The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 12, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4
SOCIAL C. - i,. CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-0-C-l-e-T-y> ORGANIZATIONS Mns. Helen Johns has moved from 2713 N. 26th street to 2110 N. 27th Ave. Mrs. Hattie Montgomery, who has been visiting in Cheyene, Wyo. j is expected home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hibbs just( retume<l from two week's trip to St Louis and Galesburg, W. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selby, 2620 Grant street, motored to Des Moines, la., in their new Oldsmo bile. Rev. Mjcllenry, Lincoln, Nebr., was a visitor in he city Sunday, August 29th. He attended Christ Temple church. Elder and Msr. O. J. Burckhnrdt, Lincoln, Nebr., were On.-aha viisiors on Sunday, Augus 29th. They wor shipped at Christ Temple church. Miss Harriet Harris, of St. Louis | Mo., is visiting in the city with her sister, Mrs. Oscar Blanton, 2715 Miami street. Miss Ruth Burleson left for Muskogee, Okla. to viait her grand motner, Mrs. N. Rivers. She will live at 2613 Grant street, has just Mils. Lucius Prater, 2624 Binney, returned from Topeka, Kansas, where she was the house guest of Mrs. Ben Thompson. While in To peka, Mrs. Prater was extensively entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Kansas City, Mo., will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Moore, 2130 N. 27th street. Mrs. Moore was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carter while vacationing in Kansas City. Norman Eugene Moore, ison of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, re turned from Marshall, Mo., where ho was vacationing. Norman was the guest of his cousin, William Leverett Brown. Register now for day and night classes at the Y. W. C. A. The (subject* teiugbt. are shorthand, typewriting, businglish English, spelling and bookkeepping. Morn ing classes from 9:30 to 12:00 and evening classes from 7:00 to 8:00 Three capable- teachers!! All class es free!! Elder J. W. Goodwin, jwstor of Christ Temple has just reumed from Chicago, where he reports having attended one of the most) interesting and progressive con ventions in the history of the church. There* were also ohers who represented the Omaha church. Mrs. Annc-tta Hogan and her mo thor, Mrs. Redd, who live at 2007 Ohio St. were also in attendance. Elder Gewdwin arranged, while at tho convention, for Bishop Wash ington and party to come by way of Omaha on their return to the coast, and spend Sunday with the church, that the- Bishops many fri ends in Omaha may get to meet him and hear him preach. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Ijpve who lives at 2613 Grant street, has just reumed to the city after an ex tended trip to the Texas Centen nial where they reported a great fair in progress. They returned by the way of Arkansas and Oklaho ma. where they visited relatives •and from here to Chicago where they were in attendence at the Na ional Convention of the Church of Christ “Holiness.” During their | stay in Chicago they were the guests a the home of Mr. and Mrs. | H. G. Anderson, who recently mo-1 ved from Omaha to make their home in Chicago. The Loves were j accompanied on their trip by Mi’s.1 Lucy Bell and her daughter, Fran-! cis, of 2604 Decatur street. The party reported an excellent trip without accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Love enter tained Sunday with a lunchen at their summer home for the follow ing guests: Bishop Wm. A. Wash ington and wife, Mrs. Albrittan, Mrs. Leon Poipe and daughter, Eld er Caldwell, all of Los Angeles, Elder Trago McWilliams. Elder 0. J. Burckhardt and wife of Lincoln. While this luncheon was given by the Love*, Mrs. Leon Pope some how seemed to have been chief cook, and Mrs. Lucy Bell, chief supervisor (of the dining room af fairs. While Mrs. Love was permit ted occasionally to make a sugges tion. We need not say all enjoyed the feast prepared for the occasion. It was a Bumptious one. Mrs. Rebecca Hunter, 2425Vi Patrick Ave., is sick. Mrs. Lewis Hawkins, 2911 Par | ker street is on the sick list. Mrs. Bryant, 2918 Grant has just returned from a visit with her fa ther. Mrs. Mollie Smith, 2401 Patrick avenue, is sick in St. (Utherine Hospital. Mrs. Elnora Campbell, 1924 N. 27th St., who in cm the sick list, is slowly improving. Miss Goldie Wallace, 2425 