The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 12, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Mesdames Luster and Graham
returned to Omaha August 31
from Waterloo, where they attend
ed the Church of God in Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Williams, R. Street
residents, spent Labor Day visit
ing Rev. and Mrs. Berry Carbinw
an<l Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Gates, of
Council Bluffs.
Mr. Day, 24th and S streets re
sident. motored to Glen wood Ln
boT Day.
Mrs. Carrie Knox, of Muskogee,
Okla., is in the city attending her
son. Mr. Ralph Knox, who is ill.
Mrs. Lillian Wright, Miss Cath
erine Early and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Suddeth attended the Terry Car
penter picnic at Venelyst Dark,
Rooster Club To Meet
The Boosters Club will meet
TViesday, Sept. 15, a the home of
M rs Gussie Nelson, 31st and R
Sts. The public is cordially invited
to attend this meeting.
Mr. Ralph Knox, 21)13 V St., is
teonfined to his bed by illness.
Mr. James Robinson returned
Sunday from St. Paul, Minn,,
where ho visited his mother, Mr#.
Oarrie Wade.
Miss Rosa Hinton, 521b S. St.,
returned Saturday from a local
hospital where she had gone for
medical advice.
Mr. Willie Henderson han opened
n cafe at 5215 S. 28th St., and is
prepared to serve first class meals
and drinks. Assisting Mr. Hender
son is Mrs. Anna Moore. They ex
tend a cordial invitation to the pub
lic to ini ipeet and patronize this
new place of business.
Messrs. Lawrence King and Or
duna Henry are planning a motor
trip to Memphis, Tenn., in the
newly purchastsl car of Mr. King.
Little Rudolph King was taken
to a local hospital for examination
of the progress made of the broken
bones received in a fall some time
ago. If his condition warrants it,
he will be given a smaller cast and 1
the use of crutches.
_;_ , I
Miss Elizabeth I’ayne returned
Saturday from Kunsas City, Mo.
Mrs. Molly Fields’ condition re
mains the same.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Merrill, 3323 It
St., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones, Frank
lin St. and Mr. und Mrs. H. Owens,
3005 R St., returned Monday from 1
Kansas City, where they spent the
week end. They report a pleasant
trip, made by motor.
Miss Dorothy Blah, 2817 T St.,
celebrated her elvnth birthday I
Tusduy afternoon. Fourteen of her
friends joined in the celebration.
Mrs. Rosa Womack, 2117 Jeffer
son entertained at a party Mon-'
day night, honoring Mils. Helen
Reese, of Paris, Texas. Prt'sent Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Womack, Mr.
Victor Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Van
Martin, Mrs. Lillian Berry, Alberta
Jackson and Mr. C Pickens.
Mrs. Helen Reese, who has been
visiting Mm. Rosa Womack, left
Tuesday for her home in Paris,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baylor, of
Glenwood, la. are visiting in the
Alfred Dozier home. 5314 S. Rt.
Mrs. Annie Ford Graham, 32nd;
and U Sts., is very ill.
Mrs. Julia Caldwell, V street re
sident, is very ill.
Milss Josephine Combs, 918 N.
25th St. who has been confined by
illness in a local hospital, returned
to her home.
Mrs. Idella Butler, 29th and Q
Sts., left for Kansas City Sunday.
Little Bobby Rose, 6320 S. 29th
St., chased and caught what he be
lieved to be a beautiful butterfly,
but which turned out to be a bum
blebee. Recovering from his pain
ful experience, little Bobby is de
termined to catch no more “butter
flies” like that.
Mrs. Willie Barfield and Mrs.
Lucy Barrington will leave Thurs
day for their home in Atlanta, Ga.,
after a three weeks’ visit with Mr.
and Mia. Hartfield, 2713 R St.
Mrs. Gui-isie Debose and Mrs.
Fannie Lee am vacationing in Ft.
Gibson, Okla.
Mr. Lewis Montgomery, of Clar
inda. Ia., was in the city for a few
Rev, Z. E. McGee preached a
wonderful sermon Sunday morning
at Bethel Daptist church, 29th and
T Sts.
Mm. Hancock, of the Woodson
Center, iB sponsoring a -program
Friday at the Urban Center. The
elderly folk of the Adult Educa
tion School are supplying the tal
Mr.-). Texan; a Williams has mov
ed to 5408 S. 28 St
Mrs. Emma Fnxall, whose foo-t
wr.s injured some three weeks ago,
is m r1 V to wear a shoe on the
injured foot.
