Do you feel so nervous that you want tr ■cream? Are there ilmrs when you are cros and Irritable . . . time* when you scold thus who are deareNt to you? If your nerves are on edge, try LYDIA F. P1NKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. It helps calm your quivering nerves and nhotili give you the strength uud energy to face lif< with a smile. When your worries and cures become too much for you and you want to run away from It all . . . take LYDIA E. PINKIIAM’S VEG ETABLE COMPOUND. Many women Imve had nervea as jangled as yours, but they have been able to build up their pep and energy and get hack to 'lorniul with the aid of LYDIA E. PINKIIAM b VEGETABLE COMPOUND. When your mother and your grandmother used to become nervous. Irritable and rundown they depended upon this fumous old medicine ] to pep tlicm up again ... to help their nervea | ... to help give them a cheerful disposition. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Cannolen* CannoJon# F^r Grower Bleach Cream trouble StrongIh) 4DouM > Strength) And Our 18 Other Cannolen© Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we will giv* a Free Star! to intelligent energetic men or women who are ambitious to fnal:« money and build up a business oi their own selling beauty products oi the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co« Dept. 20-A, Atlanta. Ga. V-N-F. Ex. S. __ FACT ANI) FANCY BY PEGGY GOVERN International Negro Press With the coming of fall clubs are organized and reorganized. Clubs, to say the least, must bo sell'-protecting and obstacles arise at the outset. There are people | who can not be cultivated, whom you must keep down and quiet if you can. There are people who have the instinct of a bat to fly against n lighted candle and put it out. There are those who go only to talk, and those who go only to hear Both are bad. A right rale for a club would be, —admit no person whose presence es people who are not surprised and excludes any two topics. It requir shocked, who do and let do, and let he, who sink trifles, and who know solid valued There is no permanently wise person, but people cnimble of wis dom, who being put into certain company, or other favorable con ditions, become wise for a short time, as glasses rubbed acquire electric power for a while. But whilo we look complacently at these obvious pleasures and values lof good companions, do not forget that nature is always very ernest, and that her great gifts have some thing serious 'and stem. Moon and Poston Get New Jobs New York, Sept. 12—(C)—Hen ry Lee Moon and Ted Poston, Guild members of the Amsterdam News staff, who were discharged recently and failed to win their case before Judge James S. Wat son, referee, have found jobs, Pos tmt with the New* York Post ami Moon with the New York Times. Moon’s first by-line article ap<pear FOR A 600D | DAY'S WORK When You Get Sluggish (Constipated) Take a dose or two of BLACK DRAUGHT Work seems easier and there are more things of interest when you are really well — free from the bad feelings and dullness often attending con stipation. Take B’ack-Draught when you need a laxative. It has proved so good for prompt, re freshing relief from constipa tion that thousands of men and women rely on it for that purpose. If constipation has upset you, a few doses of Black-Draught should help to straighten you out. Try it. In 25-cent packages. d (l Pure,y vegetable wnEaa ed in the Sunday Times over an interview with Lester A W»Jton, American Minister to Liberia. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS are >uu ...» uu.wi i used lu he. /V Do you sit at home alnne night after night... longing for duies, excite ment, good times? Is there a very hand some man whom you'd like to attract? Well, you needn’t sigh and cry . . . nor think you are doomed lo be one of th« girls men forget. Dull, faded, lifeless hail Isa big handicap. Ilut don't worry about It. ForGodefroy'aLarieuse can bring you happiness kisses instead of wishes si ll did me. I tried this remarkable preparation an the results were simply amazing. It made iny hair youthful-looking again, spar kling w-lth loveliness that won my man Tonight he held me in his arms and H. uostn i know how much I her soft, beautiful, glearning hair helps to make her wonder ful — Dut the does —she uses GOD EFwGY'S LARIIUSE whispered, "I think you re wonderful, limply, qui. kly and at home — you, too an color your hair to a beautiful even 'hade of jet black, black: dark, medium >r light brown, or blond, with Godefroy'a '.arieuse No waiting. No disappoint ments. If not satisfied your dealer will promptly refund your money, ft’a wonderful to win love — even more wonderful to hold it. So don t let ugl) hair steal away your good looks and come between you and the man you want, tiet a bottle of i*odefroy'a Larieuse TODAS if your deolei GODEFROY S doesn't hove tend $1.23 direct to ,, french HAIR coloring w IMPROVED GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO * ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps* to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 „ "I work all the time andJeel strong . . ,H You Can Escape Periodic Upsets Women who must be on the job every day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets. They not only relieve periodic pain and discomfort . . . they help to correct the CAUSE ( f your trouble. If you take them regularly . . . and if yours is not a surgical case ... *v>u should be able to escape periodic upsets. Chocolate coated ... convenient... de pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size—50 cents. "I am 27 and a textile winder in the mill. I had cramps so "*ad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets helped me wonder fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all tie time now and feel-strong.—Mrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Ter* face St., Muskegon, Mich. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S TABLETS » A Uterine Tonic and Sedative jor Women % Here’s Ycur Big Chance to Rlike Quick Money — Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS iorSWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up' to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. °f£r‘ 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IIL VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 165 2241 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III. I want to make Quick Money. Please send me Freo Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. Name___________.... Address_____ City.mmm mmmm’m mm mm J .—- DO YOU KNDW WHY — Human Nature’s Such A Funny Thing! __By Fisher ^ jhf3 cee*«ra i \cot.vjae.TiN(, vora- ) —i . I tm®. OOPi^h'j ) m n I ’ <V. J HOMS. ' Pur { |k P f \ I j ’ r >ou ooww foo. C rUj 111 (jOHngTM^r-p-- 11 Vl J3 . .Ln—■ VIU. IEU.10U.W1 « MoBLe woe* ] wOVxO BECOME op \ IMOC-S.WT fiw if Tv'e'< nour x FX NICE HOME- IF 'low (-—xSneeo fxnm more- mcmrm iUI tOH _ I / nortcfxes mm smorJ fob. j *"*J V NOVI c--' -r V»tO SMI *nt£ TWM<| Ocr hiS OispoJni ^TEANATlONAl GkRTOONToTTYT Cvn t f'