Grant street, has just returned from Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Cal lie Puckett, Memphis, Tenn., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Miller, 2711 Burdette street. Mrs. Ceolia Turner, 1806 N. 28th Jrtreet, who is visiting her mother in Georgia is expected to return home next week. Min. Irene Johnson, of Minnea polis, Minn., is visiting Mrs. Viola Simmons and Mrs. Ethel Davis, 2012 Patrick ve. Pvt. Joseph II. James, Ft. Leaven worth, Kas., is spending the week with his wife, Mrs. Joseph James, 2609 Blonde St. Mrs. Jessie Wilson and son of Atchison, K*as., who are visiting Mrs. Millard Carr, 2112 N. 27th street, returned to their home last week. Rev. and Mrs. T>.in L. Cork, 6108 S. 25th street, entertained at din ner Tuesday evening, the Rev. and Mrs. H. W. James, district supt. of the Topeka Dist. Centiul West Conference, Miss Hattie L. Hooks, Missionary Ganta Mission, Monro via West Africa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Danner, Washington St..; Mr. Hugh Wesley Williams and Rev. and Mrs. William Farmer, 2507 L street. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Each one expressed them selves very graciously to their charming hostess, Mrs, Emma Lee Cork. The largest ami most attended functions of the American Legion Auxiliary was the Paralee Ban quet, honoring all past presidents of which Mm. Mable Fields was an invited guest and he only re presentative of our group. She is a charter president of the Roose velt Post Aux. This affair was given at the Fontenelle Hotel where w chosen three course menu was served. After dinning, an enjoyable program was rendered, Mrs. Stein berg giving several beautiful vo cal selections. The presidents were introduced and gave one minute remarks. Wo feel very elated as Mrs. Fields was given all the court esy one could desire at such an af fair. Mrs. Fields ih very active with her own unit. She also organ ized the first Junior Auxiliary. Miss Hattie L. Hooks, a mission ary from Ganta Mission, Liberia, Africa, home on o furlough, was the house guest for a few days of Ripv, and Mrs. William Farmer, 2501 L street, So. Omaha. Miss Hooks was here as a guest speak er ton Missions for the Topeka Dis trict Conference which convened at Clair M. E. church. Mrs. Hooks attended the General Conference of the M. E. Church in Columbus, Ohio and was the house guest of Rev. and Mm. B. F. Holloway, sis ter and brother-in-baw of Mm. Farmer, Bishop Washington and party arrived in Omaha Friday on their return trip from the National Con vention of he Church of Christ which was held in Chiohapo. The party in company with the Bishop were re. M. T. Washington, Mrs. W. E. Holman, Adj. Bishop wife Mrs. Leona Pope and daughter, Mrs. Albrittlan, and Elder Cald well, all of Ix>s Angeles. The Wash ingtons and Popes while in Omaha made %heir headquarters at Mr and Mre. Bennie Love’s beautiful home out on West 34th street. Mrs. Albrittan was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Stallwtorth, 2624 Burdette street. Elder Caldwell found a pleasant stay with Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones 2622 Burdette St. Mrs. O. J. Burckhardt, who spent Sunday with the church people was the house guest of Mre. Rtey Lee Joom and mother, '. wl,' Mrs. Anna Ross, 2B06 N. 24th street is still sick. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown are at home to their friends at 2814 Parker street. Mrs. Manderine Dodd, 3028 Bur dette, is able to lie out again after la severe sick spell. Mrs. Grad is Abrams and son, | 2225 N. 25 St., and Goriene Nails, j her neiee have gone to Oklahoma I for an indefinite visit. Miss I.illiam Westbrook, who has been visiting in Morohead, Miss., has returned to the city. Mrs. Maud Randolph of Attum wh, la., m the guest of Mi's. Har rison Warner, 2606 Patrick Ave. Mrs. Mary Jackson, 1816 N. 28 ^ street, nfother of Arhur Brown of the same address, is still on the sick list. Mrs. Edna Mitchell Was the din ner guest of Mrs. J. W. Singleton, 1002 N. 25h street, on Friday, Sept. 4. Mi-s. John Booth, 3002 Grant St., is expecting Mr. Addis Booth and wife from N. Little Rock, Ark., to arrive in the city for a visit. Thdodore Love, Mr. and Mrs. (flarenee Lowe and Mrs. Denton moored to Baxter Springs, Kansas on Monday, August 31. Mrs. Edna Mitchell wishes to thank all those who cooperated with her in the survey