Mm. Laura Hopson, Madison, III.,
left for her home Sunday night
after spending two days visiting
her sister, Mrs. Julia Caldwell.
Mr. Nathaniel Lowe, of Madison i
III., arrived Sunday for a fey days'!
viidt with his aunt, Mrs. JuL'.i
Caldwell, and other relatives.
Ieixy Broomfield, Jr., 8102 V St.
! v.• entered the sophomore class
at Technical High school.
Mrs. Lillian Caldwell and Mrs.
Helen Murray left Sunday after
noon after a two days’ visit with
Mrs. Helen Royster, 5013 S. 30th
Miss Thelma Jean Talley has re
turned to Kansas City, Mo., after
spending the .summer with her mo
ther, Mrs. Frankie Jackson, 30th
and V Sts. Miss Talley will enter
school at Kansas City.
Mrs. Mary Chancey has return
ed from Parsons, Kas.
Mrs. Ora A. Roach and son,
Martin G., of St. Joseph, Mo., left
Sunday after a week’s visit with
her sister, Mrs. R. A. Robinson.
An informal gathering wan en
joyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Robinson, by old friends of
M'rs. Ora A. Roach, formerly of
this city, but now of St. Joseph,
Mo., who wnis making a week’s
visit. The evening was spent in
cards nnd socializing in general.
Union meeting of five of the
Churches of God in Christ was held
Monday night at. 2(5th and Decatur
On Monday night, Sept. 14, there
will bo a Union meeting of the
Churches of God in Christ at the
Church of God in Christ located at
30th and V’ Sts. Elder G. Hayden
is pastor of this church.
Mrs. Roberta Edmofids and Mrs.
Mattie Johnson went to Kansan
City Sunday to visit relatives and
Some eight persons were invit
ejd to a ipicnie at Elmwood Park
Sunday by Mm. Helen Royster.
Guests of honor were Mrs. Helen
Murray and Mrs. Lillian Caldwell,
of Des Moines, la.
Ideal and j
New Yorker j
Beverages |
WE 3045
1810 N. 20th street
I,aVerne Williams, 1203 Pacific
St., has returned from Coming,
Mrs. Helen Royster, 5613 S. 30
St., entertained at cards Sunday
night honoring her house guests,
Mrs. Helen Murray and Mrs. Lil
lian Caldwell. Guest list included
twelve persons.
Breakfast was given for the
Senior Girls of the Bethel Church,
29th and T Sts., 'at the home of
Mi . Genevieve Reed, South 18th
Sc. Mrs. Hee l is the Sunday school
tea 'her for the Senior Girls.
After the lovely breakfast, pic
tures were made.
Prc ent were Mimes Carrie Mc
Guinty, Emma Curtis, Priscilla
Gildon, Gladys Morrow, Bertha Me
C"1I. Geraldine Smith and Cecil
A family picnic was given Sun
day Sept. 6, at KlmwoJMd Park by
MV. and Mrs. Ike Cjirter and fam
ily, 5617 S. 30th St., Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fred BJackson and family, 2640
Harrison St., and Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Jourdan, Rt. 3.
After the picnic repast had been
enjoyed, snapshots were made.
At six o’clock that evening, a
trip was made bo Mr. and Mrs.!
Lester Jwurdan’s home, who pro
vided a watermelon feast. To every
one it had been an enjoyable out
ing. ---
The I-Wa-Ka-Ta Club gave a
party Saturday, Sept. 6, at the
| home of Mrs. Fred Blackson. Some
seventy or more persons were pre
sent. The evening was spent in
dancing and playing bridge.
Police have been asked to help
locate Miss Carrie McGinty, 17,
1831, N. 22nd St., Marjorie Terrell,
19, 2619 M St., and Priscilla Gil
don. 18, 2907 V St, who left their
respective homes Saturday night
to attend a party, but failed to
return that night.
Carrie McGinty, when last seen,
wore a green dresis, black suede
oxfords, has curly hair. Priscilla
Gildon wore a red dress and black
shoes. She has light red wavy hair.
Marjorie Terrell wore a green
dnsts and whites shoes. She has
blond 'hair.
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