for the Omaha Guide Publishing Co. The Poro Hair Dresserts gave their annual picnic an Sept. 1 at Elmwood Park. Each one invited a guest Mrs. A. Micheal, presid ent. Mrs. Elizabeth Stone, 1908 N. 28th street, who has been crippled [for two years is now improved. We i are glad to hear of Mrs. Stone’s 1 progress. Mm. William Lambeth, 3231 Ev ans St., entertained seven of her friends Friday at a farewell lunch eon for Mre. Sarah Charles, of Chandler, Okla. Mr. Fred Edmonds, of the 10th Calvary, stationed a Ft. leaven worth. Kansas, returned to camp after a week’s stay in the Sgt. Gtfcv. Bivens’ home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Preyor, 2007 Parker St., Mr. and Mrs. ClinlOn Nelson, 2020 N. 27 St., left Friday,1 Sept. 4 for Meadows, Nebr., on a fishing trip, and returned Labor Pay. Miss Helen Riven. 2512 Lake Si j left Friday for Ft. Leavenworth, ' Kan as, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Edmonds. Miss Rivens expects to make a ten day visit, Mrs. Charlotte (Jordan of At lantic City, N. J. announced the ^ engagement of her son, Nash Gor- j dan to Clemetine Edwards of Oma ha. The couple will be married on Sept. 15, and will make their home in New York City. Mrs. M. E. Nash and daughter, Mrs. M. E. James, 2017 Grant on-' tertained at a luncheon in honor (of Mrs. Leota Shannon and daugh ter, Loretta, of Leavenworth, Kas. The guest list included Mr. and Mm. Williams, Mr. Alfred Green, Mrs. Beatrice Ellington, Mrs. Edna Mitchell, Miss Addie Holmes, Mr. Eugene Rice and Mr. John James. The guest reported a delightful time. “The Little Diner” To dine at the Little Diner means complete satisfaction of the appetite. 2210 N. 24th St. Frtt mafic incetiM for you Just somJ 1 your name and oddrem and m. i*e fro* I mafic mcena*. 2 turpnae fifu and the I world lamous Krv*ten* moni>> making I agvnu' proposition Keyoton* labura- I tori**. D*pt. 000, Memphi*. Twmiimm I FREE COURSE IN HAIR CULTURE Including Diploma by Mail. Write Cuban Cosmetic Co. Box 5315 Chicago, 111. Mrs. H. Johns has moved from 271.3 N. 26th St. to 2110 N. 27th Ave. Mrs. Mary Oglesby, 2426 Grant St., just returned from Lake Oki boji. Mrs. Aslee Woodall, 2810 Deca tur.street who sprained her ankle, is slowly improving. B. C. Coleman,2211 Grant St., is ill. Mr. Coleman just returned from New York. Miss Arabella Hall and Mrs Sylvia Hall were the guests of Mrs. Ian tha Haynes, 2602 Decatur St. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hibbs just returned from a two weeks’ trip to St. Louis and Galesburg, 111. Cornelius Henderson has returned from a two weeks’ vacation in Lit tle Rock and Newport, Arkansas. Mrs. Roberta Patterson, 2020 N. 26th street who has been very sick in the University Hospital has re turned home. Mrs. Corine Jackson, Los An geles, Calif., has been the house guest of her aunt, Mrs. Irene Ford, 2017 N. 24th St. Mr*. Llody Brown, of Kansas City, formerly an Omaha boy, is visiting Mr. Vernon J. and Steve Johnson, 616 N. 46th St. Mrs. Ruth Burleson left for Muskogee, Okla. bo visit her grand mother, Mrs. N. Rivers. She will be gone indefinitely. Mrs. Sarah Charles, of Chandler, Okla., left Friday for her home afer a two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Hayes, 2308 N. 25 St. | Mrs. Ardie Williams, Muskogee, Okla., and Mrs. Gladys Sanderfur of Kan as City, Mo., are the guests of Mrs. Johnnie Jackson 2904 De catur street. They will be here in definitely. Bishop and Mrs. Washington, Bishop and Mrs. Holman and Mrs. Pope and her daughter were visot 0!« at Christ Temple after having attended the convention of Christ Tenvple church in Chicago. They have returned to their home in Los Angeles, Calif. i Mrs. Gertrude Gilder, 1803Vi N. I 24th St. is on the sick list. ■ 1 ■ .. Mrs. Hustina Slaughters, 1908 N. 26th street is on the sick list Mils. Georgia Allen is remodel ing her home at 2434 Franklin St Mrs. Edna Michell was a visitor at Paradise Baptist church on Mon [ day evening. Mrs. Pearl May, 2416 Parker St., is visiting in Des Moines, la. with her sister, Mrs. Young. l>r. and Mrs. Craig Morris and | Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Lennox spent | Labor Day in Chicago — Mrs. Jennie Alexander, 2630 Pa trick Ave., mother of Mrs. Cornel ius Dodson, is improved. Walter Johnson and Leon Saw yer spent Labor Day fishing. They report a wonderful catch. Mrs. Alberta Micheal and Miss Francis Covington, entertained the Progressive club on Sept. 2, at 2115 N. 27th St. Mrs. E. L. Dudley, 2624 N. 26th St, returned Saturday, August 29 from Denver, Colo., where she was called by the illness of her sister, Mrs. B. R. Turner. Mrs. Georgia Johnson and daugh ter, Meredith, of St. Louis, are vi siting Mr. and Mrs. Isom Johnson, 1801N. 24th St. They will be in the city for three weeks. Sgt. and Mrs. Clarence Gardner, of Ft Leavenworth, Kansas, re turned to their home Sunday, Au gust 31, after spending he week end with Sgt. and Mrs. Geo. Bi vens, 2512 Lake St. TuLULA PIE AND SANDWICH SHOP Individual pies 5c, each baked fresh every day. Large pies haked to order 25c up All kinds of Sandwiches served Buy your Barbeque by the pound WE 0689 2422 Burdette St. Duffy Pharmacy We. OG09 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery i T Stop and Shop At I HERMAN’S! ! MARKET ! 1 HERMAN FRIEDLANDER t Proprietor ? !! — j 24th and Lake Street j WEbster 5444 RITZ GARDEN Beer on Tap and in Bottles. Your Patronage Appreciated Bartenders: Day .John Riley; Night, Geo. McGee DIRECT WIRE ON ALL SPORTING EVENTS * 24th and Grant Streets HA 4634 FREE—TO WOMEN ;,7 7 THE SECRET OF LIFE — HEALTH — BEAUTY Your Copy Of NATURAL HEALTH AND RADIANT BEAUTY By Michael Brant, Food Authority and Psychologist Will be mailed to you absolutely FREE. Send a 3c Stamp for mailing and address— VITALIFE INCORPORATED Mrs. V. Moore, 2606 Blondo St., is reported as being very sick. Mns. Corene Peniton, Los An geles, Calif., is visiting relatives in the city. Mns. Alice Mosley who was in jured in getting on a street car is improving nicely. Willie Ruth Katlin of Besemer, Ala. is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mns. Robert Harris, heir cou sins. Mrs. Alberta Micheal, 2116 N. 27th St., entertained Mrs. Laura Bowman of Evergreen, Ala., on August 23. Miss Maud Anderson, 2607 Pa trick avenue, has gone to Chicago to live with her mother, Mns. Am elia Anderson, formerly of Omaha. Mrs. Walter William has depart ed for her home in Chicago after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Earl A. Wheeler, 3011 N. 28 street. Mrs. Eva May Hayes and little son, Charles Dudley left Saturday for Dallas. Tex., where she will visit relatives and friends. Enroute to Dallas, they will visit Miss Ruth Burleson at Muskogee, Okla. IMPERIAL CAFE Vollie Saunders, Mgr. Open under new management. Good food and service with a smile. Open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 106 S. 14th Street. SPARKS VAN TRANSFER Local and Long Distance Moving Furniture and I'iano Moving. Closed Trucks 2217 Cuming St. JA 6562 DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP The Same Cut Rate Prices Lillian Cunningham Bessie Wilson Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1809 N. 24 WE 4240 JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE- 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St. AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST ClIILI ANI) BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES Now Open For Business DON ROSE BEAUTY SALON MRS. ROSE LUCKEY, Prop. WE 3162 2228 Lake St. Friedman’s SHOE STORE We do Shoe Repairing while you wait. Prepare your child ren for school. 1510 N. 24th St. JA 6353 WE 4240—9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BEAUTY IS A DUTY ECONOMY BEAUTY SHOP Lillian—Bessie All Kinds of Beauty Work 1809 N. 24 St. Omaha LEVISON SUPER SERVICE STATION DIAMOND D X Gas and Motor Oils Alemite Grease Job 59c Special, Car Washed 49c 2303 N. 24 St. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are We Buying? You Bet! If It's Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You To See Us First. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Court 8c SHIRTS 8c WHEN SENT IN ANY FAMILY SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St WE 1029 For Sale LOOKING FOR A HOME? THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN TOWN SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOME Has living room, dining room, kitchen and four bedrooms, located near carline in vicinity of 39th and Parker. This is a corner property fronting on two fifty foot lots and may be purchased at a bargain. Owner desires to leave city and is sacri ficing property at $2,000. on terms. C. F. DAVIS REAL ESTATE CO. Suite 1—2504 North 24th St. AT 2767 Real Estate Insurance